Fall For Me

Chapter 8

While wallowing in despair Jun thought to himself that this life was given to him by Xintong"s brother it was only right to return it. Maybe this is karma.

His mind quickly comprehended the Dao of lightning, fire, and earth. It took him less than 10 seconds to comprehend it all. After comprehending it his despair turned to bitter regret.

He waved his hand and the rocks around him condensed into a thousand fist size rocks. Each one weights about 500 pounds. Then he waved his hand again and there were mini explosion behind each of the fist size rocks. Thousands of booms echoed across the sky and those rocks were like giant bullets whizzing through the air.

In a second over fifty thousand bat bees were killed. This was the difference between a heavens realm cultivator and Master Realm cultivator.

With his new knew found understanding of the Dao of lightning and fire he only needed to raise his hand point at the queen. Then a rapid fire of fire b.a.l.l.s flew out at it. The queen tries to dodge but each ball seems to be able to predict its" direction. After being hit six to ten times the queen felt like her body was on fire. There were third degree burn marks all over her.

Jun could have easily kill her at this point but decided to toy around with her because he won"t have this power for long and he is trying to comprehend the fire, lightning, and earth daos to the best of his abilities.

The queen bat tried to launch a sonic air wave attack but Jun just slashed at it with black. Far away the tip of the mountain exploded.

Real lightning surges out everywhere killing the bat bees that were still in the air. The lightning were like snakes jumping from one to the other.

"SCREECH!" the bat bee queen screams for them to retreat.

After two minutes Jun started to feel his dantian cracking apart again and he can"t leave killing this queen to chances. Feeling Jun"s killing intent the queen tried her best to run away. Jun"s body instantly appears before the queen. His hand reaches out to grab her by the neck. The bat queen"s mouth quivered. A surge of lightning courses through from his body to the queens. This reduced her to nothing but ashes.

Jun was not going to chase after the rest because it is pointless and they were the invaders to begin with. Even he would chase after people who steals his belongings.

Sitting down on the ground Jun tries to comprehend as much of the three element"s Dao.

His Dantian began to crumble like the melting glaciers. His body strength began to deteriorate. His lush black hair turning silvery white. In his last moments he brought out the star freezing flames and sells it inside a scroll which he then stores inside his inter s.p.a.cial ring.


His dantian was destroyed. His meridian points cracked apart. His body strength was that of a teenager. He was now a mortal. His white hair flowing in the wind. Even blacky"s blade cracked apart.

Jun"s mouth quivered. His eyes moist. He was near tears. Ten years of hard work just disappeared a blink of an eye. Tears stroll down his eyes as he tried to hold as much back. He rose from the ground and stood tall. Like a warrior coming back from war he walked toward the direction of the city.

He was now a useless piece of trash in this society. A genius that appears only once in a thousand was snuffed out like the flames on a candle.

"On the bright side my soul is still comparable to a Master realm cultivator," Jun chuckles looking at the bright side of things. This was just a weak way of consoling himself.

Should I go back and tell my dad? He is going to be so disappointed. Maybe I should just run away and sent him a letter. Better than having him know I lost all my cultivation because of a girl.

All of this ran through Jun"s head as he was walking out of the forest.


Jun saw that it was Bu Fan who landed from the sky.

"Young Master! What happen?" He shouted anxiously. Bu Fan could not feel a single strand of qi in his young master"s body. "Your hair is wait."

Jun gave a sad smile.

"You used that forbidden technique?"

Jun nods his head in shame.

Bu Fan was shook. He grabbed Jun"s shoulders. Jun could feel Bu Fan"s body tremble. There was a mix of sadness, anger, frustration and a whole lot of guilt. Bu Fan drops down to his needs crying.

"I have failed you! I"m so sorry!" Tears raining down his eyes.

Jun puts his hand on Bu Fan"s shoulder then confidently looks him in the eyes, "Bu Fan this is not your fault. I made the decisions without telling you. I might be trash now but I"ll make a comeback."

"Its all my fault. I should have secretly followed you. It was because I got lazy in my old age. I thought no one in the city could threaten your life."

"Stand up. I"m still alive aren"t I?" Jun said with a big bright smile. "Lets go home. I"m a bit tired. When you get back don"t say anything. I would like to tell father myself." It was all he could manage as he tried to put up a tough front for Bu Fan.

"Yes young master. When we get back I"ll never leave your side again."

Bu Fan carried Jun"s body like a princess then leaps into the sky.

Laying across the land were over 100,000 thousand Nascent beast cores. On the spot that Jun killed the Queen Bat bee laid a charred King"s realm beast core.

When Jun arrived at home he learned that his father was at a business meeting and won"t be back for another couple of days.

Jun let out a breath of relief as it meant he could waiting on telling him the news. His sisters gave up searching for him and were home training. He snuck pa.s.s them and into his room. Locking his door Jun jumps onto his comfortable bed. The soft mattress instantly put him to sleep.

He woke up 10 hours later and it was already morning. Jun already miss the feeling of being a cultivator. Having to restart is not really a big issue but having every single meridian point in his body destroyed was. The dantian can be rebuilt and cultivated again overtime but the meridian cannot be fixed. It was granted by the heaven but many doctors, and higher cultivators have tried fixing a broken meridian and failed. Damaged or injured was still healable but destroyed was not.

Jun sat on his bed in a buddha like pose. Eyes tightly shut. He then tried the Heaven and Earth Cultivator technique to try and absorb qi.

"AH!" Jun screams agony.

His body feel like he was pierced by thousands of knives just now. Sweat appear all over his back as he collapse onto the bed.

He continued to feel the pain except instead of knives it was like his whole body was on fire. Groaning and enduring the pain it finally calmed down after a minute.

Feeling the sweat all over his body he went to take a shower. Since he was on vacation he might as well go out and get something to eat. Also he wants to go to a weapons smith to see if he could get his sword fixed. Donning on a simple disguise and throwing blacky into his backpack he went out. Not wanting to cause a disturbance Jun told Bu Fan where he was going and called Rides from his phone.

A car came a couple minutes later.

"Where would you like to go boss?" the young adult in the drivers seat asks.

"Bring me to downtown of Ziyou City."

"Yes, boss!"

Staring out the window Jun couldn"t help but feel how much the city changed in the last 10 years. Ever since the invention of internet and the computer in the last 20 to 30 years the city was completely transformed and even now it was changing. The concept of electricity was around since humans starting cultivating. It wasn"t until recently that they beginning applying the Daos of lightning into making weapons. Due to that John Tesla invented the first computer was puppet master, or construct master. He was the first to introduce electricity into a puppet not for attack power but rather as a source o energy for movement.

After that with his amazing mind in the Daos of Construct made a computer. Then teaching that concept to his students he began to slowly but surely combine qi and electric together to make the first robot.

Furthermore due to the introduction of microchips and computers many other technological advances appeared. Especially since those who are in the Master Realm and King"s Realm who has to further study their daos to improve. It also helps that those who reach a soul depth of 20 would gain the ability of photographic. Of course there are also people with photographic memories without reaching a soul depth of 20. Even for Jun who cultivated his soul he has only reach 16.3. As for other people other people his age they are only around 5 to 6. It is only in the Heaven"s Realm would soul training become easier.

"Take me to Blacksmith Bai Yun"s place," Jun said to the driver as they were reaching the city.

"Sure boss."