Fall For Me

Chapter 33

Jun led Xintong and Ximei around the lush forest for a whole minute when suddenly his hand glowed bright yellow. This means that he has received a message. Jun did a quick swipe in the air and a screen appears before him.

1. Immortal Sect: 1 Cards

2. Thousand Sword Sect: 0 Cards

3. Void Sect: 0 Cards

4. Huang Clan: 0 Cards

The list kept going and listing out which team has what cards. Jun swipes again and a map appears. A yellow dot with 1 appears on the screen. The dot was big enough where it doesn"t give away 100 of their location but small enough to know the general location. Furthermore after observing it for 10 seconds Jun found out that the dot only meant where the card was found and wasn"t tracking the players.

Whew Jun thought. Otherwise everyone is gonna get chased down too easily.

"Xintong, Lin maybe I can help. I can use my Myriad Eyes to find the cards," Ximei offered.

"That be great. See if you can find the first card"s location," Jun said.

"Ximei don"t over exert yourself if you can"t."

"No worries I been training my eyes and after that whole situation my Myriad eyes actually improved."

Ximei closes her eyes made three hand seals and when she opens them again he eyes were glowing bright white.

"I found it. Its" in that direction," Ximei pointed east. "Also there"s another card in the direction. but another group is gonna find it soon."

Jun activated his eyes but found nothing.

"…" Dam Jun thought. Her eyes are OP. Luckily she is on our team.

"Lets hide in the trees first," Jun said.


Whoosh! Whoosh! They all disappeared into the trees.

"Ximei use your eyes locate the cards and I"ll let Ziyu know."


"Lin we should wait a bit. One card sp.a.w.ns every minute so we should wait for least the half way mark before starting or they will just becoming targets for everyone," Xintong explains.

"That makes sense. Lets do that then."

Time slowly pa.s.ses as they hid in the tree.

Using Ximei"s ability they were able to detect every card that were sp.a.w.ned and the direction. They didn"t even need the leaderboard screen anymore.

Rustle! Rustle! Rustle!

A bright light emerges from Xintong"s tree. It was a card sp.a.w.ning in their location. They glanced at the bright light dumbfounded.


Xintong was the first to unfreeze. She grabs the card and hops down from the tree. Jun follow suit followed by Ximei. Both Xintong and Ximei"s speed paled in comparison to Jun. Jun grabs them both by the waist. Picks the up and began running at an impeccable speed.

Xintong blushes in embarra.s.sment while Ximei blushes in surprise.

"Give me the card," Jun said in panic.

"Someone 600 meter in front of us," warned Ximei.

The moment he heard it Jun sprinted right without any hesitation. Xintong handed Jun the card without question.

After receiving the card, "Sorry about this." Jun"s feet planted into the ground as he thrust both Xintong and Ximei in the tree. With his Master Realm Fiend G.o.d body this was an easy feat.

They both read Jun"s intention and agilely grabs a tree branch and hid.

"Is he going to be okay?" Ximei asks out of concern.

"He"s been through worse."

Jun ran with the card as three different sects appeared not even fifteen seconds later to chase him.

"Hand over the card!" one of them shout.

Jun glances back and saw a boy toy waving his sword around as he chases. Above his head was the group name. Nirvana Sect. Jun"s eyes shifted and saw two other sects. Three Mountain Sect, and the Samara Sect.

Just looking at these individuals already gave him a headache. They were all clad in pretty high level armors and weapons. If Jun was to guess they might be peak master realm armor with lower tier King realm weapons. Jun looks at his shabby Nascent realm weapon and hid it in embarra.s.sment. It didn"t even reach Martial realm yet.

If only I can log on to my main then I would show you all what treasure equipments really are, Jun thought.

"Hand it over to us and we will let you live," the boy toy said.

"And why should he hand it over to you?" Sneers a beautiful miss from the Samsara Sect.

"Aren"t you both a little too arrogant acting like I"m not here!" Roars a gorilla size man.

"Che the three mountain sect are more like the three stooges(Was gonna use a chinese joke but realize it wouldn"t work in english -_-)" the boy toy laughs.

"Rulong shut your mouth," Gorilla man said viciously.

Jun stares at them like they were idiots. "So who do I give it to?"

"Give it to me boy," the beautiful miss said.

"Give it here!" the gorilla man roars again in rage.

"Miss Tang, and muscle brain why should he give it to you? I have 6 people here you both only have 4 each. In terms of numbers it be much better if he gives it to me."

"If Miss Tang and I team up then we would hold the advantage."

"You really are all muscle brain aren"t you? Why would she team up with you? How are you gonna split up afterward? Fight for it? That be dumb as f*ck!"

"I wouldn"t team up with a snake and a brute. Boy give it to me and I can promise you that no body will harm you," Miss Tang said with a siren voice. Her voice was so sweet and layered with a strong hypnotic trance that many people would fall for it. Sadly Jun"s soul was multiple times stronger than her"s.

Jun wave it off like it was nothing. Then he sat down looking at the three argue back and forth.

"Are you guys done yet?" Jun asks.

They turn their head glaring at Jun. They were looking at Jun like he was a cooked pig on the dinner table.

"I have a suggestion if you would like to listen to it," Jun said.

"What is it?" Miss Tang asks.

"Why the h.e.l.l would we take a suggestion from you?" Rulong shouts.

Jun sat there resting his head on his hand. "Because if this goes on the event would have ended and you idiots still wouldn"t know what to do? I would still end up with this card at the end."

"You!"The gorilla roars in anger as he gets ready to a.s.sault Jun.

"I dare you to say that again!" Rulong shouts in anger.

Tang glares at Jun also angrily but was now more wary of him.

This kid isn"t normal she thought.

Jun got up dusking off his pant. "I"ll give this to the highest bidder. As you can see even if I possess one of these cards it is pointless. My cultivation is too weak to hold these cards. I might as well get some benefits out of them while I can. I am willing to trade for armor and sword. I"ll hand it to the highest bidder."

"Or we can kill and then it out among ourselves," Miss Tang said.

"Eh I don"t think you will. Simple because 3 minutes pa.s.sed and you still haven"t come out with a solution. There"s about 8 more mins before the game ends. I might look weak but my escape skills are top notch. If I really wanted to run away none of you can catch me."

"If that were true than you can just steal cards and run. Wouldn"t you win this event? Quit it with the bluffs we are not stupid," Rulong retorted.

"I don"t want to argue with you but if you want we can try it. I"ll escape from this entrapment right now and I"ll give you one minute to catch me. If you fail then you can offer me treasures for it. Or whoever catches me can have it." Jun explains. "So bye."

The moment Jun said bye he activate his movement skills, Heaven and Earth steps. In his previous cultivation base he already brought the skill to the limit. Now with a even st.u.r.dier and stronger body the speed was brought to a whole new level.

"Huh where he go?" Rulong asks in confusion.

Both the gorilla and Miss Tang tsk in disapproval as they age chase.

Jun didn"t use any illusion and the entire movement was based on physical movement with the help of qi.

How did he move that fast? the Gorilla man wondered. Even with his body he can"t move that fast physically.

"Come on you guys are a bit too slow!" Jun taunts. If it was a direct fight Jun would currently not be able to beat them due to their higher cultivation and stronger weapons and armor. It wasn"t something that can be bridged by skill and technique alone.


Jun appears 50 meters behind them. "Do you still want to continue with this farce?"

What the h.e.l.l? Is this speed even human? All three wondered in stupor.

Miss Tang was the first to react. "I"ll offer you the bracelet of Aurora. Its a peak master realm."

"What the h.e.l.l are you doing!" interrupted Rulong.

"Shut up," Miss Tang glares. "Like I said its a peak master realm item that can increase speed of qi flow. Basically it allows you to achieve a 20 percent faster activation rate."

"I"ll offer you the Armor of valador. Also a peak master realm treasure. Will let you take 5 hits from a king"s realm attack before breaking." The gorilla offers reluctantly. Just from the 10 seconds of speed that Jun displayed he knew that there was no chance of him catching up to him. So what is a treasure in a virtual game worth when his sect can harvest more of them.

"All you cowers are a bunch of p*ssies!" Rulong insulted.

"That is what I have between my legs or would you like to see a ****?" Miss Tang teases mockingly.

"Stupid," the gorilla man said.

"I"ll offer you a King"s realm sword! Demon Sword Infrits!" screams Rulong viciously as he whips out a black sword chokuto style sword. Its" handle was a check board pattern while the on edge blade had an ember red flame inscription pattern on it.

"Deal!" Jun shouted as he initiated a trade with him. To make sure they weren"t gonna use the trade to distract him he kept moving backwards while doing the trade. Once the trade was complete the card disappeared from Jun"s body a sword appears in his hand.

"Thanks for doing business with me. If I find anymore I"ll come trade with you again," Jun shouted happily and disappears like a ghost in the next second.

"Hahaha you fools! Trying to compete with me on treasures! Do you even have the money?" Rulong sneers.

The gorilla and Miss Tang glance at each other playfully as a smile curls up on both their faces. They nod their heads in agreement.

A second or two later Jun heard an agonizing scream in the forest.

"Hahaha that idiot," Jun laughs to himself. He already understood from the beginning what that sly gorilla and that woman was planning. When they were running away due to their speed they left all group behind in order to catch up to him. With all their numbers disappearing it was 1v1v1 meaning they were on the same playing field. Then she initiated the trade because she already deem chasing Jun was a time waster and pointless.

Then that gorilla purposely goaded Rulong by calling him an idiot because when a true idiot is called an idiot their soft spot is touched and will lose all reason verses someone whose truly smart being called an idiot. This successfully goaded him into bringing out a treasure far superior to the other two to dominate the trade.

After the trade concluded they were kill off Rulong and take the Cards for themselves since the rest of Rulong"s lackeys wouldn"t matter. As for the rest Jun doesn"t know what they are going to do.

A few seconds later Jun appears before Xintong and Ximei.

"All done," Jun said with a bright smile.

"What you do?" Xintong asks in confusion.

"I traded it away for this sword. I"ll go collect it back later," Jun said dismissively like it was nothing impressive.

Xintong and Ximei both looks in disbelief at the feat he just pulled off and then heard his last sentence and one word came to their mind. Shameless.