Everyone Knows I'm a Good Person

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Editor: SimoB

Shi Qing sat on the throne with a blank face, his mechanical hand tapping the armrest. His voice was warm beyond compare: [System, explain to me why you sent me into the body of someone that almost blew up a hundred thousand earthlings? You know that the World’s Consciousness will reject me, right?]

The System knew that it was in the wrong the moment it arrived. It curled up in fright: [I- I didn’t do it on purpose. This is my first time following a host. I mean I’ve heard that the biggest golden finger can sometimes have unforeseen consequences, but I really didn’t know it would be this…]

It was afraid of the Host blaming it, but Shi Qing really wasn’t that mad. There was no use in getting angry about something that had happened already. It was better to think of a solution first.

Moreover, this ident.i.ty really was a steal. It wasn’t too bad being an all-powerful alien while the humans were still weak. Plus it had just arrived and hadn’t had the opportunity to harm anyone yet, so it was easier for him to start afresh.

[I’ll let you off this time, but make sure that this doesn’t happen again. In any case, a month is more than enough time. Now tell me the animosity value.]

The System immediately got to work. [Yin Mingzheng’s animosity: 100/100]

It felt discouraged just reporting the value.

It had never seen such a high number in the case files it had gotten of its seniors. Was a month really enough time to lower it to below 50?

The System had really messed up big time. It was just the first task and the Host was already going to go into the red wuwuwu…..

Shi Qing stood up, ignoring the crying system. He waved his hand and an android immediately brought over a mirror.

There was a humanoid figure made of silver components standing in front of the mirror. The shape of his body was more similar to the humans outside than those of the androids surrounding him.

Shi Qing closed his eyes, and the exposed silver on his face melted away to reveal the human face underneath.

His own face appeared in the mirror, followed by his torso and limbs. In the end Shi Qing stood before the mirror in his original appearance.

He was wearing running clothes on his tall body. His features were cold but beautiful.

[Hey Host, are you planning to disguise yourself as a human to get closer to Yin Mingzheng? That’s not a bad idea.]

[No, I have something better in mind.]

Shi Qing lifted a finger to his eye line. His black irises turned silver, and his outfit morphed into a futuristic battle suit, like the ones the androids outside were wearing.

His cold eyes softened slightly, and those aloof lips changed as well. His body underwent many minute changes. Within a minute, the arrogant young adult before the mirror was replaced by a little youth that looked seventeen or eighteen at most.

Shi Qing placed a hand on his soft abdomen and looked in the mirror.

Pah, he hadn’t seen his stomach ever since he turned twenty and started working out at the gym.

The current him looked pure and fresh, and there was an innocence about him. Others couldn’t help but feel a sense of goodwill towards him.

The various androids around the s.p.a.ceship paid no mind to Shi Qing’s changes. They were just robots without any consciousness or will of their own; the original’s most trusted subordinates.

This is why the entire galaxy was afraid of this species. It was a race of robots whose planet would only develop one lifeform to serve as their king. After it was born, it had to rely on itself to build an army to fulfill its directive to invade.

Who wouldn’t be afraid of a lifeless, fearless and endless invasive species? If the original wanted to, it could create countless foot soldiers. It could also use its tactical simulation programs to determine the best course of action at each stage of its conquest.

The hostage situation on Earth was due to the tactical simulation program determining that Yin Mingzheng posed the greatest threat to their invasion. It suggested devising a method to make the humans abandon Yin Mingzheng themselves.

The original was only born a short while ago. Even though the desire to dominate was carved into its metal bones, Earth was its first battlefield and so it wanted to be thorough.

Which led to the situation Shi Qing transmigrated straight into.

Of course, the Earthlings knew nothing of this backstory. They weren’t even able to distinguish between the first and second group of invaders.

Their ignorance towards the different species of the galaxy was a pivotal part of Shi Qing’s plan.

System: [Host, what are you going to do?]

Shi Qing thought back to Yin Mingzheng’s appearance and smiled.

[It would be a shame to not take advantage of such a good looking man.]

He stared at his reflection and placed a hand on the mirror.

“Send word of my orders. Retreat.”

The sudden movements from the frozen machines that had gone still after Yin Mingzheng was handed over provoked another round of screams from within the dome.

Ignoring the noises from inside the dome, the tens of thousands of robots turned and obediently returned to the ship.

They flew in an orderly and organized fashion. Within five minutes, only the gigantic s.p.a.ceship remained in the sky.

Then it slowly began to shift and disappeared as suddenly as it had arrived.

The people within the dome were shocked.

The aliens actually left just like this. They really left.

Anguished cries broke out in the base, not just because they were thankful for avoiding death, but for the tragic fate of that hero of humanity.


Yin Mingzheng had been administered a tranquilizer specifically designed for ability users. His mind might clear an hour later but his body would remain unresponsive for a while.

The most infuriating part of this was that he was the one who had created the drug and had given it to the base’s leaders. It was meant to subdue ability users who became a danger to society, but it was used on him, the creator, instead.

Ten thousand civilians for one of him. It was an easy decision for the higher-ups to make.

But no one had come to inform him or asked about his opinions on the topic. They abused his trust towards his comrades and ambushed him before loading him onto a plane immediately after.

Yin Mingzheng remained awake the whole time. He didn’t even have a seat on the airplane. Instead, he was just thrown on the ground like trash. All he could do was watch as countless pairs of shoes walked past him. Someone even took the opportunity to kick him.

Yin Mingzheng knew that human nature could be scary, but he never imagined that those he had put his life on the line to protect would treat him so callously.

He could have eventually come to terms with the idea of sending him to die in their place, but to deny him even one last shred of dignity?

I guess the dead didn’t need it, after all.

Yin Mingzheng closed his eyes as the unmanned drone carried him to what felt like a soft bed. His laugh was mocking. Even the aliens treated him better than his own species did.

He then felt an ice cold mechanical arm inject him with something. Yin Mingzheng made no move to resist. He couldn’t even if he wanted to.

He continued to feign unconsciousness and allowed the robots to do what they would.

They coerced the humans to give him up, but for some reason didn’t kill him right away? Were they planning to cut him open?

Yin Mingzheng continued to speculate as the robots brought something into the room. His ears slightly moved as his enhanced sense of hearing allowed him to pick up the sound of a heavy object being dropped at the head of his bed.

His nose soon told him that it was a plant in soil. Possible in a clay pot judging by the sound it made.

But why did the aliens put a potted plant in the room of a prisoner?

Were plants used as a form of humiliation on their planet?

Then Yin Mingzheng heard the sound of tools cutting away at a wall. Another robot brought something else into the room and set it into the wall, presumably in the hole they had made.

He was somewhat curious as to what these aliens were doing, and so he opened his eyes.

Yin Mingzheng was shocked by what he saw.

Those robots were actually installing a window in his room. One with a style that was common on Earth before the invasion.

They had even put up a light blue curtain.

In another part of the room, two similar looking androids were placing what looked like a TV on the wall. Two more brought in a coffee table and placed fruits and refreshments on it.

More were putting down carpet, bringing in furniture and even installing a kitchen. Yin Mingzheng began to feel like he wasn’t a captive, but an honoured guest instead.

Even back at the base, he had to be ready to depart at any moment, so had neither the time or the s.p.a.ce for the luxuries that were widely available to him before the invasion.

The most surprising thing he noticed was the strength returning to his limbs.

The tranquilizer was invented by him, so of course he knew how long it would last inside of his body. In order to have enough time to transport ability users to someone who could deal with them, one dose was designed to last 24 hours.

His captors might’ve been afraid that he was powerful enough to resist, so they had given him five doses. He should have only been able to move after five days.

Yin Mingzheng immediately thought back to whatever the robot had injected him with. He quickly dismissed the idea.

It was impossible, right?

Aliens and humans had a hunter-prey relationship. Why would they help him?

Yin Mingzheng’s strength returned very quickly. By the time the two androids finished installing the TV, he was able to clench his fist and sit up.

The working androids seemed to sense his movements and turned to look at him in unison.

Being stared at simultaneously by so many pairs of silver eyes made his battle instincts go off. He looked at them warily and prepared for a fight.

But the robots just glanced at him. They immediately returned to their tasks without attacking or threatening him afterwards.

Yin Mingzheng was reluctant to attack before he figured out what was going on. He threw off the blanket and cautiously got out of bed.

Yes, you heard that right. The aliens even covered him with a blanket.

This was not how they should be treating a captive.

He tried walking to the door and putting his hand on the doork.n.o.b. Seeing that no one stopped him, he exited into the hallway.

The hallway was long and wide, with silver walls and a silver floor. Everything was a silvery-white, including the battle suits the androids were wearing. This applied even to the janitor robots cleaning up trash.

And in the midst of this sea of white, a figure slowly approached from the end of the hall.

He looked human, but obviously couldn’t be, considering he was on the s.p.a.ceship. He was wearing a silver and white battle suit and walking over to him with purposeful steps.

The originally busy robots all paused and bowed respectfully to him with their short legs.

This was all done silently and seriously. Yin Mingzheng could almost feel the absolute devotion these robots felt towards this person.

He soundlessly pressed his thumb against his palm. This was the gesture he used to activate his ability.

The youth with clear silver eyes didn’t seem to notice Yin Mingzheng’s tense and wary posture.

He smiled sweetly when he saw Yin Mingzheng staring at him and hurried forward to catch his elbow before he could react.

“You’re finally awake my companion!”

Yin Mingzheng: “…..What.”

Shi Qing didn’t answer and instead began to drag him back to the room. Yin Mingzheng wanted to struggle, but he discovered that the harmless youth before him had seemingly inhuman strength. He couldn’t get free no matter how much he struggled.

Frustrated, he was about to activate his ability when he realized it had been blocked.

How was this possible? He had just tested it and it was fine…

His moment of distraction led to him being pressed down on the bed.

He landed on his back on the soft surface. The strange youth sat on him and smiled brightly.


Yin Mingzheng reached his hand out only to have both wrists captured by Shi Qing and pressed above his head. He was completely defenseless.

“I can’t wait anymore.”

The boy with the face of an angel blinked, his tone innocent and eager. There was a large contrast between his demeanour and actions.

“Come, let’s make a baby.”

Author’s Note

There are no babies in this story!! I repeat, no babies!!!