Fall For Me

Chapter 58

"Phew," Jun let out in relief as he sunk into his chair. That last sentence was a bit over the top but a necessity.

Jun changed back into his Lin clothes. Changed his aura and slipped out again. Well slipped right back into the group.

When Jun met back up with the group at the WL pill-shop store he looked around and saw everyone but Xintong.

"Where is Xintong?" Jun asks Ziyu.

"She"s downstairs practicing. For the test," Ziyu answered still sitting in a chair reading a book.

"Well there goes our funds for the month," San Ti said with a shrug.


Mei knocked San Ti in the head, "what are spouting about!"


"Earlier I went back and did some research," lied Jun flat out. "In the Quantum Reality there is another feature called Reality Dreams."

"There"s really such a feature? It must cost a fortune then!" Xiao Hui said in alarm.

"Mhmm", Ziyu agreed with a mumble.

"Don"t worry about it. I can use it for free since its just add on feature. Sects use it all the time to train their disciple"s mental strength. They create a variety of scenarios for them too."

"Are you sure? It must costs a lot," Xiao Mei asks out of concern.

Jun taps his chests with his fist, "don"t worry about it. Leave to me."

"Hey Lin I know you said you worked for them before but for them to give you all these privileges what did you do?" Mei asks.

I didn"t think of this far… Jun thought. Thought they would be dumb enough to just believe everything I said.

"Oh nothing much. They asked me to be a guest elder." Jun said truthfully cause technically he is do to him owning a quantum reality room, he can use it however he pleases and whenever new features or add on comes on he would also instantly receive it due to him being a VIP.

"Guest elder!" They all shouted except Ziyu who nearly fell over in his chair.

Instantly Jun realized his mistake, "Its nothing much. I accidentally saved one of the boss"s son when I was gathering herbs in the forest. Out of gravitated he made me a guest elder. Aside from the benefits of working there and getting to use all the Quantum reality for free there"s nothing else."

"The f*ck!" San Ti swore. "What kind of heaven defying luck do you have Lin? Tell me are you the illegitimate son of the Heaven?"

"Its nothing like that I"m sure if you guys were in my position the same would happen."

"Pfft!" Laughs Mei. "If San Ti was in your position they would have both died probable. What did you save the son from anyway?"

"Mhmm," Jun answers thinking of a good story. "It was 2 years ago and his son ran away with a girl of unknown origin. It turns out the girl tricked the son into running away and ended up getting kidnapped. They demanded level one access that all bosses would have. The boss knew he couldn"t possible hand that over and was at a lost. At the time I was in the forest and just happen to be near their hideout and I heard him screaming for help. So naturally I did."

"What cultivation level were they?…." Xiao Hui asks.

"I believe there was a King"s realm and a couple master realm. There was also a formation in the cave that would teleport them if a Heaven"s realm cultivator comes within 100 miles."

"And how did you pull this off?" Xiao Mei asks in confusion and a little suspicious of his story.

"I waited outside the cave for a couple days as I watch people come and go. For an entire week I heard their entire conversation and knew exactly how many people inside and outside. I waited so the day the King"s realm cultivator left and I used a sleeping poison that would knock out even King Realm cultivators into the cave. With a mask I walked into the cave and came back out with the young master. He"s only 12 by the way. I ran as fast as I could and as far away as I could."

"When the kid woke up I asked him if he knew where his parents live and I safely returned him."

"Bro, you make this sound way too easily." San Ti praised.

"How did you bypa.s.s all their formation? I doubt they didn"t place illusion formations and stuff for normal cultivators who accidentally walked pa.s.s," Xiao Hui stated. He was extremely interested in the formation these cultivators used.

"Honestly it was just lucky that I happened to kick a rock that rolled over and covered up a formation pattern which in term deactivated the entire formation and before they could do anything the sleeping poison hit."

"Everyone stop interrogating Lin like that. Its out of good will that he is helping us so we should be grateful and accept." Ziyu said.

"But bro! Kick a rock and deactivate the entire formation? If he ain"t the illegitimate son of the heaven then I will eat sh*t for breakfasts, lunch and dinner!"

"Better get on that then," mused Mei.

Ziyu knew that the story Jun said was very likely a fabrication and every has secrets. Like come on really? You just happened to walk across the son of a boss of the Quantum reality in this city? Then you just happened to kick a rock that deactivated the entire formation on the day that the King Realm cultivator left? Like really? We aren"t stupid! Not only that but is the rest of the master realm r.e.t.a.r.ded to not have qi shields up to regulate the air incase of poison?

"Alright lets bring this plan to Xintong and see what she thinks," Ziyu said.

Ziyu led them all to the door of Xintong"s pill room. When Ziyu opens the door here were a pile of ashes and a pile of pills neatly organized into different ranks.

She was on the floor regulating her mental energy.

"Xintong Lin brought forth a great idea," Ziyu said calmly.

"What is the idea?" She asks glancing at Jun.

Jun pretended to be shy and looks away.

"Its to train your pill forging in the Quantum Reality. We will place you in a situation similar to the test to create the illusion of that pressure to help you."

"Won"t I know its fake?" She asks in confusion.

"Lin said there"s a feature that will prevent you from remembering the short term memories. So you won"t remember this conversation or even remember entering the quantum reality."

"Won"t it be really expensive? We shouldn"t waste money like that on me."

"Xintong don"t worry its completely free," Jun interrupted.

"Really?" Xintong asks full of doubt.

They then explain to her what Jun said earlier and her eyes were gleaming with praise at Jun"s "marvelous" feat of heroism.

"Thats amazing!" She exclaims admiration.

"Hehehe its not really a big deal," Jun replied feeling embarra.s.sed. For her at how naive she is.

"Alright Lin I"ll do it! If I still can"t pa.s.s after all this help then that b.a.s.t.a.r.d Xing Jun is right! That I don"t deserve to lead everyone," She said with great determination.


Jun suddenly felt really tired. Why am I getting cursed at for helping? What does this even have to do with me? I"m not even here to defend myself. Well technically I am…


I"ll let this slide for now. Just wait to see how I torture you when you pa.s.s the test. Hehehehe.

It was already midnight when the gang arrives at the Quantum reality room.

Once she was loaded into the dream reality Jun turns around to everyone else.

"You guys should also take this opportunity to train. It"s not often we get to use this," Jun said. "Xiao Hui I"ll set you up for the formation test so you can experience the pressure too."

"Xiao Mei there is a sword array training inside the Quantum reality too. I"ll set it up for both you and Ziyu to further hone your sword path."

They both nod their heads as there"s truth to what Jun was saying.

"And San Ti… What would you like to do? Did you want to train in a spear array like brother Ziyu and Xiao Mei?"

"Nah I rather just roam the continent and explore," San Ti said. His main weapon of choice is the spear but that doesn"t mean he was a spear user. When they were in quantum reality before Jun could tell that the spear was just a means to an end for San Ti since he hasn"t fully accept the spear or developed Spear intent even through he was a master realm expert.

Once Jun got them all settled he began to monitor Xintong"s screen. Due to the special method of refinement for Xintong Jun hats go into the system and program in the refinement method. It wasn"t as simple as 1 plus 1 since its basically programing a source code and then sending it into the Quantum reality frame works and hope it fits with the coding, and laws implanted in its frame work. Luckily there"s an AI which makes it easier.

After an hour of programming it was finally done since Jun already did some initial programing back when he used the quantum reality for pill training. So he just had to reload the code and do some minor adjustments to make it fit seamlessly with Xintong.

What sucks is Jun can"t even cultivate right now because if he continues to cultivate he would just break through to the master realm without mastering the Sword Dao which would be detrimental to his future. So all Jun could do was meditate and try to study the sword. His eyes gleams over to Ziyu"s and Xiao Mei"s screen. He then enters a code and the restriction on the screen became unlocked allowing him to look at their progression in the Sword array.

Ziyu was already at level 8 after an hour an hour while Xiao Mei was at level 6. With Jun"s current understanding of the sword it would be useless to look until they can ready level 12.

Jun began to play with the sword essence in his hand as he tried to mix and match all of them.

For example it was hard to mix the oblivion essence and the flow essence is hard as oblivion is to destroy while flow is to parry. Mixing heart essence with the others were easy as heart essence enhance them all. Doing 2 was still relatively fine as you just need to find the balance between two but once three comes in play it becomes exponentially harder.

Jun continues to play with mixing two but eventually he comes to realize that the power given is not enough to offset the difficulty it took to achieve. For example if he took oblivion essence to the extreme and added heart essence it becomes stronger by only 2 to 3 percent. But the difficulty to achieve the balance during an actual fight would slow Jun down by a whole half a second which could be life or death. While just straight out attacking with oblivion essence would be a little tiny bit weaker but he be faster by a whole half a second.

Mixing is nice but first I must take each one to the extreme before I start mixing or else I would end up nowhere.
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An entire 8 hours pa.s.sed by and the light was already shining bright outside. Jun glances over at the screen and found that out of 20 tries Xintong only managed to pa.s.s 7 of them. That"s only about a 35% success rate. Jun quickly reviews threw those twenty attempts and found that out of the 20 attempts 10 of the failures came from hesitation during the final 50 percent of the tasks. While 3 of failure came from mistakes in the flame control. The 7 successful attempts came from attempts where she realize something mid way and threw away all her hesitation and push forward.

"Not bad," Jun mutters happily. "Now its my turn to help you again."

His fingers began to dance on the keyboard as he typed in lines of code after code. Two mins later with a click of enter the 13 failures disappeared and only the 7 successful attempts remained.

With a press of a b.u.t.ton Jun woke her up from the quantum reality.

When she woke up she had a look of confidence that Jun didn"t see before.

"Lin how did I do?" She asks.

"Great! 7 out 7!" Jun answered while internally thinking she was fishing for compliments. You clearly remember all your attempts.

"Lin I"ll step out for a bit be right back."


She left through the door and Jun sat there in the quantum reality computer clicking away as he was organizing the data from the WL group members. He saw something interesting in Ziyu"s data and when he was about to go further and look into it his phone vibrated.

Jun reaches into his pocket and pulled it out. On the screen was four words.

From: Xintong: Thank you!

The edges of Jun"s lip couldn"t help but curl upward as a warm fuzzy feeling exploding in his chest.

Jun put away his phone and was about to go back into looking at Ziyu"s data when his pod opened up.

"Brother Ziyu is as strong as always you got all the way up to array 14!" Jun praised.

Ziyu then glances at Xintong"s pod and realize she wasn"t int there. "Where Xintong go?"

"She said she needed to step out for a min."


The door opens up and Xintong came walking back in. She had this look of confidence and determination that wasn"t there before and the moment Jun saw it he knew he didn"t have to worry about the final test for her anymore.

"I want to practice some more before the test," She said and stepped right back into the pod.


"Good luck."

"Lin watch Xintong for me I"m gonna step out for a bit," Ziyu said.

"Okay brother Ziyu," Jun answered. Why does everyone need to step out today? Why does it seem like Ziyu is treating the Quantum Reality like its nothing special? Jun wondered suspiciously. It might be due to the sudden betrayal of Bu Fan but for some reason he finds every little thing out of the norm suspicious now.