Fair Margaret

Chapter 7

"Certainly they do!" replied the latter, with alacrity. "I have painted his portrait."

"I should like to know him," said Mrs. Rushmore.

"He is quite delightful," the woman of the world chimed in. "Quite the most amusing man I know!"

"You know him, too?" Mrs. Rushmore asked.

"Everybody knows Logotheti!" answered the other.

"You must really bring him," said Mrs. Rushmore, in a general way, to everybody.

"I am sure he will be enchanted!" cried the archaeologist. "I am dining with him to-night, and if you will allow me I"ll bring him to-morrow afternoon."

"You seem very sure that he will come," Margaret said.

"But why should he not? Every one is glad to come to Mrs. Rushmore"s house."

This was an unanswerable form of complimentary argument. Margaret reflected on that strange law by which, when we have just heard for the first time of a fact or a person, we are sure to come across it, or him, again, within the next twenty-four hours. She did not believe that Logotheti could be found at short notice and introduced to new acquaintances so easily as the young scholar seemed to think; but she made up her mind, if he came at all, that she would prevent him from talking about their meeting at Madame Bonanni"s, which she wished to avoid mentioning for the present. That would be easy enough, for a man of his tact would understand the slightest sign, and behave as if he had not met her before.

In the afternoon she was alone with Lushington again. He was not at all in an aggressive mood; indeed, he seemed rather depressed. They walked slowly under the oaks and elms.

"What is the matter?" Margaret asked gently, after a silence.

"I have been thinking a great deal about you," he answered.

"The thought seems to make you sad!" Margaret laughed, for she was very happy.

"Yes. It does," he answered, with a sigh that certainly was not affected.

"But why?" she asked, growing grave at once.

"There is no reason why I should not tell you. After all, we know each other too well to apologise for saying what we think. Don"t we?"

"I hope so," Margaret answered, wondering what he was going to say.

"But then," said Lushington disconsolately, "I am perfectly sure that nothing I can say can have the slightest effect."

"Who knows?" The young girl"s lids drooped a little and then opened again.

"You know." He spoke gravely and with regret.

She tried to laugh.

"I wish I did! But what is it? There can be no harm in saying it!"

"You have made up your mind to be an opera-singer," Lushington answered. "You have a beautiful voice, you have talent, you have been well taught. You will succeed."

He had never said as much as that about her singing, and she was pleased. After many months of patient work, the acknowledgment of it seemed to be all coming in one day.

"You talk as if you were quite sure."

"Yes. You will succeed. But there is another side to it. Shall you think me priggish and call me disagreeable if I tell you that it is no life for a woman brought up like you?"

Margaret had just acquired some insight into the existence of the cla.s.s she meant to join, though by no means into the worst phase of it. She was sure that if she closed her eyes she should see Madame Bonanni vividly before her, and hear her talking to Logotheti, and smell the heavy air of the big room. She felt that she could not call Lushington a prig.

"I think I know what you mean," she answered. "But surely, an artist can lead her own life, especially if she is successful."

"No," Lushington answered, "she cannot. That"s just it."

"How do you know?" Margaret asked, incredulously.

"I do know," he said with emphasis. "I a.s.sure you that I know. I have seen a great deal of operatic people. A few, and they are not generally the great ones, try to lead their own lives, as you put it, but they either don"t succeed at all or else they make themselves so disagreeable to their fellow artists that life becomes a burden."

"If they don"t succeed, it"s because they have no strength of character," Margaret answered, "and if they make themselves disagreeable, it"s because they have no tact!"

"That settles it!" Lushington laughed drily. "I had better not say anything more."

"I did not mean to cut you short. I beg your pardon. Please go on, please!"

She turned to him as she said the last words, and there was in the word "please" that one tone of hers which he could never resist. It is said that even lifeless things, like bridges and towers, are subject by nature to the vibration of a sympathetic note, and that the greatest buildings in the world would tremble, and shake, and rock and fall in ruins if that single musical sound were steadily produced near to them.

We men cannot pretend to be harder of hearing and feeling than stocks and stones. The woman who loves, whether she herself knows it or not, has her call, that we answer as the wood-bird answers his mate, her sympathetic word and note at which we vibrate to our heart"s core.

When Margaret said "please" in a certain way, Lushington"s free will seemed to retire from him suddenly, to contemplate his weakness from a little distance. When she said "please go on," he went on, and not only said what he had meant to say but a great deal more, too.

"It would bore you to know all about my existence," he began, "but as a critic and otherwise I happen to have been often in contact with theatrical people, especially opera-singers. I have at least one--er--one very dear friend amongst them.

"A man?" suggested Margaret.

"No. A woman--of a certain age. As I see her very often, I naturally see other singers, especially as she is very much liked by them. I only tell you that to explain why I know so much about them; and if I want to explain at all, it"s only because I like you so much, and because I suppose that what I like most about you, next to yourself, is just that something which my dear old friend can never have. Do you understand?"

Lushington was certainly very shy as a rule, and most people would have said that he was very cold; but Margaret suddenly felt that there was a true and deep emotion behind his plain speech.

"You have been very fond of her," she said gently.

He flushed almost before she had finished speaking; but he could not have been angry, for he smiled.

"Yes, I have always been very fond of her," he answered, after a scarcely perceptible pause, "and I always shall be. But she is old enough to be my mother."

"I"m glad if it"s really a friendship," said Margaret; "and only a friendship," she added.

He turned his eyes to her rather slowly.

"I believe you really are glad," he answered. "Thank you. I"m very fond of you. I can"t help it. I suppose I love you, and I have no business to--and sometimes you say things that touch me. That"s all.

After this rather inexplicable speech he relapsed into silence. But there are silences of all sorts, as there is speech of all sorts. There are silences that set one"s teeth on edge--it is always a relief to break them; and there are silences that are gentler, kinder, sweeter, more loving, more eloquent than any words, and which it is always a wrench to interrupt. Of these was the pause that followed now; but Margaret was asking herself what he meant by saying that he had no right to love her.

"Do you know what the hardest thing in my life is?" Lushington asked, suddenly rousing himself. "It is the certainty that my friend can never have been and never can be at all like you in everything that appeals to me most. But it would be still worse--oh, infinitely worse!--to see you grow like her, by living amongst the same people. You will suffer if you do, and you will suffer if you cannot. That is why I dread the idea of your going on the stage."

"But I really think I shall not change so much as you think, if I do,"