Everyone Knows I'm a Good Person

Chapter 55.2

Chapter 55.2

Editor: yummers

Shi Qing asked, “Why did you go find our teacher just now?”

Zhuo Junli, “My dad couldn’t come to the parent-teacher conference because he broke his leg, so I went to tell him.”

“He broke his leg?”

The school bully had a look of surprise on his face. He was clearly concerned for his lover’s father. He questioned, “Is everything okay?”

“It’s nothing serious.”

Zhuo Junli didn’t say that he was sad or anything about having a hard time. He sat down beside Shi Qing, who quickly swung an arm across his shoulders as he held Shi Qing’s other hand.

The school bully’s hand was surprisingly soft considering his fierce exterior; due to the fact that he’s never really worked before, it was tender to the touch and looked that way as well.

His entire person seemed to calm down when rubbing this soft palm.

Zhuo Junli’s voice was quiet. “I don’t like him.”

“Don’t like who? Your father?”

Shi Qing generously let him rub his hand and commiserated.

“I also don’t like my parents. Totalling it up, they’ve spent less than a year with me since I was born. Even though work is obviously more important to them, they continue to insist that they love me. If they love me so much then why’d they let a nanny raise me? They told me that I could come to them if I needed help, but all my problems can be solved with enough money, so what do I need them for?”

The youth was taken aback. He looked up at Shi Qing.

He originally thought that Shi Qing had been spoiled rotten as a child because of his arrogant temperament.

As he stared at the school bully’s indifferent face, Zhuo Junli felt empathetic and a bit joyful.

Shi Qing wasn’t close to his parents.

Could this mean he was the person Shi Qing was closest to?

As soon as he thought of this, the youth’s heart melted.

His eyes seemed to glitter like bright stars. Under the sunlight, his already beautiful face became even more fair and delicate. He closed the distance between him and Shi Qing, letting the other rest against him.

“You have me and I have you.”


Shi Qing smiled. “I’m glad that you’re here.”

“But my parents aren’t all bad. My mom grew up abroad so she’s pretty open-minded. My dad’s one requirement of me is that I don’t die. Anything else is fine with him.”

The school bully shrugged indifferently. “So I don’t have to hide anything about us from them. I’m not afraid that they’ll get mad.”

“I’m not afraid either.”

The youth smiled softly, his eyes full of tenderness. He whispered, “My father doesn’t have time to be angry.”

Maybe he would break his leg again.

Maybe it would be an arm next time.

Then maybe, just maybe, an arm and a leg together.

He would never have a chance to appear in front of Shi Qing or occupy even a fraction of his attention.

The two of them got closer and closer to each other. They cuddled together affectionately.

Shi Qing dug a bag of almonds out of his bag and leaned against Zhuo Junli. As he ate one almond, he fed Zhuo Junli the next one. This gesture was overflowing with tenderness.

Tong Xinyu was silent as she saw this scene from afar. “…….”

She stared at the pink bubbles that surrounded them and really wanted to kneel to the two male G.o.ds.

This was the school’s outdoor exercise yard!!!

There’s still a bunch of people standing around!!!

Why weren’t they trying to hide it at all?!

She felt like she was going to suffocate.

The parent-teacher conference was today.

Behaving like this on an ordinary day was one thing since the average student wouldn’t jump to the farfetched conclusion that “my male cla.s.smates are in a relationship”, but parents were grown-ups that had seen all and done it all. What if they got caught?!

Tarnished reputation! Expulsion! Gossip and rumours!

Tong Xinyu’s heart was being wrung like a dishrag out of worry for her two male G.o.ds.

But she couldn’t just run over and interrupt the lovey-dovey couple by saying, “I know you’re together but could you guys read the situation because you’re going to get exposed if this goes on and that can be really dangerous!”

She’s anxious!

She’s worried!

She had nightmares about her male G.o.ds being discovered!

Now she held her thumping and broken maiden heart as she watched them from afar. Maybe he was tired or something, but Shi Qing settled himself comfortably across Zhuo Junli’s lap under the sunlight, as if he didn’t mind how dirty the flowerbed was at all.



Zhuo Junli!

On his lap!

On his lap!!!!

It was true that this was a very beautiful picture.

It was also true that it caused her little heart to pound for no apparent reason.

But they were at the exercise yard!

They were surrounded by other people!

After freaking out silently for a while, Tong Xinyu finally realized that her nervousness was in vain once again.

The other students were all either playing basketball or chatting. They hadn’t noticed anything at all.

Even if someone pa.s.sed by and saw them, they just took a quick glance and didn’t put it on their mind.

It was only after Tong Xinyu carefully approached a bit that she learned why.

While maintaining such a beautiful pose, Shi Qing was reciting the textbook in the dullest tone she had ever heard.

It sounded like a f.u.c.king robot’s voice.

Even though their posture was ambiguous and close, one person was struggling through the pa.s.sages while the other listened attentively and corrected him when necessary. The high school students who were immersed in a “I love learning and learning loves me” state wouldn’t think anything more of this scene.

When Tong Xinyu went over, Shi Qing had just finished reading.

He couldn’t take it anymore and sat up. Then he put his hand on the youth’s shoulder and leapt to his feet. “It’s too sunny here. Let’s go sit in the shade for a while.”

He pointed to the far left side of the exercise yard.

There was a big tree over there; a very, very big tree. People said that this tree was specially transplanted over when the school was built. Even if both of them sat together there, no one in the yard would be able to see them.

Zhuo Junli didn’t think much of it. He took Shi Qing’s words at face value and walked with him towards the tree.

Tong Xinyu stared at them as they walked away. She felt like she was worrying over nothing.

Neither of them were stupid. Of course they wouldn’t reveal their relationship to everyone.

She slapped her own head a few times, feeling like she had a few screws loose.

For the next half hour, Tong Xinyu slipped back to the cla.s.sroom and sat on the nearby stairs to play on her phone.

Her mom had given her her phone before she entered the cla.s.sroom, so she was able to entertain herself for a bit.

Eventually the parent-teacher conference came to an end.

The parents came out one after another. When Tong Xinyu walked to the door, her mother was still talking to her homeroom teacher so she just leaned on the railing and waited.

Suddenly, a very young looking and beautiful lady with high heel boots stepped out.

She was so alluring that she was unforgettable even after a single glance. Her delicate makeup highlighted her ruby red lips. Her long and slender legs were adorned with a pair of very, very high-heeled boots.

Judging from her height, she was over 1.75m tall.

But if you factored in her imposing aura, she was at least 2.7m.

Tong Xinyu had just casually looked up, but she was stunned stiff.

The pretty lady came over and slightly raised her eyebrows. Her red lips followed suit. “Are you a student in this cla.s.s?”

Tong Xinyu nodded blankly.

“May I ask if you know where Shi Qing is? I’m his mom.”

Tong Xinyu’s first thought was, “…d.a.m.n.”

Shi Qing’s mom was so young and attractive!

She nodded frantically. “Shi Qing’s in the exercise yard.”

Tong Xinyu even enthusiastically pointed to the super obvious big tree. “I saw them heading to that tree earlier. They should be cooling off.”

The pretty lady, ah no, pretty auntie smiled at her again. “Thanks.”

Then she went down the stairs with her 2.7m aura and her high-heeled boots.

Tong Xinyu was still in shock.

After a few seconds, she suddenly realized a problem.

Shi Qing was with Zhuo Junli right now!

If these two dared to act flirty in cla.s.s, what would they get up to behind the big tree where no one could see them…

A shiver ran down her spine as cold sweat covered her forehead. She quickly looked in the direction over the railing. After not seeing anything, Tong Xinyu quickly followed the railing to the left. At the end, she could finally make out what was happening behind the tree.

Zhuo Junli seemed to be leaning against the tree as one of Shi Qing’s hands rested on his shoulder. From this angle, she could only see the back of Shi Qing’s head.

In other words, Shi Qing and Zhuo Junli were face to face.

This posture….

These movements….

Could it be…the legendary…

Kabedon: Tree Version!

When Tong Xinyu looked down again, the 2.8m tall and imposing Mother Shi was already heading towards that tree.

It’s over. We’re in a whole world of trouble now.

Her head went blank. She turned around and ran to the stairs without a second thought.

She hurried downstairs.

She sprinted like she was running an 800m race and barely managed to catch up to Mother Shi who had almost reached the big tree.

“Shi Qing, Shi Qing’s mother, no! Auntie! Please wait! Please wait a minute!!!”

Tong Xinyu was panting heavily. She literally put all her remaining energy into shouting as loud as she could.

“Your lipstick is so pretty! What brand is it?!”

She tried her best.

That should’ve been loud enough for her male G.o.ds to hear, right?

Shi Qing, who had one hand on the tree and the other on Zhuo Junli’s shoulder, did hear the commotion. When he saw the panic that flashed across the youth’s face upon hearing that his mother was coming, his lips curled up into a wicked smile.

Lowering his voice, he mischievously whispered, “Kiss me or else I won’t get up.”

Zhuo Junli was really in a bit of a panic. He was just a poor student right now. Even though he was capable of it, he couldn’t go against Shi Qing if things suddenly took a bad turn.

Even if Shi Qing said that he had a bad relationship with his parents, they were still his parents.

If they forced Shi Qing to transfer schools, there was nothing he could do.

He lowered his voice as well, his hand subconsciously gripped Shi Qing’s. “Behave. Your mother is here.”

“Kiss me or pat me. Choose one.”

The school bully remained unbothered. He acted like he wasn’t going to stop until he got what he wanted.

“We haven’t even kissed yet. If you don’t kiss me today, I won’t get up no matter who comes here, even if it’s my mom or G.o.d himself.”

He urged, “Kiss me quickly. There’s a surprise if you do.”

Zhuo Junli’s long eyelashes fluttered due to a mix of anxiety and shyness. His white cheeks flushed a light red.

Worried that Shi Qing’s mother was really going to see them if he delayed any longer, he slowly leaned in. His lips gently brushed the school bully’s cheek.

Tong Xinyu, who was unable to delay the 2.8m tall and imposing Mother Shi, saw this scene in front of her. “…….”

She was dumbfounded.

Did her super loud warning from before not reach this pair of male lovebirds?!

Tong Xinyu unconsciously scrambled to put herself in front of them. The gears in her head turned at a breakneck speed as she stared at the 2.8m tall, imposing, and somewhat scary auntie in front of her.

“Auntie it’s not what you think! We’re rehearsing our winter holiday play! It’s um…uh…Sleeping Beauty! You know how the story has a kissing scene? They’re rehearsing it!”

There was no shocked anger at all on the beautiful face of Shi Qing’s mother. She just smiled at them.

Tong Xinyu didn’t even notice. She was too busy turning her head to see—

Shi Qing! Was! Actually! Still! Holding! Zhuo Junli’s hand!

Their fingers were even interlocked!

s.h.i.t! While she was trying to salvage the situation, they were actively sabotaging her efforts!

You guys are supposed to be having an underground romance! Please act like it!

Then, she could only watch as the school bully raised their interlocked hands.

“Mom. This is Zhuo Junli, my boyfriend.”

Tong Xinyu, “!!!”

Mother Shi was still all smiles as she looked at the good-looking youth whose face has been completely dyed red. Her eyes were filled with satisfaction.

“He’s a good child like you told me before. Mom will give you two her blessing.”

Zhuo Junli gradually recovered from his petrified state.

His eyes lit up bit by bit as he turned his head to look at Shi Qing.

The school bully still had a smile on his face that made him appear particularly mischievous. He swung their arms to and fro.

“I told you there would be a surprise if you kissed me.”

Zhuo Junli’s entire body seemed to relax as he looked at his lover. The corners of his lips curled up slightly.

The air seemed to be overflowing with pink bubbles again.

Tong Xinyu felt like she had been forcefully stuffed with a sack of dog food as her worries went to waste. “…”

After going through a roller coaster of ups and downs—

She finally understood.

Her place was under the car.

And not in it.

Poor Tong Xinyu XD.

We’ll be finishing off Arc 4 next week!