Father, Mother Escaped Again

Chapter 94 Group forced to tease

Chapter 94 Group forced to tease


“…” Robbery? Rob your sister, rob! Xia Yuqing heard the sharp shouts from outside the car. She nearly slipped under her feet and fell in the car.

She was blind to think that the bandit leader could be the Ultra Seme Lord. The Ultra Seme Lord is unworthy! To compare the power of this bandit boss to you, I am guilty, I regret it!

I hate you pa.s.sing through G.o.d. For no reason, having this poor fish in the pond get kidnapped then doing dirty on the villain. You really are going too far!

There was no time for Xia Yuqing to feel remorse when she heard a scream from outside. “Can you not stutter for once? Every time you say the slogan, you stutter. Even if you don"t think it"s shameful, I do!"

“…” If you knew he would stutter why would you let him come out every time to report. Brother, are you sure you are not drunk?

“Xiao San*, you go.”

* Three

“Understood, boss! I opened this road and I planted this tree. If you want to pa.s.s here, then leave behind your toll fee!” The clever young man called Xiaosan stepped forward and shouted the so-called slogan!

Xia Yuqing burst into laughter, stretched out her hand and opened the corner of the car curtain. There she saw a tall, strong man slap the rowdy young man in front of him.

“Boss, you can’t do this. Xiao San was a scholar before. Of course, when talking it would be more clear. H…. how can you compare me with him? “

“Look at yourself! Your nervous stuttering problem has persisted for so many years, yet you still haven’t made any progress! Saying Xiaosan is a scholar and speaks smoothly, since you know that you don’t speak smoothly, you should follow him and learn. Being sloppy every day, you haven’t grown up at all. You don’t even know a few characters, you have shamed this old man. Didn"t this old man tell you. Nowadays, bandits don"t have it easy. You must go learn more things. So even in the future if you decide to be a bandit, we will be knowledgeable and educated bandits. Even if we go out, we will not be shameful. In the end, all of you did not take this old man"s words to heart. “

“Pu……” Xia Yuqing covered her mouth as she trembled with laughter. This bandit leader is just too funny. Hahaha. Nowadays, even bandits have the motivation to better themselves and aim to be a higher quality version of themselves. It is admirable. Over time, they will definitely be able to become an overlord. Stir up some trouble they would become the fighting bandit amongst all mountain thieves!

You should know it’s easy to be a bad person, but it’s difficult to be a bad person with culture, thought, and quality!

“Boss, you’ve become more and more like a mother lately. Is it that time of the month? We understand that it happens a few days every month, we understand!” The hooligan young man muttered to himself. Unexpectedly, it fell into the ears of the strong man, and he greeted that comment with a big slap.

“Your skin itchy, kid? How dare you say I’m like an old mother? Also, what do you mean by those few days every month? Are you treating this old man like a woman? Where did you learn to say such rubbish. Watch and see if this old man will break your legs or not!

“Boss Boss, I don"t dare.” The young boy was seized by his ears and was screaming. Jumping in place where he was standing, he was trying to save his ears, but did not expect that the pain to become worse and worse. When the bandit leader finally released him, his two small ears were already red and b.l.o.o.d.y. From a distance, they looked like chibi maruko chan"s cheeks.

Xia Yuqing clutched the window next to her, covering her mouth to stop her laughter. If she wasn"t watching out for her belly, she would have rolled to the ground laughing. How could these robbers be so cute? Those days … every few days each month, if the leader of the robber wasn"t so heroic looking, she would have thought that he was a woman in disguise.

“Enough!” Jiang Zhaorou looked silently at this group of robbers who acted as if no one was present and was showing off. She couldn"t bear it any longer and cried out. Her tone was cold. "Jiang Hu"s weeds dare come try to rob me? You are overestimating yourselves. Since we are in a rush, get out of the way and I will leave you with your lives. Otherwise, this will be your graves."

“Well?” Jiang Zhaorou’s fury drew the attention of those noisy and awkward robbers.

The leader of the bandits was a little irritated. He looked back at Jiang Zhaorou: “Why is this woman talking so irritating?”

“Yes, boss, we don’t usually s.n.a.t.c.h from the old, weak, sick, or women. But this woman is not a good bird from first glance. With a mouth so aggressive, she definitely isn"t a good person. She also wants this place to be our graveyards? Hmph, boss, let"s take her back to serve the old lady to soothe her spirit. “

“Yeah, rob them, rob them!” Following the boy’s proposal, the bandits behind the leader began chanting. Apparently Jiang Zhaorou’s rude words had annoyed them just now.

“Then let"s rob them. The Ya Tou who served the old lady has recently married. Recently, no one is waiting for the old lady. Let"s bring this one back. Brothers, go!” The leader pondered for a moment and accepted the young man’s suggestion. Drawing out a large sabre, he shouted for everyone to rush forward.

For a while, the sound of swords clas.h.i.+ng resounded loudly and the screams of people who got injured came one after another.

Xia Yuqing sat on the side of the carriage and looked cheerfully through the curtain at the fierce battle outside. Her face was full of excitement. This was a live version of a martial arts drama. This was a rare occurrence. Compared to those fake dramas with people flying around with strings, this acrobatic fighting was much more exciting!

While Xia Yuqing was watching with interest, she would commentate in her heart from time to time. Unfortunately, at this time, she had no seeds to eat while watching*. Suddenly a figure flew into the carriage.

* instead of chips it"s popular to buy sunflower seeds etc to snack on while watching tv, etc

Xia Yuqing was startled. She took a breath and took a closer look only to find that the person who rushed in was really …

“Xi’er!” Xia Yuqing exclaimed. Yun Xi covered her mouth before she could talk more, “Shhhh, keep quiet.”

“How did you get in?” Xia Yuqing nodded and asked while lowering her voice.

“People outside have killed until their eyes became red. If I didn"t head here, where else would I go to hide?” Yun Xi rubbed his own chest with apprehension, appeasing the small heart that was pounding because of the several long knives that pa.s.sed over his head.

“But if they kill them fiercely then come to us, won"t it be more dangerous here?” Xia Yuqing glanced at the battle that had begun to fall to the mountain bandits advantage.

“…” Yun Xi froze and then he remembered that he could run outside now! Why did he run into this car? This is a dead end! Waiting here was like making them easy targets for the bandits!

Uh, no! Why should I drag myself around with that cuckold, I"m confused! Let"s take a step back first. Even if the robbers don"t succeed, Jiang Zhaorou will certainly take people to see if the people in the carriage are okay. At that time, they won"t likely do anything to him. But, his ident.i.ty might be…. Aaaaghhh, why was I so stupid to come in just now!

Yun Xi was extremely upset, but he didn’t allow it to show on his face. He looked at Xia Yuqing seriously: “I know that naturally. Don’t worry, Qing Jiejie. You are here with a baby, helpless and frightened and probably alarmed. This is why I have come to accompany Qing Jiejie.. “
