Ex-Girlfriend Blackens Every Day

Chapter 6 Ex-Girlfriend Blackens Every Day: Chapter 6

EBED Chapter 6 Ex-Girlfriend Blackens Every Day: Chapter 6



The pair didn"t seem to expect Jiang Qiyun to return so suddenly.

"h.e.l.lo, my name is Chen Qingli, your sister"s boyfriend. Please advise me well."

The young guest"s attire was appropriate for the occasion. He had a white shirt with sleeves slightly rolled up at the cuffs and the leather on the men"s quartz watch was a dark black. Cool-headed and steady; a completely different type from himself.

Jiang Qiyun was stunned.

He should be considered an "acquaintance".

The expert that taught Linglan how to play games at the milk tea shop.

The tall boy who wiped tears for his sister.

And... the thief who was about to take away his loved one.

Unacceptable. He couldn"t accept this.

He doesn"t want to admit defeat.

He doesn"t want to give her away to outsiders.

The teenager"s throat and eyes were filled with a hot and acrid anger. He was nearly glaring at the composed thief like a hated enemy.

Let the opponent"s hand freeze in midair.

The old housekeeper was embarra.s.sed to see this scene. One was the young master he took care of for seven years, while the other was the favorable "future son-in-law".

Linlang broke the deadlocked silence.

"My brother isn"t sensible, don"t mind it."

Although there is an element of blame in this remark, the favoritism was obvious.

Jiang Qiyun felt secretly ecstatic over the discovery.

She still cares about him.

But the next development stupefied him.

The girl gently grabbed the hand stretched out in the air and interlocked their fingers as she cast an appeasing look at her sweetheart. She was oblivious to the abnormal mind her younger brother had for her and inflated his ambitious desire to possess her.

She didn"t know, that was why she was so innocent and happy.

That kind of cruelty and callousness pushed his bones over and over again into the wretched abyss.

She said, "A Li and I have discussed it. We"ll get engaged when our parents come back."

She said, "When I graduate, we"ll go to Verona for the wedding."

She said, "We also want to go to this one small town in Greece. The sunset there is gorgeous."

She said so much, and the future plan was so beautiful and perfect.

Only, it didn"t have him in it.

His deliberate provocations hurt the person who once regarded him as a treasure, and as a result, she expelled herself from her future world.

Forever banished.

Jiang Qiyun"s expression was absent-minded, and Linlang was hesitant to say, "If possible, if it isn"t troublesome and brazen to say... I hope you could come, and... Miss Cheng can also come. I will persuade Dad. "

Such formal and polite wording!

The refined courtesy was frightening!

The young man"s lips were pale, and he did his best to hold back the sorow from welling up.

Oh, I wish you happiness.

He stuck his hands in his trouser pockets, looking like he couldn"t care less and was at ease.

"Ai[eh]? Young Master? It seems that it"s going to rain outside..." The old housekeeper chased after him, but the figure had long since disappeared. Soon, there was a heavy downpour.

He staggered in the rain.

"Hey-—you stinky brat, don"t you want your life?"

The sound of the emergency brake was mixed with the man"s scolding, but the teenager just glanced at them coldly, and the gloomy state terrified the driver into silence without realizing it.

Cheng Xin wore an ap.r.o.n, and was happily planning to have a romantic candlelight dinner to celebrate their established relationship. As soon as the key twisted in the doork.n.o.b, she washed her hands in a hurry and was like a standard virtuous wife, expressing concern for the returning "little husband".

"Qiyun, you came back so early today! I bought your favorite lobster--"

The woman"s words stopped abruptly.

Jiang Qiyun walked in without a word. He was soaking wet, and water dripped from the corner of his clothes.

He cut a sorry figure, and it was unprecedented.

Under the influence of his sister"s cleanliness, the 16-year-old boy was always neat and tidy. Even after a fierce and alluring fight, the man would wordlessly rush to take a shower.

Cheng Xin occasionally felt a sense of loss because he didn"t embrace her or kiss her forehead in a compa.s.sionate way.

He never hugged her to sleep.

The most he would do when lying next to her was to play on his mobile phone.

She could only find comfort in the faint obssession in his eyes.

Cheng Xin consoled herself. Most boys this age haven"t learned how to cherish their lovers. Jiang Qiyun was terribly handsome and was a prince lying in a field of roses calling girls to spoil him, not to mention there was a beautiful sister at home! Having thought of that sister, Cheng Xin blushed.

The little girl was a few years younger than her, yet she"s her younger brother"s girlfriend!

It"s no wonder people came to the door!

She was very panicked at that time, afraid that Jiang Qiyun could not bear the pressure and admit defeat before his family. To her surprise, this boy as more courageous than she thought and even confessed to her in public! Aiyah, thinking back on that time when he kissed her in front of everyone, Cheng Xin felt her face redden from embarra.s.sment.

That little scoundrel was extremely two faced and always messed around. The first time they met he even dared to molest her!

"How did you get this wet? Didn"t you bring an umbrella? Why didn"t you call me?" Cheng Xin"s heart was tied to this little scoundrel. She was caught unawares by his drenched and depressed appearance that was just like a newborn puppy abandoned by the entire world.

How could someone hurt him heartlessly?

She stepped forward and couldn"t help but hug someone to give him some comfort.

"Did something happen? Don"t be afraid, I"m here." After seeing those foggy eyes, Cheng Xin"s motherly instinct flooded out and just wanted to touch the child"s head, or better yet, kiss hima a few times.

Teacher Cheng forgot how because a female student did have eyes believed she could intimitely rub his head, Jiang Qiyun secretly made the girl cry until she had choice but to transfer schools.

Since then, the girls were still moths to a flame, but they didn"t dare to get too close for fear they would disgust the school prince. The little girls naively comforted themselves, saying the other party merely didn"t like physical contact and that it was normal for the school prince to be lofty and cold.

That was until one time during the finals of a provincial basketball compet.i.tion. Jiang Qiyun, the ace placer, had been blocked by a few opponents and encountered a mishap when making a shot— — his shank suffered a fracture.

The injured protagonist downplayed it in order to reject the girls" care. He was staunch and forbearing with no need for anyone"s sympathy. However, when a girl ran over from the bleachers, his att.i.tude immediately changed, saying it hurt here and there, there was no place that didn"t feel pain, and that Yunyun was dying. The rival team felt so guilty they almost wanted to cut their abdomen in apology for their offense.

The dark-haired girl also thrown into a panic and madly rubbed at his head, chest and legs. The 17-year old"s face was crimson red, yet he shamelessly received her sympathy.

In the end, the experts couldn"t help but roll their eyes over and over again. Never had they seen such a person who can touch porcelain1!

Some people understood and were heartbroken. So it turns out that their lofty and cold school prince didn"t hate physical contact, but hated any touch that wasn"t from that particular someone!


The loud sound shocked Cheng Xin.

He slapped her hand away and spoke with disgust, "Don"t touch me!"

The woman"s eyes widened in disbelief.

A relationship that required physical intimacy was like a fire meeting dry wood. It"s uncontrollable until the flame burns out, leaving nothing but cold ashes behind.

For the most part, young boys either obsess over perfectly mature bodies and indulge themselves in the joy of conquest because of a physiological longing or perhaps a...desire to realize their fantasies by finding someone who resembles a person they can"t have.

It"s despicable, but realistic.

To touch porcelain (碰瓷—pèng cí): a kind of scam where someone stages an accident and pretends to have received serious damages in order to get compensation from the victim. ↩︎


mtlwaifu says:  Why do so many ML in these stories have a physical aversion to females? Is it some kind of hyperbolized fantasy of having a "clean" love interest?