Experimental Log Of The Crazy Lich

Chapter 130

As the capital of the small country of East Mist, historic city Diffindor was quite renowned in the entire world. However, the tourists who were visiting the city for the first time always felt disappointed by the sight that awaited them.

This city was far from the magnificence of the capitals of other ma.s.sive countries. On the contrary, it was ruinous and to this day, many old abandoned buildings still stood. While ancient architecture was worth looking at and appreciating as an art form, ancient ruins were lacking in that kind of attraction.

The city might have held a significant area and possessed the grandest city walls and defensive capabilities in the entire Northern Lands, but the population living in it was far from its historical height. Despite that only a third of the city was still in use, the people in the city were still spa.r.s.e.

The Mist Bloodline had guarded the northern borders of the human society for several thousand years, and this ancient city which had undergone innumerable battles was its capital. History records that this city had been purged by foreign tribes three times, but the people of Mist still stood time after time to reclaim their territory to rebuild their capital.

In the long annals of history, it wasn"t the barbarian invasions of the powerful foreign tribes that dealt her the fatal blow. It was the dagger in the back that almost reduced this infallible ancient, historic city into ruins.

"1520 AD, after guarding this city for 15 months and expending all gunpowder and provisions, the human alliance army finally successfully conquered the final standing city of Mist Country, its capital Diffindor. Prince Roland and the troops he led died in the city."

This simple one line description was written in the historical books. However, to the people of Mist, this was a grudge that they carved into their bones.

That year, under the summons of Pope Paul the 9th of the Church of Holy Light, seventeen countries came together to form an alliance army. They took advantage of the lapse in the Mist Country"s defense, when its main army was dealing with the Beastmen in the north and Demons in the east, and stabbed their dagger violently into its back. Then, their purging of the city directly caused Diffindor to become a Land of Death.

Soon afterward, the rampage of the Undead Knights blinded by vengeance and the Demon army that Prince Karwenz brought turned the seventeen countries into history, thus causing the most tragic loss of human society.

"The Church of Holy Light cannot be trusted. The darned human kingdoms and n.o.bility are even less credible!"

This had been the solemn vow the people of Mist carved into their bloodline after being betrayed three hundred years ago. From there on, that was also how they operated.

More than two hundred years ago, the founder of East Mist Communal Country, Charles the 1st, claimed to be Roland"s descendant and drove away the Beastmen colonizing the land and bought a portion of the Mist Country"s territory back from the Elves and rebuilt the Mist Country.

In order to purify the Land of Death so as to establish Diffindor as its capital once more, Charles had requested the a.s.sistance of the Church of Holy Light back then. Even though the Pope had expended much of his energy to turn the Land of Death into a suitable living place, the perception of the people of Mist only improved slightly, from throwing stones behind their back to sneering at them, and building a regional branch in their lands. Furthermore, this was in consideration of the fact that Prince Roland used to be a Holy Knight.

Of course, given that the faith of Holy Light was the main faith of human society, the Mist Country"s hostility towards the Church of Holy Light and other countries caused it to be isolated from the rest of the human society once again. This was also one of the major factors in its gradual downfall.

However, the stubborn Northerners never regretted their actions. Anyway, they were already viewed as barbarians by the "civilized" others, so it shouldn"t matter that they are slightly more "vindictive" and barbaric. Rather than believing in G.o.ds living above the clouds, they believed more in the swords in their hands and the protection of their ancestors. However, when they were viewed with enmity by the rest of the world, and had been pulled into innumerable wars, it seemed that the newborn Mist Country was nearing its end.

However, there was a person who didn"t agree with it. He intended to work together with the new Mist Bloodline to reverse this hopeless situation.

Today was the day that would go down in history.

The day had barely brightened, and the citizens deep in sleep awakened to the cheerful march of a victory tune. The sound of galloping horses could be heard from the royal palace coming from the city gates, seemingly urging and rousing this ancient city from its slumber.

A red carpet was laid at the entrance of the city gates. The royal family ceremonial guards and band started to play a tune as the Royal Knights begin to position themselves in a formation. The guards on the city wall tossed flower petals of all colors downward. This was the prelude to the march of victory, as well as the beginning of a festival that everyone enjoyed. However, the one that was held a year ago was for a battle a year ago that resulted in great losses for East Mist and the Beastmen, and the death of the king loomed over the joy of victory.

Hearing this victorious melody once again, the civilians walked out of their doors excitedly and a commotion burst forth as they swarmed towards the city gates.

"The victory melody? We didn"t fight any war recently. Could it be that the Knights had went to hunt down the beast packs recently?"

"Are you a fool? Princess Reyne"s diplomatic visit to the Auland Empire is so successful this time that the returns from the trip are not any less than the gains from a war."

"So that"s the reason! Princess Reyne has returned? Yeah, thinking about it now, it"s about time for it as well."

The carriages from Auland carrying a large amount of resources had arrived at their country earlier than the princess. The overjoyed crowd filled both ends of the street as they awaited the return of their princess, hoping to present their welcome and grat.i.tude to the returning princess.

Kachi kachi. Amidst the sound of the turning of the tires, when the ma.s.sive city gates gradually opened, the first figure that entered caused everyone to freeze.

"Princess? That"s not it."

That person may have shared many traits with the princess, but there were also many differing features between them.

Princess Reyne wasn"t that tall, nor was her face that mature. More importantly, that older version of the ice armor obviously belonged to a man. There stood a young man with a smile on his face.

"He seems so familiar, but I am unable to put my finger on it..."

"Statue! The Twin Stars Statue!"

"Yes, if Prince Roland was at this age, this should how he should look!"

"They really look identical! That disposition, that smile and that Roland Sacred Sword by his waist…. Wait, Roland Sacred Sword!"

In the depictions of the statues, the missing symbol of royal authority was striking. There wasn"t a single Mist citizen who did not know the design of the sword. Furthermore, the sword was emitting a light, silvery glow, similar to how it was described in the legends. Also recorded in the legends was that this sword fell along with Prince Roland.

While the citizens were shocked over the Roland Sacred Sword, the Royal Knights, who had only received the orders to play the melody for the march of victory, burst into commotion as well. When the knights behind the young man entered the city, everyone was shocked.

Those familiar tattered war flags swayed with the wind as the Undead Knights marched proudly under the sun.

Before the Royal Knights could draw their swords as a precaution against them, the young man"s declaration echoed in the entire city under the a.s.sistance of Amplification Magic.

"I, Holy Knight Roland, the final king of Mist Country, have returned along with my Knights."


The red carpet beneath our feet couldn"t be considered high-tier, and it was a little shabby to be using it to welcome guests of the country. However, as I stepped on it and gazed at the Mist citizens before me, I felt inconceivably happy.

The Undead Knights had stepped into the city. At this point, they had already thrown away all of their doubts and the fiery soulfire in their eyes displayed their resolute will.

Yes, they had nothing to worry about, and there was nothing for them to fear. They were just returning back to their country. Even if changes had occurred to their bodies, the heart of a traveler craving to return back to their homelands hadn"t changed.

Soon after I pa.s.sed the city gates, Reyne, who was riding on a Frigid Nightmare, appeared with a smile. Her presence effectively soothed the tense atmosphere initiated by the presence of the Undead.

"Princess Reyne? What is that? That l.u.s.trous white mount?"

"Frigid Nightmare! That is the mount of the legendary Aurora Knights! I never thought that I would be able to witness the legendary Aurora Knight with my own eyes. Could it be that the young man is really Prince Roland?"

While the citizens of East Mist were shocked by the reappearance of the Frigid Nightmares, while at the same time cheering for their Princess Knight for advancing to become a Legend-rank Aurora Knight, the very next sight made all of them gasp in shock, as well as verifying the authenticity of "Prince Roland"s" ident.i.ty.

Fifty-four Frigid Nightmares marched in neatly through the city gates. Even though the knights riding on them were beyond recognition, the identically sculpted ice armors couldn"t possibly lie. In the past, that soul mount that was emitting a bone-freezing chill was a privilege of the Mist Country. More importantly, those fifty-four Aurora War Flags dispelled all doubts of their ident.i.ties.

"The Order of Aurora Knights! It is the Aurora Knights Order, the legendary knight order that was able to easily defeat an army a hundred times its size! That was the most prided force of our Mist Country! The unstoppable Knights of the Northern Lights who had dominated the Northern Lands!"

Weak nations long for strength. Throughout the years, when East Mist was suppressed and bullied by the other nations, the people of Mist couldn"t help but recall their previous glory.

"Are those Alchemist Knights incredible? Are those Wolf Knights of the Beastmen incredible? If our Aurora Knights were still here, those shameless fools would never be able to be so audacious!"

As their own knights got beaten down innumerable times due to the difference in the level of equipment, this resentment and grudge pa.s.sed down from one generation to the next. Eventually, the lamentations became sighs of helplessness and despair. Sometimes, they couldn"t help but accept the fact that their homeland was no longer as strong as it used to be.

"The Mist Country which used to dominate the world with their cavalry has become a weak nation with no powerful troops."

For a period of time, there were rumors that Princess Reyne had displayed the might of an Aurora Knight in the Auland Empire. However, to the Mist citizens who were aware of the history of the Frigid Nightmares, they knew that it was impossible. So, they simply treated it as a rumor.

"Sigh, if only it were true. If we still had Aurora Knights on our side, it would be impossible for the others to step on us."

At this moment, Princess Reyne, who the citizens were familiar with, stood out brightly even in the midst of the Undead Aurora Knights. The Frigid Nightmare in the shape of a horned beast verified those rumors to be true, and the Aurora Knights had returned to the world!

"Is it our Princess who has brought back our pride, the strongest Aurora of the Northern Lands?"

"That is Knight Captain Elohim! He has also become an Aurora Knight! The Heavens have blessed our Mist Country, the Aurora Knights have returned us! We will no longer be that weak third-rate country anymore!"

Perhaps the Aurora Knights may not have been the strongest bunch of my order of knights. However, to the Mist citizens, they were the symbol of the strength of the Mist Country when it was at its peak, the precious jewel that they hoped to regain.

The reason why I had the Undead and Aurora Knights line up at the front, putting Reyne and Elohim in the midst of them, was to lower the hostility the citizens may have held towards the Undead, as well as to establish some correlations within the minds of the citizens.

"Could that man truly be Prince Roland? Could it be that those Undead are the final Aurora Knights in the Battle of Diffindor?"

As the host, Reyne knew what to do after I shot an encouraging look at her.

The young, female knight stepped out of the formation and faced the hesitating citizens. She took over the possession of the Roland Sacred Sword from me and made a declaration that would go down in the annals of history.

"I, Reyne Qin Mist, a descendant of Mist royalty, in hopes of regaining the might of our country, found my ancestor, Prince Roland, and his order of knights! From now on, the Aurora Knights will s.h.i.+ne in the Northern Lands once again! Under His Highness and the loyal Order of Royal Knights under his command, our East Mist will rise anew!

"Perhaps some worry about their ident.i.ties as Undead. However, I can use my honor and life to guarantee that they are existences worthy of trust. My people, I know that you all have your own worries and hesitation. After all, they have all became Undead. Yet, back then, they used their lives to protect their own city. Now they stand up once more to avenge their friends and families even after their deaths. Even though they are currently Undead, and there is a risk of their souls being eradicated by such a course of action, they chose to help us. Towards these Knights, what do we have to doubt?"

The declaration of the young, female knight echoed throughout the entire city through the usage of Amplification Magic, and that clear and bright voice resounded to and fro in the city. In fact, even before she made that declaration, the radiance of the symbol of royal authority, the Roland Sacred Sword, had already ignited pa.s.sion in the hearts of the citizens.

"The Roland Sacred Sword! Holy Knight Roland and his Order of Royal Knights have returned! Our Princess has found the missing symbol of royal authority and the knight order!"

Facing the agitated crowd, Reyne paused for a slight moment before continuing.

"Their faces might be scary, but look at the emblems they bear on their armor and weapons. Look at the Mist War Flags which had undergone countless wars. The Will of Mist will never yield, and the Mist War Flag will never fall. Even after their deaths, they still continue to protect their homeland. Isn"t this another form of the Will of Mist? If we can"t believe them, who can we believe? Are we to believe in the untrustworthy Holy Light instead?"

Due to the lack of time, I didn"t have sufficient time to guide Reyne on her speech. Looking at the impa.s.sioned speech unfolding before me by the forthright Reyne, I couldn"t help but to smile in relief.

While Reyne was still in the midst of her speech, the sky suddenly darkened and a gigantic beast swooped across the sky, generating countless cries of shock.

"Bone Dragon? No, there"s someone on top!"

"He actually jumped down! That is a Bone Dragon Knight!"

Upon landing, Timier raised the familiar Black Griffon War Flag. Since the Roland Sacred Sword and Reyne had already verified my ident.i.ty, it was time for me to say something.

"Timier, the final remaining Dragon Knight of the Mist Country. In the Scott Aerial Battle, our Black Griffon Riders unit were besieged by enemies who outnumbered them by more than fivefold. In order to cover the retreat of our ground troops, the unit fought bravely to their deaths, and Timier himself killed two of the three Dragon Knights that were attacking him simultaneously!"

Despite the intentionally flat voice, my words still stirred countless shocked exclamations.

Without a doubt, giant dragons stood at the very top of the food chain. An ultimate force like the Dragon Knights could only be found in the greatest of the empires. It is something that the current East Mist dared not even think about. Based on historical records, the Mist Country of the past did possess numerous Dragon Riders. They never imagined that after such a long time, they would be able to witness this sight with their own eyes.

"Our aerial unit consists of a group of young men, but due to the brutality of an aerial duel, the losers often do not leave a corpse behind. Even though the aerial unit is the elites of the Mist Country, only Timier responded to my summons and dealt the second wave of vengeance against those darned invaders!"

After bowing, the proud sole Dragon Knight waved the Black Griffon War Flag and led the way on the red carpet of victory, as though he was a brave warrior who returned victoriously from war. No, he was indeed a brave warrior who returned victoriously from war!

"These are our Knights. Vile Undead? No! We are just a foolish bunch who returned from h.e.l.l due to the reluctance to accept the occupation of our beautiful Mist Country by invaders!"

As Timier and the Aurora Knights proceeded forward side by side, those who walked through the city gates behind them were the remains of each army, and I started to go on a recollection of their history.

"Polar Bear Squad, the heavy infantry of the royal family! It is made up of the merging of the remains of two squads near the end of the war. Equipped with Avalanche Guardian plates, they are our strongest barrier and fortress! After going through innumerable wars, sixteen men remain of them, and the strongest in their midst, as well as the youngest, is Carlos Tills."

I nodded my head gleefully as I introduced one of my most trusted knights to the world.

"He is the "Mobile Fortress" I rely on. In order to cover the escaping refugees, he used his body of flesh and blood to jam the rock bridge, using his physique to stall the butchering blades of the invaders. Back then, he died from being pierced by hundreds of arrows. By then, his blood had already flowed dry from his body and not a single bone of his body was complete. In the end, he could only come back as an Abomination. That year, the Defensive Knight who I am so proud of even now, Carlos Tills, was only fifteen years old."

It was hard to imagine how an Abomination could show a look of embarra.s.sment, but at this moment, Carlos was nodding his head in embarra.s.sment towards the citizens. His smile still remained as it was in his youth.

"Perhaps you all have never heard of Asmu Hound Tamers, but it is a special type of Ranger troop. Their representative is our heroic scout...

"The Knight of Swift Wind, Slance, might just be just an ordinary Dragon Lance Knight, but he is one of the backbones of the army of the Mist Country...

"Oh, this is Great Sword Saint Fayde. I"m sure that you all must have heard of his name as the best Sword Saint of the Royal Knights. Of course, that is if his father, the old Sir Ferdinand doesn"t undercut his position...

"This is..."

One by one, the names of the knights were listed, followed by the ident.i.ty of the knight and their past exploits. That history of their resolute determination appeared before the eyes of the citizens once more, and they realized that these frightening Undead Knights used to be the legendary heroes of the Mist Country.

Going by the traditions of the Northerners, if they were upstanding heroes when they were alive, then they were figures worthy of respect even after their deaths.

Since the unknown could bring about fear, then allow me to dispel that fog of secrecy.

As long as they had not sinned, even as Undead, the loyal and powerful knights would only be a pride of mine, so there was no reason for me to conceal their existences.

However, some citizens did not agree.

"d.a.m.n those Undead, to dare to step into the world of the living!"

Despite the huge, golden robe, his plump belly could not be concealed. As the Archbishop of the East Mist Regional Church of Holy Light, under the protection of a ring of Holy Knights and Priests, Archbishop Lorf arrived at the scene. It was very possible that the panting him was the reason for the tardiness of the Church of Holy Light.

Just like how no Justice Knight would let any sinners who defied the Rules of G.o.d slip by them, the Church of Holy Light on the Surface did not spare any "evil" Undead. The proud entrance of the Undead into the city was an insult to the Holy Light and the Origin of Order.

Under the drive of the fervent pursuit of their faith, despite the overwhelming difference in strength, the Holy Knights still put up a formation in front while the Priests prepared to a.s.sist them from the back, as though they were preparing to start a fight at any moment.

Their arrival was within my calculations. In fact, they arrived later than I have expected, and I had already prepared something in advance to deal with them.

"Why do I remember that this is a Land of Law? Isn"t the Church of Holy Light overstepping its boundaries?"

My confrontation caused old Lorf to freeze for a moment. Apparently, the fact that the Law had become the national religion of East Mist meant that he had failed thoroughly in his mission to spread the teachings of Holy Light.

At this moment, the person I was waiting for also arrived at the scene.

"Hey, old Lorf, don"t go too far. The East Mist Communal Country has already declared the faith of My Lord to be the national religion of the country. This is already a Land of Law. Aren"t you going too far to try to kill someone before the Pope of the G.o.d of Law!"

Xueti rushed to the scene on time, winking at me mischievously the moment he appeared. I saw many familiar faces standing behind him. That familiar silver mask exuded the radiance of the Power of Law. He looked like he had grown significantly stronger since the ascension of Wumianzhe.

"Tauren Pope!"

The Church of Law that had arrived two months ahead of us had settled into East Mist officially, and the citizens had already gotten used to this amiable Pope Tauren.

The moment the Church of Law arrived, they positioned themselves in between us and the Church of Holy Light, clearly trying to prevent a conflict between both sides.

"Darn it, they are vile Undead! They are the enemies of all beings of Order! Why do you all stop us?"

"Archbishop Lorf, before My Lord, there is only the "innocent" and the "guilty". Please do not use race as a means to differentiate good and evil. At this moment, I can only see you all trying to commit a crime. This is the divine territory of the Church of Law. Do you really take us as mere ornaments?"

"But they are still Undead. They are bloodthirsty and savage. Even if they used to heroic figures, can you ensure that they will not harm others due to their natural instincts?"

The notoriety of the Undead was deeply ingrained into human society. The furious howl of the middle-aged Holy Knight Captain was extremely persuasive, causing hesitation among the citizens. At this moment, Xueti laughed heartily.

"Of course we can. I can guarantee in my name as the Pope of the G.o.d of Law that they are Heroic Spirits in the truest sense, and not vengeful spirits driven by their bloodthirstiness. They lived in Sulfur Mountain City for more than a century, but never was there a murder case from them. Just a while ago, they played a part in the slaying of a Demon Count. That was a grand battle worthy of the word "epic." On the other hand, your Holy Knights always cause trouble in the name of eradicating evil, disrupting the order of the city."

The position of the Pope of the G.o.d of Law was incomparably n.o.ble. From a certain sense, it was an equivalent existence to the Pope of the Church of Holy Light, Sincarlos the 3rd. At this moment, Xueti"s words were even more convincing.

"You … You vile dwellers of the underground, you are a conspirator with them. You are all miscreants! How can your guarantee be trusted!"

A split moment after the Archbishop of Holy Light howled in anger, he immediately covered his mouth. Even so, he was unable to retract that gaffe that could even qualify as a personal insult.

"Are you sure? You dare to insult a Pope of a True G.o.d as a miscreant? Also, I cannot ignore your discrimination against the Underground World. This is a grave insult against the entire Church of the G.o.d of Law. I will send a letter of remonstrance to Sincarlos the 3rd."

A slip of the tongue in a public area could not be resolved that easily. Just as Xueti was intending to pursue Lorf on that matter, even though I knew that it wasn"t an appropriate moment for me to be speaking out now, I still choose to stand up.

Miscreant? Who was the miscreant? There were some things that just could not be tolerated any further.

"Lorf, is it? You are the successor of the bloodline of Cardinal Lorf the Philosopher? Fine. From a certain viewpoint, I, already a Holy Knight from 300 years ago, can be considered as your senior. Then, let"s talk about who the miscreant is. Fanderk Jenon, you should have heard of this name."

The moment my words rang out, sweat droplets started to flow down the forehead of "Philosopher Lorf" profusely. As the future Cardinal successor, Lorf was aware of that forbidden history.

"You are unable to reply? Of course, that is an unfair trial that the Church of Holy Light is ashamed about! For a kind, devout believer in the Holy Light to be hanged as a vile heretic, the true miscreant is the one who sits at the seat of the judge! Is this the justice and impartiality that the Church of Holy Light speaks of?"

Under my interrogation, the pale Death Knight slowly stepped forward. To those who were aware of it, the face of the Death Knight was no different from the one recorded in history.

"Everyone! Just like what Prince Roland has mentioned, I was once a Holy Knight. However, as I was unwilling to testify for the Cardinal, who was expelled from the Church afterward, I was hanged in the Holy Light Square to pin the blame on Mist Country."

"There... There is no such thing! No, I don"t know about it."

"Then do you dare to swear upon the authenticity of your words in the name of the Holy Light?"

If one swore falsely in the name of the Holy Light, it was equivalent to turning one"s back on the Holy Light. How could Archbishop Lorf, who viewed the seat of the Pope as his ultimate goal, possibly make such a vow?

However, even if he didn"t make such a vow, that awkward silence, pale face, and sweat drops that flowed down his forehead had explained everything.

A commotion immediately broke out. Not only were the citizens astonished and furious, even the Holy Knights and Priests who were willing to sacrifice themselves for the propagation of the teachings of the Church were in disbelief.

Even though the current Church of Holy Light had a good reputation, it did not mean that it didn"t have a shadowy past. If they themselves were immoral and guilty, and hid their sinful past, what right did they have to represent the Holy Light in bringing judgement upon evil?

Looking at that ugly, fearful state, I laughed. However, this was a laugh derived from overwhelming rage.

"I swear in the name of the Holy Light that the reason why the calamity then would develop to that point was due to the filthy and vile upper echelons of the Church of Holy Light. That supposedly sacred battle was just a depraved act by a bunch of greedy wolves under the leaders.h.i.+p of a lion! You bunch of hypocrites are just using the flag of a sacred battle to satisfy your greed through plundering. You all are the source of all evil! Look at me! How dare you degenerates use the Holy Light?"

Unfolding the wings that radiated the blinding Holy Light and Sacred Inferno, that dense concentration of Holy Light power was the best proof for the authenticity of my words.

"I am a Holy Knight as well, but I don"t wors.h.i.+p the G.o.d of the Holy Light. Even more so, I won"t be a puppet of that laughable Church of Holy Light of yours! I only believe in the justice of the Holy Light itself! The Holy Light never made us kill innocent. Knights, do you think that your own justice can be dictated by the teachings of the Church of Holy Light? If so, who will guarantee the justice of the Church of Holy Light? Perhaps your supposed actions of eradicating evil are only another "righteous flag" that you all use to murder the innocent!"

As a War Angel, I was a G.o.d"s Envoy in the teachings of the Holy Light. Under my furious glare and the interrogation of the pure Holy Light on their conscience and faith, a large portion of Holy Light users in the field started to waver.

And when these interrogations started to spread across the entire world, the Church of Holy Light would begin to fracture, and a faith that wors.h.i.+ped Holy Light on its own would emerge and grow at a distance alongside the Church of Holy Light. Eventually, it would result in a painful and embarra.s.sing fission for the Archbishops.

However, at this crucial moment, when Lorf was forced into a corner with his ugly self revealed, the gazes that the citizens of Mist Country shot at him became more and more hostile. On the other hand, the middle-aged Holy Knight Captain stepped forth once more.

"The Church of Holy Light of today is no longer the Church of Holy Light 300 years ago. We have been progressing and improving ourselves. Talking about this history bears no meaning. The main issue at hand is whether these Undead pose any threat towards the living. Pope Xueti, you are acknowledging that you originate from the same location as them? I remember that your court has a rule that states that anyone who is involved in the case cannot bear testimony. Since you are related to them, your words are naturally nullified."

This is indubitably an attempt at changing the topic at hand, as well as a twisted interpretation of the teachings of the G.o.d of Law.

"Is this a court? Guaranteeing something and the testimony of an eyewitness are two different things. Going by your logic, if the guarantor cannot have any relations.h.i.+p with the obligee, then there would be no one to guarantee for him."

Hearing that twisted interpretation, Xueti flew into a rage. Just as he is about to rebuke him, a familiar voice spoke up.

"Then can I serve as a guarantor?"

This red-haired warrior appeared in the crowd all of the sudden at a certain point. Even though his languid voice was filled with mischief, the inconceivable might that could be sensed from beneath the outer appearance of the red-haired warrior made Holy Knight Captain Woode fearful of him, to the point that he even used polite language.

"You are?"

TL: He uses a politer form of you.

"Adam Han, Red Lotus Sword Saint, a loyal brother of Roland, as well as the previous City Lord of Sulfur Mountain City. Do you also wish to circ.u.mvent me?"

The Red Lotus Sword Saint was one of the potential candidates for the strongest human in the world. His indelible results in terminating the Yongye Calamity made him a living legend and a saint. In front of him, even the current Pope could only be considered a junior of his.

"Margaret, Saint. Arlodante"s Truth Overseer subst.i.tute. I have interacted with the Undead Knights for nearly 200 years. I trust them, and I am willing to use my honor to guarantee them."

Just a short moment after the Great Saint landed from the sky, that quiet vow echoed through the entire city and the trust within her words left a deep impression on its listeners.

"Representing the will of My Lord, I can also guarantee that."

This time, the voice also came from the sky. However, it was a familiar deep voice that carried the accent of the Elves. It reminded me of an acquaintance whom we had just separated from.


As expected, along with the descent of the Light of Order, the G.o.d"s Envoy appeared.

Hearing that prominent name, Woode"s back was drenched in sweat. At this moment, he was still praying in expectation that it was just someone with the same name.

"The Heroic Spirit of the G.o.ddess of Moonlight, Dragon Slayer Bastlar?"

"Yes, but I am Wumianzhe"s Heroic Spirit at the moment. I will settle with you the matter of your twisted interpretation of the G.o.d of Law"s teaching. Right now, there are two Semi-G.o.ds and a Heroic Spirit guaranteeing them Is this enough for you?"

Under the challenge of a Heroic Spirit and epic heroes, Woode was unable to rejoinder. When he was in a weak position and speechless, I suddenly felt like rationalizing it out with him.

"Fine, let"s not talk about the past. Let"s discuss the present and the future then."

"300 years ago, you all used the annihilated Mist Country based on an unconfirmed fact, resulting in the sixteen years of Demon Calamity, thus bringing about the most grievous cataclysm to the entire human society. Now, this country plagued with innumerable problems is forced into a corner yet again, but what do you all intend to do? You all claimed that you are protecting human society from the encroachment of evil, but in my view, your Church of Holy Light is the origin of evil!"

"We are guiding people towards benevolence!" The Holy Church was the origin of evil? This never before made claim shocked Woode. After which, fear started to creep forth from inside. In that instant, facing the countless dark histories and the furious condemnations by the victims, even his slick tongue was unable to find the words to refute.

"Wors.h.i.+pping the Holy Church means to guide others towards benevolence? What a joke! The conduct of my Knights is a hundred times n.o.bler than those pigs in the Church of Holy Light cloaked in the robes of an Archbishop! How many years has it been since my people have been on the verge of starving to death? Yet, I don"t see the Church of Holy Light doing anything about it! Fine, the Church doesn"t wish to interfere in it. I will! Then why is it that when I bring my Knights back to lead my citizens to a better life, you leap out to criticize our actions! Will those haughty superiors of yours be happy only when this country is destroyed and all of its citizens have starved to death?"

The furious questioning left the other party tongue-tied. Suddenly, a small pebble hit Woode"s head. It was a little girl venting her frustration.

"Bad man, don"t bully Big Brother Knight!"

While Woode was stumped for an answer, when the numerous grudges and resentments of the country were thrown under the sun from the continuous interrogation, the rage of the citizens in the surroundings was already on the verge of exploding.

The action of the little girl was only the initial spark. Following, more and more pebbles, tomatoes, and potatoes were thrown.

Finally, under my interrogations, when all of those dark histories were revealed, the Mist citizens" dissatisfaction with the Church of Holy Light burst!

"Murderers! Begone from the Mist Country!"

"You oppressors and miscreants, do you all not know the meaning of shame?"

"Karsha from Aymon family, if you still consider yourself a citizen of the Mist Country, take off that ugly priestess robe and return back to us!"

Under the agitation of the crowd, the influence that the Church of Holy Light had developed here over the course of so many years would probably be uprooted in an instant.

When the Church of Holy Light was viewed with suspicion or even exiled out of the lands, my Knights would receive the respect they deserved in the future for their heroic deeds in the past.

At this moment, I didn"t have the leisure to be surprised about these "minor things." Bastlar had brought to me Wumianzhe"s gift, and it was something that would astound the entire world.

"Divine Forbidden Spell: The Sinless City. This?"

"Yes, this is the gift that My Lord, Wumianzhe, has granted this city and the East Mist Communal Country. In this world, only Lord Roland has the qualifications to use it! After all, how could it be possible for the Order G.o.ds to allow the City of Rain to monopolize the market?"

Perhaps I was the only one who knew what my inner thoughts were. This big gift was something that I required the most now. With it, the estrangement between the living and the dead would be swiftly repaired.

After hesitating for a moment, I made up my mind.

[I, G.o.d of Law Wumianzhe, declares that under my will, the capital of the East Mist. Diffindor. will become a sacred land of the Law Faction—A land devoid of sins. ]

When I tore apart the scroll filled with G.o.d Power, the G.o.d Power gus.h.i.+ng out from it controlled my speech. After which, from above and below, the voice of the G.o.d and a mortal merged together as one.

This was the declaration of a True G.o.d. The entire world must listen to my will.

[In this city, no one shall be incriminated because of their ident.i.ty, race, or social position. Before the Rules of G.o.d, all intelligent lifeforms are equal. If someone were to violate the Rules of G.o.d in this city, regardless of his ident.i.ty, position, or race, he would be marked as a criminal by a permanent Judgement Spell, and all of my wors.h.i.+ppers shall judge his crimes!]

At this point, the incantation came to an end. However, somehow, I moved my lips and additional content appeared within the declaration.

[In my city, Undead do not represent evil, and Holy Light does not represent justice. Before the Rules of G.o.d, everyone is equal. The benevolent shall be rewarded, and heinous sinners shall not be spared!]

TL Note: Weak nations long for strength 国弱思武穆

The literal meaning of this saying goes that a weak nation longs for the appearance Wu Mu (which refers to Yue Fei, a renowned general in the Han dynasty).