Fall For Me

Chapter 37

Jun couldn"t believe the power of his eyes. It was like a blind man given the ability to see. Everything was clearer, focuser, slower, and more detailed. At the same time Jun also felt the strain it was putting on his eyes.

5 minutes my eyes can endure it for 5 minutes. Jun thought. This was a rough estimation.

Yi Shi continued his attack against Jun but to Jun Yi Shi"s attacks were a lot slower and with his current speed he could easily keep up. With the Myriad eyes he has more time to a.n.a.lyze the structures of the attack before coming up with a counter. Not only that but Jun also felt like he was predicting Yi Shi"s moves before he could even make them. It was only a tenth of a second faster but for their speed of battle it felt like a whole second faster.

Yi Shi felt incredible astonished by the sudden development. He felt like he was naked before Jun even through he was stronger than him.

What an incredible martial genius, Yi Shi thought. Even if I were facing myself I wouldn"t be able to counter like that.

Sadly it wasn"t Jun being a genius but more of the Myriad Eyes being to over powered. To be able to predict a tenth of a second into the future followed by being able to process those information at a rate of 30 percent faster than before, it could be considered a cheat code if this was a video game.

The ability to see the surrounding in slow motion is not increasing the eye sight speed but increasing the brain"s processing ability. The more images a person can process at a given rate the slower the surround would seem to move.

As they fought Jun made the demon sword infrits that he obtained earlier appear in his hand.

Jun fed the demon sword with his star freezing flame and he could feel the sword becoming stronger and stronger the longer he fought.

As the sword took on the attributes of the star freezing flames the surroundings air became colder and colder.

I can kill him in 1 minute! Jun calculate in his mind. This was because Yi Shi"s speed was becoming slower and slower. He was using a lot more technique to keep up with Jun. Not only that but Jun kept on suppressing him with his attacks that made it impossible for Yi Shi who loves challenges to just knock his pride down and create s.p.a.ce to temporarily heal. Furthermore this was a quantum reality and not the real world which made it even harder.

Ziyu, Hui and Mei all got revived and tried to go back and help but were instantly slaughtered after being ganged up by Yi Shi"s teammate. It was 7 against 3. They never stood a chance. They were all at least 2nd to third years in Ziren College with talents higher than Mei, and Hui. Truth to be told it was an unfair fight.

Jun was beginning to feel the strain on his eyes as for a milli of a second his right eye would fuzz out and refocus. Luckily the fuzzing wasn"t so severe that it would cause Jun to lose concentration. All it did was give Yi Shi an almost nonexistent breather.

As the battle went on Yi Shi tried his best to just use sword skills and techniques to beat Jun who was throwing everything he could at him. It was a the one minute mark that Yi Shi"s movement became slow to the point he couldn"t keep up with Jun.

Out of the corner of his eyes he processed a guy with a bow and arrow pulling back the string. The Quasi Myriad Heaven and Earth eyes could see 360 and nothing could escape his sight especially danger. In the split milli second Jun could already calculate and see the trajectory of the arrow.


The arrow was released. Like a rocket on a mission it came flying in. Jun moved his body slightly just quick enough to dodge it. The arrow brush past Jun"s thigh and slammed right into Yi Shi"s stomach, followed by a sword to the neck from Jun.

The cards dropped to the floor as Jun scooped it up. The world froze for a second as Yi Shi"s 7 teammates glares at Jun murderously. Especially John who fired the arrow. He still couldn"t believe how Jun dodged it. It was like he knew it was coming already.

"Did he hack the system?" John wondered. It shouldn"t be possible.

"Uh Qing do we get him?" Nadal asks.

"No master said as long as his soul is not injured we do not interfere," Qing who was the n.o.ble looking young man.

Jun gave them a glance and ran off as quickly as he could. This was because through the myriad eyes he could see their power level and it absolutely terrify the current him. Aside from the little girl the rest were all in the King"s realm. For a group of King"s realm cultivator to come and partic.i.p.ate is there even a point to this game anymore?

Once Jun collected all 23 cards he was like a beacon of light brightly lighting up the map.

Jun quickly deactivated all his other abilities and eye technique and ran.

"Ximei log out now! Xintong come to me we need to meet up. Give me the card and log out after. Tell the others not to revive," Jun instructed.


The leader board has showed who had all the cards and it made it super easy when one group had 24 cards in an area of 400 people. As long as someone saw it the rest will know.

To make matters worst in that battle Jun only had 30 percent of his qi left.

Jun and Xintong met up in 20 second. Xintong had a large group of people chasing after her and as they were about to catch up Jun appeared out of no where to accept Xintong"s card and disappear. It was like a perfect baton exchange during a four man relay.


During that time Yi Shi revived again and was absolutely excited. He had John track down Jun and the hunt was on.


Lightning swimming through Jun"s veins as he ran even faster hiding in spots no one would think of but it was all useless as John"s ability would track him down.


The moment Jun saw Yi Shi he sent a soul attack at him. The quality and purity of Jun"s soul was at the King"s realm even if the quant.i.ty was not.

Nadal who was adapt in illusions and formations saw the entire process immediately conjure a formation to protect Yi Shi. At the same time he felt it was only fair to restrain Yi Shi for a second because in a real battle the results would have been much worst.

Yi Shi didn"t feel like what Nadal did was over the line and was actually thankful because it kept the chase interesting.

In that split second of restrain Jun sprinted alway at maximum speed.


Rulong who he kinda conned earlier appeared out of a tree and used a sneak attack.

"Die you son of a!" Rulong shouted but before he could finish his body plopped to the floor and died.

Due to his shout the surprise of the attack disappeared and Jun fed the demon sword infrit with his star freezing flame again and sliced off Rulong"s head in one clean swipe. During that fight with Yi Shi whether Jun admitted or not his sword art had improved tremendously. After this he needed time to consolidate everything he learn and saw. The current him was no longer the same as when he first met Rulong.

Seeing as he got killed by the very sword he gave to Jun he felt a h.e.l.l like anger boiling in his body as he waited to be revived for the third time.


Dam I wish I had a clone technique Jun thought. If he did he could run alway in different directions.


Yi Shi appears behind him once more as he unleash a crescent moon energy slash. Jun whips out his sword and used it to defend against it. Not only that he defended from an angle and borrowed the force to run alway even faster.


Lightning split steps! Whoosh! Three Juns appear out of thin air and ran in different directions. Sadly this was only a speed illusion art and once they separate for a distant of 20 meters the clones would disappear.


Another minor character pops out from the side to only be slain a milli second. Then a group appears before Jun as he used the lightning split steps again to avoid and pa.s.s through them. Due to the intensity of the speed they could barely react in time.


Yi Shi got into a fight with them as their slow speed completely annoyed him. Whoosh Jun sprinted to the right.


Yi Shi appears behind him again. Jun wondered how Yi Shi is able to track him so accurately. Jun flips through the air as his body dives into a hole on the side of the mountain and used an earth manipulation technique to cover up the hole. Then he reappears on the other side.


Then using that giant rock wall as cover he kept running.


Yi Shi appears behind him again chasing after him.

Does he have a guy thats a tracker? Jun wondered. If it was anyone else they would have lost me already. He must have a tracker on his team. Then there"s only one technique I can use to avoid him. The bad part about the Quantum reality is no one can faint or be knocked out.


Jun saw a group ahead of him. It was a group of five and they were all in the seventh stage. Jun appears in their group and used an aura flash. An aura flash is similar to a flash of light but for trackers it is extremely annoying because they would not be able to track or differentiate between the individual"s aura due to being masked by one type of aura.


During that 1 second Jun used his Heaven and Earth eye to copy the aura of an individual that had a similar built structure to him. Once he finish copying he used killed him right off the bat before stripping him naked and changing into his clothes. After that he used a quick disguising technique. Then using an illusion technique he quickly made a clone of himself appear.


"Huh what happened?" side character one asks.

"I don"t know ugh!" side character two answers before dying.

The clone Jun was slaughtering them.

"Why are you killing us!" Side character four asks.

"Cause I felt like it!" illusion clone Jun answer arrogantly.

The illusion Jun wasn"t actually killing them. It was Jun in the background using his soul to make them believe they were killed.


Yi Shi finally caught up again and what he saw was Jun walking towards a seventh stage cultivation who was clearly scared and getting ready to kill.

Yi Shi brought out some shurikens and threw them at Jun. Furthermore Jun just "happen" to see it and dodge. Afterwards Jun ran again leaving behind the scared boy.

"Stop and fight me!" Yi Shi shouted.

"F*ck no I"m not stupid!" Jun shouted back.

When Jun ran 400 meters alway he disappeared.

The boy who was scared had a smirk on his face as he ran away as a slow speed after the illusion Jun disappeared.


That boy was Jun and in order to make it all look real Jun had to focus to extend the illusion 400 meters away.

Jun then found somewhere quiet to recover.


F*ck I got tricked! John swore internally. He then locked onto the aura of the boy earlier that was about to be "slaughter" by Jun.

John then sent Yi Shi the new location.


Jun saw Yi Shi approaching him again and he knew that the gig was up and decided to run again.


Jun morphs back to himself and took out a bunch of smoke bombs that he robbed from the person he was impersonating.

Sigh I really should have learn the aura suppression technique before Jun thought to himself. Jun then checks the timer and it was 17 seconds left.


I can definitely delay him for 17 more seconds Jun thought to himself. Furthermore Yi Shi was getting impatient as the timer ticked down. His body began to fill with sword light energy. Like a bullet out of a gun he blasts through the air at Jun.

Even at maximum speed Jun would not be able to out run him so he decided to take a turn.

Yi Shi already predicted that Jun would take a turn left or right since that was the most predictable movement after seeing someone come at you like a speeding rocket.


Yi Shi manifest a sword and used it as a launch pad to keep flying toward Jun. Also because he was only moving in a straight line Yi Shi was moving at a rate of 2 to 3 times faster than Jun. Jun raised his sword and blocked.

Boom! Boom!

Jun felt like he got hit by a bullet train going 300 miles an hour. The first boom was from impact. The second boom was from slamming into the side of the mountain.

For half a second Jun felt dizzy but due to his powerful soul he quickly recovered. He saw Yi Shi coming at him with a giant energy sword.


f.u.c.k! Jun swore mentally. He was thinking about dodging but this move had s.p.a.ce restriction. Jun quickly used everything at his disposable to try and endure this attack. Jun used earth manipulation, and star freezing flame to create a pyramid defense. Jun then blasts a giant ball of star freeze flame at the sword.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!


The star freezing flame managed to diffuse 3 percent of the energy and the earth pyramid defense was able to diffuse 10 percent. Jun"s body took 60 percent of the energy"s hid as the rest diffused into the background.

The different in realm was too great. Jun"s qi couldn"t compare with Yi Shi"s. Even with a peak master realm fiend-G.o.d body he could barely endure it.

There were multiple cut and burn wounds on Jun"s body as the smaller injures were getting healed at a visible rate. His internal injuries were a lot more severe.

Jun estimated he might only be able to perform at 30 percent of his peak power.


After using such a big move even Yi Shi had to be on cool down for a second or two. The bullet sword movement, and the heaven sword stab weren"t using moves to use. The bullet sword movement was very stressful on the body while the heaven sword stab was draining on his qi.

Dam boy"s body too strong! Yi Shi thought. This move could kill initial king"s realm and yet he still survived.


Heaven and earth body movement! Jun disappeared from the spot but he wasn"t trying to run because at this point running is the same as suicide. His speed dropped 50 percent from peak. His defense is in tatters and his only way to win was to tactics.

Bolts of lightning surges toward Yi Shi but all Yi Shi did was take his sword out and diffuse the lightning. Then Jun used earth manipulation again to attack Yi Shi with a shower of rocks.


Inside the rocks were star freezing flames.

Boom! Boom! Bang! Boom! Bang!

Could be heard echoing throughout the area.

Yi Shi used a sword rotation to defend again it. After the explosion the area became near freezing zero. Not only that but 5 b.a.l.l.s star freezing flame the size of a adult were revolving around Yi Shi. From the looks of it the small suns were absorbing the surrounding heat making it extremely cold. Even Yi Shi"s sword were freeze.

Die! Jun"s eyes said coldly. As the five suns came crashing at Yi Shi.