Fall For Me

Chapter 35

Then Jun noticed another group walking towards them. It was a young man about his age wearing a white robe fluttering in the imaginary wind with one sword hanging at his waist and one on his back. For a second Jun thought he saw double gangers of the young man but soon noticed that it was his footwork. Each step were the same and had rhythm to it that draws others in.

His face was completely calm and not a trace of fear could be seen.

No way this is another powerhouse, Jun thought. Jun kept his eyes wide open as he observed. Not letting a single movement escape him.

There were 7 individuals who were dressed the same way following behind him with this hands behind their back. They didn"t look like they were trying to help but rather just there for support.

"Give me all the cards you have," the young man said leisurely.

"Who are you?" one of the members of the Thousand Sword Sect asks.

"Yi Shi."

"Ziren college Yi Shi?" the Cowboy hat asks in interest.

"Yes. You are?"

"Jin Lei."

"Give me the cards and I"ll let you go."

Jin Lei started a cackling laughter. "Thats the funniest sh*t I heard in forever! Our cultivation are higher, and it looks like your teammates aren"t even gonna help. Why in h.e.l.l would I give it to you?"

"I guess we"ll be doing the hard way. I always heard the Thousand Sword Sect has the strongest Sword art. Guess I"ll find out today," Yi Shi said with a happy, happy smile. His right hand on the hilt of a yellow dragon pattern sword from his waist.

One of the 9th stage Master realm cultivator drew his sword at lightning speed. If it wasn"t because of his eyes Jun wouldn"t not even be able to see it. Except because of those eyes he was shocked by what he saw.

Yi Shi"s hand was .75 slower than the person who drew his sword but he still managed to pinch the sword between his hand.

Sword Dao!

Not only that but his attainment was also pretty high. Jun was not a Sword Dao expert so he has no way to gauge it. He only knew that it was strong. Way stronger than his current sword attainment.


The sword snapped in half and Jun saw every single muscle from his forearm to his finger. Initial stage fiend-G.o.d body.

His left hand acted like a sword and with a swing it directly cut off the guy"s head. There wasn"t even a slight flux of emotion on his face. Killing was like stepping on an ant to him.

Just that one struck gave Jun many inspiration. His blood was boiling to get in on the action. He doesn"t know if it was him or the dragon blood in his body talking.

The whole field erupted into a battle. Yi Shi was acting like he was taking a stroll through the park. Any sword strike coming in he would dodge to the side, tap, redirect, break, and attack! His attacks were ruthless as each strike took a life. Sadly those people never died before so they will revive in 20 seconds for the first death.

In less than 5 seconds the whole Thousand Sword Sect team were obliterated with the exception of Jin Lei. The sword formation that they were so proud of wasn"t even a challenge for Yi Shi. Each strike, each step, each kill were aimed at a critical junction in the formation. This formation would have allowed those 6 individuals to challenge a Low tier King Realm cultivator but somehow with a flip of the wrist, and a flick of the ankle the whole formation shatter.

Aside from the girls the rest of the team suffered an ugly death.

"Mhmm not a bad formation," Yi Shi complimented. "Took 2 seconds longer than I expected."

Yi Shi"s teammate facepalmed themselves. F*ck this boy got no EQ at all.

Jin Lei"s face had an extremely ugly expression like he ate sh*t.

"The thousand Sword Sect do deserve their reputation as having the strongest sword art in this region."

Please just stop talking Yi Shi"s teammate cried in their head. Just kill that last guy and move on before his teammates revive!

Jin Lei felt like his face got slapped back and forth not by the other"s hand but a solid piece of sh*t. What the h.e.l.l are you complimenting! You didn"t even draw your sword! F*ck you and your 18 generations.

"Oh you must be the strongest seeing as you didn"t rush in to attack me. Also n.o.body dropped a card so you must have it," Yi Shi a.n.a.lyzed. "Come!"

In a rage fill stage Jin Lei"s aura became that of rage and destruction.

"Oh you cultivated the 7 emotion sword art," Yi stated. "Not mid. From the looks of it you cultivated to the 4 emotion."


Yi Shi still tried to use his body to combat him but found that it was inadequate. If this was a video game then it would require a 15 level gap for a weaponless player to contend with a weapon wielder.

In that small exchange two cuts appeared on Yi"s body.

"Mhmm just about what I expected," pondered Yi.

During that entire interval Jun didn"t even notice that his body actually began blending into the background as his mind were calculated and computing 100 different scenarios and of what ifs scenarios in that small exchange. Not only that but his Dragon Fiend-G.o.d blood was invigorating his physical body in the real world as his eyes that was using the Heaven and Earth Eyes slowly evolved into the Black Empyrean and White Fiend-G.o.d Dragon eyes.

He was absorbing the battle techniques, and movements of the two fighters like a large sponge in water. Using everything he learned he entered a state of enlightenment. Slowly his sword art began improving even if he didn"t realize it himself.

The moment Yi drew his sword it his already sharp aura became even sharper. Sharper than any blacksmith can make a sword. So sharp its unimaginable how a sword can get sharper than already sharp.

Jin Lei came charging in again as his body split into four, then sixteen. Each body gave off a feeling of an original. Interesting enough it was extremely easy to see which body was the original like it was done intentionally.

His illusion body slashes at Yi Shi. At first in Jun"s mind he dodged the attack but when he saw Yi Shi not dodging he was slightly surprised. But at the last millisecond he dodged.

It was because in that slight millisecond Jin Lei"s illusion became real.

I see Jun thought. This illusion"s intention is to make the enemy make as many decisions as possible because the more movements and decisions the opponents make the more likely they are to make mistakes and leave openings.

When Jun watched Yi Shi unleash strikes and slashes he could see the profound sword dao contained in the strikes. Compared with Jin Lei"s sword strikes Yi Shi"s could be said to be a couple levels high.

Yi Shi"s strikes are precise, smooth, and fast. While Jin Lei"s strikes were fast and strong. Essentially is was soft verses hard.

Yi Shi could tell that his cultivation wasn"t as strong as Jin Lei"s since he just broke into the 9th stage and came here to hone his skills while Jin Lei was already half step King"s realm. Unlike the other"s that he faced the power and speed that Jin Lei was unleashing his attacks made it harder for him to attack without taking damage in return.

The battle continued as their movements became faster and faster. Also Jin Lei"s teammates were being revived one by one by the system. Sadly they were like cannon fodders. The moment they revived and came running back to the battlefield there was a sword through the head to receive them.

In a span of 5 minutes Jun counted over a thousand moves being exchanged. Due to their speed there were no power moves. Meaning ultimate finisher moves. There were only your basic slash, pierce, deflect, defend, and dodge.

"You"re really good!"Yi Shi complimented. "I learned a lot from you. It was fun fighting ya but its getting kinda boring now. I"ll end it now. Go back and practice hard."

Yi Shi drew out his second sword from his back. In that one moment Yi Shi used one sword to block and redirect the attack. Due to that Jin Lei became stunned for a millisecond as Yi Shi"s second pierced through Jin Lei"s chest followed by getting his head cut off. The moment that happened all the card in Jin Lei"s possession dropped to the ground to be picked up by Yi Shi.

"Yi Shi lets hurry up and find the rest of the card so we can end this. Its getting kinda boring for us," said a chubby young man that had a giant heavy sword hanging from his back.

"Pan Zhu have sister Ting find the last group."

Swoosh Jun disappeared from the spot. Yi Shi"s eyes shot over in surprise.

"Mhmm not bad. I didn"t even notice."

In a couple seconds Jun was back with the group.

"Guys I don"t wanna be a downer but I don"t think we can win against the last group."

"Why do you say that?"

"There"s a Ziren College student that just slaughtered the whole Thousand Sword Sect members by himself. Not only that but one of them was a half step King"s realm whose sword dao reached expert level." Jun explained. If Jun was to be honest he would really want to duke it out with that Yi Shi person but if he did he would reveal himself to everyone.

"We should still try. We are here to practice so it be a waste if we don"t even try," Ziyu said solemnly. "Not only that but we all practiced the Soul Enlightenment method so our soul can handle the burden."

"Alright lets do that then. Jun if you don"t want to then thats fine. You can provide support for us," Xintong said kindly.

"No I want to fight alongside you all. This is not even the real world so if I am afraid of dying here then I might as well not cultivate," Jun said seriously.

Slowly they regrouped into a hidden location alway from everyone. Then huddled together to make a new plan. Their first plan was to tale behind a group and then kill the last group to obtain all 24 cards but this plan went to trash after finding two super groups. The first was the thousand sword sect. The second group was the Ziren College group led by that overpowered Yi shi. Neither group are going to be easy to deal with. Both Yi Shi and Jin Lei could be called the top 5 percent of the top 1 percent. Even through Yi Shi made slaughtering Jin Lei"s group like a walk in the park Jun knows for a fact that even he might not be able to reproduce that scenario if had his past cultivation. Luckily all hope was not lost and Jun has a plan to him. In the fight Jun noticed something about Yi Shi"s style of sword and within that style there is a weakness. Furthermore Jun had one thought. Other"s might not, but I am shameless enough to hammer that weakness until you beg for mercy!