Fanatic Divine Cultivator

Chapter 498

He went over there! Flowers!

When the White Jade Society"s voice came out, w.a.n.g Meng and the others who were initially raising their blades and preparing to attack immediately stopped, as though they had been petrified, all of them had been in a panic during the previous battle, who would have the mind to look at someone"s cultivation level? Furthermore, Xu Xuan had circled around behind them, so they did not even look at him, thinking that he was a Puppet Faction person from the mere fact that he was wearing the robes of a Puppet Faction disciple.

Now that they thought about it carefully, it really was like this. This made them instantly suck in a breath of cold air.

No one would believe that the Puppet Faction disciple had broken through the late stage of the Dan Profound Realm from the Dan Profound Realm middle stage to the late stage of the Dan Profound Realm in such a short amount of time, because no matter how awesome a person was, it was impossible for him to have broken through the late stage of the Dan Profound Realm in such a short amount of time. Furthermore, if w.a.n.g Meng remembered correctly, that disciple was called w.a.n.g Lin.

This way, the answer couldn"t be any clearer. It was very likely that the man behind him wasn"t w.a.n.g Lin, and that w.a.n.g Lin had already been killed by that person. It was also clear that the stone was thrown by that person.

When she thought about it, w.a.n.g Meng"s face turned green and purple from anger, her expression turned extremely ugly. Everyone turned to look in the direction where Xu Xuan had flown, where they should have not seen the corpse of before, and where the Herba Atractylodes Macrocephalae had also disappeared.

"Over there? Holy s.h.i.t, that rock must have been thrown by him!"

A Puppet Faction disciple flew into a rage. He suddenly discovered that a figure had already taken a detour to the riverbank, and with a flash, he had already charged into the forest.

"Ah, I must kill him!"

w.a.n.g Meng was furious. She never thought that she would be tricked like this. She had suffered so many casualties on her side, and the item was taken by someone. Furthermore, the other party did not even have to pay any price to get the Herba Atractylodes Macrocephalae.

"Brat, my Herba Atractylodes Macrocephalae, you even threw my stone. I will catch you and cut you into pieces!"

White Jade Society was so angry that his beard was trembling. Now he finally understood that there were people messing everything up. It was clear that he had wrongly blamed w.a.n.g Meng and the rest.

The anger of both sides instantly shifted all of it onto Xu Xuan, and the anger was instantly multiplied by several times. Not only was it that Xu Xuan had stolen the Herba Atractylodes Macrocephalae, it was also because they were played around by a brat with late stage of the Dan Profound Realm, and were completely toyed with by him.

With incomparable rage, no matter who was injured on both sides, no matter how many people died, they seemed to no longer care about it at this moment. Everyone transferred the blame onto Xu Xuan, and the two of them immediately stood on the same front line.

After entering the forest for a while, w.a.n.g Meng and the others found w.a.n.g Lin"s body on the ground. Sure enough, his coat had been torn off by someone.

"Chase, we have to kill that kid. He has short green hair and looks to be around 30 years old!"

White Jade Society took the lead and rushed to the front. Only he and Xu Xuan exchanged blows face-to-face, thus, he was extremely clear about Xu Xuan"s appearance, and reminded everyone, after all, that kid from the back who came before, might very well be someone from the Puppet Cult who wasn"t very clear about that brat"s appearance.

"Let"s go!"

One after another, they quickly chased after Xu Xuan, turning into afterimages, afraid that they would lose Xu Xuan.

Under a large tree, there was an eighteen to nineteen year old youngster who was currently sleeping on the ground with his eyes half-closed. In his arms was a huge black longbow, and under his long black hair was an incomparably delicate face. There was a determination on that face, but it was faintly discernable.

"Kid, did you see someone running past here just now?"

w.a.n.g Meng signaled to him, and immediately a Puppet Cult man walked over and gently kicked Xu Xuan"s leg.

"Uh, that man looks to be around 30 years old with short green hair. He should be wearing the same clothes as us."

Another Puppet Faction disciple came up to add a sentence, thinking to himself that the talent of this brat under the tree was quite good, to actually reach the late stage of the Dan Profound Realm at such a young age. However, this brat was clearly not the same person as that fellow.

"Oh, right, there"s a guy who"s running very fast, as if there was a Xuan Beast chasing him from behind, and he went in that direction. You guys should follow him from the same sect, maybe he met some danger, you guys should go help him!"

Xu Xuan nodded, and then casually pointed in one direction.

"Let"s go!"

Before he could finish his words, the people in front of him turned into afterimages and chased after him.


Xu Xuan exhaled a long breath, thinking to himself that it was fortunate that he changed his clothes quickly enough, otherwise, it would be really hard to get rid of this bunch of people.

Soon, he put away the bow and arrows in his hands, and returned to the north along the same path he had taken earlier. He went back to the temple that the wood spirit had told him about.

After almost seven days, a huge mountain finally appeared in front of Xu Xuan, and during this period, Xu Xuan had also obtained quite a few profound medicine, which greatly improved his mood. The only thing he was dissatisfied with were the five medicinal ingredients that Zhang Quan had mentioned, and he could only find the Xinjiang and the Herba Atractylodes Macrocephalae.

Seeing that the sky was about to darken, Xu Xuan decided to stay at the foot of the mountain for the night.

"Roar, roar!"

Of course, this was also the reason why Xu Xuan was preparing to rest here for the night, and would only be able to go up the mountain the next morning. After all, he was not able to use the mental strength, and at night, with just his naked eyes, the range of view was still a little too limited. If he were to encounter agility type profound beasts, under the sudden attack, it was difficult for Xu Xuan to guarantee that he would not be able to react in time.

Finally, a ray of morning glow shot in from the leaves of the tree, shining brightly into Xu Xuan"s eyes, causing him, who was half-leaning on the tree, to wake up.

After slowly stretching, Xu Xuan placed the sixth stage Mystic Soldiers Sword he s.n.a.t.c.hed from Yan Zong Ye Mu"s hands onto his shoulder, and then walked up the mountain.