Everyone Knows I'm a Good Person

Chapter 56.2

Chapter 56.2

Thank you Lin for the Ko-fi! (^ヮ^)/

Editor: yummers

Shi Qing practically dragged Zhuo Junli to the hotel.

The youth’s face was flushed the entire way.

He had never learned anything about s.e.x because he was too buried in his books.

With a flushed face, he started looking up information on his phone while they were in the car.

The school bully saw what he was doing and leaned over as he whispered sensually in his ear, “Don’t look. I’ll teach you when we get there.”

Zhuo Junli blushed even more.

At the hotel, Shi Qing skipped off to take a shower.

[Tongtong, sing something for me.]

The System came out: [Host, what song do you want?]

Shi Qing, [It’s the one with the line ‘I’ve waited so long for this day.’]

The System that took its job very seriously started singing immediately.

Shi Qing finished showering. Then. he told Zhuo Junli to come in and do the same.

Zhuo Junli was a little nervous in the shower.

Shi Qing pulled open the shower curtain to make him feel more comfortable, encouraging and comforting him as well.

But for some reason this made him even more nervous.

Then, Shi Qing turned off the lights outside to let him relax.

His intention was to wait until everything was done and then turn the lights back on.

He never expected that the room would only see light again when the sun peeked through the floor-to-ceiling windows the next day.

The System had hit a wall several times when it wanted to come out.

It carefully tried again and was relieved when to not see any mosaics.

Then, it saw that its Host was lying on the bed with a complicated face.

Complicated in the sense of being terrified while still hungry for more.

The frightened System quickly asked: [Host what’s wrong with you?!]

Shi Qing, […Tongtong, I don’t feel so good.]

System: [Don’t be afraid Host! Where does it hurt? I can give you a golden finger.]

Shi Qing, [No thanks. I’ve already had a taste of your golden fingers.]

Shi Qing, [But why is there no treadmill in this room?]

System: [?]

Shi Qing, [Sigh. There’s only floor-to-ceiling windows.]

System: [??]

Shi Qing, [I’m not saying this is bad. It’s just a bit cold.]

Shi Qing, [It’s a pity I’m just an ordinary person this time. Although my spirit is still roaring to go, my body can’t keep up.]

System: [???]

Shi Qing, “Achoo!”

The door was opened from the outside. Zhuo Junli, who went to get breakfast, heard Shi Qing’s sneeze as soon as he came in. He quickly put the food down and carefully sat on the edge of the bed.

“Did you catch a cold?”


Shi Qing watched the youth touch his forehead with a guilty expression. He waved his hand with a big grin. “It’s fine. I’ll sleep it off tonight.”

Zhuo Junli, however, was still conflicted. “It’s all my fault.”

“How is this your fault? I was the one who dragged you over to the window.” Shi Qing said as his eyes travelled to the floor-to-ceiling window, “This design is pretty good. Let’s put one of these in our future home.”

Zhuo Junli blushed even more.

He gently ma.s.saged the back of his lover’s head as he quietly agreed, “Alright.”

“I’ll remember what you said about the treadmill last night too.”

Only after hearing Zhuo Junli say that did Shi Qing close his eyes in satisfaction as he began to catch up on the sleep he missed last night.

During this happy vacation where he didn’t need to study, Zhuo Junli kick-started his business.

During his first year of university, he bought a house that belonged to two people.

During his second year of university, he bought a house with a swimming pool through his own efforts.

During his third year of university, although he initially didn’t plan on buying anything, he bought a car that wouldn’t rock no matter how much people moved inside.

After graduation, Shi Qing was still parachuted into his father’s company.

In the second year after graduation, he was already able to receive dinner invitations like Zhuo Junli.

The two got married three years after graduating.

You couldn’t get an official certificate in China, but a wedding would do.

Tong Xinyu attended as one of their cla.s.smates.

She sat on a seat a.s.signed to cla.s.smates and listened to the chattering of the students near her.

“I knew something was weird between Zhuo Junli and Shi Qing, but I didn’t think much of it since they were so low-key.”

The former delinquent could now be considered a successful member of society.

“It’s normal that you guys don’t know, Shi-ge and Zhuo Junli are both skilled at keeping secrets. Do you really think you can know anything they don’t want you to know?”

“But I have to wish them well, really. I feel meeting them was the luckiest day of my life. Otherwise how could I be here today?”

The lackey that also got into university afterwards said, “Yeah, I really owe Shi-ge a lot. He really is a good person. But when did they get together? In high school or university? I think it’s probably university.”

“I also think it’s in university. They didn’t show any hints of it in high school.”

Tong Xinyu: Hehe.

Sitting together on flower beds heated by the sun, leaning on each other after cla.s.s, touching hands in cla.s.s. Shi Qing’s entire body was almost hanging off of Zhuo Junli, okay?

You call that not showing any hints?

You must all be blind.

Beside her, her husband cracked crabs and placed the meat on her plate. “Xinyu, eat up.”

Tong Xinyu leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you, dear.”

The two of them began to intimately eat the crab.

The wedding between Shi Qing and Zhuo Junli didn’t cause any uproar.

It was probably because they weren’t considered public figures yet.

It wasn’t until they were in their thirties, when Zhuo Junli made it onto the ranking of the richest people and an entertainment news account published his picture, that people discovered this handsome young man who started from nothing.

His fans grew exponentially everyday.

After the entertainment news account experienced an influx of traffic, they decided to dig deeper into this good looking tyc.o.o.n.

What they discovered was Shi Qing.

Fans on both sides started arguing over who deserved to be called the most handsome man within the world of the rich and powerful.

That was, until both of them uploaded their wedding photos at the same time and announced they were companions.

Their fans, “…”

Ohhh yeah!!!!

Neither Zhuo Junli nor Shi Qing appeared much in public, but their names became very well known in certain circles.

All that was known about them was that they went to the same high school, university, and that they got married three years after graduation.

Those in the know have said before that Shi Qing’s picture actually blew up when he took over his company, but the top bra.s.s asked for it to be withdrawn within three hours.

Zhuo Junli was the same.

In reality, it was one of the employees working for the Shi family company that leaked the information since Zhuo Junli often came to look for Shi Qing. He might appear very gentle on the outside, but he was impeccably selective about who could be around his lover.

Take his secretary for example.

Their President Shi was probably the only CEO whose secretary was a middle-aged, balding uncle.

To be fair, Zhuo Junli’s secretary was a balding uncle as well.

Thus, his unofficial nickname became the “Vinegar Lord”.

The only thing people knew was that Zhuo Junli seemed to be a very amicable person on the outside. His few outbursts of anger and use of resources were all for Shi Qing’s sake.

Such as when Shi Qing was thirty years old and an actress took his picture at a dinner party and said some ambiguous words in order to become more popular.

Zhuo Junli straight up bought the entertainment company she was working for.

As a result, that actress never had the chance to appear on screen again until her contract expired.

He proved one thing with his actions.

Just because someone was good looking and gentle didn’t necessarily mean they had a good temper.

Shi Qing was a person who liked to cut loose and have fun. The complete opposite of his workaholic parents, he preferred to dump his company to someone else and spend his days enjoying himself.

Zhuo Junli retired at the age of 43 to accompany him.

They left work to travel around the world together.

When they pa.s.sed away, their deaths were not announced. It was only when their family fortunes had all been donated to charity that the world learned of their pa.s.sing.

The only thing that could be confirmed was that they chose to be cremated.

Together forever.

[Congratulations to the Host for completing the task! Please choose: 1. Take a break or 2. Continue to the next world]

Shi Qing laid back in the recliner. [1111]

[Ding! Please prepare yourself! We are about to jump to the vacation world.]

When Shi Qing opened his eyes, he saw a man kneeling in front of him. He was dressed like a human, but his words could only come from the mouth of a wretched beast.

The man continued talking, “My Lord, if you let me know where my mother kept that emerald bangle, I would be willing to trade my mother’s remaining lifespan for it!”

Shi Qing narrowed his eyes and skimmed over the memories in his head.

In this world, he was the Great Demon King who would deliberately lure people to trade what was precious to them for something else. However, there was an exception: he would not exchange anything for money.

This man before him was trying to trade his mother’s life for an emerald bangle.

The man blabbered on, “Although my mother is a vegetable now, she definitely still has a few years left in her. Please help me, My Lord. I have debts from gambling and my mother has no way of telling me where that emerald bangle is since she became a vegetable and lived alone. I need that bangle to get money!”

Shi Qing leaned back and examined this man’s original fate. He raised an eyebrow as he spoke, “Only your mother can trade her lifespan. If you want that bangle, trade it for something of yours.”

The man froze.

This was completely different from what he had heard.

But he was too hasty. “T-then what can I trade for it?”

“Let me think…”

Shi Qing looked him up and down. His eyes became disdainful. “You have no conscience, looks, or health because of your drug addiction. Your character is corrupt, you actually went as far as to push your own mother down the stairs just so you could gamble. There’s nothing on you worth trading for.”

“No! There must be something! There has to be!”

The man became even more frazzled. “If you don’t help me, I’m finished!”

“Fine. But you can’t directly exchange for the bangle. I can give you something else for your voice.”

“My voice…”

The man thought of the debt collectors after him and bit the bullet. He nodded as he agreed, “Fine! I’ll put up my voice! My Lord, what can that get me?”

“Your mother had a cat, right?”

Shi Qing yawned.

The man took a moment to recall. “I think she kept one. It was a gift from her friend.”

“Do you remember what breed?”

“Yes, yes! It was a Chartreux!!”

“Ever since you squandered the family fortune and left, your mother has lived alone with this cat. It knows where the bangle is. You can trade your voice for the ability to understand what this cat is saying. But since your voice has been degraded by smoke and alcohol consumption, the effect will only last one sentence. It’s up to you.”

The man agreed right away, “Deal! I’ll do it!!”

Before, he heard his mother mention how that bangle was worth millions. But since it was given to her by his father before he pa.s.sed away, she refused to p.a.w.n it to fuel his gambling habit.

She even hid it somewhere.

In a fit of rage when questioning her, he pushed her down the stairs.

As he imagined how he would not only be able to pay off his debts but also salvage his past fortune, his eyes glittered with hope.


Shi Qing gave him a piece of paper. “Sign here. Your voice for a sentence from the Chartreux cat your mother raised.”

“When you’re done asking this cat your question, you’ll lose your voice. But that doesn’t matter. It would’ve already told you what you want to know.”

The man hastily scribbled on the page. Dropping everything, he turned and ran out.

When he opened his eyes again, he was at the place where his mother once lived.

He opened the door and immediately saw that cat.

Shi Qing was sitting on one of the house’s beams. He swung his legs idly and hummed a tune as he watched the confrontation between man and cat.

“Quick! Tell me where my mother’s bangle is.”

The cat opened his mouth.


The man who didn’t understand a word, “???”

He wanted to continue asking questions, but found that he couldn’t make a single sound anymore.

Shi Qing watched the man leave mutely like his soul had left his body before lightly jumping down and taking the cat into his arms. He gently stroked its head.

“Good boy.”

“You speak French very well.”

We’re heading into Arc 5 with the wicked demon king!