Experimental Log Of The Crazy Lich

Chapter 136

"Fresh fruits and vegetables for sale at a cheap price!"

"Hey, you over there, the one who looks strong. Our engineering team is facing a lack of manpower. We provide food, lodging and favorable treatment. Are you interested?"

"Here! Bread fresh out of the oven! Buy one get one free! Knights get a fifty percent discount! Do you want one? Alright, it will be two bronze coins."

"Tom? Your entire family has returned! Great, it is enough that you all have returned! This time, do you all intend to stay permanently?"

Strolling about East Mist City, I looked around at the busy crowds, the traffic flowing to and fro, and all kinds of construction grounds. Somehow, a smile crept onto my mouth, one that came from the depths of my heart.

Rome wasn"t built in a single day. Even with great funds pumped in without concerns for the potential returns, the rebuilding works of the city were still stuck at the phase of clearing up and renovating the older district. The resources we had obtained also only improved the living standards of the civilians slightly, and the difference in the overall standard of living wasn"t apparent. What made me smile happily was the faces of the citizens who were gradually becoming increasingly spirited and expectant.

The journey north towards the East Mist Communal Country had shown me much tragedy and suffering, and my mood gradually worsened.

When humans met with tragedies, they would often carry bitterness on their faces. Even more so, their eyes would reflect heart-rending numbness and confusion. I understood that when someone had no expectation for the future, when he believed that the future would only become more and more bleak as time goes by, no matter how mentally resilient the person is, his complexion and mental state would only grow worse and worse. When there was no hope for his future, he would naturally treat others colder and colder.

The reason? It was probably because this nation plagued with calamities would eventually just meet with another catastrophe.

That year, when the Mist Country crumbled, they did not fall. When they lost their homeland for nearly a century, they did not migrate. Two hundred years ago, the East Mist was annexed by the wars waged by its neighbors. Even so, they persisted on. Twenty years ago, after losing the final mine they were reliant on for their survival, they continued to fight on. A year ago, when the old emperor died, they gave their lives to follow behind a fourteen-year-old princess to charge against their enemies, achieving a miraculous victory in the war.

They weren"t superhumans with wills made of steel; they were just ordinary mortals who had a longing for their homeland. Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, this barren land of the north was a useless plot of land in the wilderness. But for those whose ancestors had lived here, there was too much nostalgia and longing for this plot of land.

Outsiders were unable to understand the sentimentality Northerners held for their homeland. Perhaps they were exactly like the glaciers of the Northern Lands. Just because their core was here, their souls adamantly chose to guard the homeland their ancestors had created for them.

"As long as we do not starve to death, as long as that flag doesn"t fall, we will clench our jaws and endure."

However, not long ago, they finally found themselves unable to endure any longer. In the span of a year between the death of the old emperor and Reyne"s returning with provisions for survival in hand, a significant amount of the population chose to leave their homeland out of frustration.

I knew that they couldn"t be blamed for it, and neither did they break their vow.

The citizens of the Mist did not fear sacrifice and war; they only feared the unknown future.

When the shadows of war fade away, the tattered farmlands and the ruined villages became a sight of hopelessness. Facing the onset of winter, under the menace of the wolf packs, they did not have the provisions required for them to survive through the winter. When the neighbors they knew died of starvation and froze in the streets, when the life-saving rations allocated during winter was insufficient, even the most optimistic of people had to consider their future.

"I don"t mind living this tragic life, but my child isn"t at fault. He doesn"t deserve this."

No one could stand idly and watch as their children starved to death before them. No one could chastise the Mist citizens who left. Even if they knew that this would be a one-way trip, and that they would likely die in the midst of the dangerous journey, they could only leave their homeland reluctantly.

However, what was even more ironic and cruel about their departure was that it allowed more rations to be allocated to each individual, thus saving more people. Compared to the previous few years, the amount of people who died in last year"s winter was the least.

No one could be blamed for this cruel reality. If someone had to take the blame, then one could only blame the Mist royalty who had failed in their duties for protect their people. If one had to go even further, it could probably be traced back to my generation, the generation which created many potential enemies for the country.

Thus, despite knowing that Auland was up to no good, as the descendant of the Mist, Reyne, who had yet conduct an official coronation ceremony, gritted her teeth and journeyed there. After all, death awaited them if they chose to do nothing. As long there was a ray of hope, she had to go through with it.

Should I say that when one door closed, another opened.… If I was even a year late in regaining my physical body and returning to the Surface, the East Mist Communal Country might have already disappeared by then. If not for the irksome Auland Empire forcing them into a corner, I might not have even met Reyne.

At this very moment, after the bustling Homecoming Ceremony two days ago, many things had changed. At the very least, in place of their confused gazes was expectation for a brighter future.

"Have you seen it? Barracks have been constructed in the old districts by the west of the city. That is the army of Prince Roland."

"Back then, I was the first one to rush to the conscription point. It is a pity that I was just a bit off from being qualified."

"Keep bragging. Who doesn"t know that even though they were recruiting significant amounts of manpower, the threshold to be accepted was very high? The very first test was already a physical one. Seeing how you are as skinny as a monkey, how many sandbags can you carry? You probably got eliminated in the first round, and you still dare to brag that you are just a bit off?"

"To know it so clearly, can it be that you…"

"At the very least, I survived until the third round! I, Aiken, do not intend to give up. As long as there are divisions that are recruiting, I will give it a try. If I still fail even then, I"m will make do with being a security officer! Right, there is the Church of Law as well; they are also recruiting. I heard that they impart fighting techniques as well."

Despite being eliminated, the bulky man, Aiken, had a face full of pride and honor. The surrounding crowd was also gasping in surprise, as though they were looking at an amazing expert.

When a country is weak, the safety of its people is threatened. The citizens of a weak country are looked down upon. No one knew this logic better than the citizens of East Mist, which had been ravaged time and time again. Even after establis.h.i.+ng the Church of Law as its national religion and, from a certain perspective, becoming a permanently neutral country, it was clear to see that East Mist was still in a dangerous situation. The Beastmen of the north could launch a southward invasion at any moment, and the neighboring countries were eyeing East Mist with greed. Even if one didn"t a.s.sault the other countries, there was no guarantee that the other countries would do the same.

In this world where the strong preyed on the weak, one had to possess formidable strength in order to become truly neutral.

Thus, the establishment of every single army division became a reason for the citizens to rejoice. After all, this meant that their country"s ability to defend itself was growing stronger and stronger. At the same time, this new army also provided the younger population an opportunity to develop themselves.

Avalanche Guardian, Swift Wind Knight; one after another, these legendary jobs popped out from history. Their legends were attracting every single one of the youngsters and they craved to create history with their own hands, just like their ancestors did.

In the past, citizens were also enthusiastic to join the army, but that was only to make a living. However, right now, they were building a future for themselves while defending their country. The motivation of the citizens between the two scenarios were incomparable with one another.

Furthermore, the fact that the citizens felt pride in joining the military was representative of their faith in the country. This was also symbolic of the faith they had in me, the legendary Holy Knight Prince Roland.

However, this wasn"t the happiest and most remarkable news yet. Thinking about it, it had to be the migrants from the East Mist returning back to their homeland.

After the news that the legendary Prince Roland had returned with his vanished army and liveliness was returning back to their homeland, even though the situation wasn"t looking too good, the Mist citizens still chose to return. Every single day, there were carriages and individuals returning back to their homeland.

Outside the city gates, the roads were packed with all kinds of carriages and travelers who were waiting to enter the city. The streets were packed with tired but happy returnees. "Is everyone still doing well? I have finally returned here." "You"re back? That"s great, that"s great." Such conversations could be heard everywhere. The returning travelers were extremely curious about every single change that had occurred after their departure. Many of the crowd were pointing to the division flags and commenting about them. In fact, some of them even grabbed familiar faces to interrogate them about it.

Furthermore, this was only the beginning. Those who had managed to return at this point were mostly those who had migrated to the neighboring countries. As the news traveled to the different corners of the world, those Mist citizens who had left within the past twenty to thirty years started to contemplate on whether they should return or not. When the Mist War Flags rose up high once more, the disparate Mist citizens would start to reunite as one.

Not too far away, a group of travelers had just arrived. Some of them were wearing thick cotton caps and others, light feather hats. Judging from their entirely different clothing, it was clear that they had just returned from different countries.

At the beginning, the returnees were discussing how they were getting along in a foreign land. Eventually, it devolved into a complaining session.

"...We were lucky to have not met with any wild beasts and bandits in our long journey to the other countries, but if not forced into a corner, who would be willing to leave their homeland? After all, do you think that speaking a foreign language and living an entirely life from what we were accustomed to is enjoyable? Those locals would always look at us as though we were savage barbarians, do you think that it was pleasant being treated as such? Upon opening our eyes every morning, the feeling of isolation when all we saw were foreigners speaking a foreign language sometimes made us despair. Sometimes, we would even think of committing suicide."

That was a young man, but the heavy under-eye bags, depressed expression, as well as his callused hands and his rough skin made him look like a middle-aged man in his forty or fifties. Due to overworking himself and his constant low spirits, he seemed significantly older than his actual age.

"We were discriminated against due to our foreign accents. Even when we were bullied, despite holding the moral high ground, we did not dare to argue with them. Who can understand the indignation that we felt then? The loneliness we felt during the festive periods of our homeland, sometimes even suffering from insomnia due to excessive longing for our homeland, families, and friends—all those heart-rending emotions we felt while struggling to make a living, who could understand them? Furthermore, if we were to express them, we would only be isolated even further."

Despite being his prime where he should have been filled with ambitions, this middle-aged man was the same as the young man before. As he spoke, he recalled those past events and the anger he felt made him slam his mug on the wooden table.

"When we finally made new friends after much difficulty, in the midst of our conversation, a slip of the tongue results in "East Mist? Oh, I know, it"s that barbarian tribe that had been destroyed. Could it be that you are that legendary barbarian princess?" When those by the side are laughing, in order to fit in, despite feeling so furious that you could beat the h.e.l.l out of the other party, you could only try your best to force a laughter and pretend as though it was nothing. That life was too aggrieving, too torturous!"

That indignant lady spoke impa.s.sionedly. From her seething tone, it seemed as though she had suffered many grievances.

After all the complaints, an abrupt silence suddenly settled over the atmosphere. Everyone had suffered quite a fair bit. After a moment of silence, someone suddenly led the group into raising their mugs towards the city"s west, the direction where the military barracks were.

"Let"s thank the princess who had been propping up the flag for so many years.… At the very least, we have returned, and there is still a place beneath the flags for us to return to. So, everyone, let"s be more cheerful from now on. For our blissful future, cheers!"

Even though the heavy burden of life had crushed his waist, the young man"s heart had yet to die. He still dreamt of a beautiful tomorrow.

"Let"s thank Prince Roland for providing us a reason to return…. No matter what happens from now on, at the very least, we will be able to die in the land of our ancestors. Perhaps all we needed was a reason to return here."

The middle-aged man was much more pragmatic. His resolve to remain here even if it meant his death caused the atmosphere to turn heavy and dismal.

"Let"s thank…"

Even though they were words of appreciation, the drinking toasts were becoming more and more sorrowful. Soon, someone found it unbearable.

"Hey, stop acting as though we are marching onto an execution platform. Didn"t you all see the Homecoming Ceremony that day? Prince Roland"s army is powerful and those Undead Knights are elites that have gone through countless wars throughout the last three hundred years. They are all the Heroic Spirits of our Mist Country! With them serving as the core of our military, our army will charge through battlefields undefeated! Our country will only grow stronger and stronger and our life will only improve as time goes by!"

The one who had interrupted abruptly was Aiken, who was boasting a while ago about how he had bashed through several trials but regrettably failed in the end. At this moment, he was walking over to the group.

"You all are overthinking it. Hehe, you all must be unaware of how powerful our new guardians are. That Bone Dragon the Dragon Knight was riding on was so ma.s.sive that it was even larger than the city walls. Do you know who he is? He is the final Dragon Knight of our Mist Country! The Knights under Prince Roland are that incredible, he himself…"

Aiken began boasting about the scenes he had seen during the Homecoming Ceremony, speaking of it even more gleefully than his own glory. All kinds of rumors were mixed in with the truth in his words and all kinds of legends came bursting out of his mouth. In a moment"s time, I became a 2.8-meter wide, nine-headed, fire-breathing, winged, SemiG.o.d monster from their gossiping.

From the very start, the returning travelers were curious about the things that happened on that day. Even though it was clear that Aiken"s words were exaggerated and filled with nonsense, they were absorbed into his story.

Under the ceaseless questions by the audience, Aiken became more and more impa.s.sioned in his story. When he went overboard with his story, some of the onlookers would interrupt and correct him. With a word here and there, the atmosphere in the tavern heated up.

"Say, this is a hard-to-come-by opportunity! So many ace knights are building their own divisions and they are intending to personally train the soldiers. You can"t imagine the sight of all of the n.o.bles of the country being present for the tests. Even so, they were eliminated just like everyone else. I, Aiken, was always just a little bit off every single time. Perhaps if I were able to leap over this hurdle, I might become a knight under Prince Roland"s direct command! That wouldn"t just be my honor, but the honor of the future generations of my descendants to come! If my deceased father were to hear of it, he might even leap up from his grave in sheer joy!"

"Shoo shoo, you were unsuccessful for so many times already, to think that you would still try to brag about it! I don"t think there"s any hope for you anymore, you should just be content with serving as Town Security."

"Hmph, let"s wait and see. I vow to become a knight one day! After this toast, I will go to the newly established Silver Cross Division to take the test. Are any of you willing to follow me?"

"What is there to be scared of? Let"s go then!"

Alright, the more these few fellows spoke, the ruddier their faces grew and the more agitated they became. Waving their hands about furiously, they dashed out to register for the test.

"...The Silver Cross Division requires one to be capable of learning how to utilize the Power of Elements. This fellow"s intelligence doesn"t even reach 9, it is impossible for him to pa.s.s the test."

Silver Cross Division was the Swordcaster and Magic Gunner division that Fendark and Lani were building. After my Silver Sword Division was mercilessly rejected by everyone, the image of an intersecting sword and staff into the shape of a cross representing the duality of magic and physical might became the insignia of the division, as well as the origin of its name.

I knew the basic requirements for admittance into the division and looking at the bulky Aiken, who was still boasting in the midst of the crowd, I shook my head. I highly doubt that he would meet the cut for the Silver Cross Division. With a smile on my face, I placed three bronze coins on the table to foot the bill and left.

"Aiken huh? I shall remember his name. At the very least, he has a glib tongue. I could ask Kelly to see whether they lack talents in the public relations department."

I strutted down the street, not fearing that anyone would recognize me at all. At this moment, a young man approached me.

"Uncle, a cup of fruit wine only costs two bronze coins."

"Here, I will give you a tip since I"m in good mood today."

Yes, that teenager called me uncle. That"s because my current outer appearance was that of a middle-aged uncle.

The Time Distortion Ring which changed one"s outer appearance in correspondence to the age it is set at served as an excellent disguise. After changing my age and donning a wig and fake moustache, I didn"t believe that there would be a single person who would a.s.sociate this s.h.a.ggy-bearded middle-aged Knight with Prince Roland.

I was happy. With such cute Mist citizens before me, how could I not be happy?

I strolled calmly along the streets. Even though investigating the plight of the citizens wasn"t my duty, looking at the country slowly progressing towards prosperity and the optimistic and spirited expression on the face of the citizens gave me confidence.

The living standards were still harsh and it was highly possible that we would face war in the future. However, as long as our citizens believed that there was hope in the future, the country would take a turn for the better. As long as they could face their harsh lives with a smile, as long as they place their trust in me, I had the confidence to pull them out of the mud they were in.

"Yes, I am conducting an incognito inspection. I am not doing this to escape those endless doc.u.ments. d.a.m.n it. By having me look through all of the army logistics and the crops that will be planted for next year, do they intend to tire me to death?"

Making a rough estimation, the royal palace should have noticed my disappearance by now. Kelly, who often gave people "surprises," was probably handling those endless doc.u.ments in my stead at this moment.

Considering the resentment Kelly would build up after having bury herself in the sea of bitterness, she would probably look for some "enjoyment" afterward. At this moment, I was considering whether I should stay out for the night.

"Yeah, I am not s.h.i.+rking my responsibility. This is called trusting my subordinates and granting them the authority to make decisions. I will phrase it like that when I return back to the palace.… For my safety, I should bring back some snacks to humor her. If I remember correctly, there is a good cake shop somewhere around here."

Considering how there were no limits to Kelly"s pranks, I thought it imperative to bribe her. According to notes I had jotted down in the past, she should be fond of sweet desserts.

However, before I found the cake shop, I saw something which caused my good mood to utterly vanish. Looking at the signboard in front of me, I didn"t even know how I should respond.

[Prince Roland"s direct subordinates, the Absolute Gentlemen Alliance, are recruiting. Do you wish to contribute to Prince Roland? Do you wish to be prioritized in the subst.i.tution of the position of the Royal Knights? Welcome to the Absolute Gentlemen Alliance! We are the most trusted army of His Highness and we are ent.i.tled to conversing directly with him!]

Alright, I hadn"t really bothered with the mercenary band which I had created at a whim ever since reaching Diffindor. After withdrawing from the management of the mercenary band, the vice-captain, Beifeng, took over control. Looking at that three-story mercenary band headquarters and the population coming to and fro the building, it seemed that the organization had somehow grown ma.s.sive and powerful!

I wasn"t bothered with the idea of them using me as an advertis.e.m.e.nt for the recruitment. After all, I was still the head of this mercenary band. However, what that worried me was...

[As long as you can prove that you are an Absolute Gentleman who has comprehended true love, you can join our ranks directly without going through any tests.]

This recruitment notice left me at a loss of what I should start retorting at. Did they think of the number of freaks and Gentlemen among them as insufficient? Furious, I stomped in. But the next moment, I heard a cry that left me even more speechless.

"Why? Why do you reject my application? I am a true big breast maniac! I am also unaccepted by the world!"

"Hmph, shallow! Do you feel pa.s.sionate love over just a trait? Doesn"t that mean that you will accept anyone who fulfills that condition? Do you think that the Gentlemen are something that shallow? Your understanding of true love is way too shallow!"

Momo"s furious rebuke echoed in the corridors. In that instant, I felt an urge to turn around and escape.

"Such is the way: All that has form is illusive and unreal. When you see that all forms are illusive and unreal, then you will begin to perceive your true nature. Young man, you have strayed from the path. You are too obsessed with physical traits. A true Gentlemen loves the beauty within that illusionary outer sh.e.l.l. My kind has abandoned such illusions to view the truth, and yet, you have lost your core due to a trait, thus lagging behind."

TL: "Such is the way" is a phrase normally used at the start of Buddhist scriptures.

After hearing words that seemed to have come from an enlightened monk, I was taken aback. Only after a long moment did I manage to comprehend the profoundness behind those words. However, by then, Casio"s explanation was already by my ear.

"What Big Brother means is that you are a fake Gentleman who is obsessed with a certain trait. When a true Gentleman loves something, he loves it from the depths of his heart, and not over a temporary and fleeting trait. True love comes from the within, not over outer appearances."

Much less the audience in the room, even I was stunned by his words.

"In the midst of worldly desires and attachments one comes and goes alone, is born alone and dies alone. One"s happiness and bitterness is solely his, n.o.body else can take his place. Leave, our paths differ!"

"What my Big Brother means is that although we may live together in this world, our hearts are lonely. Our desires are too unique, and as such, we are often plagued with worries, and it is difficult to find a soulmate whom we can confide in. However, you aren"t one of our kind, so please leave."

Finally, I couldn"t stand it any longer. What the heck is this? Gentleman is about to become a type of philosophy already! If this goes on, will a cult wors.h.i.+pping Beifeng be born?

"Speak human language!"

However, the moment I rushed in with a howl, I immediately regretted my action. The moment the door opened, Momo, who seemed to have been waiting for a long time for me to enter, immediately hugged me.

"Hehe, little Rolo, I knew that you were outside the door! I have been waiting a long time for you."

While pus.h.i.+ng away the Dark Elf Knight who was latching onto me, the infuriating explanation and deciphering was still going on and traveled to my ears.

"All conditioned phenomena are like a dream, an illusion, a bubble, a shadow; like dew or a flash of lightning. Thus we shall perceive them! Excellent, my path isn"t lonely!"

"What Big Brother means is that, look at that Momo. Without even using her eyes, just by using her intuition, she was able to see through all falsehood and tell that her beloved shota hides beneath the sh.e.l.l of that middle-aged man! That is a true Gentleman. Wait… The shota that Big Sister Momo loves, isn"t that… Prince Roland!"

"The wind presses hard, sound the retreat!"

"What Big Brother means is to quickly flee!"

Alright, even though these Gentlemen with guilty consciences were scattering before me as though a threatened flock of birds, it wasn"t possible for me strike them down. Other than the female Elf who was clinging onto me as though an octopus, there was another familiar figure.

"Roland!! It has been a long time since we last met!"


"All phenomena are born of karma, and destroyed by karma. Prince Roland, this female peer has been chasing behind your fate for a long time and was brought here as a result of your doing. Excellent!"

"What Big Brother means is that you are in deep trouble…"

This time, Casio"s explanation is finally interrupted.

"Shut up!"

"Shut up!"

"All that has form is illusive and unreal. When you see that all forms are illusive and unreal, then you will begin to perceive your true nature."

This saying came from a Buddhist scripture known as Diamond Sutra


"In the midst of worldly desires and attachments, one comes and goes alone, is born alone and dies alone. After death, one goes to a painful or pleasant state of existence. Each receives his karmic consequences and n.o.body else can take his place."

(This is the full saying as translated in the Source)

I edited it slightly as the Chinese version slight differs from the English one, the interpretation of it as well.

This saying came from Longer Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra, another Buddhist scripture.


Basically, what it means that even though one might be surrounded by friends and families, but one is, in a sense, alone. After all, it is nigh impossible to find someone who understands one, someone who knows what you are thinking and someone who you can share your thoughts with. In that certain sense, we might be surrounded by people who love us, but we are still alone. (In the Chinese version) Thus, we should pursue happiness. Whether it is happiness or bitterness, we have to accept them, and no one can subst.i.tute us in it.

"All conditioned phenomena are like a dream, an illusion, a bubble, a shadow; like dew or a flash of lightning. Thus we shall perceive them!"

This saying came from a Buddhist scripture known as Diamond Sutra


"All phenomena are born of karma, and destroyed by karma"

I gave up finding it and translated this by myself.

Buddhist scripture from Pratītyasamutpāda
