Experimental Log Of The Crazy Lich

Chapter 573

Little Red was truly having a good time in the Chaos Abyss.

Every day, some lizardmen would act as her servants. This wasn"t much for an Immemorial Dragon like her, but compared to the boring daily life in the mortal plane, she would experience "surprises" every single day down here.

For instance, this morning, the lizardmen came to her again and danced several ridiculous dances for her while wearing gra.s.s skirts. They also used their heavily accented dragon language to shout "Grand Dragon", "Our grand ancestor", "Protect us", and so on.

The individual leading the praise was an inferno dogman shaman. Although inferno dogmen knew how to speak the dragon language, their accent would be quite heavy due to the structure of their tongues. Lizardmen had an even stranger accent due to speaking with the heaviness of cold-blooded animals.

Little Red was thus listening to strangely accented dragon language praise for her. Plus, the lizardmen, ogres, and inferno dogmen here were dancing strange dances in gra.s.s skirts. This was truly amusing comedy for her. Every single day, right when it became light, Little Red got to enjoy a comical performance.

As for the lizardmen, they felt like it was a great surprise as well as great fear that they managed to use their treasure to summon an Immemorial Red Dragon.

The lizardmen possessed a heart bloodstone that had been pa.s.sed down in their tribe for generations. In this current generation, one of their great shamans discovered that it was actually capable of summoning dragons. The entire tribe was delighted to find this out. Since the lizardmen already knew tribal knowledge on spiritual communication, voodoo, and beast taming, the Bloodspear lizardmen tribe"s strength rapidly increased exponentially.

However, their treasure actually managed to summon an Immemorial Red Dragon a few days ago. The lizardmen were far too surprised at this. It was too much of a shock!

All dragons would have ravenous appet.i.tes. It was due to their overwhelming predatory instincts that they were so territorial… as one dragon"s territory wouldn"t have enough food to feed two dragons, even if they were male and female partners!

As a reminder, it was common among dragons that females were stronger than males. It was also quite common that the female dragons would immediately kick the male dragons out of their territory right after having s.e.x and getting pregnant…

Cough, at places like Dragon City where many dragons gathered, there would need to be tremendous numbers of subordinate species to serve the dragons. At the very least, the dragons wouldn"t need to personally go out and hunt. Back when Little Red was living at Sulfur Mountain City, she had dozens of manticore and griffin subordinates. The entire mountain was her territory.

Alright, after explaining so much, I only wanted to say one thing in the end—Little Red"s appet.i.te was tremendously fearsome.

Eating an entire cow during a meal would be too much for any human. However, one cow would be only a single bite to her…

Little Red was no hired mercenary who brought her own food, nor did she have any intentions of trying to save any money for her "employer". Since the lizardmen had invited her over, they would need to take care of her hunger.

It wasn"t easy to hunt in the Chaos Abyss. Not only that, Little Red was highly picky about her food. She refused to eat any creature that was too highly demonized. She also required all her food to be cooked with aromatic spices to perfection. Both the lizardmen hunters and cooks were faced with their ultimate test. The pitiful lizardmen tribe was now using all the food resources of their tribe to keep this scary dragon happy.

It still would have been alright if Little Red only wanted food. Yet, the problem was that Little Red was even harder than most dragons to satisfy. She actually demanded alcohol to go along with her food. Alcohol was a rare commodity down in the Chaos Abyss. A barrel of good alcohol that would last a week for ten dwarves was nothing more than one drink for the red dragon. It also happened to be that Little Red"s alcohol capacity was ridiculous. Since someone else was treating her, she unhesitatingly demanded as much as she could possibly get.

In the morning, she would drink several dozen barrels of alcohol to wake herself up. Before her afternoon nap, she would drink another several dozen barrels. For dinner, she would have more than one hundred barrels. From a certain standpoint, Little Red was living life far more freely down here compared to the mortal plane because she was no longer restraining herself from drinking alcohol. It was just a pity for the lizardmen about having to treat her.

It would also be impossible for the lizardmen to do anything about it. Grayblade, the leader of the Bloodspear lizardmen tribe, did some simple estimates. He judged that even his entire tribe combined wouldn"t even be close to a match to that red dragon"s power just from the power she showed in that fight against that fearsomely strong Holy Knight.

The end result was that the entire lizardmen tribe basically became this Immemorial Red Dragon"s subordinate species. All the lizardmen worked their hardest to serve and please Little Red, hunting only the best meat for her while buying all the alcohol they could. They were also worried that she would be too bored and cause havoc, which was why they kept dancing and singing ritualistically to alleviate her boredom.

"…Why did our ancestors" treasure summon such a powerful dragon? Previously, didn"t we only manage to summon some beasts with partial dragon bloodline? Even ordinary black dragons won"t listen to the summons of this treasure, so why did an Immemorial Dragon come this time?"

The lizardmen"s treasure was a stone heart that was as tall as a human. This heart was sculpted to seem like it was almost alive. However, it was also covered in stone scales.

Ten years ago, back when Grayblade wasn"t the leader of his tribe yet, he accidentally discovered the true power of this lizardmen tribal treasure that had been pa.s.sed down through so many generations without anyone knowing about its true power.

As long as he dripped some of his own blood on the stone heart, it would slightly tremble and jump as if it was an actual living heart. It would then send out strange wavelengths that would attract the dragon bloodline beasts in the area, and they would then listen to the commands of the person who possessed this treasure.

And so, Grayblade started his protagonist journey after receiving this cheat power, becoming a CEO as well as marrying someone rich and beautiful… I was referring to how he killed the previous tribe leader and married the previous tribe leader"s second wife in order to become the new tribe leader. It would seem that the lizardmen society also had messy relations.h.i.+ps.

But soon, Grayblade discovered that this treasure"s power was limited. While it greatly attracted low-level dragon bloodline beasts, it would only make higher-level dragon bloodline beasts feel slightly friendly towards the holder. It was completely impossible for the treasure to control the highest-level dragon beasts. It might even bring calamity upon its holder instead.

And whether luckily or unluckily, no matter how much blood Grayblade tried dripping on the stone heart, dragons ignored it completely. In fact, the treasure even had the effect of making dragons feel uncomfortable, repelling them.

But now, this treasure had actually managed to summon an Immemorial Red Dragon who was quite friendly. This was just like spending two dollars to win a three-million-dollar lottery jackpot. This was so fortunate that it was almost unbelievable.

"I am the leader chosen by the heavens! We shall rule this entire dimensional level!"

At the time, Grayblade had been supremely proud of himself and ambitious.

But now, Grayblade was quite regretful and feeling helpless in front of the treasure"s altar. His ambition, excitement, and extreme delight from seeing Little Red for the first time had now turned into nothing but endless regret. Having summoned an overly powerful fighter had turned out to be a bad thing. It was too hard to serve her needs.

"Tribe leader, at this rate, our food stores for winter…"

"I know. Let everyone keep buying more food. If it"s really no good, we"ll go rob some more food from the mushroommen. Right, buy as much demonized meat as you possibly can. Since that red dragon won"t eat highly demonized meat, we can use that for our winter food stores…"

"Tribe leader, we don"t have enough alcohol again…"

"…Go buy more from the Onibaba market! Do we still have any more soul coins in our treasury?"

"Tribe leader, the red dragon says that our ogre who"s dancing for her is too ugly! She also says that our old shaman has a terrible singing voice."

"…Go buy some good-looking slaves from the Onibaba market. It would be best if they"re elves. Our hunting squads also need to go out and capture more slaves! Why are you all dawdling around here? Go and look already!"

"Tribe leader…"

"Say it!"

The angry Grayblade was almost at the point of exploding. But when he thought about how a single claw on that red dragon was still larger than he was, and how terrible red dragons" reputation was, he could only swallow his anger down.

"…The red dragon said that she wants to eat barbecued undead bulls for lunch. Also, she says that we"re too noisy and that we should find someone to sing lullabies to her. Oh, she also says that living on the mountain is too plain for her, so she wants to know when her dragon nest"s construction will be finished."

At this moment, Grayblade even felt like giving up his position of tribe leader. Undead bulls? Those would be Legend rank at the minimum and possessed the ability to instantly kill with their death glare talent. Maybe an Immemorial Red Dragon could treat undead bulls as a delicacy, but how could lizardmen possibly hunt such a dangerous creature?

Dragon nest? A dragon nest for an Immemorial Red Dragon? It was likely that even selling off the entire Bloodspear tribe wouldn"t provide enough resources for her dragon nest.

A lullaby? At least that one seemed much easier…

Grayblade shook his head as he decided it would be best for as few as possible to know about something so embarra.s.sing. He gritted his teeth and got up, intending to personally go sing a lullaby song to that red dragon.

"Tribe leader?"

"What is it this time!? Can"t any of you make decisions on your own!?"

Finally, Grayblade ended up exploding in anger after all. However, he noticed that his lizardman subordinate was quaking in fear while pointing at something approaching.

"The super strong Holy Knight from that day is attacking us!"