Father, Mother Escaped Again

Chapter 4

After a good night"s sleep, Xia Yuqing woke up naturally sprawled on her back the next morning. The place besides her had already cooled by then. When she got up, a call was raised outside, "She"s awakened, Her Highness has awakened."

"So milady"s awake now. Let me help you wash up." Soon a maid in a goose yellow palace uniform lifted the muslin hanging screens and entered.

Xia Yuqing recognized her as one of the attendants who"d accompanied her to the State of Ye, Cui"er. She nodded.

"Milady, His Majesty instructed us not to disturb you this morning to allow you to sleep a while longer. Seems he"s quite fond of you, otherwise he wouldn"t have let you stay the night. Milady should seize this chance."

Xia Yuqing was disoriented from just waking up due to low blood sugar. She"d thought that switching bodies would cure this condition, but unexpectedly, her new body also had the same problem. Therefore, Xia Yuqing merely smiled and ignored Cui"er"s conscientious council.

After acclimating, a eunuch carrying even sw.a.n.kier clothing than yesterday darted in and knelt before her. "Congratulations, His Majesty has created you Consort Qing, and bestowed milady a rank which only four concubines may hold at a time. I"m here to deliver the ceremonial clothes."

"A four of a kind rank? Milady must be truly favored to have been made consort of such rank. This is the first time ever that His Majesty has done such a thing! Congratulations, my lady." After the eunuch finished, her maid also knelt. The hall was flooded by eunuchs and maids filling Sweet Spring Palace with their congratulations.

Xia Yuqing"s eyebrows twitched uncontrollably. She turned to Cui"er and asked, "Is this four of a kind rank very high?"

"Yes. Besides the empress and the royal consort, milady has the highest rank in the harem and has authority over every concubine."

"Oh?" Xia Yuqing"s eyes shone. Didn"t this mean that she was untouchable even if she started crab-walking in the palace? Muahahaha…

"Make me a list of all the concubine in the palace. I"ll be prepared next time he comes."

The kneeling maid immediately refuted this, "Milady, you are the only concubine in the palace. It only goes to show how much the emperor likes you."

"…" Xia Yuqing was stumped. She wanted to cough blood! If I"m the only one in the harem, then what good is this bulls.h.i.+t rank for.

And why are you all acting like I"ve made history? No duh it"s the "first time ever", I"m the only one in the harem…unless this isn"t just the "first time ever", but will also be the "last"?

Xia Yuqing facepalmed and speechlessly flipped everyone the bird. This world"s pain in the a.s.s scenario was getting more and more hopeless.

As she was despairing, a girl burst in, shouting breathlessly, "Milady! Milady, not good!"

"Lu Rui, watch your tongue. What"s not good about milady?" Cui"er chided harshly, her temper flaring before Lu Rui explained herself, "That"s not it, milady, it"s…ah! Milady, I saw Miss Liu heading over here. She seems awfully panicked."

The color drained from the faces of Xia Yuqing"s handmaidens. Xia Yuqing asked quietly, "And who is this Miss Liu?"

"Have you forgotten, milady, Miss Liu is the dowager empress"s niece and His Majesty"s cousin, the prime minister"s eldest daughter… Liu Yixiang."

"Liu Yixiang? Her social status is this high? But then why is she heading here? And why are you all acting like this is so disastrous?"

Cui"er looked worriedly at Xia Yuqing. "Milady, how could you forget that Miss Liu is smitten with His Majesty, and was also the dowager empress"s preferred candidate for empress. She was the one who pushed you into the river yesterday."

Guh? Xia Yuqing"s eyes widened. So she was the fella behind her transmigration? No, wait…

"You said she"s coming here?" Xia Yuqing shook. She jumped out of her seat with a swoosh.

On the first day of transmigration, she"d almost lost her chast.i.ty. On the second, despite not being the legit love interest, a love rival would come knocking on her door?!