Experimental Log Of The Crazy Lich

Chapter 112

AD1897, the summer of the Year of the Griffin, a year fated to be etched in the hearts of many.

Regardless of whether it is the year of the onset of the eternal Sacred War, the year in which the Seafolk first stepped on the stage of history or the year the City of Rain Feloci was born, this would be a year that would be marked by the later generations. After all, too many events happened in this single year.

From the very start, everyone, including me, has underestimated the ambitions of the Seafolk, as well as the Queen of Storms and the Water Elemental G.o.ddess who are backing them.

The very first prerequisite to make an accurate a.s.sessment of a situation is to receive reliable intelligence of the entire situation. However, the surface dwellers know too little about the Seafolk. When the Seafolk first invaded, even the brightest strategists could only make conservative a.s.sessments based on previous incidents in the past.

"It should only be a small-scale war. Or perhaps, it can"t even be called a war. It is only an attack on the cities along the sh.o.r.e. After all, they are unable to climb onto sh.o.r.e to occupy our territory. This kind of war is meaningless and as intelligent creatures, the Seafolk understands it. They can"t possibly be thinking of killing all of those living on the surface and consider it as a victory. As long as our living s.p.a.ces cannot be overlapped, they are unable to come onto sh.o.r.e and we are unable to live in the water, then a full-blown war between both of us is pointless and impossible to happen."

Profits are always involved when it comes to war between countries and races. Regardless of whether it is a fight for living s.p.a.ce, resources, settling grudges between top bra.s.ses, stabilizing the hearts of their people or the common will of the military, there is a possibility of war breaking out. However, if there aren"t sufficient profits for one to reap or when the losses far surpa.s.s the gains, then the probability of the occurrence of this kind of meaningless war is almost null.

"The Seafolk are unable to stay on the surface for extended periods of time. They are just cannon fodders forced onto the sh.o.r.e by the Malevolent G.o.ddess Queen of Storms. As long as we drag it out, they will retreat sooner or later."

In this world, even the will of the G.o.ds aren"t absolute. The G.o.ds above accept the faith of different tribes and races. In exchange, they would protect their wors.h.i.+pers based on their Concept and the territory they rule over. However, if they were to force everyone to devote themselves into a war that would bring about deaths with no profits in exchange, it would already be a positive situation for them to be insulted behind their backs. In fact, even abandoning the faith and looking for a new one is a possibility.

After all, this isn"t a world ruled by just a single faith. Many of the G.o.ds were once humans and the distance between humans and G.o.ds aren"t that far apart. G.o.ds require the faith of the mortals while the weak mortals require the protection of the G.o.ds.

This is also the basis for the Auland Empire"s strategy to drag on the war. The think tanks of the royal family pat their chests in confidence, putting their lives on the line to guarantee that the attacks of the Seafolk are strong externally but weak internally. They claim that this is only the prelude to the Sacred War and their offensive line will crumble in a matter of time.

Due to the think tanks emphasizing that the Seafolk aren"t sufficiently ambitious, the ones most of them are guarded against are the Chaos Malevolent G.o.ds who forced them onto the sh.o.r.e. Most Aulanders neglected this threat right in front of them and instead, they devoted their attention to scheming against their own race (va.s.sals).

In reality, while a portion of the Seafolk are able to climb to sh.o.r.e, nearly no surface life forms are capable of surviving for extended periods of time underwater. This caused the intelligence between both sides to be disproportionate. For one, Tracy who has left for the ocean for more than a few months is totally unaware of the revival of the Water Elemental G.o.ddess, as well as the great change that occurred in the world of Seafolk.

To explain this, I would first have to touch on the living conditions of the Seafolk.

Even though the ocean is incredibly vast and it seems as though there are endless resources and living s.p.a.ce, even when the strength of an average Seafolk isn"t low, the life of Seafolk is actually much more difficult and tragic compared to the life of the surface dwellers.

The deep sea is an extremely dangerous location. Not mentioning the low temperature and water pressure which could prove to be fatal, the giant oceanic monsters whose strength cannot be a.s.sessed are the true dictators of the ocean. Most Seafolk can only live by the shallower coastal sea areas by the continent to make ends meet. There is actually a limit to the living s.p.a.ce of Seafolk.

In their limited living s.p.a.ce, they face a very practical problem —— Food is never sufficient.

There are countless shoals of fishes in the ocean? However, the truth is that living off hunted fishes isn"t a reliable plan. There may be many school of fishes around but most of them are owned by someone else. The amount of fish in the shallow waters is extremely limited. After growing agriculture in the ocean became a joke, when depending on simply hunting is insufficient to ensure their survival, in order to ensure that there is sufficient food in their surroundings, rearing fishes became the only option. In fact, fish herders have a long history behind them and is a long-established tradition.

The resources in the fish rearing industry determines the number of members in a Sea Tribe. The number of members in a Sea Tribe and their strength determine the territory they would possess for the rearing of the fish. Just like herding on the surface, the fishes they are herding would consume plants or hunt other shoals, resulting in the balance of the environment getting destroyed. When there is a negative growth in the herd, it is impossible for them to avoid migration.

The livelihood of the herd and the Seafolk would deplete the resources in the area. The bigger the tribe is, the shorter the interval between their migrations. From a certain sense, they are just like Centaur nomads, just that the livestock that Centaurs herd are cows and lambs and they seek for areas with gra.s.s whereas the ones the Sea Tribes herd are shoals of fish and they seek the tidal currents.

The ability of the Sirens and Mermaids in summoning shoals of fishes to them through their voice may seem mystical and amazing but in reality, it is just a tool for herding. It is no different from the flutes and whistles of the shepherds. Furthermore, the ones who respond to their summoning are only their own herd and their ocean companions.

Herding fishes may seem magical and beautiful but it is actually a tough job. Chasing the current tides and searching for aquatic plants requires a great amount of experience. Furthermore, migrating brings around a whole lot of danger. Who would know if they would meet with a Sea Monster or an opposing Tribe in their next migratory spot? If their luck is bad, they might even meet with great losses in consecutive migrations, resulting in the dissolution of the tribe.

Those of the herding tribes possess an aggressive nature, causing most of the tribes to work as part-time mercenaries or even bandits. On the other hand, their way of survival through herding in tribes has determined that a centralized power of a country will not be born. When a tribe reaches a certain number, in order to compete for limited living s.p.a.ce and resources, they would definitely fall apart.

Without a capital or demarcation of territories, how can a feudal state be born? There are few areas in the shallow waters where resources are concentrated at. However, there are limitations on the numbers who could stay there for extended periods of time. Every period of time, the people staying there would change. Only the strongest tribe can compete over these places and achieve victory to live stable lives.

No one can guarantee that they would not meet with a calamity that they are unable to withstand in the next migration and die tragically. A stable life in a fixed location is the desire of the Seafolk, as well as the main reason why they envy the surface dwellers, viewing them with resentment even.

"Why should those weak surface dwellers possess a blissful and stable daily life when we don"t even know where we would be tomorrow?"

At this point, since fighting a war requires profits and reasons, what the Water Elemental G.o.ddess Aylos and the Queen of Storms could offer to those practical Seafolk for them to willingly stake their lives, serving as cannon fodders, is obvious.

A capital, a city to serve as a stepping stone towards a new world, to the sacred lands in the hearts of the Seafolk. After their capital is built, a kingdom will be created. A kingdom that belongs to the Seafolk.

Indubitably, most Seafolk are unable to leave the surface of the water and survive for the sh.o.r.e for extended periods of time. However, what if rain falls continuously on that plot of land and there is always a few meters depth of water on the surface of that land? This way, the Seafolk would be able to live freely in their water kingdom. They could retain a portion of dry land to serve a farmland and enslave the surface races to serve as farmers. This gives rise to the possibility for the birth of a kingdom belonging to the Seafolk on the surface.

Sounds inconceivable? But in this world of magic and true G.o.ds, everything is possible. Furthermore, storm and rain is the Concept of the Guardian G.o.ddess of the Seafolk, the Queen of Storm. Not to mention, the Water Elemental G.o.ddess Aylos is an expert in water arts. If there was someone who could build a city of rain with an internal cycle of rain, it could only be them.

In the original history, the revival of the Ancient Elemental G.o.ds became the first wave of bosses in this world. Every single one of them are close to the existence of a true G.o.d, so they were far beyond the abilities of the "players". Thus, the omnipotent "developer" G.o.d planned a series of plots leading to their deaths, causing those unlucky fellows who had barely awaken to die tragically under the hands of the natives and the "chosen heroes of fate" and turning their servants, the Elementals, into training fodders for the "heroes".

There is still a difference between that virtual game world and the real world. In this world, there isn"t the existence of the powerful G.o.d named "Game Developer". Otherwise, if those level ten to twenty rookies were to really meet with the barely awakened and weak Ancient Elemental G.o.ds, they would not have proven their worth by slaying the G.o.ds through their overwhelmingly explosive luck. Probably, they would end up offering their physical bodies and souls as nutrients for them.

Due to this, other than the unlucky Fire Elemental G.o.d, the other released Elemental G.o.ds began to recover from their long slumber. As beings who have once lived gloriously, how could they be content with being forgotten by the world? The moment existences of their level make their move, everything will change. They are a few plots written in the walkthrough that are wrong, "History" and "Fate" had been on different paths from the very start.

Under the great temptation of completely changing their own lives as well as their descendants", the invasion of the Seafolk is no longer a skirmish as it was in "history". It has turned into an all-out war, a destructive invasion. The Auland Empire which has neglected the determination and the strength of the other party is still dreaming of becoming a superpower, not noticing at all the calamity that is on their doorstep.

At this moment, a grand ceremony is being conducted on the surface. Concurrently, another ceremony is also being held underwater at a much larger scale.

At the bottom of Kagersi River, concealed by a magic fog is a bustling sight.

Over hundreds of elites of the Seafolk are serving as guards without any complaints. Countless powerful Seafolk are concentrated at this area. The arrogant and insolent Naga royalties have a smile of humility on their face, the irascible and savage Sea Monsters had helmets that m.u.f.fles their voices and chains that binds their movement on them and the bloodthirsty Sea Giants have also put down their rusty anchors, trying their best to lower their heads to feign humility.

The only one who could make these powerful beings to lower their head is an even more powerful supreme being.

On the giant altar carved on a Seven-color Coral Rock, there are two thrones, one big and one small, made of jade. Of the two, the smaller one is empty whereas the larger one has an ice beauty with snow-white skin sitting on it. Her form is half-human half-fish, the upper half of her body is human while dragging along a long tail reminiscent of a Sea Dragon in her bottom half.

Although she looks small and beautiful in contrast to the giant altar, she is actually taller than the bulkiest Sea Giant. She looks even more elegant than the royalty of the Seafolk, the Mermaids, who are known for their beauty. If one were to stare closer, the skin of the beauty who possesses scales and tail seems to be a little transparent, as though it was made of water.

"Let"s begin."

The cold voice of the Water Elemental G.o.ddess has a faint tinge of weakness to it. Her voice isn"t loud but it resounds by the ears of every single Seafolk. This isn"t magic, just the river water conveying the will of their master. This is the world of water, her world. In here, she possesses limitless authority and unmatched prestige.

After Aylos"s will is conveyed, the ritual officially begins.

As Aylos"s white jade like finger touches into blank s.p.a.ce, an intangible gate opens. The Water Elemental Dimension could be seen on the other end. That is Aylos"s home as well as her kingdom.

Countless Water Elemental Fishes swim out and the moment they reach the altar, they turn into pure water in a series of ripples. Nourished, the coral altar emits a faint light.

Middle-tier Water Elementals, Water Elemental Warlords, Water Elemental Elders and Ancient Water Elementals, strong existences appear one after another on their own initiative to become sacrifices for the altar. Elemental life-forms do not fear death. To them, death is just another pa.s.sageway back to their world.

On the other side, a line of black-robed Seafolk walk onto the altar. Carrying the Crest of Storm, they are the Priests of the Queen of Storms. Capable of bringing about storms and creating gigantic waves capable of swallowing wars.h.i.+ps, they are of n.o.ble standing and possesses great influence in each Tribe.

At this moment, despite their esteemed position, they could only do the same task —— Walking to the altar, picking up the short ritual dagger and stabbing their own hearts before collapsing in satisfaction.

As these respected Storm Priests fall one after another, a faint figure starts to appear on the smaller empty throne. She is only about the size of a regular human, far from the size of Aylos. Even so, any Seafolk who sees her would lower their proud heads trembling.

As a Malevolent Chaos G.o.d, she doesn"t possess a resounding reputation on the surface just like her other comrades. The Queen of Storms is delighted to accept the blood tribute from her wors.h.i.+pers and her will has already descended here.

"Your souls will step into my G.o.d Realm and your doings will be sung by your descendants."

The words of approval from the avatar of the G.o.ddess made even more black-robed Priests quicken their pace onto the altar, vying for the opportunity to sacrifice themselves in front of their G.o.d.

As the tributes fall one after another, the faint figure of the Queen of Storms gradually turns more and more tangible. Along with the descent of the avatar of the true G.o.d, a powerful storm and roars of lightning appear in the sky on top of the river.

Just like Aylos, the green-skinned Queen of Storms also possesses traits unique to the Seafolk. The moment she turns corporeal, the impatient G.o.ddess couldn"t immediately begin on what would turn out to be a calamity for the surface life-forms.

"Kagersi City? From now on, only the capital of the Seafolk, City of Rain Feloci, will exist. My people, use your own strength to fight for the kingdom you dream of."

The will of the G.o.d is conveyed through the storm. The next moment, the imposing avatar of the true G.o.d picks up a ritual dagger herself and stabs it into her own heart. By the time the will on the avatar returns back to the main body, the body of the avatar has already turned into multiple tornadoes under the effect of the black-colored G.o.d Power of Storm.

The sacrifice of the avatar of the Storm G.o.ddess would probably cause the strength of her main body to regress significantly. However, sending such a big present in when the Sacred War has just begun, the Order G.o.ds are in for a headache.

At this moment, the numerous tornadoes pierce into the heavens and a new cycle of nature is being constructed. Concurrently, the Water Elemental G.o.ddess conveys her will.

"I will grant that city the name of City of Rain Feloci. In an area around this city, rain will never stop falling. The land will always be accompanied with water and the citizens of the City of Rain will become the subjects of water. "

In the face of countless storms and the great strength of a true G.o.d, the boundary between water and the heavens is broken through. Countless billowing waves are pulled into the sky to form new rain water. A new cycle of nature has been created. However, even though the water level of the entire city is rising, the water in the flooded Pier District is slowly retracting.

Very quickly, when the water level is maintained at around a meter tall, the storm diminishes significantly. Under the a.s.sistance of Water Elemental Grand Dukes, the pale Aylos pa.s.ses through the Dimension Gate and returns to the Water Elemental Dimension. Due to her overexerting herself, she is bound to return to a long slumber.

"Following the will of the Queen of Storms, let"s fight for our own capital!"

The reticent blue Sea Dragon floats to the surface, the Sea Giants pick up their giant anchor while the Nagas begin to prepare their spells.

"Ha, it seems like it has finally begun."

By the river, the Nine-headed Dragon Emperor Hydra who has restrained himself for a long time became the first one to enter the city, creating tremors throughout the city.

The sudden rising waves crushes through the barriers that were set in place. The falling rain caused the resident"s vision to blur while the waist-level water severely limited their motions. The Auland garrison troops who were at a loss from the sudden bizarre phenomenon and the flood will soon face their hardest aquatic battle.

"Evil dragon! Die!"

A silver flash of lightning streaks across the sky. The dragon head at the very front is slashed into two in an instant. Green Dragon blood spills out and corrupts the river water with a pungent smell.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Darned Dragon Slayer!!"

While the mortals are gradually falling back from the aggressive Seafolk, the first one to declare war against them is the Heroic Spirit Bastlar.