Experimental Log Of The Crazy Lich

Chapter 795

Main G.o.ds were the peak existences of the world. Still, there wasn"t much in common between the Main G.o.ds, as each would have their own unique path.

The phrase "Main G.o.d" was actually rather unnecessary, as it was simply a phrase that mortals used to describe the individuals who were the peak existences of the world and had already surpa.s.sed the normal limits of a living being"s evolution potential.

Main G.o.ds were capable of creating new dimensions by themselves. They were capable of making an entire species go extinct. A single command from a Main G.o.d could destroy or establish a country. Main G.o.ds were existences high above the clouds who would act to change the world behind the scenes.

The Main G.o.ds would show an appropriate amount of self-restraint during the Holy Wars in history. They would first send their subordinates into battle, and only indirectly fight when it was extremely necessary. It was quite rare that a Main G.o.d would personally partic.i.p.ate in battle in their true body.

This wasn"t because of anything like a Main G.o.d"s pride, nor was this simply because of the will of the Chaos Abyss restricting them. Rather than that, it was that the Holy War wasn"t actually that important at the Main G.o.ds" level anymore. They had already faintly escaped from the cycle of the Holy War. Many Main G.o.ds had already experienced several or even dozens of Holy Wars already. There were plenty of Main G.o.ds who resisted or ignored the will of the Chaos Abyss"s commands.

In the Holy Wars of history, apart from a rare few like Donatis who loved to battle, the Chaos Main G.o.ds were typically rather restrained in comparison to the mid-level and high-level creatures of Chaos who were always really excited to invade the mortal plane.

This was something that the will of the Chaos Abyss (Cynthia) tacitly permitted and expected. Of course, she wouldn"t say it out loud, and she would even punish the Chaos Main G.o.ds who ignored her command to partic.i.p.ate in the Holy War… but to the Chaos Main G.o.ds, that didn"t matter at all. A Demon n.o.ble t.i.tle or a blessing from the Chaos Abyss and so on wouldn"t hold any meaning to them anymore.

Everyone knew about the Main G.o.ds who were the peak existences of all the dimensions in the Eich universe. There were only 20-30 Main G.o.ds at a time, anyways. If every Main G.o.d partic.i.p.ated fully in the Holy War every time, and four to five Main G.o.ds died in each Holy War, then the Holy War would end after just a few times, making all the evolution meaningless.

Since the Holy War wasn"t that important to the Main G.o.ds, they naturally wouldn"t risk their lives or everything they had. This was the same logic as how the really poor would be daring to risk everything for an opportunity to change their fate, while the really rich would always be really afraid of death as they would lose everything they had.

If a Main G.o.d took action, then the other side should, no, must also send a Main G.o.d to deal with things. Such a level of fighting would be really difficult to restrict or stop. Anyone might possibly die in such an all-out fight.

Things were actually the same for the Order Faction. Every time, the Order G.o.ds who truly got involved in the Holy War would always be the G.o.ds who ruled over a specific species. These Order G.o.ds would require the large amount of faith their species provided them in order to remain strong, but these Order G.o.ds would also be restricted by this limitation. If the Order G.o.d"s species was weakened, the Order G.o.d would also be weakened. Glory and weakness were thus mutual between the Order G.o.d and their species.

It could be said that such Order G.o.ds would be changed out the quickest. The moment that an Order G.o.d"s species was challenged, that was the same as the Order G.o.d being challenged. Potentially becoming the G.o.d of the ruling species in the mortal plane would bring about endless resources and power of belief. This was something that even Main G.o.ds would be moved by, so many G.o.ds were willing to risk everything for this.

Back when Karolan, the G.o.d of Holy Light, was still an ordinary human, he was just a slightly stronger-than-average SemiG.o.d hero. At most, he was equivalent in strength to a Low G.o.d. But now, the G.o.d of Holy Light was publicly recognized as the strongest Main G.o.d of them all. His strength had even surpa.s.sed the combined strength of multiple Main G.o.ds together.

The current situation was truly abnormal.

Normally, things should have happened like this:

The Chaos Abyss would invade. The Demon Lords who desired blood would attack with the first wave and plunder everything that they could. The ruling species would have to worry about both external and internal dangers, while other species would all have their own plans and schemes to challenge the ruling species" status, starting various small conflicts.

The constant wars would weaken the ruling species" overall combat strength and population. Various other species would then enter the battle, wanting to become the new ruling species. The world would then be embroiled in chaotic battle until only one final victor remained at the end.

The Chaos Abyss was more like a natural catastrophe or bandit pa.s.sing by in this process. The Chaos Faction would slaughter and steal as they pleased, bringing war and panic, and acting as the mortal enemy to the ruling species and their G.o.ds.

After everything was over, even if a new species gained the position of ruling species with the demons" help, most demons would still return to the Chaos Abyss afterwards. At most, if the current ruling species was a Chaos species, then there would be more interaction with the lower plane, and demon descendants would multiply in number very quickly in the mortal plane. But, after another 2000 years, the Order G.o.ds up in the heavens would sound the horns of war again, and start yet another cycle of the unending Holy War.

What would anyone possibly gain from this process? Was the entire world actually making progress? I felt that the answer was yes.

Denying the progress and growth made during war would be the greatest disrespect towards those who were sacrificed in war.

The danger brought by war would forever be the greatest motivation for technological revolution and new civilization. Every Holy War would always bring about countless inventions and sparks of wisdom that would far surpa.s.s the acc.u.mulation of the previous several peaceful centuries.

I would never deny the progress brought by war, because the innocents affected by war would need to think of everything they could for the sake of survival. They would have to use their original technologies for the sake of creating weapons. Even mathematicians would become codebreakers and physicists would become explosives experts in my original world.

I was still against war because such astonis.h.i.+ng inventions could also be slowly discovered and invented during times of peace. More peaceful and economical methods could be used to change the world. Those who believed that war would push history and civilization forward were only seeing a small part of the overall picture.

[Are you that against Cynthia and her law of the jungle evolution theory?]

"Only war and killing each other can produce evolution? I have never seen a stupider theory, ever. Yes, that"s right, I"ve always felt that Cynthia is an idiot who"s never graduated from her chuunibyou!"

Actually, I also silently mentally added the sentence "System, you"re the same, just with a slightly different direction from Cynthia."

Ahem, I was getting off topic. To get back on track, my impression was that Chaos Main G.o.ds and the demon army would mostly act as a destructive weapon to shatter the ruling species, an ultimate test that the ruling species had to face.

This time, everything had seemed off from the very start…

Even if the will of the Chaos Abyss was now gone, the Chaos Main G.o.ds had been far too active. Sophocles obviously wasn"t the warmongering type, yet he stirred up lots of trouble since the very beginning.

Not only did he enter the battle quite early, he even brought Donatis and Barbarot with him.

The other two Chaos Main G.o.ds were two of the happiest to partic.i.p.ate in the Holy Wars, so they wouldn"t require any payment to join in. They would simply have fun fighting and slaughtering. However, why had Sophocles himself partic.i.p.ated in this Holy War so actively?

Barbarot and Donatis weren"t the type who would need any reason to go to war. However, someone like Sophocles would definitely need a good reason.

Sophocles was someone smart and ambitious. The common point between these two traits was that such a person would only act for the sake of obvious benefits and an apparent goal. Glory and reputation would be meaningless to him. Working so hard at all this had to be for a certain type of benefit. Just what was Sophocles" objective?

At this moment, I suddenly recalled how he had previously invited me to gang up on Karwenz together. A strange idea suddenly flashed through my mind. Although this idea sounded quite ridiculous, perhaps everything could be explained in tandem with Sophocles" Divine Concept…

"By the way, is it really decent of you to simply watch? You"ve stayed at the Cloud Tower for so long before. Shouldn"t you at least feel something for them?"

"Harloys, didn"t the Cloud Tower also raise and teach you? You were even a teacher there before. Feel free to go help them if you like."

Harloys and I were flying around unhurriedly and chatting while observing everything on the battlefield with a bird"s-eye view.

We had no intentions of immediately helping the Cloud Tower defend against Sophocles" attack. We had both stayed at the Cloud Tower for quite some time before, so we weren"t worried at all that it would be defeated so easily. Currently, we were more interested in seeing as many aces from both sides being forced out as we possibly could.

A golden rune in the shape of a pointy wizard hat was illuminated above the Cloud Tower, seeming like it was summoning something.

Regardless, it was a good thing for our current combat situation that Sophocles had abandoned being my opponent now.

"Barbarot"s fight is far too disgusting. I don"t want to get involved in mud wrestling. I should just go help t.i.tan, then."

There was originally a three-versus-three match between the top-level existences. Since Sophocles had just left, then naturally his two allies would suffer misfortune. I would be truly foolish not to take advantage of the situation and gang up on one of the other Chaos Main G.o.ds.

As for why I chose to help t.i.tan rather than Heimor? It definitely wasn"t because t.i.tan already had a tremendous advantage, or anything like me wanting revenge against Donatis… Cough, cough, even if a personal grudge was involved, defeating the weaker party first to obtain a greater s...o...b..lling advantage in battle would definitely be the wisest decision.

Just as I was preparing to go and attack Donatis, I changed my mind due to what just happened over by Sophocles.

The Cloud Tower"s summoning had already finished. A certain old acquaintance of mine appeared in midair. Back during the battle of h.e.l.l, he and I had even chatted together over tea, even though he was nominally my enemy back then.

This white-robed old man had a long white beard that reached all the way to the ground. However, he didn"t seem like a frail elder at all despite using a walking staff.

He instantly controlled all the magical wavelengths in the area just by standing there as the Elemental Tide formed a natural barrier to protect him.

He was Kalumandas, the G.o.d of Wisdom, an Order Main G.o.d who was also Harloys" protector.

The mages had just shown off an incredibly powerful ace here.

Kalumandas was one of the extremely few G.o.ds that some mages would wors.h.i.+p. However, n.o.body knew that he had long since secretly allied himself with the mages.

The Mage Country had revealed their own Main G.o.d level combat strength, which was more than enough evidence that they were completely sincere in partic.i.p.ating in this battle with everything they had.

Kalumandas entering this battle at this moment was also an indication that he was now making a complete break with the Holy Light Faction. As long as I did a good job here, we would gain yet another reliable and powerful ally here.

This was why I immediately turned around to go a.s.sist Kalumandas. He wasn"t a Main G.o.d who was famed for his fighting skills. If he still thought of Sophocles as the same "Weakest Main G.o.d" from before, then Kalumandas would definitely suffer immensely.

Still, when looking at things from another standpoint, it really wouldn"t be much different, as I was still going to gang up on a Chaos Main G.o.d.

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