Fall For Me

Chapter 48

By the time Jun got back to the Quantum Reality a whole day has pa.s.sed. Jun didn"t know if it was through sheer luck or strength but the group actually placed in the top 10! The rewards for top 10 were soul liquid drops, 500,000 qi stones, Stagnamite ore, and a sky rank herb. If they place in the top 3 the rewards would have been even better but sadly they didn"t. Still this was a decent reward that can get the company out of debt and start afresh.

"Oh Lin we already split up the reward. We got 10 drops of soul liquid so with the 6 of us we decided to give 2 drops to you for helping us so much and we basically split the rest among ourselves. We also split the qi stone 6 ways. They gave us 20 pounds of stagnamite ore but currently we don"t need it so if you want it you can take it. As for the Sky rank herb we decided to keep it in storage until someone needs it." Xintong explained to him as she laid out the items in front of him.

"Just the two drop of soul liquid is fine," Jun answered but then suddenly his sword sent a pulse to him.

"Its fine you did so much for us. If not because we are in dire strait we would have given everything to you. Just the fact you got us this room was already more than enough," Xintong said sincerely.

"Actually how about this I actually need the stagnamite ore. How about I trade my qi stones for it whatever the market rate is for them?" Jun asks.

"You can just take it we don"t need it," Xintong said shoving the twenty pound ore which was the size of her palm onto him along with the 84,000 qi stones.

But Jun didn"t accept the qi stones. "Xintong I know how much the company needs money so just this 20 pound stagnamite ore is already so valuable. Just give me some face and keep the qi stone or else I"m gonna feel like I own you," Jun said.

"Alright then," Xintong said reluctantly. "But if you ever need qi stones or anything in the future let me know."

"Alright I will." Jun said with a smile.

"F*ck little bro isn"t your smile a little to dazzling soon our little miss is gonna fall for ya," San Ti shouted playfully.

Xiao Mei came chiming in backing him up, "Xintong be careful this guy is player." She said with a wink.

Ziyu stood to the side rolling his eyes.

"Oh stop it guys. Lin don"t listen to these rascals." Xintong said.

"Oh Ximei would you be able to practice swordsmanship with me for the next couple days? I"m trying to condense my sword dao and need help," Jun said while acting a bit shy.

"How can I not help out my junior brother! Lin let me tell you through I won"t go easy on you, and not only will I help you with swordsmanship I"ll also help you with getting girls. Hehehe," Xiao Mei said excitedly while tilting her head at Xintong.

"If you keep this up. I"ll whack you," Xintong teasingly threaten her.

"Yes Sect Master Xintong! We will not bully our Sect Master"s husband!" Xiao Mei saluted then ran alway as fast as she could. "Lin I"ll sent you an invite."

"This rascal," Xintong sighed in defeat. "Lin better start following her."

"Okay," Jun said as he entered his pod.

He then received an invite from Xiao Mei. He accepted and was instantly transported to her. The reason Jun was so adamant about not breaking through with his current attainment in sword Dao because it wasn"t complete. Most people focus on one sword path but he got greedy and focused on all five. This means his embryonic Dao form isn"t complete.

Xiao Mei"s sword Dao pales in comparison with true genius like Yi Shi what choose does he have right now. Its" not like he could just break into a sword master"s library and began studying his collection.

"Lin my sword art is my family"s sword heritage known as the seven note sword art. Even after training in it for the last ten years my accomplishment"s in it is only above average among my peers. But it"s strength and power is stronger than many other"s out there," Xiao Mei explained seriously as she became a completely different person.

Jun nodded her head as he has seen her sword art before.

"I"ll tell you now guard your heart or you will fall under the soul attack."

"Thanks for the advice," Jun answered.

"Here I come!" She warned when she hit the floor with the tip of her sword.

With his eyes activated Jun saw every single movement of Mei"s including the flow of qi. Jun saw the qi flow from her body to her sword hand to the sword and then saw the qi wiggle before it came into contact with the floor.

Then the qi waves spread out like sound waves. Thanks to his eyes he was able to quickly see the wave lengths of the qi and made a counter wave. For some reason even through he countered it his sound waves were somehow over powered.

I see when her sword touched the ground it wasn"t just to sent out the waves but to vibrate the metal of the sword. Then she continued to feed it qi. Eventually through her sword art she was layering it. Even through I countered the wave length it was only one layer and not all of it.

Jun then used his body to withstand it. He felt the vibration throughout his body like someone lawn mowing.

"That was just a test attack with no lethal attack behind it. I will be attacking serious next!" She said as she ran at Jun while the tip of the sword was dragged against the ground.

Jun saw that there were three different notes or wavelengths being sent out and somehow they weren"t clashing against each other but blending into each other like music.

Jun understood the concept of sound. For sound to travel it requires a medium to move through. Furthermore sound travels faster in a solid object. If his qi was strong enough he could directly just overpowered it but due to it being weaker he could only come up with a trick to counter it. Normally he would have 100 different ways to counter it but because they are only focusing on sword technique those methods become invalid.

Jun decided to make his sword vibrate at a sharp note and directly pierce through it. Then used shadow sword essence to try and disappear. Jun realize his activation of sword essence was at least fifty times faster than before. From there he simultaneously activated flow sword essence and he visible feel the sword essence flowing from Xiao Mei.

Xiao Mei"s eyebrow knitted together as he found "Lin"s" essence activation way to fast for someone who hasn"t master a sword dao.

Furthermore she can tell that he was using shadow and flow because it felt too primary like someone he learned it text book style and doesn"t have much flexibility with it. In that moment of distraction Jun appeared behind her with oblivion sword essence activated and aimed for her neck.

Xiao Mei instantly snapped back from her distraction and ducked to dodge the attack. Instead of turning around she direction pierce the sword between her armpits and Jun didn"t have anywhere to run. The sword digs right into Jun"s rib cage and in a split second before Jun could do anything a powerful sound note blasted out from the tip and killed him.

If Jun wanted he could have easily dodged it using his fiend G.o.d body, or his Boundless dragon eyes but if he did he would not be directly be competing in sword but rather who has more OP abilities. Plus this is VR and not real death. With his current soul strength he could die 100 times in his and he only felt like he got whack by a bat once.

Jun and Xiao Mei began to fight each other and practice everyday. Not only did Jun learn by leaps and bound but he was also helping Xiao Mei improve because while his skills and insights were currently inferior to Xiao Mei"s he was coming up with interesting execution methods and he was able to use all five essence to help her train in her weakness.

At the end of the 4th day Jun"s sword s.p.a.ce has expended by at least three times and become twice as thick as before. Not only that but there seems to be new bridges being created among the five essence if you count Yin-Yang as one.

When Jun finally exited his pod the group felt like Jun was a new person. They felt like Jun was a sharp sword in a sheath ready to be unleashed at any given notice.

"Lin it looks like you had some great improvements in sword dao. Its like your a completely different person," Xintong complimented.

Jun pretended to blush and be shy, "its nothing really. Sister Mei is so much stronger than me."

"Dam you guys might think I"m joking but this guy is a monster!" Xiao Mei complained. "It took him a day to catch up what took me two years to learn! By the time today arrived he was already as strong as the me from two years ago. If he takes another 2 days he probable end up as my master!"

"Sister Mei is over exaggerating. It would take me a life time to catch up to her," Jun said trying to stay low key.

Xiao Hui on the other hand was bewildered because her sister would never praise others like that unless she was serious. Does that me XIng Lin is a genius in marital Dao? Xiao Hui wonders.

"Looks like brother Lin caught another ho in his harem," San Ti joked. He felt completely safe joking with Jun because he knows "Lin" won"t hit back. Therefore he isn"t seeking death joking around with him.

Xiao Mei gave him a death glare as she crackles her knuckles.

"I"m just kidding!" San Ti shout out.

"Get ready. Ziren College hate people who are late," Ziyu voice echoed in the room. "Xintong you"re taking the Pill Dao exams so your"s won"t start for another 3 days. Those taking the Martial Dao test will start today. Everyone will follow me there."

"Also I have already explain before but I will explain again. Ziren College has change the structure of acceptance this year. There will be three grades to the students this year. Heaven, earth and mortal. There will be 500 heaven student spots, 2000 earth and 2500 mortal for a total of 5000 spots.Also there will be 100 personal disciples the same as last year. Heaven students are core students that the college will personally groom. Earth are potential heaven students. As for mortal they are just there to make up the numbers and provide talent for the nation. Unlike other colleges Ziren College focus on both martial and alchemy. This is why pill dao will have the same acceptance rate as martial Dao." Explained Ziyu before he finally caught a breath and kept on continuing. "Because of this Ziren college has weaknesses and strengths. Due to this fact of both pill and martial Dao the growth of the students are actually a whole level stronger than other colleges but at the same time they are weaker because with their rapid growth their martial Dao are weaker. Of course for the personal decibels and the top 50 of the heaven grade cla.s.s it is not that big of an issue but for the others their foundations are a bit shakier than others. Also Lin everyone has decided on what they will be competing in are you going to take the pill dao test or martial dao test? Neither are easier but you should go with whatever your stronger in."

Jun stood there thinking. It would be best if I take the martial dao path since doing the Pill Dao might give away my true ident.i.ty. "I will be taking the martial Dao as my pill Dao foundation is shaky and needs a lot more guidance."

"Thats fine then. You will be following em then," Ziyu said almost expressionlessly.