Everyone Knows I'm a Good Person

Chapter 58.1

Chapter 58.1

Editor: yummers

When cla.s.ses started at Zhenglin High School, some of the young students carrying their backpacks while entering noticed that there were two men sitting outside the milk tea shop across the street.

Both of them had black hair, broad shoulders, narrow waists, and long legs; they were both very good-looking to boot.

The most attention-grabbing thing about them were their contrasting auras.

The one in sungla.s.ses that radiated a wicked aura seemed to be in a good mood as he chewed enthusiastically on his gum.

The other one sat straight with a frown on his handsome face. Despite that, he looked at the people around him in a very friendly and pure way.

Shi Qing had cut his hair into a handsome style. One of his long legs was directly placed on Meng Qing’s thighs. He leaned his chair back in a crooked manner.

Seeing the little cultivator glaring at him, he raised his eyebrows proudly and took off his sungla.s.ses.

“Watch your att.i.tude little cultivator. I’m your Master now.”

“No, you’re not!”

Meng Qing became even angrier, his eyes full of displeasure. “I didn’t even agree to sign that contract with you.”

“I don’t care.”

The demon king capriciously put his sungla.s.ses back on. “There’s no use crying over spilt milk. You’re already one of my underlings.”

“You’ll belong to me until you die.”

Meng Qing, who had been educated in righteousness since his childhood, had never seen such a brazen person. He immediately flushed an angry red and opened his mouth repeatedly without making a sound. He was at a complete loss of how to respond.

Shi Qing continued to tease him, “Do you want to scold me? Go on, I’m listening.”

Meng Qing gritted his teeth and spat out a sentence. “Demonic fiend!”

“What kind of curse is that? Call me something nastier.”

Meng Qing was almost infuriated to the point of fainting. He glared at him before looking away coldly.

Shi Qing continued, “Angry?”

“You have such a short fuse.”

“Hey, little cultivator, how can you not look directly at your Master when he’s talking to you?”

Meng Qing looked down and tried to clear his mind. He started reciting mantras under his breath.

“Don’t you want to know why I searched you out?” Shi Qing said.


“You really don’t want to know? I’m the one you have to follow for the rest of your life.”

Meng Qing: Cultivator currently memorizing scriptures.

Seeing that he was clearly planning to ignore him, the demon king shook the leg he put on the other person.

“In that case, I won’t tell you about how you and I are fated to be together.”

The young cultivator’s chanting stopped.

He turned incredulously and stared at Shi Qing with wide eyes. “What did you say?”

“Oh, so now you’re willing to pay attention to me?”

The handsome man with the sungla.s.ses leaned back. “I thought you didn’t want to hear it.”

Meng Qing looked Shi Qing up and down suspiciously before suddenly loosening his eyebrows.

“You must have deceived me.”

“I’m a cultivator, how could I have anything with you?”

Shi Qing raised his eyebrows. “Why not?”

Shi Qing continued, “Besides, you’re not a cultivator. You were just raised by one and happened to learn some techniques from him.”

“I am a cultivator,” the young man retorted, “I’ve been studying under one since I was a child, so how could I be anything else?”

“Fine, then if you’re a cultivator, do you have a certificate?”

Meng Qing stopped talking.

Shi Qing continued, “Do you have a Daoist Birth Certificate?”

Meng Qing paused for a moment before hesitantly saying, “I’m too young. When I’m a few years older…”

“Come on,” the demon king rudely interrupted him, “you can get a certificate at sixteen or seventeen. You’re already twenty this year..”

“Admit it, even though that old guy Zheng Xing’s a coward, he does have some skill. His divination isn’t bad per se. The reason why he wouldn’t let you become an official cultivator was because he foresaw that we were a fated pair.”

“You’re lying!”

The young cultivator’s ears were dripping blood. “Y-you’re a man and I’m a man! How is it…”

“Possible?” Shi Qing finished his sentence. “Do you cultivators still discriminate against h.o.m.os.e.xualilty? What about the premise that all beings are equal?”

Meng Qing had actually never been exposed to such topics before.

But he was intent on refuting Shi Qing. “Men are born with yang energy and women are born with yin energy. Balancing yin and yang is the key to maintaining order.”

“If you have to say it like that, then I’d also say that heteros.e.xuals are born as yang and h.o.m.os.e.xuals are born as yin. The balance of opposites would be the key instead.”

Shi Qing lifted his legs from the young cultivator and got up to sit next to him. He felt him stiffen and shrink back.

“Little cultivator, you won’t be able to outargue me. This is your fate and you have to accept it.”

The young cultivator nervously pursed his lips. “This one has no interest in men. You’ve got the wrong person.”

“If you don’t like men, does that mean you like women?” The demon king was smiling without the slightest trace of anger. His hand was on the cultivator’s shoulder as he took off his sungla.s.ses to reveal a pair of red eyes filled with laughter.

“As soon as you tell me who you like, I’ll break the contract and leave without even a second of delay.”

Where would Meng Qing go to find a person he liked?

Ever since he was a child, he hasn’t had much contact with anyone, regardless of their gender.

He fiddled for half a day before stammering out, “This one is devoted to the Dao. How could I like a person like that…”

“It’s okay, I already know that Qingzhen Temple cultivators can marry and have children. Tell me when you have someone in mind. I promise to leave immediately.”

After saying that, Shi Qing picked up the double-boiled milk pudding on the table and scooped up a spoonful, delivering it to Meng Qing’s mouth with an absolutely radiant smile.

“You’ve never been down the mountain except to catch demons. Surely you’ve never eaten this, right? Here, open your mouth.”

Meng Qing turned his face to avoid it, closing his mouth tightly without saying a word. He was clearly not going to play along.

The corner of the demon king’s mouth quirked upwards. “Your Master commands you, open your mouth.”

The power of the contract caused Meng Qing to slowly open his mouth against his will. He glared angrily at Shi Qing with annoyance.

“See? Wouldn’t it have been better to listen to me earlier? You’re a person who only responds to the stick and not the carrot. It’s not a good habit to have.”

Shi Qing smiled as he fed the pudding to the young cultivator. “Now eat.”

Meng Qing was furious.

Meng Qing was angry.

Meng Qing wanted to kill the demon in front of him with his bare hands.

Then, the delicious flavour of the double-boiled milk pudding exploded in his mouth as he chewed.

The little cultivator who had never eaten such a thing widened his eyes and chewed a little faster. Shi Qing continued to smile at him. When he was finished, he delivered another spoonful.

The little cultivator had been completely conquered by the deliciousness of the double-boiled milk pudding. He let Shi Qing feed him obediently, licking his lips as he savoured every bite.

Shi Qing became more and more happy as he experienced the joy of feeding someone.

The double-boiled milk pudding was quickly finished. He snapped his fingers to open a gateway. “Two more cups of milk tea and a cheesecake.”

He winked at Meng Qing after ordering.

“The cake here is delicious. You’ll like it.”

Meng Qing seemed to wake from a trance as the demonic fiend ordered. He touched the corner of his mouth. “……”

He was no longer pure.


The young cultivator who was having a breakdown at the bottom of his heart over this realization couldn’t help but peek at the cake after it arrived.

The b.u.t.ter-coloured cheesecake was neatly cut and arranged on a plate with a few pretty little strawberries adorning the top. It seemed to be calling out to him.

“Come and eat me~”

“Eat me ah~”

For Meng Qing, who hadn’t had any desserts ever since he was a child, this was just an irresistible temptation.


The little cultivator swallowed.

Shi Qing cut off a small piece and delivered it to his mouth with a fork.

The demon king smiled and cajoled him, “Come try a bite. It’s delicious.”

Meng Qing tried to resist the urge to open his mouth. He forced his eyes shut to not look anymore at this cute, lovable, and exceptionally tasty looking piece of cake.

Shi Qing leaned close to his ear and whispered, “Are you closing your eyes because you’re waiting for me to kiss you?”

The young cultivator opened his eyes with a red face and twisted his face away. “Y-you…shameless wretch!”

“Aiyo, a new word. So our little cultivator does know how to curse.”

The demon king brought the cake to his mouth again. “Open up.”

The cake’s sweet aroma enveloped the tip of his nose. Meng Qing licked his lips, telling himself, “I was forced by the fiend”, as he carefully opened his mouth.

When the piece of soft and b.u.t.tery cake entered his mouth, his eyes narrowed slightly due to the outstanding taste.

After he finished, Shi Qing fed him another spoonful.

This time, Meng Qing opened his mouth much faster than before.

The two of them continued this routine until the cake piece was finished. Then Shi Qing handed him that cup of milk tea before taking the other for himself. He once again comfortably put one of his long legs atop Meng Qing’s thighs.

Maybe it was because of the sweets, but Meng Qing didn’t glare at him this time.

He first carefully observed how Shi Qing drank the beverage before carefully bringing the straw to his lips and imitating how he took a sip.

The mellow milk tea flowed into his mouth through the straw and smoothly traveled down his throat, causing him to squint out of pleasure like Shi Qing as well.

“Does it taste good?” Someone next to him asked.

The little cultivator, who had never tasted milk tea before, nodded his head and replied with a little admiration, “It’s really delicious.”

After answering, he came to his senses. He turned to see that d.a.m.ned demon smiling at him. The words, “I am a creature of evil”, were practically written across his face.

Meng Qing, “……”

He closed his mouth and drank his milk tea angrily, refusing to look at Shi Qing anymore.

This fiend must be trying to seduce him!

He had grown up in Qingzhen Temple ever since he was a child, and he’s always been the first to grasp new concepts among his martial brothers. How could mere food be enough to lead him astray!

Thinking that, the little cultivator resolutely lowered his head…


And drank a mouthful of the sweet and creamy milk tea.

As he was drinking, Shi Qing leaned over again. His deep voice was naturally attractive. He sounded like he was deliberately seducing people even when he was serious.

“The person we’re waiting for is coming.”

Meng Qing startled and quickly looked up, following Shi Qing’s line of sight. He saw a student carrying a backpack and wearing a school uniform standing there quietly, as if he was waiting for someone.

The young cultivator looked at the student strangely. He seemed fresh and clean with nothing to hide. Why would this demonic fiend be interested in him?

He looked alertly at Shi Qing. “What are you planning to do to him?”

“He’s just a student. What can I do to him?”

Shi Qing whispered into the young cultivator’s ear, “I suppose you know what I can do.”

“All I have to do is look directly into a person’s eyes to see what that person wants from me, whether in the past or the future.”

Meng Qing frowned slightly and looked at the refreshing teenager who seemed completely like an ordinary student. “He wants something from you?”

How could that be? From the presence he gave off, this student should be the type with a harmonious family, loving parents, and a moral character.


Shi Qing raised his index finger. “His request seems to be for me to keep a soul that killed itself to this realm for a day.”

The frown on the young cultivator’s face grew more severe.

A clarification to my note last chapter, nothing happens to Shi Qing or Meng Qing, but to be honest I did cry a little when translating this arc…