Everyone Knows I'm a Good Person

Chapter 140

Chapter 140

Editor: Casey

A b.e.a.s.t.i.a.l actually told Song Xiabing to touch his weak point…

Song Xiabing: “?”

He was inwardly wary, suspecting that this was a trick. However, he eventually gave into Shi Qing’s urging and slowly placed his hand on the big fluffy tail.


The knees of the man whose expression was still twisted with anger immediately softened. He looked like he was about to collapse.

Fortunately, he was quick to grab Song Xiabing’s arm and barely steadied himself at the last second.

He used so much force that Song Xiabing wouldn’t have been able to withstand it if his body hadn’t improved during his second awakening. Even so, Shi Qing’s grip was painful to him.

A frown flashed past his face before disappearing just as quickly. His eyes subconsciously drifted to Shi Qing who was panting and could only stand with his a.s.sistance.

Only now did he discover the faint flush that had spread across the man’s handsome, honey-coloured visage. His lips were slightly open as he gasped for air.

If Song Xiabing wanted to, he could easily take Shi Qing’s life right now.

He gave it some serious consideration, but unfortunately, it was not a wise course of action. Shi Qing’s little brothers were close by. If he killed this guy, it was likely he would be next.

Alas, he had to give up for now.

It wasn’t like he hadn’t waited for the right opportunity before. Song Xiabing made a few calculations in his head before showing an expression with the appropriate amount of concern.

“Boss, are you all right?”

Shi Qing shook his head.

So the animal traits of a b.e.a.s.t.i.a.l really are weak points.


This is so refreshing~

He panted, “Touch it again!”

Song Xiabing had a few ideas about what was going on here. He slightly raised an eyebrow at the handsome man holding his arm who was barely standing up by the skin of his teeth.

He asked, “Boss, are you trying to become resistant to your tail being touched through exposure?”

Shi Qing gasped as pleasure flooded his being. However, he still had to pretend to be fierce. He gave Song Xiabing a vicious glare and opened his mouth to speak.

But then Song Xiabing suddenly touched that big tail again, from the middle this time.


His motions were much more sure now. He softly skimmed the soft fur all the way to the tip of the tail.

This overwhelming stimulation was enough to render any b.e.a.s.t.i.a.l powerless.

The man who always put on a harsh exterior almost immediately shuddered and cried out. His legs went limp, and even his hand gripping Song Xiabing’s arm lost its strength. He let go softly before falling to one side.

Song Xiabing reached out and steadied him.

He and Shi Qing were about the same height, but the other person was completely soft and limp right now. It almost looked like he had Shi Qing in an embrace.

Song Xiabing looked down slightly at the person he was holding up. Those eyes that always radiated wrath and arrogance were now dazed. A deep flush was spreading across that handsome, chiseled face.

Shi Qing looked like he had become utterly powerless, left to the mercy of others.

But only for a moment.

A few seconds later, clarity returned to his eyes.

After realizing how fragile a sound he had made, the captain’s expression darkened. “d.a.m.n, this thing really is powerful!”

Song Xiabing was still supporting him since his body was still weak.

Seeing that Shi Qing was cursing, Song Xiabing asked, “Boss, how is it? Is it any easier to resist?”

The handsome man he was supporting still didn’t look happy, but at least he replied:

“It’s even harder than before.”

Just as he expected.

Song Xiabing’s eyes darkened slightly as he made a calculation.

Shi Qing was planning to use him to strengthen this tail.

After all, Shi Qing was stuck with this weakness as long as he still had a tail. No matter how strong his ability was, he would immediately lose if anyone managed to touch it.

He was able to hide it before using his b.e.a.s.t.i.a.l ability.

That was, before Song Xiabing appeared.

Shi Qing must have thought that since one person could see his tail, who’s to say there wouldn’t be another?

He was the captain of the Blazing Thunder Company, and he had made countless enemies. If people found out that he was a b.e.a.s.t.i.a.l, Shi Qing would meet a truly miserable end.

He couldn’t cut the tail off without dying too, so he could only try and strengthen it. Touching his own tail wouldn’t work, so that was why Shi Qing chose Song Xiabing, the only other person who knew, to help him.

And as long as he didn’t succeed, Shi Qing wouldn’t kill Song Xiabing. After all, it wasn’t like people who were abandoned by their family, who had a good physique but a trash ability, who were weak-willed (feigned) and knew that he was a b.e.a.s.t.i.a.l grew on trees.

Song Xiabing figured out what was going on.

He didn’t tell Shi Qing that he knew a b.e.a.s.t.i.a.l in the early apocalypse who had attempted something similar. But no matter how they tried to strengthen their animal traits, nothing ever came of it.

It was impossible to increase resistance through exposure.

He knew this, but why would he tell Shi Qing?

In this world, no one wanted Shi Qing dead more than Song Xiabing.

But since Shi Qing himself had handed Song Xiabing the opportunity to use him on a silver platter, why wouldn’t he make the most of it before sending Shi Qing to his death?

Everything Song Xiabing told the Blazing Thunder Company before, about how he was the heir of the Song family and someone whose death they would definitely take revenge for, was a lie.

He made it all up.

Every single member of the Song family would like nothing more than for him to die already.

And he in turn carved every humiliation they had inflicted upon him deep into his heart.

After Song Xiabing usurped power, he disposed of only a few people and left the majority alone for now. They would be his playthings in due time.

He would slowly flay them alive, torturing not only their bodies but their minds as well.

But who would’ve thought? The apocalypse suddenly arrived.

And Song Xiabing happened to be away from the Song family when it happened.

He missed the opportunity to take control of the Song family and then awakened a trash ability.

The Song family hated him to the core. If they knew about his current powerless state, it would be strange for them to not grind his bones to dust.

That’s why he didn’t even consider returning to the Song family.

Song Xiabing intended to lay low for the moment, but he was kidnapped by Shi Qing and his Blazing Thunder Company for ransom before he could do anything.

From the very beginning, Song Xiabing knew that the Song family wouldn’t be paying the ransom. Why would they save someone that they wanted dead?

However, he decided to go with his original plan and pretend to be a cowardly young master. After all, the Blazing Thunder Company most likely wouldn’t kill him after failing to get the ransom. They would probably just kick him out.

But then the incident where he found out Shi Qing’s b.e.a.s.t.i.a.l secret occurred.

By then, he couldn’t even slip away if he wanted to.

Song Xiabing definitely hated Shi Qing.

But he also hated the Song family.

Although Shi Qing wasn’t a good person by any means, his Blazing Thunder Company was a force to be reckoned with. If Song Xiabing could use him to deal with the Song family…

It only took a minute for Song Xiabing to decide on his next course of action. Looking down, he firmly held onto Shi Qing as he suggested warmly:

“Boss, this doesn’t seem to be working.”

“What else am I supposed to do then?! Why don’t you make yourself useful and think of something for me, ah!”

The boss, who was not in a good mood, tore into him. “Your job is to listen to me and mind your own business!”

Song Xiabing wasn’t fazed by his att.i.tude at all. With a smile on his lips, he reached for the root of Shi Qing’s tail.

This time, he brushed the tail from root to tip.


The irritated man stiffened like he had been electrocuted. His chest heaved violently as he struggled to catch his breath for some time.

“See Boss?”

Song Xiabing still held him up and spoke gently, as if he was sincerely trying to help. “It’s getting worse every time we try.”

Seeing that Shi Qing was too busy gasping for breath to speak, Song Xiabing continued on himself.

“I really want to follow Boss, so I also want to resolve this problem as quickly as possible. Why don’t you tell me what your animal basis is so we can treat the problem at the root?”

The panting man he was holding pursed his lips at these words. A conflicted expression flickered across his face.

The only person who knew a b.e.a.s.t.i.a.l animal basis was usually them.

Don’t be misled into thinking that all b.e.a.s.t.i.a.ls with rabbit ears are rabbit b.e.a.s.t.i.a.ls. Animal bases didn’t have to be a species from Earth.

Take rabbits, for example. There are ice rabbits, flame rabbits, etc.

In addition to how b.e.a.s.t.i.a.ls become powerless when their animal traits were touched, they also inherited some of the characteristics of their animal basis.

For example, ice rabbits were afraid of fire, so ice rabbit b.e.a.s.t.i.a.ls would also be afraid of fire. If someone tried to burn them, they would die of fright before the flames even touched them due to their inherited phobia.

This was why b.e.a.s.t.i.a.ls were so averse to telling others what their animal basis was.

Especially those who were still free.

If the wrong person found out, they could die from the weaknesses of their animal basis even if their animal traits weren’t touched.

Song Xiabing was skilled in the art of persuasion. “I know that animal bases aren’t something you usually tell others, but think about it, Boss. Have I done anything to you after discovering your tail? I’m just a useless ability user. I can’t survive without your protection.”

When he saw that Shi Qing was still hesitating, Song Xiabing doubled down.

“Boss, I also genuinely want to help you overcome this. After all, your fate and mine are linked. If you tell me your animal basis, maybe we can figure something out using its characteristics.”

He added, “You don’t have to worry about me betraying you. I hate the Song family to death for abandoning me. Only you, Boss, are willing to take me in. In this world, you are the only one I will never betray.”

His voice was mellow and seductive. “Besides, I don’t have what it takes even if I wanted to, ah. Boss, your ability’s already at level seven. You could crush me with one finger…”

Shi Qing looked up a bit. His forehead was still perspiring tiny beads of sweat.

He said in between pants, “Don’t try to pull a fast one on Laozi. How could you not hate me for locking you in the water prison for three days.”

Yes, of course he did.

He would like nothing more than to kill Shi Qing on the spot.

Unfortunately, Shi Qing was still of use to him.

A pure smile blossomed on Song Xiabing’s pretty face. “Boss, I’m the one who p.i.s.sed you off so I have only myself to blame. If I really hated you, I would’ve killed you already while you were like this.”

“But I didn’t, did I?”

Shi Qing was still panting a bit, but most of his doubts seemed to have been a.s.suaged. He sighed deeply.

“The phantom fox.”

“My animal basis is the phantom fox.”

The system quietly blubbered: [Host, did you remember wrong? Your animal basis is the alpine fox, ah. The one that runs really fast.]

Shi Qing: [Don’t worry, I know. Your host’s memory hasn’t become that bad yet.]

Song Xiabing narrowed his eyes slightly. “The phantom fox?”

He’s never heard of such an animal before.

“Right.” The man he was holding had resentment written all over his handsome face, clearly upset at becoming a b.e.a.s.t.i.a.l.

Song Xiabing’s original intention was to dig up more dirt on Shi Qing to hold over the man’s head.

But now Shi Qing was telling him about a species he hadn’t heard of before.

That made things more difficult.

His expression didn’t change, though. He continued to ask, “Then Boss, do you know the characteristics of the phantom fox?”

A flash of embarra.s.sment appeared on Shi Qing’s face. He turned his head away. “I don’t.”

How could a b.e.a.s.t.i.a.l not know the characteristics of their animal basis?

One look was all it took for Song Xiabing to know that Shi Qing was hiding something. He made a note of this in the back of his mind instead of questioning further.

“Since there’s no other way, it seems we’ll have to use your exposure method, Boss.”

Shi Qing scowled. “f.u.c.k! So all this was a waste of time. You sure talked a bunch of bulls.h.i.t.”

“Yes, Boss. I’m sorry, it’s all my fault.”

The youth smoothly took on the blame as his slender and fair hand covered the large, fiery red tail of the person he was holding up.

“Boss, why don’t we see if a bit more force would make it easier?”

“f.u.c.k! Wait!”

A hint of fear flashed across the handsome face of the man who hadn’t recovered from earlier yet.

His body subconsciously shrank back, but his expression remained intimidating. “Laozi hasn’t caught my breath yet.”

“All the more reason to do it now, ah. This way we can see what happens when your tail is touched before you’ve recovered. Would it be easier to handle or…”

Nearly emotionlessly, Song Xiabing used a few fractions more force to stroke the fiery red tail from root to tip again.


The strong and handsome man let out a pitiful scream. He almost sobbed as he collapsed into Song Xiabing’s arms.

Song Xiabing asked him, “Boss, how do you feel now?”

“You, you!”

Shi Qing couldn’t respond for quite some time. His breathing was so laboured that he seemed to be consuming all the air around him.

Song Xiabing: “Why don’t we try it again going the opposite direction? Maybe something unexpected would happen then.”

A look of unconcealable terror flashed across the face of the man he was holding. He tried to avoid the inevitable by shifting his powerless body away.

“No! Wait, wait a minute… Aaaaaaaahhhhh!!”

Song Xiabing’s hand slowly worked its way from the tip of the tail to the root.

The long, white fingers interspersed between handfuls of soft, fiery red fur was unexpectedly attractive.

Surprised, Song Xiabing stroked from root to tip again.

He hadn’t even noticed it before.

This tail looked like it would be pleasing to touch, and it was.

No wonder people said that b.e.a.s.t.i.a.ls with tails were the most popular type kept as pets.

Even a tall, handsome man with honey-coloured skin and a six-pack like Shi Qing was a little more alluring thanks to his tail.

Song Xiabing looked at the person in his arms again after removing his hand. Shi Qing was a dizzy, panting mess that couldn’t even make noises anymore.

Song Xiabing: “Are you okay, Boss? How do you feel now?”

Shi Qing was in heaven, ah~

If he could, he would stay in this world for a hundred years.


Why does it feel like I just sat in on a sadom.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t session. Just replace his tail with you-know-what and uh… ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)