Fall For Me

Chapter 47

Jun was. .h.i.t by a car while he wasn"t paying attention as he walked across the street due to him reading. Normally he could do tasks simultaneously but the information in the BEWFG was way too shocking that he was completely zoned in like absolutely absorbed. Usually he would be able to sense the danger coming. It might be because the hit from a car would do little damage to his current cultivation level or his body is just simply too strong.

After he checked to make sure he was okay he simply just left as it would be tiring dealing with the person that hit him even through it was the other party at fault. Plus he was completely fine and the car can deal with the rest.

Jun used a speed technique and disappeared. The driver sat their flabbergasted by the event that just happened.

"Thank the lord I have insurance," he praised.

Jun reappear a couple streets down and waved down a ride or taxi in this case and told him where to go. An hour later the taxi dropped him off and he paid and tipped the driver before leaving. This was one one of his secret safe house that even his father and siblings didn"t know about. It was a place he disappeared to get away from the world.

Once he entered that s.p.a.ce and reactivate the concealing formations he took everything out from the ring and read through them earnestly.

He took out the BEWFG body refinement method again. This time he was reading the training method instead of reading the effects.

So it turns out he already reach stage one and is in the process of trying to break into stage two. The training method for it is like any other body building method and that is to put the muscles under stress. As he read through it he began to sense of how difficult it was going to be to break into stage two. He must have the ten thousand pound method activated 24 hours a day. Run 100 miles in that form, and do a variety of tasks in that form. Not only that but he would also be required to find a couple of ingredients to aid in the process. Five Dragon blood pear, a heavenly lightning orb, Vigoration blood flower, and a Ma.s.s Increasing pill.

The Ma.s.s increasing pill isn"t really an issue since he could refine it. The issue is the Five Dragon Blood Pear and the Heavenly Lightning Orb. Those two are rare and hard to find. Even if he could the price would be astronomical for the current him. The past him wouldn"t be too much of an issue but the current him is broke.

To reach level three the materials are even more outrages. If it cause one hundred million qi stones for all the materials to reach stage two than to reach stage three requires 1 billion.

f.u.c.k this is a money hungry method Jun swore. For now I"ll just practice according to the method and see the results. If I really can"t break through then I will buy it Jun thought. Stage one"s effects were already pretty good. It is similar to stage three of other body refinement techniques.

Then he looked at the eye cultivation technique. It is called the Boundless Dragon eyes. It was the original eyes of the Dragon clan that only some would possess. The heaven and Earth eyes were a simplified version of this eye. Those who can cultivate in the Heaven and Earth eyes would be able to awake the Boundless Dragon eyes once they receive the blood of an ancient dragon.

The Boundless Dragon eyes contain three stages.

The awaken stage, True Dragon Eye stage, and the Boundless stage.

In the awaken stage the user has the ability to see 1000 miles away at a single glance, slow down time to a tenth of the original speed, 300 percent field vision, see the flow of qi, see souls, and put even people a couple stages stronger than the user under an illusion at a glance. Also it is able to strike fear into weaker enemies and even those stronger would feel threaten. If the user already cultivated the Heaven and Earth eyes the abilities cultivated in those eyes would be enhanced by 50 percent.

True Dragon Eye stage gains the following abilities. Fire control, absolute rule where anyone with a dragon bloodline would submit to user as long as his dragon blood is purer, See 100,000 miles at a glance, all the ability from above enhanced, create a time field, formation breaker, and peer into the fifth dimension.

Boundless stage gains the ability to control the fourth through the fifth dimension to a certain extent within the confines of the s.p.a.ce and time Dao.

In order to broke through to the next stage the materials required were expensive too. Fire and ice fruit, a drop of blood from the ancient vermillion bird, Soul Increasing Pill, and the it requires one to comprehend both time and s.p.a.ce Dao. Also one of the other requirement is an essence flame but luckily Jun already possess one.

Next was a set of dragon movement techniques. It doesn"t increase speed, strength, or defense but it does seems to make controlling the body easier. As Jun read through them some more he found something interesting. Through the set of dragon movement techniques it allows one to harness a special force call Dragon wave. This Dragon Wave is a special frequency or energy wave that only dragon bloodlines possess. There are a couple stages of mastery which is mortal, earth, heaven, and Empyrean. The mortal stage increases all attacks, and energy attacks that the user can incorporate dragon wave into to increase by 20 percent. At Earth stage the power is increase by 2x. Heaven stage increase power by 10x and Empyrean stage by 100x.

Jun"s eyes nearly bulged out and he looked at it. At Empyrean stage image 10 pound of force suddenly become 1000 pounds. Then imagine 1000 pound of force become 100,000 pounds of force. Even the 10x at Heaven stage seems like a force.

Training in it is probable gonna be just as hard, Jun thought. There was a reference for time training for each stage for a genius dragon to cultivate each dragon wave.

Mortal: Born with it.

Earth Stage: 10 years

Heaven Stage: 100 years.

Empyrean Stage: Those who reach this stage can be counted on one hand.


Wow this was for the average genius dragons to so if its normal dragons then it could possible be 10 times longer. Luckily dragons have long life or they will turn to dusk by the time they master heaven stage Jun thought.

Finally there was the soul cultivation technique they imparted which is the Gold Dragon Visualization. This technique will help the user harness and strengthen their soul. This is to suppress the primal instincts that comes with BEWFG cultivation method.

Jun decided to test it right that moment.


Jun felt a surge of soul energy entering and reinforcing his souls when he visualized the Gold Dragon.

Not bad Jun thought. If I can combine this with Soul Enlightenment method my soul can become even stronger.

After reading through them all Jun felt even more pressure than before because there was body refinement, support skill, and soul cultivation. All of these require time and resources and that not even including the BEWFG method of cultivation. It covers qi, body, and soul. He would be invincible if he cultivated and go into seclusion for 5 years. Not only that but with the supporting Dragon wave all his attack would be enhanced.

However there is one glaring weakness he noticed. That was speed. If he use the BEWFG method his weight would increase dramatically from his currently 210 pounds to 1000. That means his speed would reduce even if strength increases. His current movement method with lightning will not be able to circ.u.mvent it.

Good news is he can increase and reduce the weight with but a thought so in the short term his speed wouldn"t be effected, but at the same time his attack wouldn"t be as strong as with a weight increase. Basically right now is if he wants stronger attack he would have to sacrifice speed vice versa.

Oh f*ck! Jun thought. I forgot all about studying alchemy, and progressing my sword, and elemental Daos.

3 years really isn"t enough time Jun cried inside.

After another hour of contemplation he came up with a plan. He will use the simultaneous method of cultivation. Meaning when he is cultivating his qi he will also cultivate his soul. Since he can do both tasks at the same time due to his soul. He would then sent up a gravity pressure formation to train his body 24/7 while he train his soul and qi. Basically he is doing three aspect of training at the same time.

This method of training is especially tiring and hard. It would require great perseverance or else one wouldn"t even last an hour before tiring themselves out. One because the pressure on the body would distract the person from cultivating his qi and soul because it requires more attention.

Nope that wouldn"t work Jun thought because it was too exhausting and he will eventually waste more time than necessary.

Alright first step is to earn money! Jun thought. With money I can buy pill ingredients to make pills to speed up qi refinement training, and soul training. I can also make pills for body training. F*ck Jun thought to himself. This makes me look like a drug addict with all the pills I"m eating after refining them.

Right now I can refine pills that can support me up to King"s realm but not Heaven"s realm. To be a rank five alchemist is to be a Pill King. Those at rank 5 forge their own pill path but that doesn"t mean he can"t study the work of his ancestors. Studying or finding a strong teacher would speed up the process and that is why Jun wants to get his hand on the rest of the 5 levels.

"I wonder if Xintong has the rest," Jun mutters. "Pills should be uses sometimes to speed up and solidify a realm but never to forcefully raise a person"s cultivation. In order to make sure my foundation is solid I will have to comprehend my Daos faster than I can cultivate! I can understand why people focus on a singular path rather than be all encompa.s.sing. It is because they would end up a jack of all trades but a master of none! Before I enter Master realm I will complete my sword dao!"