Fall For Me

Chapter 51

"Nope, your gonna have to try harder than that," Jun chuckles. "My father would never ask such a question. He would continue to berate, beat, and possible correct me till I arrive at the answer he wants."

Jun chose to step through the illusion and carry on.

This time the illusion shows his father guiding him step by step. It showed Jun the good memories he had with his dad.

After going through the two Ancestor"s illusions before these illusions felt pretty weak to Jun. Especially since they don"t even do a memory wipe at the beginning. Furthermore most people at this age would not have king"s realm soul thats been tempered through multiple soul cultivation methods. Therefore the rate at which this bridge was trying to invade his soul through gaps of trauma was relatively slow.

This was something used to train the heart and soul of a person. Many people can pa.s.s the bridge if they can steel their heart and guard against the illusions. Now it is not saying the bridge is weak since the bridge isn"t intentionally attacking the person"s soul but rather invading their memories and invoking a huge emotional spike out of them. From there the bridge would clench onto their soul like a boat"s anchor throw out to sea.

If not for experiencing Ancestor Long and Ancestor Tian"s illusion he might have actually fallen for it at the 50th because the bridge figured out using the Dad emotion card was getting him nowhere and was trying to use his love emotion to get to Jun. Sadly Jun is a tsundere male and is denying that love.

At the 80th step Jun was at the betrayal from Bu Fan and again the offer of power was offered.

At the 89th step Jun squatted down and asked the bridge, "can you think of something more original? You already offered me power at the beginning and it didn"t work. Every 10 steps you offer me power this power that. Come on its like I"m lucid dreaming. I am aware of everything going on. I would have to be stupid to fall for any of this," Jun berated. "Come let me teach you how to create a better illusion."

"Yes I can see you," Jun sighed looking at the figure in front of him with the boundless eyes.

It was a pink cloud floating on the top of the bridge.

"You can see me?" the cloud asks in a child like voice that was neither male or female.

"Yeah you"re a cloud with a face," Jun answered with an eye roll.

"You"re the second person to see me," the cloud answered.

"Who was the first?"

"That boy"s name was eh? How come I can"t remember? It was only like 6 to 8 years ago."

"Do you remember what he looks like?"

"Not really all I remember was him asking me to show him his deepest darkest fear. He letted me invade his mind without resistant."

"Oh you can do that?" Jun asks in surprise.

"Yes you also have a deep dark secret buried in your mind. When I tried to access it you forcefully stopped my approach. If I tried harder while you resist I would accidentally break."

"Then I"m good. I"ll see you on the other side," Jun said casually and walked right through the cloud.

"So impolite!" the cloud pouted. "That other guy was so much nicer and handsomer than him! :p". The cloud thought to itself I"ll let you know my true prowess when you take the real test.

When Jun finished walking through the entire bridge he notice the whole place was staring at him in shock.

Was a new legend about to be born they thought.

"What?" Jun asked them when he turned around. He saw the shocked expression of the people on the other side of the bridge. Even that old man who was presiding over the test couldn"t help but be surprise.

The Elder looks at Jun in surprise. Does this boy have no trauma? Even if this is a copy the ability of this bridge is still a tenth of the actual treasure. For him to pa.s.s this with such easy can only means his heart is pure.

The edge of his lip curled up as he thought that the college will most likely descend into chaos in the coming years.

When Jun came back everyone was ecstatic that one of their"s was able to pa.s.s through the bridge.

San Ti, and Ziyu both looks at Jun more carefully as anyone who can pa.s.s ever the copy bridge isn"t simple.

Ziyu then explains, "with the results from the mountain test and this one you should be able to get into the earth cla.s.s as long as long as you do average for the rest of the test. If you excel in the rest you be able to get into the Heaven Cla.s.s."

Jun nods his head in acknowledgement.

The test finally finished and about 100 of the students managed to walk through the whole bridge. Those were also the ones that could walk pa.s.s the 130th step in the mountain test. They didn"t walk through the bridge with the same ease as Jun through.

The Elder"s impa.s.sive voice echoes out again, "those who pa.s.sed the 100th step will enter the ship."

There were still about thirty thousand testers left. With a snap of a finger 10 ginormous ships became visible sky and came landing down.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Booom! Boom!

All 10 ships landed and the door opens up.

"Enter!" The Elder emotionless voice echoed in everyone"s ear. "Your next test is comprehension. Each of you will receive a room inside the ship. The computer has over 100 techniques. They are also graded. You have one day to master them. The higher your mastery of a technique the higher your score will be. Inside the time acceleration is 2 times faster than outside world. You have two days. Don"t bite off more than what you can chew."

"We"ll wait for you guys out here," Ziyu said to them.

"Okay," Jun and Xiao Mei both replied.

As Jun was walking up the stairs to the ship he was also looking around. His eyebrows knitted together as he saw someone familiar to him. It was a guy about the same age as Jun. He has dark brown hair, with a bit of a facial hair.

"Whats he doing here?" Jun whispered to himself.

"Huh did you say something?" Xiao Mei asks.

"Oh no. Nothing. Just talking to myself."

"Weirdo," Xiao Mei answered with an eye roll.

After a but of time they each got a room. When Jun entered the room there was a computer in front of him.

When he began scrolling through the computer he saw many different grades and style of technique. Each one is also further divided by elements this way people would be able to learn the techniques they are more affiliated with.

Jun decided on a sword technique called the mirage dragon sword. It wasn"t an astonishingly powerful technique but it wasn"t weak either. Its" strength lines in the word mirage.

After a couple minutes of watching the video and basic instructions he took Jun 2 hours to completely learn and master it. Then he picked another sword art and kept on mastering through them like he was reading a book.

Every time Jun mastered a sword art he would add it to his Sword Dao. The sword arts in this computer were not the top grade of each level but rather low tier. There were many flaws in them too. If not for correcting those flaws that Jun saw instantly he would have master them 3 times faster than before.

By the time two days were up Jun master about 22 sword arts of different variety. He found sword arts that focus on yin-yang, shadow, heart, oblivion, and flow sword essences. There were 6 shadow essence sword art, 5 flow sword essence, 4 not very complete yin-yang sword essence, 3 heart and 4 oblivion.

He also found a sword art that couldn"t be mastered quickly. It was called the time flow sword art. Jun read through it but instead of mastering he chose to use his eyes to memorize it completely. Then reprint the entire process in his brain and loop the video process over and over while using the other 22 arts to compliment it. While it was similar to the flow sword essence it was also completely different. Jun knows that it has to do with the Dao of time since the sword art literally has the word time in it.

Jun felt like he was getting closer to the Dao enlightenment to enter the Master Realm. If it was just increase qi inside the Dan Tian then anyone can become a t.i.tan realm giant with time. It is due to having to Master a Dao during the Master realm and having to have a complete Dao in the Heaven"s realm that forced people to be bottled necked.

If Jun had to be honest if he really wanted to he can just enter the King"s realm with his Lightning, Fire and Earth Dao which he mastered to the King"s realm. Sadly if he did that he would not be much stronger than his previous self aside from an over powered physical body.

Therefore he decided to use those Dao as auxiliary Daos to increase the strength of the sword Dao.

Once the 48 hours were up the room actually expended to the size of a basketball court. At the end of the court stood a puppet holding a silver bladed sword.

The puppet"s eyes glows green as its" mouth begin to move. A robotic like voice echoed out.

"The mastery of your technique"s will be experienced by me. After taking your realm, and physical strength into calculation we will be able to differentiate between each masteries of the martial art techniques you have learned in the last two days. Your mastery will be split into 5 stages. Amateur, proficient, professional, pinnacle, and execution as breathing. The weapons are laid out before you. From my database I found that you have been learning sword arts. Execute the sword art that you are most proficient in."

Jun stepped forward and ignored the weapons on the floor.

"Select a sword. If you take another step it will count as the final test starting."

Jun took another step.

The eyes of the puppet went red.

The sword in its hand flew forward in a beautiful arc. Jun side step to dodge. Sword essence coursing through his body like adrenaline in an intense game.

"Blue Swallow art 18: Swallow in the wave," Jun said emotionlessly as his right two finger blazes with heart and flow essence.

The puppet slashes at it to counter the attack but the moment it came in contact with Jun"s finger the sound of clashing did not appear. Instead a shadow opened up and 2 fingers digs into the puppet"s throat.

"Blue Swallow Art has been executed. Mastery shown is execution as breathing."

"Crashing Heaven Art: 4 Coursing lightning."

The puppet was a.n.a.lyzing a counter for the first technique when second technique was activated.

Crack, crack!

Jun right hand coursing with lightning digs into the puppet"s chest.

Emergency mode was then activated and the puppet"s strength rose exponentially.

"Dark Moon art: 3 silent shadow."

"Oppression Sword Art: 1 Crashing of weight!" Jun said as his hand transforms from 2 fingers to a fist before slamming it down like a hammer sword.

The robot tried to process all these information but because Jun was executing them with his hands it becomes ever changing and with 22 different sword arts the combination of these attacks became something the puppet couldn"t handle. In a mere 20 seconds Jun executed over 30 sword sword arts some multiple times.

Due to the excitement of battle Jun did not even realize it till the robot stopped moving that the robot was in pieces. Some parts were crushed and other parts sliced off clearer than any sharp sword could do.

On the screen it showed that Jun had a perfect score.

"Too weak," Jun mutters to himself as he walked out of the room. When he looked around he notice that he was the first one to leave. Walking out of the ship he notice the elderly many looking at him.

The old man took out and emblem from his shirt and tosses it to him. "Give it a drop of your blood and you will be an official student of the school."

"Which cla.s.s will I be in?" Jun asks.

"You will be in the Earth cla.s.s. Your performance was exceptional aside from the first test. If it was up to me I put you in Heaven"s cla.s.s. Sadly your heart, and comprehension are exceptional. But, your foundation is too weak. Once you advance to Master realm I will directly promote you to heaven"s cla.s.s," the elder explained as his eyes were gleaming. I didn"t think I would find such a gem. Must hide him for now and pick him later.

"Thank you Elder," Jun bowed slight before heading to Xintong and the others.

"Lin how you do?" Xintong asks with expectant eyes.

Jun explained to them as a whole of what happen.

"Not bad!" San Ti exclaiming heartily. "You are surely my brother after all hahaha. Not even a Master realm cultivator and still made it to first place of the Earth Cla.s.s."

"Lets wait for Xiao Mei and then we can go out and celebrate tonight," Xintong said.

"Okay." Then Jun felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. "Oh someones calling me."

"Go ahead answer we"ll wait her for Xiao Mei."

"Alright then."

Jun looks at his phone and saw 20 miss calls from an unknown number trying to reach him in the last three days.

"I"ll be back in a bit," informed Jun before he walked away and called back that number.


"h.e.l.lo this is Ziren College how can I help you?"

"I got over 20 miss calls from you over the last couple days."

"May I know who this is?" The girl on the other side of the phone asks.

Jun hesitated before saying, "Xing Jun."

"Thank you Mr. Xing for giving us a call back. Give me one second to redirect your call."

A couple seconds later an older woman"s voice answered. "Is this Mr. Xing Jun?"


"Mr. Xing Jun my name is Lan Ning and I"m the Chancellor of Pill Studies at Ziren College would you."

Before she could finish Jun interrupted with, "Not interested."

Hangs up.