Fall For Me

Chapter 55

Jun got back in a couple minutes. He met up with Ziyu and Mei.

"Where is everyone?" Jun asks Ziyu.

"San Ti is watching over Xiao Hui"s formation examination."

"How"s Xintong"s examination going?" Jun asks.

"Pretty good. She pa.s.sed the first test and second test easily. The third test will be the hardest."

"What"s the third test?" Jun asks.

"Its the pill forging part."

"Didn"t she mix pills easily in the forest? I saw it with my own eyes and even helped her."

"Yes when no one is around and with no judging her. Once she sees someone judging her, her confidence crumbles. This is her inner demon."


"Its due to her brother"s death. Because of that she feels immense pressure to perform well. When it comes to a life changing moment she always end up failing." Ziyu sighs regretfully.

"Can we do anything to help?" Jun asks.

"No this is a trial she must overcome herself."

"When does the test start?"

"Not for another day I believe. The pill forging process is a long one using the traditional style. I believe she got two days before her turns comes up."

"Oh. Is there really nothing we can do? What if we use the Quantum Reality to help her pa.s.s through it?"

"The issue is she knows its fake and there is not real pressure in that process. The quantum reality helps increase skill and cultivation but not the mind. When you know you act differently."

"I see." Jun said but mentally he thought you can"t think of anything but that doesn"t mean I can"t. "What are we doing here?"

"We just waiting for Xintong to come back from the second examination," Xiao Mei explains.

"Oh," Jun answered and then pretended to pick up a call. "Sorry I have to go. I"ll meet up with you guys later."

"Sure no problem. See ya," Xiao Mei said without sparing a glance.

"We"ll catch up later," Ziyu waved.

Jun left the crowd and made some calls.

Xintong came out of the crowd of people with a huge smile on her face.

"Ziyu! Mei! I pa.s.sed the second test!" I screamed happily as she hugs them both excitedly.

"Good job," praised Ziyu patting her head.

"I knew our Xintong is the best!" cheered Xiao Mei.

"Is Hui still taking the test?"

"Yes, and San Ti is with him."

Xintong felt a vibration in her pocket. She looked at her phone. It was an unknown number.

She hesitated for a second before picking it up.


"Remember me?" an arrogant voice sounded from the other side.


"…" This idiot can"t remember anything! Jun cursed. "Its the person the owns 40 percent of the wonderland pill shop."

"The b.a.s.t.a.r.d Xing Jun!" She screamed out loud.

"Is that the person that tried to buy your brother"s company?" Xiao Mei asks.

"Come to this address in 10 minutes."

"Why should I?"

"If you don"t I might have to come and collect a debt." Jun said coldly. "Here"s the address. Unit 888 at the Ziren Academy pill tower. Come alone." Then hangs up.

Xintong grinds her teeth in contempt. "I have to go. This b.a.s.t.a.r.d is despicable."

"I"ll come with you." Ziyu said.

"No. I have to go alone."

"If he does anything to you tell us immediately. We"ll give him a beating!"

"Thanks you Mei and Ziyu!"

"We"re family there"s no need for thanks!"

"I love you guys!" Xintong said warmly and hugs them both. "I"ll catch up to you guys. Wait for me."

10 mins later Xintong arrives in front of unit 888.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

The door opens up. On the table were food and two seats. One was occupied by Jun.

"Come sit down."

Xintong cautiously walked over scanning her very surroundings. Finding nothing out of the ordinary she sat down.

"Eat," Jun said.

Seeing her not touch the food he continues to talk. "I know you just took the second test and pa.s.sed. I like that. It looks good for my investment."

See that she was still not Jun sighs, "I didn"t do anything to the food. Relax. I just want to talk."

"I don"t want to talk to you."

"You don"t got much of a choice. Eat."

"No thanks. If this is all I came for, I"m leaving." Xintong declares.

"Eat or I make it so I own the company by tomorrow."

Sulkily she took a bite of the food. Her eyes lit up but she couldn"t enjoy the food with the threat of her company on the line. It tastes kinda familiar she thought.

"I"m not a crude person. I just want to make money on my investments and you making it pa.s.s 2nd round pleases me. The third test should be simple but from what I found out you have problem when taking big tests."

"None of your business."

"It wouldn"t be if I didn"t have an investment with your company. Sadly it is. And I would like you to perform well."

"If this is all then I"m leaving. And I"m done with the food like you requested."

"Sit," Jun said. "I"m not done talking yet."

"What do you want."

"I want you to forge a transcendent rank pill. Tier 3." Jun said.

"…" Xintong was speechless. With her Pill forging level she can do it but transcendent rank is about 50/50. "Why do i have to do what you say? You can forge your own pills."

"Its that kinda att.i.tude that brought your WL group to where it is today. Can"t even forge such a simple pill and you want to run a company? No wonder it is a sh.e.l.l of what it use to be." Mocked Jun. "Your better off just selling the company to me and work for me."

Xintong felt a such heat to slap Jun across the face and give him a good thrashing. "Just a transcendent tier 3 pill what"s so hard about it! I just don"t want to waste time with you."

"Really?" Jun smirks. "Any interesting in doing a wager?"

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Even through Xintong was angry she didn"t let that completely consume her. "What are we wagering?"

"Nothing too harsh. If I lose I pay off your debt. If you lose you be my Maid for a month."

Xintong face and body started to say are you a pervert?

"The h.e.l.l are you thinking? I just need someone to clean my dorm room and a pill a.s.sistant. Who the h.e.l.l would be interested in your flat board chest and mash potato looking a.s.s!"


"Che! Who said my chest is flat!" Xintong shouted back sticking out her chest which was slightly bulged out which looked to be around C cup. "If my chest is flat then your d.i.c.k is smaller than nanotech!"


"Lets change the bet! Loser has to go out and parade around the city saying they have a flat chest or small d.i.c.k!" Jun fumed as he stared her down.

If anybody didn"t know any better they be seeing sparks flying between their eyes.

"Fine! Bring me the ingredients and the furnace nano d.i.c.k!" Xintong shouted.

"Here you f*cking go flat board chest!" Jun shouted back as he whips out a pill furnace and the ingredient that he prepared before hand. Jun never felt such intense shame and anger before. It felt like his mind just went into self defense mode and got into a insult match like a couple of teenagers… Wait I am a teenager…

f.u.c.k! I don"t want her to win anymore!

Xintong on the other hand also felt the same anger when Jun called her a flat chest. I"m clearly a D cup!(No she really isn"t) She has barely ever used the word d.i.c.k before until today! I rather be a made for a month than walk around the city with a sign that says flat chests. She cried inside. How did I even end up her.


She was crying internally as she picked up ingredients and mentally measuring them. Such bad luck meeting him!