Experimental Log Of The Crazy Lich

Chapter 749

I almost burst into tears when I heard Ayer"s voice.

"You, you"ve finally awakened. Wonderful, wonderful…"

My voice was filled with gasping and exclamations. I had waited for this day for so long.

"…I"ll leave all troubles to you now, while I go take a two-week vacation, no, two months, no, two years!"

Ahem, don"t misunderstand. Although it was wonderful news that Ayer had awakened, the most wonderful part of all was that the big boss of the h.e.l.l Faction had awakened, which meant he could be in charge of everything now, and I no longer needed to care about anything!

"You probably have your own sources, so I"ll skip reporting on anything to you. Feel free to do whatever you like regarding the Undead Emperors. I don"t want to care at all…"

Over the past several years, since Ayer was the highest-ranking leader of the h.e.l.l Faction in name and he was in "hibernation", the h.e.l.l Faction had always been in a rather pa.s.sive state.

Power between the other main leaders of the h.e.l.l Faction was rather balanced. If this was a time of peace, this would be a great thing. However, a power balance was a bit of a headache in this time of war.

The problem wasn"t something as boring as a power struggle. It was rather that each leading G.o.d was too opinionated. They would have different ways of thinking about every single matter. It would take several weeks to several months for them to come to agreement on anything.

Thus, for the past several years, the h.e.l.l Faction had mostly been operating on status quo, without a true leader.

h.e.l.l"s normal operations were perfectly fine. However, the h.e.l.l G.o.ds were forever unable to come to an accord on proactively interfering with Eich"s mortal plane and doing anything concrete.

Although I was the main representative of the h.e.l.l Faction in the mortal plane, when based on seniority, I was probably ranked last out of everyone as I was only a mere 300-plus years old. If things were based on power level and combat achievements… I would also be ranked last, at least before I reached Level 4.

Some among the h.e.l.l G.o.ds only wanted to make more money, while some among the h.e.l.l G.o.ds wanted to just observe the situation. There were also some among the h.e.l.l G.o.ds who felt that it was fine to just protect h.e.l.l and the Land of Spring, and that there was no need to interfere with anything regarding the mortal plane.

The h.e.l.l G.o.ds weren"t the only leaders of the h.e.l.l Faction. There were also many powerful individuals who represented other factions who joined us later.

There was h.e.l.l Dragon King Samo, and Evelynn, the Strongest h.e.l.l Dragon. There was t.i.tan, the boss of the t.i.tans who were the guardians of the Land of Spring. There were also the Devil Lords who had joined the h.e.l.l Faction.

They would all be Main G.o.d power level existences if they came to the mortal plane. Originally, because of Ayer being around, I could command them as I pleased, but now, I would only be able to "request" their a.s.sistance. There really would be a large difference.

Every major faction would always have its own internal factional division. Having internal factions would mean having disagreements. It would be strange for any faction to be capable of forever being completely united and in agreement on everything when there were clashes of personal benefits and differences of opinion.

That made things really difficult as I was only a "basic member" of the h.e.l.l Faction. I recalled how in my past life there were always some people that others thought of as lazily doing nothing every day at some government agencies and companies, yet things would always go wrong or become majorly troublesome the moment that person was no longer there.

Just one idea or recommendation being tossed out could cause countless conflicts and different ideas to come out. This really was such a headache to deal with.

Back when Ayer had still been around, I had never thought that this would happen.

Before the h.e.l.l Faction received a rebranding with the creation of h.e.l.l, it had been known as the Ayer Faction. That was the best explanation of all. Without Ayer being around to act as everyone"s leader, everyone else would be nothing more than a plate of scattered sand, especially since even more powerful individuals had now joined the h.e.l.l Faction.

This problem had nothing to do with power level or intelligence. The G.o.ds and other powerful existences had always lived like this for the past millennia. They were roughly equal in power, so they would squabble over small things like, "You"re not as old as I am, so why do you think you get to be the leader while I must follow you? I beat you up 3,000 years ago…"

Ayer"s awakening meant that the entire h.e.l.l Faction"s different internal factions would all finally be united under one leader. The h.e.l.l Faction, which I had established with the intention that it would be the final powerful faction responsible for saving the world, could finally now start interfering with the mortal plane.

"How did Maria die?"

However, Ayer"s first question was about something entirely unrelated to the h.e.l.l Faction.

It seemed that he really valued his adopted daughter.

He fell silent after asking this question. It seemed like Maria had been really important to him?

I explained in great detail to Ayer about what had happened regarding Maria"s a.s.sa.s.sination. I also mentioned the Chaos Girls and their connection to the dimensional barrier, and also told Ayer about my inferences and recommendations. It took quite a while before he finally responded.

"Chaos Girls? Why didn"t you ask Beyana? She was formerly a Chaos Girl herself."

At this moment, I really wanted to cuss. Only then did I recall that I had such a group of ancient G.o.ds as my allies. They would be more likely than anyone else to know about such an ancient secret as the Chaos Girls. Why hadn"t I gone to ask them? Had I been blinded because they were my allies?

The next instant, Ayer transmitted a large amount of information and knowledge into my mind. Most of it was ancient knowledge and memories. I suddenly understood just exactly what the Chaos Girls were.

Every single Chaos Girl was actually a brand-new individual. They would always be astonis.h.i.+ngly talented in a certain area. However, the end result would forever be that their instinct would force them to kill each other.

In fact, I discovered that I knew even more about the Chaos Girls than Ayer did. From what I learned through Ayer, even the Chaos Girls themselves didn"t know that the final victor would transform into a new "Cynthia". The Chaos Girls were nothing more than puppets who were forced by their instincts to kill each other.

I had a long discussion with Ayer about what the Chaos Girls likely represented. Our discussion then touched upon our strategy for the future.

Ayer was now one of the Four Pillar G.o.ds of h.e.l.l. He represented the Pillar of Death, which meant that he was the ruler of all the dead. As a Pillar G.o.d, it was now impossible for Ayer to leave h.e.l.l. Yet, this didn"t meant that it would be impossible for him to interfere with the mortal plane.

The G.o.d of Holy Light was overly powerful, which meant that he was restricted by the dimensional laws. He had been unable to directly descend upon the mortal plane for so long, yet he had directly interfered with the mortal plane countless times already. Not only could the G.o.d of Holy Light send incarnations, he also had plenty of G.o.ds under him in his Holy Light Faction, along with countless angels and armies in the upper planes. The G.o.d of Holy Light also had the Holy Church in the mortal plane, which was the biggest faction in the mortal plane.

The h.e.l.l Faction was the same. The h.e.l.l G.o.ds who had h.e.l.l Concepts would be unable to leave h.e.l.l. However, the h.e.l.l Dragons were h.e.l.l"s messengers, so they were capable of traveling to the mortal plane. Also, while there would be some limitations, the h.e.l.l G.o.ds and h.e.l.l Devils were capable of sending incarnations or clones into the mortal plane to directly interfere with events. The most important part of all was that we also had the t.i.tans and the mortal armies from the Land of Spring, as well as a tremendous number of dragons who were originally from Dragon World, the plane which had eventually become h.e.l.l.

Just the t.i.tans alone would be extremely powerful. Of course, the prerequisite was that I would have to convince them to be willing to help out first. The t.i.tans were rather marginalized in h.e.l.l as they had been blackmailed by me into joining in the first place. I would have to be careful so that they wouldn"t turn on us and become our enemies instead.

Over the past several years, the t.i.tans had worked hard with their power over "Creation". The new dimension known as the Land of Spring was now developing quite steadily. The t.i.tans had become the Guardian G.o.ds of that new land. In a way, this had forcibly tied them to the h.e.l.l Faction already. However, having them truly fight for our cause was more than what the original contract with them had asked for. Renegotiation would be necessary.

Well, I only had to toss the problem and request over to Ayer. It would be his headache to deal with. It was such a great feeling to have someone else supporting you and taking the blame for everything!

Originally, there was also the worry about breaking the unwritten rules of the Holy War, but since the Holy Light Faction and Chaos Faction had both already started majorly interfering with the mortal plane, it was time for the h.e.l.l Faction to act as well.

I casually enjoyed the sun as I sat outside a café and spent my time quite freely. I was also waiting for the h.e.l.l G.o.ds to come to an accord. With Ayer personally getting involved, h.e.l.l"s efficiency would likely be improved by 10 times, or even 100 times over.

In less than half an hour, Ayer"s low voice sounded in my ears again, perking up my spirits.

"It"s time for the h.e.l.l Faction to show off its existence. The upcoming fight against the Undead Emperors will be the perfect stage. Rest a.s.sured and act as ridiculously as you like. I will personally take action."