Fall For Me

Chapter 13

After receiving the three techniques Jun was beyond amazed. There was a soul cultivation manual. Those were nearly impossible to receive if you were not part of a sect, college, or royal family. Even if you were part of those groups there is usually a price to pay to receive them.

As Jun reviews it he notice that if he began training in this soul cultivation than perhaps he would have a King"s realm soul level. Then he noticed that there was a body strengthening manual. It was called the Dragon Body Manual. Lastly it was a unique qi circulation technique. This technique would increase Jun"s qi to be 2 to 3 times stronger and increase capacity by 20 to 30 percent.

Sadly aside from the soul cultivation manual called the Enlighten Soul Manual the rest were useless to the current him.

If only this was before he lost his cultivation.

"Thank you," Jun said sincerely.

"No problem. Just so you know these cultivation techniques are worth a fortune," Ziyu said proudly.

"I can tell."

"There"s actually one more technique that I can teach you but I currently do not have the materials for it to teach you," Xintong explains.

"What is it? That it would require materials?" Jun asks.

"We call it the Crimson illusion Lotus Outer Body Training technique. The crimson illusion lotus is a special flower that is able to absorb and record every single scene within a 10 meter radius of it. With this flower you would be able to mentally train against your opponent because the flower can absorb and record the opponents information."

"That is pretty over powered."

"Currently only I can use the technique. I use it to increase the proficiency of my pill refinements," Xintong explains.

"This technique would be worth a fortune," Jun said in amazement. "But how would it help? I don"t think the lotus can process new information and manipulation the surroundings."

"That is where you are wrong. The crimson illusion Lotus is a spirit tier plant that is alive. Once its created into the A.I. Pill and you refine it you"re brain"s intelligence, speed, and synapsis connection will increase. Not only that but if you meditate you can enter your inner world. This inner world uses that Daos, and physical laws to create a real world inside your mind. Furthermore it uses your brain to do memorization, in-depth a.n.a.lysis, predictions, and everything. The stronger the mind the further it can go. It is not error free through since it depends on your current understanding of the Dao and knowledge but if something conflicts inside your mind they will compare it with the worldly Dao around you. What it mainly helps with is muscle memory and experience."

"That is still pretty insane," Jun said. Even with his experience he never dream that this was possible. There truly is a sky beyond a sky. A cultivator"s brain is like a computer except that it is filled with knowledge and memories from their life. The problem is not not everything they know and remember is correct and to use false information as an a.s.sumption could lead to a disastrous future.

"Back then our clan use to grow this flower and the teachers would use their knowledge and experience to create worlds for their pupils to train in. This way the errors are decreased to a minimum and the students would experience and learn by their teachers examples."

As Jun thought of it. "With this style of teaching wouldn"t you"re clan be the strongest? Even if they were framed they shouldn"t have disappeared like this. Just with this technique alone the quality of fighters and knowledge the student possesses would be 2 to 3 times other clans."

Xintong gave a mysterious smile without an answer. "Lets go back up they are waiting for us."

When they came back up there was a group of men in suits standing at the door. When they walked pa.s.sed the hallway Jun saw a accounting book inside one of the offices. With his photographic memories he instantly memorized it.

Jun also immediately recognized who those people were. They were Connection Corps minions. The one leading the pack was a male in his forties. He had a rough looking face that was covered by a full blown Santa beard.

"Hi is Miss Xintong around?" He asks. "I"m Jo Fan the manager for Connection Corps. Director Ji San has sent us to give you the money from the sales of the King Star Flower."

"What?" San Ti asks scratching his ears. "Say that one more time."

The rest were in disbelief too. What could have possible happened in between now and a couple hours back to change their mind so fast.

Jun smirked mentally at how quick they acted on his instructions.

"Director Ji San has sent me here to give Miss Xintong the money from the sales of the King Star Flower."

"Yes I"m Xintong," Xintong said as she walks out from the backroom.

"Hi nice to meet you," Jo Fan said expressionlessly. He then pulls out a metallic blue card from his inter-spatial ring and hands it to Xintong. "This here contains twenty five thousand qi stone."

San Ti, Hui, and Mei"s jaws all nearly dropped to the floor hearing this. They still can"t believe this. Mei pinches herself to make sure she was awake.

"Thank you," Xintong said cautiously. She still need not fully trust this development.

Jo San then looks to the said and saw Jun. "This sir looks familiar. Is he the one you been looking for?"


"Thats good then. He has returned safely and we can settle this problem here. If I can help you with anything else let me know."

"Then I thank Mr. Jo in advance then."

"Hahaha okay. My job here is done. I will show myself out the door," Jo Fan said feeling the chill in the room.

After they left everyone surrounded Xintong.

"Is there really twenty five thousand spirit stones in there?" Hui asks curiously.

"I don"t know," Xintong answers.

"Use this to check," Ziyu said handing her what looks like a credit card swiper.

When Xintong swipes the card a series of number sequence appears before the number twenty five thousand appeared.

Their eyes popped out of their sockets as they noticed the number to actually be real. If they take this card to the bank they can either deposit it into their account or withdraw twenty five thousand spirit stones.

"Wa cow!" San Ti gasped. He never seen so much money on one card before.

Even Xintong couldn"t believe her eyes.

"What happened?" Jun asks even through he knew what happened.

"Oh earlier today we went back to Connection Corps. and demanded them to search for you and when they kept lying that they found you but the body they produced was you our boss here went on a rampage and nearly killed the guy," San Ti explained like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Then I gotta thank you guys for trying," Jun said sincerely.

"Still its kinda weird that they kicked us out with such force that they come back wagging their tails like this," San Ti contemplated loudly.

"Whatever the reason at least we are semi rich now," Hui brags.

"Xin when you have time you should take the money and go over our finances later. See what you can do with it," Ziyu instructed.

"Ziyu, San Ti, Hui, and Mei. If it is okay with you guys I would like to keep seven thousand for WL and give the rest to Xing Lin. Without him I do not believe we would have even gotta the flower much less escape." Xintong said.

Before the others could say anything Jun said, "Xintong you should keep it. I"m still alive and my cultivation will be back in three months. I didn"t lose anything in the process. You have a company to run and I heard you guys were not doing so well. If anything I have this company to thank for. About 10 years it was because of this company that I came on the path of pill forging."

"Pill forging can be expensive. Here take two thousand spirit stones as the payment for now. If you want you can start working for us here and learn. We will always welcome you," Xintong said as she wrote a check and pushed it onto Jun.

Seeing that she wasn"t going to stop unless he accepts Jun graciously accepted it but realizes there"s no way he can deposit the check into his personal account.

"Thanks. How about I treat you all to dinner?" Jun said.

"Aye brother Lin is so generous unlike someone we know," San Ti teases.

Xintong gives the group a death glare.

They each gulped down whatever they were about to say and didn"t dare accept.

"How about next time brother Lin," San Ti said and then whispers, "or when this monster lady isn"t around."

"Next time then," Ziyu said politely.

"Yup next time," Mei agreed.

Seeing everyone agreed like this Hui could only sigh and reluctantly agree, "yeah next time."

"Oh Xing Lin my parents will probable want to celebrate this later. You should come to my house for the party," Xintong said. "Everyone gonna be there."

"Thats sounds great but I don"t know if I can tonight," Jun said.

"Well if you can come to this address," Xintong said writing down her address. Then she handed it to Jun. "Also you should take down everyone"s cellphone number so we can talk with each other."

Jun froze realizing that he never made a fake cellphone for his Xing Lin personality. "Sorry I don"t have one."

"Ey Brother Jun your not embarra.s.sed of us are you? Who doesn"t have a cellphone this day and age," San Ti said.

"I move around a lot and haven"t had the time to get a cellphone. Once I do I"ll let you guys know."

"San Ti can you quit being so rude to him?" Xintong said sternly as her mind was thinking that Jun might be poor and can"t afford it.

"Well I"ll see you guys later I still have some errands to run. It was great meeting you all," Jun said.

Then they all said their goodbyes and Jun left. Once he was out of their reach Jun got picked up by Bu Fan.

"How did that go?" Bu Fan asks.

"Pretty good. I don"t think they will be worried about me but I learned a lot of new stuff today and some of them worries me."

"Like what?"

"Xintong is restarting the Xia clan and with her current backing and strength there is no way she will succeed. Especially if what she said about the Xia clan is true."

"Mhmm Xia clan why does that name sound so familiar?" Bu Fan asks himself out loud.

"Its because she said that it is the 4 guardian clan."

"Did you say four guardian clan?" Bu Fan asks in shock.

"What about it?"

"You"re great great great grandfather from your father"s side was blood bond friends with the clan leader of that family."

"Well when your mother wanted to marry your father back then I did a little digging into you"re father"s background and found the connection. I was surprised. Anyway after some digging I found that the Xia Clan was in decline and since your great great great grandfather saved him during one of their crisis they made a pact. This pact was approved by the heavens. I actually have it in the vault. Anyway it states that if he should die then the descendants of the Xing family would have the rights to fight for control of the clan. Your great great great grandfather never wanted to be part of any clan and responsibilities so he never mentioned it and forgot about it."

"So you"re saying that if I use this pact I can inherit their clan and bring them back to glory?" Jun asks.

"Yeah thats basically it," Bu Fan shrugs. "I don"t know why you would put in so much effort for someone else"s clan and not care about your own business but yeah."

"Thats great!" Jun said. "Bu Fan you are the best!"

"I know."

Jun looks at the card with the address in his hand and remembering what he saw on the accounting paper. 230,000 spirit stones in debt.