Everyone Knows I'm a Good Person

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Editor: yummers

As Shi Qing (didn’t) continue to indulge in teasing Zhuo Junli and continued to encourage (threaten) his lackeys to work hard, the teachers at school became more and more fond of him.

Who wouldn’t like a good student that worked hard and helped other students catch up as well?

Shi Qing was especially caring.

On one hand, the lackl.u.s.ter students could improve their grades. On the other hand, Zhuo Junli didn’t need to worry about tuition or school supplies anymore.

Every time the homeroom teacher walked into the cla.s.sroom, he couldn’t help but smile as he saw how the school bully recited the textbook to Zhuo Junli, even after cla.s.s.

This was the first time he’s encountered a student that got on a ventilator before he had to intervene. They were even kind enough to strap in everyone else as well.

It was so comforting, ah.

If only all the students in the world could be like Shi Qing—who was able to restrain both himself and others. It would truly be perfect then.

The homeroom teacher’s opinion of Shi Qing improved more and more.

Just like during today’s evening self study.

Their school’s evening self study was just as its name implied. The teachers usually didn’t stay in the cla.s.srooms.

However, every homeroom teacher would secretly lurk in all sorts of places during evening self study.

—Like behind the crack in the back door.

—Like the window in the middle.

—And the gla.s.s panel on the front door installed for teacher supervision.

They didn’t announce their arrival, and there was no pattern or rhythm to their visits. It was completely random.

Beforehand, the homeroom teachers would often prowl with the grace and agility of felines. Without making a sound, they approached their prey gently and quietly.

Then, they would quietly and tacitly stare at the students in the room with their soulless eyes.

Their eyes emitted x-rays, scanning the students up and down, down and up without missing a single detail.

The main violations they looked for were: students blabbering, students inexplicably hiding their hands in their desks, and students staring straight at a tall stack of books.

More often than not, there would be a phone or an extracurricular book hidden behind the stack.

Today, the homeroom teacher also followed the usual routine.

Perfectly avoiding the gla.s.s of the front door, he came to the middle window.

He stared at the students in the cla.s.sroom with soulless eyes that grew more dead by the day as his hair fell out. Only half of his body was exposed.

After almost half a minute of staring, someone in the originally raucous cla.s.sroom finally discovered his presence. Not only did they shut their mouths, they quickly poked their neighbours to shut them up too.

More and more people spotted him.

In less than half a minute, the cla.s.sroom went from boisterous to utterly silent. The students were all studiously studying their textbooks or jotting down notes.

But it was likely that the tip of their pencil wasn’t even touching the paper.

Underneath this false illusion of peace, the homeroom teacher was pleased to find two people that hadn’t changed since he arrived.

They were Shi Qing and Zhuo Junli.

Every student seemed to have an anti-teacher radar. Even if they didn’t see the teacher coming, when the surroundings quieted down, they would immediately shut up and pretend to read their books with their eyes and noses, not daring to lift their heads.

Of course, occasionally this radar will also experience technical difficulties.

For example, if no one was speaking all of a sudden, those who wanted to talk might think that the teacher was coming so they would bury their heads and shut up.

But after waiting for a while, they would discover that it was a false alarm. Then, the originally quiet cla.s.sroom would immediately be filled with the noise of what seemed like hundreds of madly quacking ducks.

Yet Shi Qing and Zhuo Junli didn’t react whether the teacher came or not.

Their posture didn’t even change.

When the homeroom teacher pushed open the front door and entered, a warm feeling filled his heart as he saw the lax way Shi Qing leaned on Zhuo Junli’s shoulder along with the arrogant way he held his language textbook.

This was a student that had nothing to hide.

The relationship between these two seemed quite harmonious. He thought about how Shi Qing appeared to overtly and covertly bully Zhuo Junli in the beginning and contrasted it with their relationship now.

This must be thanks to the hour long lecture he gave Shi Qing for not trying hard enough before.

Of course, as a homeroom teacher, even if he felt pleased and proud in his heart, he had to maintain a cold facade. He walked to the podium and began to lecture the students.

“I can hear you guys from downstairs! How noisy! Why aren’t you making a peep now?!”

“Our cla.s.s was the loudest the entire way here! How shameful! You’re all soph.o.m.ores now. Soph.o.m.ores! Second year students! Then it’ll be your senior year, and then it’s the university entrance exams! You’re in a race against time, but you’re still fooling around! Do none of you plan on going to university anymore?!”

Zhuo Junli listened to their homeroom teacher’s heartfelt words without any inner turmoil.

After all, the homeroom teacher’s said the same things in different words before. Based on his experience as a student, every teacher said these things.

All of his attention was captured by Shi Qing. Who was busy playing with his hand while the homeroom teacher was talking.

The school bully had always hated to listen to such drivel. Every time the cla.s.s had a meeting or when the homeroom teacher was about to give a long speech, he would play with Zhuo Junli’s hand in all sorts of ways.

You might be wondering why he was playing with his hands.

Well it was the middle of winter right now and everyone was bundled up like glutinous rice dumplings. Hands were the most accessible patch of skin.

It went without saying that for Shi Qing, in terms of dumplings, Zhuo Junli was the best looking one.

The homeroom teacher was still speaking seriously, “Don’t think that the entrance exam is far away! It’s not! The university entrance exam is like a wooden bridge made of a single plank. I hope none of you will regret slacking off now when you fail later!”

Shi Qing gently touched Zhuo Junli’s ring finger and moved slowly down the slender digit to the root. Like he discovered a toy, he pressed the relatively soft bone there as he circled it again and again.

“You guys are the worst cla.s.s I’ve ever had!”

His hand left the root and continued to slide down. It came to a rest on the youth’s blue veins that were very conspicuous because of his fair complexion.

“You all seem displeased that I’m telling you what to do. Well, let me tell you that your grades are for you, not for me. The benefits of getting into a good university are also for you. They have nothing to do with me. You may hate that I’m strict with you now, but you’ll hate it even more once you grow up, graduate, and head out into the workforce if I was soft on you!”

Shi Qing began to press the blood vessels on the back of Zhuo Junli’s hand. His blood vessels, like most boys, were ever so slightly raised. Only by touching the area could they be detected.

Zhuo Junli gave him free reign to stroke his hand with a gentleness completely contrary to his usual style. But a pair of light brown eyes narrowed as they lightly watched Shi Qing.

The school bully looked up and met his gaze. His narrow eyes subconsciously curved.

Everything was watered down.

Sitting behind them at the very back of the room, Lu Tao rubbed his eyes.

Strange…why did he feel like there were pink bubbles popping up around Shi-ge and Zhuo Junli…

The homeroom teacher at the very front also spoke of Shi Qing. “I would like to recognize one student, and that student is Shi Qing.”

Hearing his name, the school bully didn’t shy away at all. He continued to touch his cla.s.smate’s hand as he looked up.

The homeroom teacher was somewhat excited to talk about this.

“Shi Qing’s grades weren’t too good before. He likes to play around, but he knows when to focus as well. These days, not only does he work hard by himself, he also drives other students to work hard too. He listens carefully in cla.s.s, and he even took the initiative to let Zhuo Junli tutor him after school. His grades have improved noticeably in such a short period of time.”

“This is a textbook example that it’s never too late to put in the effort! It’s okay to struggle, there’s still time! As long as you don’t give up and work hard from now on, even if you get poor grades, you can still make it!”

The school bully raised his chin and eyebrows with a “isn’t this common sense” expression.

Zhuo Junli looked up at Shi Qing who was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with confidence and kept his hand on his even when the entire cla.s.s was watching. His eyes softened a fraction.

The homeroom teacher didn’t think there was anything wrong with Shi Qing’s att.i.tude. After all, he had gotten used to this wild and unrestrained student a long time ago.

It didn’t matter. As long as he knew how to study, everything else could be tolerated.

He left the cla.s.sroom after handing out some chicken soup for the soul as usual.

A while later, the cla.s.sroom became noisy again.

Lu Tao scampered like a chimp to the front. “Shi-ge, the supermarket seems to be selling red strings. The kind you tie on your hands. Do you want to buy some?”

Shi Qing leaned on Zhuo Junli and frowned disdainfully. “Why would I want that?”

“I’m telling you Shi-ge, that red string has a meaning behind it. Even though it’s only a dollar apiece, it’s really popular at school. It’s said that if you buy one and give it to the person you like, you’ll be able to stay together forever.”

He wiggled his eyebrows at Shi Qing. “If you buy this and give it to you know who…hehehehe.”

The school bully was half convinced. “Seriously? Can something that’s a dollar really be so powerful?”

Zhuo Junli was even calmer. He asked, “You said that everyone was doing it, so who started it first?”

Lu Tao replied, “The son of the supermarket owner, ah.”


“How can you still believe this c.r.a.p despite knowing that. This is just advertising for his family’s store,” Shi Qing sneered.

Tong Xinyu happened to run to the front to borrow homework and heard this. She immediately stopped, turned, and came over with an embarra.s.sed expression.

“Um, actually everyone knows that the red string can’t be that effective. I think the main reason people buy it is because it’s an indirect way to confess to the person you like. If the other person feels the same way, they can also buy one as a gift. It’s like a love token.”

Tong Xinyu whispered, “If it were me, and I was given a red string by someone I liked, I would be very happy.”

Yep. She was dropping such blatant hints.

It’s been so many days. Either Shi Qing or Zhuo Junli should’ve confessed to her by now if they had feelings for her.

But she waited and waited and waited…yet nothing happened. She’s folded countless paper cranes during break time to give out, but she couldn’t wait anymore.

Watermelon didn’t come to confess.

Neither did Sesame.

Something wasn’t right, ah.

Tong Xinyu pondered this conundrum. It was possible that Zhuo Junli didn’t like her, but she was the only girl he interacted with in their whole cla.s.s.

There was also Shi Qing. He was practically drinking vinegar as he stopped Zhuo Junli from getting close to her before.

Who would Shi Qing like if it wasn’t her? Zhuo Junli?!

Tong Xinyu was very aware of her own flippant nature. Plus, she happened to meet a third year senior recently. She was worried that if her male G.o.ds didn’t confess to her soon, she would find another target for her affections.

So she began to act like a fool and frantically advertised the red string.

“A dollar can’t buy many things, but that dollar would become priceless if you used it to buy a red string for someone you like.”

“It’s not just an ordinary red string, it represents love.”

“This kind of red string is also not afraid of water. You don’t even have to take it off when you take a bath. Think about it, in the future, no matter what time or place, the red string you give to the person you like will be worn on her wrist. It’s like you’re always with her. How wonderful would that be!”

Shi Qing’s eyes grew bright.

“You’re right.”

Even Zhuo Junli’s handsome face showed he was considering this. He nodded.


Tong Xinyu was screaming madly in her heart!

What did this mean?!

What did her male G.o.ds mean by this?!!

Were they both going to buy her a red string?!


The sudden rush of euphoria made her feel light-headed.

What to do?! What to do?!!

If the situation really turned out like what she was expecting, whose confession should she accept??

Zhuo Junli was polite and easy to talk to, which made him suitable for a straightforward and unconventional person.

Shi Qing was tyrannical and unscrupulous, which made him suitable for a gentle and good-tempered person.

Tong Xinyu felt as if she was none of those things.

She wasn’t unconventional or gentle or good-tempered.

…Forget it!

She’ll say yes to whoever confesses first!


After school, Tong Xinyu watched with thinly-veiled excitement as Shi Qing and Zhuo Junli packed up their things and left the cla.s.sroom. She hurried to follow them.

She wasn’t stooping to stalking yet.

It’s just that she wanted to go to the supermarket to buy a red string. Seeing if her male G.o.ds bought one as well was just a bonus.

Tong Xinyu followed the crowd behind the duo.

Her male G.o.ds were chatting. Shi Qing laughed particularly joyfully, and Zhuo Junli just smiled softly at him.

They continued to chat as they walked. No matter who you were looking at, the sight was very pleasing to the eyes.

When they arrived at the supermarket, Tong Xinyu nervously slowed down. She wanted to get a pair of binoculars as she strained her neck for a better look.

After a while, Shi Qing and Zhuo Junli walked out of the supermarket.

Both of them were holding a small transparent bag containing a red string.


Tong Xinyu had another screeching fit in her heart.

Red string!!! Red string!!!

It really was a red string!!!

They’re coming down the stairs!

They’re coming this way!

Zhuo Junli was already unpacking it!

Did he already find her?!

Ahhhhhh he opened it! He opened it!!

Tong Xinyu held her breath nervously, and then she saw an astonishing scene unfold before her.

In the dim light of the small path that was no longer crowded, the handsome youth took out that red string, gently lowered his eyes, and placed it around Shi Qing’s wrist.

Tong Xinyu, “???”

The school bully who always hated to be touched by others didn’t pull back. He let Zhuo Junli put the red string on him.

She couldn’t hear it, but Shi Qing spoke with red ears and a “since you’ve already gone so far I’ll be merciful” expression, as he pretended to reluctantly place his own string around Zhuo Junli’s wrist.

“If you give me yours, then I guess I’ll give you mine too.”

Tong Xinyu who watched Shi Qing put his red string around Zhuo Junli’s wrist was speechless.

She could only stand there and watch as her two male G.o.ds exchanged red strings.

Then, the two male G.o.ds, who were top-notch in both face and physique, leaned together intimately and took another small path towards the dormitories.

Tong Xinyu was still. “………”

She stared at the backs of her two male G.o.ds, dumbfounded.

Then, her mind inexplicably recalled her previous thoughts.

She was worried that she wasn’t a good match for the gentle and warm Zhuo Junli or the brash and straightforward Shi Qing.

But the two of them complemented each other perfectly.

Tong Xinyu envisioned their personalities meshing together.

—They really were a good match. There were no contradictions whatsoever.

Only after thinking about all kinds of things for a long, long time, could Tong Xinyu face the truth with despair and the shattered fragments of her maiden heart.

Her two male G.o.ds just…

Eloped together…