Fall For Me

Chapter 17

Suddenly it jolted on Jun that the person inside was Xintong.

"What is she doing in a chicken costume handing out fliers?" Jun thought to himself as he jogs over.

"Xintong why are you working in a chicken costume?" Jun asks.

"Oh Xing Lin what are you doing here?" Xintong asks while taking off the chicken head. She wasn"t even the slightly embarra.s.sed but her face was red hot from the costume.

"I came by to buy some food when I heard you."

"How about I take you to grab some when I"m done. I"ll be done handing out these fliers soon ," Xintong said.

"Alright let me help you then," Jun said without asking any unnecessary questions.

"No its fine you don"t need to," Xintong tried to say.

"Its no problem," Jun answered grabbing half her fliers.

"Wings Out"s grand opening soon! Come grab a flier for the grand opening discounts!" Jun shouted loudly. "Hey miss you over there!" Jun shouted a girl ten to fifteen feet away. "This wing place is opening soon. You look like you enjoy chicken wings. Come grab a flier for the coupons."

The girl looks at Jun like he has mental issues but took one anyway. I do enjoy chicken wings through she thought to himself.

With Jun helping out they easily handed out all the fliers within the hour.

"Whew!" Xintong said feeling swamped as she sat down onto a bench with a cold drink. She then hands Jun one too. "Thanks for the help by the way."

"No problem," Jun answers. "Lets go get something to eat. I"m still starving."

"Oh yeah. I know a good place. Let me hand my costume back to the boss. Give me one sec."

In a couple minutes Xintong gave back the costume and got paid for her work.

As they walked toward the restaurant Xintong struck up a conversation.

"So what kind of food do you like?" Xintong asks trying to make small talk.

"Mhmm," Jun replies pretending to think. "Anything really but I do especially like ramen."

"Ooohhh I love it too. There"s actually a ramen shop nearby that makes the best ramen in the city. Follow me its actually pretty close right now."

"Is it Ruka"s Ramen?"

"Yeah how you know? Do you live here?"

"I recently just got back from adventuring outside when you met you all. My apartment is actually pretty close by," Jun said half lying.

"Oh I"m surprise we never met before," Xintong winks.

Jun shrugs.

"Hey I don"t think I got your cell number last time." Xintong said suddenly.

"Uh," Jun stutters since he couldn"t possibly give her his original cell. "I don"t currently have one."


"It was broken when I was out adventuring. I"ll be getting a new one soon," Jun explains since in this day and age unless he was a weirdo then he would definitely have a cellphone.

"Its okay if you don"t use one," Xintong said trying to rea.s.sure him.

I really do have cellphone Jun wanted to shout.

"Did practice those three techniques yet?" Xintong asks changing the subject.

"Yeah I began the soul enlighten training. Its amazing. Your clan must be so strong if they cultivate in that."

Xintong just gave a smile.

"Sorry I didn"t mean too."

"Its okay its been a long time but they were strong. Oh by the way are you going to take the exam for Ziren College next month?" Xintong asks.

"Probable not. I have no cultivation at the moment. I doubt I will make it in," Jun said.

"The exam is not only on cultivation. You can try to get in through other fields like, alchemy, formation scribe, blacksmith, and even beast tamer."

"Hahaha I don"t think it will be easy for me to do any of these tasks without qi," Jun chuckles.

"I think there"s another way but I don"t how you would feel about it."

"What way?"

"The other way is as a servant. If one of us place in the top 10 then he or she is allowed to bring 10 servant with them. The servants can attend cla.s.s and everything but they to have limitation."

"I"ll have to think about it. A month is a long time anything can happen from now till then. But why would you working? Didn"t you just make a ton of money?" Jun asks.

"Oh yeah but the company is riddled with debt. I am just trying to speed up the process."

"I think it be better if you spent that energy on acquiring customers," Jun blurted out by accident.

"Your right but everyone is working so hard and I don"t know what I can do to acquire more customers."

"Yeah its tough," he agreed.

"Oh we"re here," Xintong shouts cheerfully.

In front of them was a brick shop that was no bigger than a thousand square feet. When they went through the door the shop had a very homely feeling. It was small with a bar like counter. It was a fifty year old man behind the counter with his middle age daughter.

"Welcome to Ichi Ichi Ramen," the girl greeted. "Can I get you anything to drink to start off?"

"I"ll take a gla.s.s of water," Jun said as he sat down.

"Same here."

"Will you be getting the usual?" the girl asks.

"Yes Jimei! One bowl of jigoku ramen extra spicy, with double egg and pork!" Xintong shouts happily.

"..." Jun felt expressionless.

"What about you sir?" the Jimei asks.

"I"ll do the same," Jun said with a forceful smile.

"Okay, I"ll be right back."

Jun saw that Xintong"s eyes were darting around like she was searching for someone.

"Are you okay?" Jun asks with concern.

"I"m fine. Just that I don"t see Jimei"s sister."

Jimei came back with the water when Xintong asks, "Jimei where"s your sister? I don"t see her."

"Oh she we out to do some grocery shopping. Should be back later." Jimei replied with a slight shiver.

Both Jun and Xintong noticed it.

"Jimei if you need help you know you can always ask me right?" Xintong whispers under her breath but it was loud enough for Jimei to hear.

"Thank you for your concern but there is no problem."

After a while their food finally came out. Inside the bowl was a red hot soup with two fully sliced egg with yolks that looked like a liquid but was solid. Dashing around it were freshly sliced pork that might have been able to reflect the moon.

Just looking at it Jun felt his stomach growl. Before he even dig in he notice Xintong wolfing down the ramen like there"s no tomorrow. When Jun was half way through Xintong already finished her"s and like it was rehea.r.s.ed a second bowl came over.


Jun felt speechless. Is this girl a reincarnated pig?

After they finish and paid the bill Jun noticed that there was fifty percent discount on their bill but didn"t say anything. The moment they walked out the door and it closed behind them Xintong grabs Jun"s hand without explanation. Without his cultivation he was like a piece of paper in the wind.

Before he knew it all he heard was a, "shhhh," from her.

Jun looks around and notice they were in a vent.


This girl is a little to unpredictable isn"t she? He wonders to himself.

"Dad we should ask Xintong for help. She already has a feeling that something is wrong," Jimei"s voice traveled through the vent. "Plus they are all in the Master realm. I"m sure she can help Yimei."

"Ji child its not that I don"t want to but they are already in a difficult position. If we ask for help it will only make things worse for them and Yimei. Among those cultivators there was even a King"s realm among them. Do you really believe that guy will let us and Xintong go if they were found out?"


"Think about it. Even if Xintong miraculously happen to rescue Yimei then what? That young master Baqian wouldn"t let us off at the end of the day and will only make life more difficult."

"But that b.a.s.t.a.r.d"s reputation is trash," Jimei complains.

"We have to trust it even if we don"t want too!"

"Dad what if he does indecent things to her?"

"Then I"ll kill him even had the cost of my life," her father said with extreme killing intent.

Jun shivered when he heard it. The killing intent was so pure and strong that he couldn"t imagine this man to have never killed before in his life. It might be the killing intent a father omits for his daughter but even then it was down right pure.

They crawled back out.

"We are going to help them." Xintong resolutely said.

"Sure but you don"t have any information about where they are..." Jun said.

"Yeah your right," she awkwardly laughed.

No f.u.c.king wonder your company is in debt, Jun wanted to shout.

"Lets go ask them then," she said and grabs Jun"s hand and pulls him back inside the shop.

"Oh hey Xintong did you forget anything?" Jimei asks a little surprised.

"No but Jimei can you come out for a second? I want to ask you to go check out some clothes with me," Xintong said. "Jun here isn"t really great with fashion."

What happen to that quiet girl from the mission? Jun wondered. This change in personality is a bit too sudden don"t you think? Wait never mind. This is exactly her personality even when we first met.

"Sure I be happy to help. Dad I"m gonna go with Xintong to check her clothes be back in five."


When they were sufficiently far away Xintong asks Jimei bluntly, "what happen to your sister. I want to help."

"What are you talking about? My sister is fine."

"Jimei please don"t lie to me. How long have we been friends? I know when your lying."

Bulls.h.i.t Jun wanted to say. You snuck into her vent and was eavesdropping.

Jimei bits her lips and was reluctant to say.

"Jimei I promise that if I really can"t help I"ll leave it alone but if I can do something please let me help. Your family has been more than just friends to me. You two are like sisters to me. I don"t want anything to happen to her."

Jimei sighs. "Alright. It happened two days ago."