Everyone Knows I'm a Good Person

Chapter 149

Chapter 149

Editor: Sahloknir

Shi Qing knew what Zhou Xuanxuan was up to. Wasn’t this guy trying to fool him into feeding himself to that wolf, Song Xiabing?

Perfect. He’ll oblige.

The man began to relax as Zhou Xuanxuan blabbered on about how ‘oh Boss your life has a lot of meaning—that Song Xiabing is worth s.h.i.t, why should you die early because of him’, ‘why don’t we just endure for now and wait for the right opportunity to strike’ etc.

The atmosphere in the room seemed very friendly.

Zhou Xuanxuan: Hehe, I’m a real genius.

Shi Qing: Peipeipei, he’s a real genius.

When Song Xiabing returned with the porridge, he saw the two of them staring amicably at each other. His eyes darkened as he slightly tightened his grip on the bowl.

He noted how the smile of the man on the bed morphed into fuming indignation when he turned to Song Xiabing.

He swallowed dryly but showed a gentle smile on the surface. “Boss, I just went to the kitchen to get a bowl of porridge. I had them put some sugar in it.”

The young man smiled and went forward to take a seat on the edge of the bed. He said softly, “I’ll feed you.”

Shi Qing scowled at him.

Behind Song Xiabing, Zhou Xuanxuan hurriedly made some encouraging gestures. He mouthed, “Go get him Boss!!”

You can do it! You will do it!

His actions were a little too noticeable. Song Xiabing looked down slightly. A wisp of black mist approached Zhou Xuanxuan.

Zhou Xuanxuan: “…”

“Hehe. Boss, Song-ge, you guys take your time. I still have things to do so I’ll leave first.”

He slipped away.

Right after thoughtfully closing the door.

Only then, with that reluctant look on his face, did Shi Qing take the bowl of porridge and gulp it down.

His cooperation didn’t make Song Xiabing feel any better.

Shi Qing was clearly unwilling to drink it before.

Yet he relented after Song Xiabing threatened Zhou Xuanxuan.

Zhou Xuanxuan…

The killing intent in his heart intensified before he forcefully suppressed it.

No, it wasn’t time to get rid of him yet.

He couldn’t afford to alienate the boss further right now. Zhou Xuanxuan still had some use.

When Shi Qing finished slurping down the porridge, he tossed the empty bowl into Song Xiabing’s hands.

“Go and get me some chicken drumsticks. The amount you brought can only feed a rabbit.”

Song Xiabing didn’t mind his demanding tone. He gently explained in a good-humoured voice, “Boss, you were injured last night. It’s best to stick to porridge for now.”

The man gave him a displeased look. “So, not only are you doing this kind of f.u.c.ked up s.h.i.t, you’re planning on starving me too?”

“How could that be?”

The young man smiled and leaned slightly towards him. He paid no mind to the way Shi Qing recoiled a bit in disgust and reached for his lower abdomen.

He could feel the man’s body tense. Shi Qing was regarding him warily, like he would unleash his ability as soon as he made a move. Song Xiabing’s smile was as sweet as honey. His peach blossom eyes curved up into crescents.

“Besides, I fed you so much last night, Boss. You can’t eat another bite even if you want to now.”

His words had obvious connotations. Unfortunately, the person he was speaking to was a big brute like Shi Qing.

The displeasure on the man’s face intensified. “Bulls.h.i.t. I didn’t eat a single grain of rice last night! When did you feed me?!”

The young man raised an eyebrow and laughed. He leaned over to murmur softly into Shi Qing’s ear.

“Didn’t I feed you when…?”

Song Xiabing leaned back to savour Shi Qing’s embarra.s.sed and furious expression.

However, the person in front of him had a look of dawning realization on his handsome, untamed face instead, followed by a few hints of disdain.

“Hmph. The amount you put out is nothing, brat.”

He even corrected Song Xiabing in a particularly smug manner. “The thing you’re talking about went into the large intestines. Laozi’s food goes into the stomach. I thought you went to university before the apocalypse. Why are you so uneducated then?”

His contempt for Song Xiabing as well as his pride that he knew this fact were completely out in the open.

Song Xiabing: “…”

He felt his chest tightening up again.

He struggled for a few breaths to calm down, mentally telling himself that Shi Qing was a straight, straight man.

Song Xiabing decided to skip this topic and move on to the next. However, Shi Qing wasn’t going to let him go so easily. With a tone that seemed to say ‘how is a university student like you less knowledgeable than a punk like me’, he began his science lesson.

“The intestines and stomach are different things. When you eat, food goes into the stomach. That’s why people say ‘a full stomach’. Didn’t they teach you that in biology?”

He seemed to forget the aches in his body as he got more and more into it. At the end, his tone was seven parts pride, two parts smugness and one part disdain.

“My biology teacher sure taught that.”

Song Xiabing: “…”

He laughed in anger. There was a sweet smile on his face as he softly asked Shi Qing, “Then how about we send it down through the mouth to the stomach next time?”

The man clammed up.

His expression darkened again. However, instead of raging at Song Xiabing like he did yesterday, Shi Qing scooted back warily.

He might’ve shut the man up with his retort, but watching Shi Qing’s smugness be replaced by caution and slight repulsion made Song Xiabing feel stuffy inside.

He realised that the Shi Qing he liked was the one who was wild and unrestrained, the one whose expression seemed to always say ‘I’m the best and the rest of you are all trash’.

Yet, he had personally put down that Shi Qing.

He didn’t even know whether he was right or wrong to do so.

Gloom had just settled over Song Xiabing’s heart when the man leaning on the bed vigilantly huffed.

“Don’t you f.u.c.king think I’m afraid of you. Don’t forget that you already put it in my stomach last night.”

With that, Shi Qing’s expression was smug again. It was like he was saying, ‘haha you still lost’.

Song Xiabing: “…”

He just felt bad for suppressing the pleased Shi Qing.

But now Shi Qing spontaneously became pleased again.

Why then did he still feel the urge to bring this guy down a notch?

Shi Qing deliberately sat up straight so he could look down at Song Xiabing in a condescending manner.

“Are you really going to make Laozi do those disgusting things with you?”

This new topic made Song Xiabing disregard his unease for now.

He smiled sweetly and reached out with long and slender fingers to lightly grab the man’s large hand.

He was very pleased by how Shi Qing didn’t shake off his hand despite looking uncomfortable.

Seems like Zhou Xuanxuan’s still useful after all.

After mentally revising Zhou Xuanxuan’s evaluation from useless fodder to useful fodder, the young man softened his voice.

He said, “Boss, I genuinely have feelings for you. Like I said before, everything can still be the same if you agree to my conditions. You’ll still be the boss of the Blazing Thunder and I’ll still be your subordinate.”

Shi Qing pretended to think about it.

The System thought the Host was actually considering this and quickly jumped out to remind him: [Be careful Host! Don’t believe him! His animosity value hasn’t changed at all, okay? Maybe this guy is plotting to kill you right now!]

Shi Qing: [Tongtong, ah. You’re still too young to understand. Just because you feel animosity towards someone, just because you hate them, that doesn’t mean you can’t love them as well.]

The System: […Is that so? T-then does Song Xiabing love you, Host?]

Shi Qing: [Pei. That’s what I’m thinking. He’s probably attracted to how fresh my meat is.]

The System: [???]

Shi Qing: [I feel the same way about him.]

He offered a rare explanation. [It’s in Song Xiabing’s nature to only love someone after they love him first. En, just like me.]

The System got it this time.

It finally realized something.

Its Host and Song Xiabing were like twelve and a dozen.

They were birds of the same flock, ah.

Song Xiabing didn’t know what Shi Qing was thinking about. Noting the man’s pensive manner like he was giving this serious thought, Song Xiabing decided to toss out some more bait.

“Boss, you’re not satisfied with Blazing Thunder as is, right? You want to expand your influence. But even though you’re a rare level seven ability user, there’s five others on the base who can evenly match you. Because of them, you can only slowly develop Blazing Thunder.”

The young man smiled faintly, his beautiful eyes glittering like a sea of stars as he looked at Shi Qing.

Beside him, a pile of black mist slowly emerged.

The smile on his lips also began to widen.

“But I can beat them.”

“As long as you agree to my conditions, I’ll be your…most loyal subordinate.”

Saying that, he slightly tightened his grip on the man’s hand, suggestively dragging his finger across Shi Qing’s palm.

The man shivered and quickly yanked his hand back.

He looked suspicious. “Are you being serious? You’ll do anything I say?”

Song Xiabing nodded determinedly.

But Shi Qing still seemed hesitant. “Then swear it.”

The young man’s smile was warm and sweet like honey. He immediately swore it.

The man sighed in relief.

“Fine, I’ll agree to your conditions. From now on, you’ll be my subordinate and fight the world for me.”

The young man was pleasantly surprised. He obviously didn’t expect Shi Qing to relent so easily.

With a triumphant smile, he reached over slightly to the man’s shoulder. Shi Qing jerked back warily after the slightest of touches.

“What are you doing?!”

“Boss, I want to experience the little game we played together last night again.”

The man, however, seemed firmly against this.

“No, I’m vetoing it. You promised to listen to me or no little d.i.c.k action. I said no already so get out!”

Song Xiabing: “…”

He looked over and found that Shi Qing was actually being serious.

A sweet taste crawled up his throat again.

But this time, the cause was mental rather than physical.

Shi Qing…

Why is this guy as dense as a log?!!

Enraged, the young man flipped Shi Qing over without a second word.

“In that case Boss, let me show you if it’s small or not!”

“Holy–f.u.c.k you! Again?! f.u.c.k off! f.u.c.k you…ah! What the f.u.c.k, don’t touch Laozi’s tail!!!”

Shi Qing: Hehe! He fell for it again!

The two spent two days together in bed.

On the third day, the Song family came to visit.