Fall For Me

Chapter 46

Jun felt like he received a million bolt of shock as he couldn"t believe what Bu Fan just did. Bu Fan was like grandpa and teacher to Jun. This was a person that watched him grow up since young. How could he do something like this?

Jun knew he should feel anger and rage but all he felt at the moment was confusion, denial and shock.

The chain around Xing Tian"s neck fell off as Jun grasp the ring in his hand.

"Who are you?" Jun asked while knowing very well who he was because he felt that he was using a more powerful version of his Heaven and Earth eyes.

"I am who I have always been," Bu Fan answered.

"Why would you do this?" Jun asked.

"Are you thinking that I betrayed you?" Bu Fan asks with a slight grin.


"The one who betrayed you is not me," He answered with a reminisce look in his eyes. "It is your father who betrayed you."


There was a cold, cold glint in Bu Fan"s eyes that Jun never seen before.

"Your father and I had an agreement to raise you into a peerless expert. Instead your father went back on his words. So you tell me who is it that betrayed who?"

Jun stood there silently not know how to respond as he grasp the ring in his hand.

"Young Master Jun I know your potential and I have seen how strong you can be in the face of the impossible. So I"ll give you a chance to save your father. Right now I have sealed his cultivation. Honestly I could have dealt with him any time that I wanted and didn"t have to do it in front of you. If not for your father shamelessly trying to break out of the ice you placed him under thanks to me I wouldn"t have had to make a move," Bu Fan explained apologetically.

"What do you mean?"

"That move that you use was pretty well developed for the spur of the moment but it would not have worked on your father if i didn"t interfered just now."

"Then I wasn"t meant to have this then," Jun answered coldly as he wasn"t surprised by the fact. If that move worked he would have been extremely shocked. Because he had to cross 3 major realms. Master, King, and Heaven to reach his father"s level of strength.

"Your father agreed to suppress his cultivation down to the first of the King"s realm. Instead he chose to go back on our deal, knowing that you would never oppose it."

"Your blinded by your emotions old man," Xing Tian grunted as he endured his internal injuries.

"If it wasn"t for you Jun would have long been in peak King"s realm by now! In another 10 years he would have the strength to go against the heavens!" Bu Fan flared as his cultivation level rose from Heaven"s to upper Ancestor realm.

"You"re in the Ancestor Realm?" Jun asks flabbergasted.

The amount of Ancestor Realm cultivators that Jun knows could be counted one hand within these lands. Only first rate sects and schools would even have 1 or two ancestor realm cultivators.

"Young Master Jun lets end this chitchat. From today onward I will take over your family business. You will have three years to rescue your father. If in three years you failed to rescue your father I will execute him on the spot for you to see," Bu Fan said coldly.

"This is impossible! I would have to cross 4 major realms in 3 years. Thats a breakthrough in stages at least once a month! Even if I could reach your strength in three years it would unstable!" Jun explained.

"For others it might be impossible but not for you," Bu Fan said in a matter of fact voice.

"Even geniuses take more than 100 years to break through to that realm and you expect me to do it in 3 years?" Jun shouted back helplessly.

"Those geniuses don"t have that cultivation method."

"Even so it takes time to solidify a realm. Only with a strong foundation can one grow stronger in the future," Jun said.

"You sound just like your father," Bu Fan said. "No matter. You have 3 years. Take it or leave it. I can execute him on the spot for you."

"You are crazy," Jun criticized. "Fine I"ll take the deal." Jun said it with determination. Even if I fail at least he gets to live for three more years to thought. No matter how crazy it sounds at least there is a chance.

"But just know this. In 3 years times if I do reach that level I will kill you," Jun said murderously.

Bu Fan smiled, "I hope you be able to at that time."

"I just have one question why?" Jun asks.

"In three years if you have the power to beat me I"ll tell you."

"Dad in three years I"ll come back to rescue you," Jun said as he turn around with the ring and left through the door.

Once Jun left the house his mind was racing with adrenaline. He was plotting a way to achieve this goal of his.

... Inside the mansion...….

"You know it didn"t have to be this way," Bu Fan said to Xing Tian.

"There is no other way," Xing Tian said helpless. "If he doesn"t have the strength to kill you in three years time then we will all be dead anyway."


Jun came to one final conclusion and it has to do with Xintong. When Xintong"s brother Xia Wulong left him the star freezing flame he also left behind an incomplete pill Dao heritage. In the heritage left behind it says there are 9 levels that is equivalent to one rank per level. The heritage he received had 4 levels and Jun has already a.s.similated all four levels into his brain. Currently he only has the strength to make transcendent rank three pills but can only touch upon rank four as it requires a King realm soul force to make it.

Now that he broke through to King Realm soul he can also make rank 4 pills. The issue is that from rank 5 and onward it is unknown territory for him. He could technically go under the apprenticeship of other alchemy masters but Jun already found out that other alchemy master"s current heritage cannot compete with the current Xia Family alchemy heritage. He would have to put in 10 times the effort and brain power if he wants to reach the Xia Family"s alchemy standards for each rank.

Jun knows that he simply does not have the time experiment and theorize each rank"s alchemy. Since three years is not enough for him to reach Rank 7 in alchemy with he needs to split his attention on both alchemy and martial cultivation.

With each major realm break through there are pills that helps with perfecting the break through. For example the break through from Martial realm to Master realm creates a qi Dan in the dantian area of a cultivator. This Qi Dan has 5 grade depending on a person"s foundation, comprehension of the Dao, and cultivation method. If all three are perfect then it would create the highest level which is a grade 5 Qi dan. This was the grade that Jun had before and it was with the help of a Dragon Dan Establishment pill.

Then a break through from Master to King"s realm would require a five element essence pill because during the whole master realm stages the cultivator is basically feeding the Qi Dan qi, 5 elemental essence, and soul force. A example for this process is that the cultivator is building the strongest egg possible to house the soul of the cultivator when they break through to the King"s realm. The 5 element essence pill basically helps reinforce the Qi Dan by a whole level.

Then from King realm to Heaven realm it requires a Dragon Soul Pill. As you can guess it is a pill that would nurture the soul housed inside the egg to help them break out and complete the transformation. This is when the immortal soul fuses with the body making them significantly stronger than all the previous realms.

In essence each major realm break through has their own unique requirements. The pills help perfect those break throughs.

Jun then begin to organize his thoughts, and was thinking was thinking of the best route to becoming strong. Before all he thought about was pill creation and only dabble in martial cultivation. He only practice the Heaven And Earth cultivation method and techniques to their extreme. Further he was able to cross stages to do battle and thought it was enough. Now crossing a couple stages to do battle felt like it was nothing compared to the task at hand.

As he was walking his mind entered into the inter s.p.a.cial ring and was reading the completed version of the Black Empyrean and White Fiend G.o.d Method. It even included the body refinement method and now he was lost in his thoughts. His mind began to contemplate the Black Empyrean, and White Fiend G.o.d method.

He was at stage one of the body refinement method from the BEWFG method. BEWFG equals Black Empyrean and White Fiend G.o.d method. Just the abbreviated version since the full one is a mouthful.

As his mind was reading through the information he was summarizing it. The first stage of the BEWFG body refinement method increase the cultivator"s weight to 1000 pounds. Increases physical defense and strength to be equivalent of an initial King Realm Fiend G.o.d. Also can instantly heal cuts and bruises. Not only that but healing of bones and fracture would increase by 10 times too. Furthermore internal injury healing speed increase by 5 times. This includes injured meridian points.

Stage Two would increase weight of cultivator from 1000 pounds to 10,000 pounds. Increases both physical defense and strength to Peak King"s Realm Fiend G.o.d. Instantly heal all muscle and bone injuries in matters of seconds. Internal injuries increase healing speed to 25 times.

Stage Three would increase weight from 10,000 to 100,000 pounds. Increase both physical defense and strength to be between initial and mid heaven realm Fiend G.o.d. Instantly heal all physical injuries with the exception of decapitation of head and destroyed heart. Internal injuries are now being healed by 250 times normal healing speed.

Stage Four would increase weight from 100,000 to 1 Million pounds. Increase both defense and Strength to Initial Ancestor realm Fiend G.o.d. Can now be heal from even getting head decapitated as long as head is not destroyed. Requires at least 10 seconds for physical body to fully heal. Meridian between the physical and spiritual body will reconnect and heal at 1000 times the normal speed. Also gains the ability to nurture and heal the soul if damaged.

Looking at these effects Jun was completely stunned. To be able to heal from a decapitated head at stage four. G.o.d Dam! Jun thought isn"t this way to over powered? Not only that but to have the strength of an Ancestor realm fiend G.o.d is no joke at all. Furthermore this can all be cultivate even with his current strength. If he had enough of the required materials he could be in the martial realm with the physical body strength of an Ancestor realm Fiend G.o.d.

Just thinking about it made him drool. Furthermore there were actually 4 more stages to go, but the issue is there was a formation that prevent him from reading it. The formation was way beyond what he could comprehend.


Jun was sent flying and smacked into a wall on the other side.