Everyone Knows I'm a Good Person

Chapter 64.2

Chapter 64.2

Editor: SimoB

The trick worked like a charm. The young Marquis fell for it in seconds.

“Afraid? Me?! I’m not afraid of a baron like you!”

He angrily shuffled over to Qin Yunsheng and pulled up his sleeve.

However, Professor Shi seemed to forget that his other arm was still injured.


He groaned as his beautiful face twisted in pain.

“Let me help you.”

Qin Yunsheng gently grasped Shi Qing’s arm with one hand, while his other hand slowly pulled the sleeve up.

“Hiss… Be gentle, it hurts.”

Even though the soldier’s movements were light and gentle, the young Marquis still couldn’t help but cry out petulantly.

Qin Yunsheng could feel Shi Qing shrinking back because of his movements, but he was unable to extract his arm from the firm grip.

His eyes darkened. There was an inexplicable feeling in his heart, as if someone had taken a feather and lightly ran it across the surface.

Perhaps because of the pain, the Marquis’s voice took on a more delicate tone than his usual arrogant dismissal.

“When have I ever been so badly hurt growing up… I blame you for this! Ah…be gentle!”


The officer apologized very seriously and sincerely.

Even if this so-called ‘serious injury’ on his arm was just a bruise. There wasn’t even a small cut.

Even if these injuries were caused by Shi Qing injuring himself while trying to attack him.

Qin Yunsheng wasn’t angry at all. In fact, he even found it a bit funny.

It was as if he was walking along the road and a turtle had suddenly crawled over in slow motion and tried to attack him viciously.

He didn’t even bother dodging it, but the turtle somehow managed to flip itself over and was now staring at him pitifully while spinning in circles on its back.

As the image pa.s.sed through his mind, the officer couldn’t help but smile faintly.

Shi Qing noticed. He stared inquisitively with big, round eyes like he had stumbled upon some huge weakness.

“What are you laughing at! Are you gloating?!”


Qin Yunsheng’s smile remained unchanged as he looked up at Shi Qing.

“Professor Shi, I’m going to apply the disinfectant now. It might sting a bit so bear with me.”

Shi Qing snorted again coldly. “Don’t treat me like a three year old. What could be so bad about a little disinfectant?”

While he spoke, Qin Yunsheng held Shi Qing’s arm with one hand while using the other to dip a cotton swab into the disinfectant. He dabbed it carefully on the pale skin.

“So cold!!”

The tender skin beneath his hand immediately tensed up and jerked back subconsciously.

Qin Yunsheng stopped him, looking up at the pet.i.te marquis in front of him who was trying to lean away.

“Bear with it a while longer.”

Shi Qing didn’t say anything. His eyes were rimmed with red, his face scrunched up, and he was biting his lip.

This expression… These actions…

Other people might’ve thought he was being tortured.

The officer tried to wipe the injured area as gently as possible. He threw the swab away afterwards without a worry about the disinfectant on his hand. Due to the various exercises he did on a regular basis, there were thin calluses on the fingertips that glided over Shi Qing’s skin.


The young Marquis gasped sharply again and his whole body tensed. There was a hint of fear in his voice.

“What are you doing?!”

Having suffered a few losses, the lesson about how much damage his opponent’s every move could cause him was apparently carved into his mind.

“Let me take a look at it.”

Qin Yunsheng gently pressed the injury on that fair arm and raised his sharp eyebrows slightly with a hint of a smile.

“You should feel better now. I’ll check for any injuries to your muscles and bones.”

Shi Qing pouted after hearing his explanation, obviously unhappy.

“Well there’s definitely something hurt, I’m in so much pain that I can’t even hold anything! It’s all your fault!”

The more he spoke the angrier he got. Since his hands were incapacitated, he kicked Qin Yunsheng.

As a result, the big toe that was just recovering was involved in another car accident.

“Ah! What did I hit?! It hurts!”

Hearing the young Marquis’ petulant scream for the nth time, Qin Yunsheng lowered his head and lifted the part of the shirt Shi Qing had just kicked to show him.

“Sorry Professor Shi. It was my gun.”

He had been sent to protect Shi Qing due to the young Marquis’ involvement in a highly sensitive field of study, Research C.

Although everyone believed that Shi Qing got into the Inst.i.tute through his connections, Qin Yunsheng had still treated this a.s.signment as seriously as ever. He carried a gun on him so that he could protect his charge in any situation.

But he hadn’t had to use the gun once since it followed him to the Inst.i.tute. On the contrary, it injured his charge first.

The angry young Marquis had his arm held and his foot ached. “You, you!”

He thought very hard about how to scold this wretched man who made him ache all over, but he could only get out a sulky sentence in the end.

“You b.a.s.t.a.r.d!”

The army was never an ivory tower. A little foul language while the guys did missions together was normal.

Shi Qing’s insult slid off Qin Yunsheng like air. He wasn’t even the slightest bit angry.

The officer just continued dabbing at Shi Qing’s tender white arms gently.

He gave his conclusion when he finished.

“It’s fine. There’s no internal injuries. If it still hurts, a few days of rest should fix it.”

This kind of injury shouldn’t be too serious. For Qin Yunsheng at least, it was a pain that he could just ignore.

The young Marquis, however, acted like he had broken a bone, carefully moving his arm and puffing his cheeks to blow on it to make the disinfectant dry faster.

The corners of his eyes were still a little red, and he looked pitiful curled up in a small ball on the bed.

Qin Yunsheng looked at him, and laughed at how he had once thought that Shi Qing had a malicious mind.

This person was clearly still a child.

He was arrogant and spoiled, but judging by the way he stubbornly refused to explain when he was being framed, he wasn’t a bad kid.

The officer who maintained perfect posture even when sitting reflected on himself.

He was a few years older than Shi Qing and had joined the army early. He’d only had himself to depend on for a long time so he was used to living rough.

But Shi Qing was a little flower cultivated with care in a greenhouse. He couldn’t stand the heat or the cold.

So why did Qin Yunsheng insist on treating this delicate, pretty and proud flower like the weeds he grew up with outside?

Thinking this, Qin Yunsheng took the initiative to ask, “Would you like some on your feet as well?”

Perhaps because he thought the disinfectant was useful, the young Marquis raised his chin. He placed his foot unceremoniously on the officer’s lap.

“Yeah. You had better be careful! If you dare to hurt me, I’ll tell my father!”

To Qin Yunsheng, it was like he said “see you after school”. He just pretended to not hear a word as he wrapped his hand around Shi Qing’s tender and white ankle.

He was confused by why Shi Qing looked like he was shorter than he actually was, but the answer came to him as soon as he held the slender ankle.

Shi Qing’s bones were too thin. Even if his body wasn’t that skinny, he still looked slim and weak.

The aura of a dandy second generation surrounded him in his uninjured state, and it became even more apparent when he talked to girls. It was enough to obscure the fact that the young Marquis actually had such slender bones.

The wound was indeed on his big toe.

At a glance, his toenails were neatly trimmed. Completely different from their owner, the toes stayed put obediently as he worked on them.

Qin Yunsheng picked up another cotton swab and dipped it in a bit of disinfectant. He brought it down gently.

“It hurts!” Shi Qing shouted again.

The pretty white foot was now slightly arching due to pain, presenting a taut and perfect curve.

The officer’s hand paused, and he looked up at the young Marquis whose face was fulfilled with pain.

“Bear with it. This side hasn’t been wiped yet.” he said, his hand dropping down and quickly and accurately sliding the wet swab over the side.

Only a second pa.s.sed before he withdrew his hand again.

The young Marquis moved his foot carefully and tried his best to huff and puff and blow away the pain, just like he had done for his arm.

Qin Yunsheng actually thought he was a bit cute.

The officer quickly discarded such thoughts and neatly packed away the first aid supplies, returning them to the medicine cabinet.

“This disinfectant is very useful. Apply it a few times a day and you should be fine after a few days.”

Shi Qing was adamant. “You come apply it for me.”

Qin Yunsheng had planned to do that anyway. After all, while most of the fault didn’t lie with him, Shi Qing did get hurt because of him.

“I’ll apply it for you then.”

The young Marquis snorted, “As you should. My arm still hurts when I move, so you’ll be responsible for my comfort, meals and so on for the next few days.”

As soon as Qin Yunsheng heard that, he knew that the other party was taking advantage of this opportunity to vent some of his anger. He felt like this kind of revenge could only be concocted by an elementary school student.

Although he wasn’t angry, he didn’t really intend to go along with Shi Qing’s wishes.

“I’m sorry Professor Shi, but my duties don’t include those tasks.”

Shi Qing: “Fine, it’s fine if you don’t want to. Let me hit you and I won’t hold you responsible.”

Qin Yunsheng’s dark eyes glanced at him, and the young Marquis fearlessly met his gaze.

The officer casually walked over.

“Where do you want to hit?”

Shi Qing: “You sit down first.”

Qin Yunsheng sat down and lowered his eyes, watching as Shi Qing sat up with difficulty and came over to inspect his body.

He was defeated by the arms, so they’re a pa.s.s.

The waist too, so pa.s.s.

Finally, he fixed his gaze on the officer’s chest.

“Right here.”

Qin Yunsheng looked down at his st.u.r.dy and well toned body, and then at Shi Qing who had forgotten the pain of his wounds after they were treated. He seemed so eager and excited to try again.

Qin Yunsheng silently sighed. He already knew how this was going to go.



A shrill scream was heard again. The young Marquis, red-eyed and angry, nearly started to cry as he cradled his hand.

Furious and stifled, he accused, “Are you Iron Man or something?! Why are you so hard all over?!! You can probably stop bullets too!!!”

Qin Yunsheng sighed helplessly once again.

He had confirmed it just now. It wasn’t that he was too strong, but that Shi Qing was too weak.

Looking at Shi Qing, who was so aggrieved and in pain, the officer had no choice but to sit by his side.

He gently held his hand and observed how the skin rapidly reddened, resigning himself to slowly ma.s.saging it.

“Fine, I’ll take care of you until you’re healed.