Fall For Me

Chapter 22

Jun stares as his brain worked overtime. His mind and heart are all on cultivation but at the same time he isn"t willing to sacrifice allies for his own success. If this was any other situation he wouldn"t even consider the thought of betraying a friend but what was in front of him wasn"t something as simple as power and money but his life or his friends.

All sorts of memories began flashing through his head. Even through they only met for a couple days they have went through many things together. Starting from her accidentally dumping p.o.o.p powder onto his head to the moment they were in the shower together. Then they went on a life threatening adventure. Even if these moments are small and sometimes it is annoying and sometimes it is happy but for Jun at this moment those are all happy memories. Any time spent with her was a happy moment.

"Son what are you hesitating for?" His dad asks.

"I, I." Jun stutters.

"This is a once in a life time chance."

"Xing Jun its you isn"t it! What did you bring me here for!" She then tries to walk out but was stopped by a forcefield. "What is the meaning of this!"

Jun stood there frozen like a rock.

"Kill her son and get this farce away with," Xing Tian said forcefully.

"I don"t know if I can."

Then a sword appears in Jun"s hand.

"Don"t disappoint me."

Those words felt like a sword stab through his heart. It almost made him took action on the spot he could still stop himself.

"I knew you were bad but I didn"t think you would be this evil." Xintong deride.

Jun closes his eyes and screams "AARRGGHHHH!!!!".

This was a scream from his heart. As he opened his eyes again it was calm and decisive. Tears rolled down his eyes like a waterfall.

"How disappointing," His father said. "can"t even kill to get what you want. And you think you deserve the strongest cultivation manual in this universe?"

"Jun you b.a.s.t.a.r.d if you dare try to kill me I will haunt you and your nine generation forever."

"I can"t believe I have a son as weak willed as you."

Xintong"s words while were threatening they were also intentionally provocative. While his father"s word stabbed into his very soul to push him into action.

Jun looks at both of them and activated his Heaven and Earth soul eyes and tried to pierce through this illusion. He kept looking but this illusion was absolute. He can"t even see a hint of an illusion.

"Whether I want this power or not depends on me not you!" Jun said directly at his father. Then looks at Xintong derisively. "As for you. Who would want to kill you? Looking at you would probable kill the looker instead. If I have to kill you I would rather go kill a chicken so I would have something to eat afterwards."

"Che! Come kill me if you dare! Whose afraid of who!" Xintong shouts angrily.

Jun turns around and walks toward the outside of the cave. Every step he took the illusion wavered. After he reached the end of the cave the illusion broke apart and he was standing in the middle of palace room. All around him were walls. On the walls were step after steps of a specific cultivation method.

Jun"s eyes began memorizing and remember every single picture and word on the wall. After memorizing the entire wall he set down to theorize and learn it. Every time he hit a snag he looked up again and saw relooked at the wall to make sure he didn"t miss anything.

10 minutes later he was ejected out of the room.

He was back in the cave again. Standing before him was Ancestor Tian and Ancestor Long.

"Descendent you have pa.s.sed our tests and you have also viewed the Black Empyrean and white fiend-G.o.d method. We let you viewed it for 10 minutes. After viewing the method do you have any questions?" Ancestor Tian asks.

"Tian you really view to highly of your descendent. He only viewed it for 10 minutes how much do you really think he can remember or even practice. It took us a thousand year of theorizing, experimenting, and working day and night for us to come up with the first part.Then another ten thousand year to come up with the second part."

Ancestor Tian raised his hand to tell him to stop. "Descendent how much have you learned?"

"If I say I memorized the whole thing would you believe me?" Jun asks sheepishly.

"Your mom!" Ancestor Long roars. "As if we would believe you!"

The f.u.c.k? Jun thought. Is this the way an ancestor was suppose to act?

"Have you really?"

"Yes. Aside from a few technical points that would require me actually practicing the method I believe I have it pretty much figured it out."

"Then do you see any problems with the method?"

"There are two points that I see problems with but I believe I can solve the second part but not the first part. The first part is I require an ancient fiend-G.o.d blood."

"We will be providing you with Ancestor Long"s blood here."

Ancestor Long rolls his eyes.

"What is the second issue?"

"It is primal instinct. This is combining fiend-G.o.d and human cultivation together. Through this method the cultivator is converting his human body into half human and half fiend-G.o.d. With it comes the primal urges of a fiend-G.o.d. I believe as long as I cultivate my soul to a high enough level I can control those urges. Since right now I have a king"s realm soul I can slowly cultivate it up. This should keep my primal urges from overpowering me until I cultivate my body to the same level.

"Hahaha this descendent of your"s is way too funny!" laughed ancestor Long. "You think your measly soul can contain my dragon blood?"

"Descendant Jun while your idea is correct. It is only taking into the fact of a normal fiend-G.o.d blood. What would happen if you take in an ancient primordial Chaos Fiend-G.o.d."

That name is pretty redundant, Jun thought.

"A drop of blood from it can bring an ordinary human to Ancestor Realm. Give it to a genius and Emperors realm might not even before a dream for those in this mortal world."

Jun"s eyes shot wide open in surprise. "Emperors Realm?"

"Yes Emperor"s realm. This world"s heavenly dao has limited us to the t.i.tan"s realm. Your Ancestor Long back then was injured and escaped into our world. With his cultivation dropping all the way down to Nascent realm before I saved him as a child."

"In the end child you have to choose. Will you take this risk of becoming a mindless fiend-G.o.d upon failure?"

"And if I succeed?" Jun asks dumbly.

"Then you will become the strongest cultivator under this heaven."

"Then this little risk is nothing."

"He forgot to mention if you fail you will end up killing, and hurting everyone you love and hold dear," Ancestor Long said in a deadpan expression.

"How many days has been?" Jun asks.

"2 days since you have entered." Tian answers.

"Ancestor may I ask how my friend Xintong is doing? I know you have looked through my memories and know who Xintong is."

Ancestor Tian waved his hand and a circle appeared. Inside the circle stood Xintong squatting behind a tree.

"What is she looking at?"

The circle moved and Jun saw what Xintong was looking at. Below stood what looked like a small army.

"16 master realm. 3 King"s realm. 1 half step heaven"s realm. 1 third stage heaven"s realm cultivator," Ancestor Tian said emotionlessly. "She will die even with your butler"s help."

"If I cultivate this method will I be able to save them?" Jun asks.

"If you cultivate this method you can save them but there is a cost," Ancestor Tian said.

"What is that cost?"

"All the essence and spiritual qi inside your body will be depleted to zero. In return you will have the body of a peak Heaven"s realm and the cultivation of a first stage heaven"s realm. During the samara cycle illusion didn"t you notice a head splitting pain?"

"Yeah, I thought it was part of the illusion."

"No your body was slowly losing it"s strength and your spirit still extraordinarily strong. Your body cannot contain your soul. As your body slowly deteriorate your soul stayed the same. Eventually your body won"t be able to contain your strong soul. When that time comes you will just end up dying. The reason your body is deteriorating is not only because of the forbidden technique you used but also because your meridian and dantian are shattered. There is no way for you to contain it."

"So you"re saying it is simple better for me to train in it?"

"Let me finish you impatient child. While you are losing every bit of cultivation you have ever ama.s.sed I have stabilized it for you until you leave this cave to prevent you from dying. If you to choose to cultivate this method and choose not to save her then you will be able to directly ascend to the Nascent realm. If you choose to cultivate it and save her then you will experience 7 days and 7 nights of pain that will feel like someone is ripping your tendons and soul out while repairing it just to be ripped apart again. This is because you will be using phoenix"s rebirth. Phoenix rebirth is just like the forbidden technique you used before but instead of sacrificing potential you are sacrificing everything you have acc.u.mulated thus far for a final burst before being reborn. If you choose not to cultivate in it then I will seal your soul to prevent you from dying."

"Then the answer is simple. I choose to cultivate," Jun answers resolutely.