Everyone Knows I'm a Good Person

Chapter 22.1

Chapter 22.1

The humans couldn’t so easily accept an alien suddenly jumping out to proclaim things like that they were a peaceful race.

However, Shi Qing had his overwhelming robotic army to back up his words.

They were the ones that sent the Insects packing.

Yin Mingzheng announced the alliance between humanity and the Mechanical race. He then led the ability users and androids into the battlefield together to deal a finishing blow to the fleeing Insects.

The battle that the Mechanical race took part in was permanently etched into the minds of mankind.

On that day, the Mechanical-Human union ‘negotiated’ an armistice with the Insects.

The Insects had no real say in the matter because they had been thoroughly disciplined beforehand.

In the end, they signed the treaty.

The Insect race would never again invade other planets for as long as they lived.

Not only would they not be invaders, they must also learn from the Mechanical race and fly across the universe fighting against the forces of evil wherever they went.

The representatives that were involuntarily elected stood trembling in front of the negotiation table filled with the flames of war. They shot nervous glances at the real force of evil (Shi Qing) as they stuttered through the terms of the treaty: “The Insects will become a, a peaceful race. Just like the Mechanical race……”

“We will for-forever safeguard the peace of the universe!”

After reading it through, he shivered and signed the paper, trembling the entire time.

“The, the above contents will forever be engraved in the inherited memories of our race ji…….”


At that time, Shi Qing leaned bonelessly against Yin Mingzheng with a face full of satisfaction: “The Insects can be reasonable after all.”

The Insects nodded their heads off like chickens while sweating profusely as they looked at the androids covering the sky: “Yes! Of course!”

Most of the Insects were driven off Earth, and the rest were apprehended and sentenced to hard labour. According to the contract, it would be ten years before they could return to their homes.

When the Insects’ s.p.a.ceships fled from Earth, those that were left behind fell into despair. They collapsed to the ground and sobbed as they contemplated the hold the Mechanical race had over them.

They couldn’t help but expect the worst. Pa.s.sing on and remembering knowledge was an integral way of life for the Insects. The Mechanical race was like a boogeyman to them, so they couldn’t relax for even a single waking moment with them nearby. They desperately wanted to cut off all their limbs every time they met with one.

This was no way to live!!!

The departing Insects couldn’t care less about these comrades of theirs. Ten years was only the blink of an eye to Insects anyways. It would be better if they focused on their own escape.

After arriving home, they immediately gathered their forces into their best s.p.a.ce faring vessels and……

–Left to save other planets in distress.

Even if they didn’t want to follow the orders given by the Mechanical King, they had to get it done.

Thinking about how Shi Qing told them that the Mechanical race would supervise them for generations to come……


They must strive for peace!!

If they’re not peaceful enough, they’re going to be exterminated!

Back on Earth, humanity has accepted the fact that the Mechanical race is peaceful.

Shi Qing’s appearance was just too harmless to think otherwise.

Zhao Miaomiao’s father was quickly given the death penalty, but she was spared for now. It was only after being imprisoned for a month while the Insects were driven off Earth that her trial began.

As the one who kidnapped the Mechanical King and conspired with the Insects to murder General Yin Mingzheng, her trial attracted much attention.

After all, the era of peace has arrived. The people who used to struggle to survive now had time to invest in gossiping.

Maybe she knew that her trial was being broadcasted internationally, but when Zhao Miaomiao was standing in the courtroom, she gave up on defending herself to solely focus on dragging Shi Qing down with her.

She sneered at the camera: “Why are all of you so eager to believe that alien? At the beginning, he was the one that put millions of human lives at stake in exchange for Yin Mingzheng. He didn’t even bother to hide his wrongdoings, but idiots like you just lap up whatever he says!”

Zhao Miaomiao’s words caused an outburst of discussion amongst the audience.

Yet before Zhao Miaomiao could even smirk, she caught a few snippets of what they were saying.

“Wasn’t it all explained before? Although the Mechanical race yearned for peace, it was reluctant to interact with other intelligent creatures. That’s why they wanted General Yin, the most powerful earthling, to explain the situation when they arrived. As a result, General Yin fell in love with their King, who then followed him back to the human base.”

“Our General Yin is so powerful. I mean he’s seduced their royal family. The Mechanical race reveres their King as if he was a G.o.d.”

Zhao Miaomiao was almost frothing with rage, “Are you all blind?!! Those aliens surrounded our base!! They were clearly threatening us!! If they really want someone, why can’t they ask nicely like a normal person?!”

One person looked at Zhao Miaomiao with open contempt, as if he was looking at a fool: “Compared to them, we’re like ants. If you were helping ants get rid of other ants, would you bother to tell them beforehand?”

“That’s right. Besides, if an alien arrived back then and said that they wanted to help us fight the Insects, no one would believe them.”

“What benefits could they possibly gain from deceiving us? They beat the Insects for us, but they didn’t ask for anything in return before leaving. The remaining member of the royal family is even a couple with General Yin. Are you saying that it was all for General Yin’s sake?”

“That idea might have some merit. If a man as excellent as General Yin wasn’t already in a relationship with a royal, I just might go try my luck.”

Zhao Miaomiao: “……”

She stared out at the whispering ma.s.ses. No one paid any attention to the facts of the matter. She felt like she was the only sane person here.

In consideration for her heinous crimes, Zhao Miaomiao was sentenced to death. Since she did not cause serious harm, her sentence was suspended for three months.

These three months were more like a cruel mercy.

After all, it was agonizing to live when you knew of your impending death.

The Zhao Miaomiao incident came to an end like that. Her words had no effect on the general populace.

To be honest, if she had said those things two months ago, when the humans were still the most suspicious of Shi Qing, then maybe things could have turned out differently.

However, the Insects that occupied their homeworld had been driven away now. It was apparent from the ease with which the Mechanical race repelled these invaders that they could conquer Earth with minimal ha.s.sle if they wanted to.

But they didn’t.

Not only that, they even gave Earth the coordinates of the Intergalactic Alliance before leaving silently.

With their level of strength, there was no need to put on a show if they had ill intent.

In addition, Earth successfully contacted the Intergalactic Alliance and completed their registration.

There, they learned that only relatively backwards and unregistered planets were targeted by the predatory Insect race. After all, if a registered planet was in trouble, all other members were obligated to seek out and retaliate against the perpetrators.

Earth was safe. For now at least.

Of course, this protection was not absolute.

The staff at the Intergalactic Alliance confided in them with a hint of fear in their voice: The universe was so vast with countless different planets and races. There was one in particular considered terrorists because they were far more terrifying than any predators like the Insect race. Insects plundered other planets for resources, but that race slaughtered sentient lifeforms for sport.

They arrived without announcement and left without delay as soon as they were done.

What could be more horrific than a race that destroyed entire planets just because they could?

What’s worse, since these terrorists were so thorough, there have been no survivors thus far. The Intergalactic Alliance still had no information on this race or any of their characteristics.

They could only be afraid.

After registration, the employee remembered something: “Right, didn’t your planet report before that the peaceful Mechanical race intervened on your behalf? Have they not registered yet? We’ve never heard of them ah.”

After Yin Mingzheng told this to Shi Qing, Shi Qing said that all the Kings of his race were altruistic but reclusive as well. They shied away from forming bonds with other races. Since the Intergalactic Alliance asked, they might as well file a report.

As a result, a new entry was added to the database of the Intergalactic Alliance.

Mechanical race: Peace loving. Has a mission to help other planets in need.

Estimated degree of harm: 0

The System that could sense history being rewritten: [……Host, are you sure this is okay?]

[En? What’s wrong?]

Shi Qing was curled up in the man’s arms. He was playing with Yin Mingzheng’s b.u.t.tons.

System: [This world will continue on even after we leave. What if the next King goes on a murderous rampage?]

[Don’t worry. I’ve already taken that into consideration.]

The young man stuck to Yin Mingzheng like glue. He used his petal-like small parts to grasp his chin.

Due to partic.i.p.ating in the general election, the man has not been able to rest for a long time. There was stubble on his chin, making him appear even more sensual than before.

Shi Qing’s favourite pastime recently was to toy with his facial hair.

As he played around, he said: [The Mechanical race is also dependent on inherited memories. As long as I leave the memory of peace, the next generation will also be peaceful.]

The System thought of one more thing: [Host, you aren’t really planning to have a baby with Yin Mingzheng, right? Then that poor child will be born alone on that planet long after the two of you have pa.s.sed away. How pitiful.]

Shi Qing: [Hahahahahaha jijijiji!!]

System: [?]

[You really are dumb, little System. It’s almost cute in a way. Did you actually believe me when I said that I was looking to reproduce with Yin Mingzheng? The Mechanical race sp.a.w.ns from the Mother Tree, which only makes a new King once it senses the previous one has died. There’s no need for companions or any of that nonsense. Isn’t the universe full of wonders?]

[Hahahahaha little fool.]

System: [……]

System: [……Wuwuwuwu why am I so stupid? I’m going back to my mantras.]

In reality, it’s not just the System that thought this was true.

Yin Mingzheng also believed it.

He struggled with it for a long time too.

Shi Qing once told him that he searched for Yin Mingzheng because he was the strongest human on Earth. That was the reason this little prince was so sticky and chose him to be his partner.

Before, when Yin Mingzheng was consumed by guilt and responsibility, he naturally didn’t mind that.

Things were different now.

He fell in love with Shi Qing, but Shi Qing was only with him because of his strength.

The hero of humanity tormented himself with this fact in his heart.

He didn’t blame Shi Qing in the slightest. Instead, he silently built up his mental fort.i.tude day by day.

After being discovered by Shi Qing, the man remained silent at first. He then answered in a low voice: “I want to make sure I’m the strongest person on Earth.”

“Oh. Then keep up the good work.”

Shi Qing thought he meant the election. He nodded and dragged a reclining chair over to the training grounds. There was a tea table with juice beside the chair.

Shi Qing sat back and enjoyed the view every time Yin Mingzheng trained.

After all, it’s not everyday you get to see such a handsome man with evenly distributed muscles, wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs, all glistening with sweat from exertion.

This routine continued for two months. Just before the election, Le Youyuan’s team developed a device capable of measuring power levels.

Since it was free for everyone, almost all of the ability users in the world tried it out of curiosity.

Ten was the highest.

When others went up, they were at most a six or seven.

When Yin Mingzheng went up, the detector exploded.

He tried five times and it exploded five times. Finally, Le Youyuan was forced to admit while holding his personal detector that Yin Mingzheng’s power far exceeded the tenth level.

He was only a seven!

It’s even more unlikely that he would be able to get little Shi Qing back from Yin Mingzheng now.

No matter how depressed Le Youyuan was, Yin Mingzheng, who he demanded compensation from furiously, was in a pretty good mood. The man who always presented an image of stability even raised the corners of his mouth to show a smile that Le Youyuan thought was very arrogant.

Of course, only the hero himself knew he was smiling because he was relieved.

It seems that the gap between him and others was quite large. He didn’t need to worry his ability couldn’t compare or that his lover will run off one day.

After the election, Yin Mingzheng was elected as the first president.

He could relax and focus on other pursuits now.

He might look like he was casually watching TV as Shi Qing played with his b.u.t.tons, but in reality he was tense. Yin Mingzheng stewed in his thoughts. His eyes stared unseeingly at the screen in front of him. Finally, he spoke with a dry mouth.

“Shi Qing, do you want to see a big part?”