Fall For Me

Chapter 25

The master realm cultivators that got swatted all suffered internal injuries. Not only that but there was a weird qi that was injected into their body when they got hit.

"Tang Ho hold her down!" Ye yells leaping into the air. His hands moving at rapid speed drawing up a formation.

Tang Ho the other King Realm cultivator drew his axes out and attacked. A raging earth current followed the axe"s trajectory.

Xintong"s wings grew out and protected her from the hit. Then a fox tail silently stabbed at Tang Ho like it was spear. Tang Ho barely managed to defend and was sent flying back.

"She"s at the peak Kings Realm in terms of power!" Tang Ho warns.

A formation cage was form in mid air. Whoosh! The cage came crashing down.

As if she had a sixth sense she instantaneously moved out of the way. Then she sent a blast of energy at Ye in the air.

Ye swiped it away but then he made eye contact with her. He felt like his whole body got sucked into an alternate world. In there Xintong in her angel fox form used her claws to directly and slowly dig into his body and pulled out his heart. This illusion happened within 0.1 second.

After being directly hit by it he fell out of the sky and came crashing down onto the floor. King realm cultivator didn"t really have the ability to fly. It was more like levitation in a single spot. After his psyche took a hit he couldn"t regain control of the levitation.

Xintong came charging at him like a wild beast.

Ye rolls on the ground and manifest hundreds of those needles to attack Xintong.

The wings behind her back reacted instinctively to protect her.

Tang Ho who wasn"t dead yet came back and used his axe to sent a crescent moon energy attack at her.

Two of her wings spreads out and made a flap sending her soaring into the air. She sucks in a breathe of air and blew out a giant fireball onto the ground.

"What the b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l?" Ye swore. He felt like he was facing two peak Kings realm cultivator instead of one. Even with his half step heaven realm cultivation it didn"t mean he was in the heaven"s realm. Furthermore that wear qi coat protected her against all his attacks so far.

"Hurry up and deal with her," Yuan Chai told Ye mentally.

"Her attack power is only at the peak King realm but her defends is probable comparable to a heaven realm weapon. I"m gonna need some time to waste her strength."

"Tang Ho protect me!" Ye orders.

"Yes young master!"

Xintong was on all four as she looks at the two cultivators. While they were fight most of the master realm cultivators were either dead or severely injured.

The fox like qi face coat protecting her opens its mouth. Two tails and two wings were all pointing at point in front of the mouth. Energy began gathering at that point. Blue energy from one wing, red from another, purple from one tail, and brown from the last tail. All four of these energy began converging at one point.

Tang Ho attacked her with all his might. Just looking at that move and he instantly know it is something extremely dangerous.

He attacked with all his might but against 4 wings and a tail he didn"t even leave scratch.

Young Master Ye on the other hand was inscribing some kind of formation like his life depended on it. He had a sinister smile on his face like the charged attack from Xintong isn"t gonna be an issue.

After another 10 second Xintong"s attack was complete. Ye"s formation was also complete. Xintong waves her head back like she was ready to attack. Xintong smiled when she saw Ye getting readying to defend and Tang Ho running as far back as possible.

She changed her position and angle slightly and the attack was aimed at Yuan Chai. She might have been in a raging beast mode but some of her subconscious was still controlling it.

When Ye saw this he also smiled. Yuan Chai knitted his browse together as he never thought a berserk mode cultivator would still have intent behind his or her move.

Ye flicks his hand and an invisible force grabs Ziyu, San Ti, Mei, and Hui"s body and flings them between Yuan Chai and Xintong. A circler earth wall also rises from the ground that was reinforced by a formation.

"This cunning b.a.s.t.a.r.d," Yuan Chai thought to himself happily. He is growing up nicely.

I giant rainbow beam was blasted out from the orb but in that 0.001 second Xintong saw her friends body being pulled in front of the attack.

She quickly adjusted her attack by a whole 60 degrees. This adjustment caused multiple injuries to her body. If not for the qi coat healing her she would be dead. This is because the attack had the power of a mid Heaven realm cultivator"s strength. For her to even adjust after its" release was already a miracle.

The attack blasted hole through the wall and missed Young Master Ye by a couple feet but the raw energy still caused him multiple burns.

"f.u.c.king b.i.t.c.h I"ll kill you!" Young Master Ye screams with anger.

Xintong loss all her strength as falls flat onto the floor. She still retained her consciousness but her body had no more strength to move even a finger.

Bu Fan"s expression was extremely ugly at this point in time. He never expected these people to be so vicious. Yes, he knew these people were the sc.u.m of sc.u.ms but even so he never expected this. Not only that but for that Xintong girl to have enough consciousness awaken to perform such a task. If the attack actually hit that Yuan Chai then he could have attacked the barrier while Yuan Chai was distracted to break out. Then he could save everyone here and accomplish the task given to him.

"Which c.r.a.ppy novel writer is this!" Bu Fan mutters to himself.

Ye pukes out a mouth full of blood as he popped a healing pill to stabilize his injuries. It took him at least an hour to stabilize his injuries.

"Young Master Ye come over here I need you to use a qi storage formation injection, and a ejection formation. Make it at least grade 6. This farce has gone on long enough."

"If you dare kill them I will come back and slaughter you all!" Bu Fan threatened. This was all he can do at this point.

"You and what army? Do you really think your employer will care about some kids being killed? The only one that might be of importance is that girl. The rest of basic cannon fodders for her. Your employer Xing is not strong or powerful enough to even touch the One Sun Sect. Your threat is but a last minute desperation."

"Kill them and you will have sow a negative karma. It will come back to haunt you one day. Might not be today or tomorrow but one day it will haunt you. Death is coming for you."

"Enough useless chatter! Young Master Ye is it almost done?"

"Hey elder you"re getting a bit talkative today aren"t you, but yes it is almost done. Just putting the finishing touch."

"Its not everyday you can suppress someone above your level," Yuan Chai laughed heartily.


Yuan Chai injected half his qi into the qi injection storage formation and and another 10 percent into the ejection formation.


Once he activated the formation the orb prison that held Bu Fan was launched into the air and sent very very far away. It was sent away at a speed of a sonic jet. Even if Bu Fan manages to break the prison apart in the next 10 minutes it would take at least an hour for him to reach back here. Not only that but Yuan Chai used 50 percent of his qi to reinforce the prison. It will last at least 30 to 45 minutes of Bu Fan"s constant attack.

"Now lets deal with the rest and get that treasure and get out of here."

"You go kill them," Ye commanded Tang Ho.

"Yes sir!"

"Elder Chai can you call the sect for backup? I don"t think with just us three we can find this treasure and take it away before others discover us."

"Young Master I already have. The sect will be here in 12 to 15 hours."

"That long? Wouldn"t that Bu Fan be back in about 6 hours based on my calculation?"

"It doesn"t matter we can use that girl to find the treasure first. Then you can set down some illusion arrays and a I"ll set a marker down so we can come back and get it later."

Ye nods his head in agreement and began to get to work.

"You! Go find the treasure!" Ye yelled at the frightened Ximei.

Tang Ho arrived before Ziyu and brought up his great axe. "Die!"

He furiously swung down his axe in a domineering manner. He had been hit and pushed around for the last couple of days. It felt good to be all powerful again.

"STOP! DON"T" Xintong yelled out weakly.

Ziyu tried to dodge but it wasn"t possible at all considering his injuries and the difference in strength. 

"AAAHHHHH!" Ziyu scream out in agony and was withering around it pain. His left arm was just cut off cleanly.

Tears streamed down Xintong"s eyes like a great waterfall.

Blood gushes out but Ziyu managed to stop it with his qi.

"Its my fault. Its all my fault!" Xintong cried.

"Hurry up and finish them off," came Ye"s annoyed voice.

"Sorry Young Master."

Tang Ho raised his axe again and this time he had the intention to kill. He swung his great axe down again.

Xintong glares in anger as she forced herself to watch.

A shadow with two red eyes came crashing down like a comet. It crashes into the back of Tang Ho as both of his arms were ripped out. Blood sprayed everywhere.

Xintong eyes widens in shock.

Ye felt a shiver run down his spine from what he saw.

Yuan Chai tensely grip his hand together as he felt like a demon king had descended.