Feng Yu Jiu Tian

Chapter 106

Luckily Luo Yun timely aidintercepts it and he kicks the pirate into the water afterward. While lookingat him he spoke to Luo Deng, “Captain Luo, you continue. Young Lord Iwill protect”.  

When the time is critical there’s no need for word, normally they recognizewhat are the most important things.

Feng Ming immediately being ushered by Luo Yun at the centre  to be protected by him and the elite guards .Unexpectedly because of this one person it’s already become a rescue squad. Theplace they suppose to besiege, turns out they have to swoop past it to rescueFeng Ming.

With the 2 s.h.i.+p and one small boat of Xiao Family at the same place, two enemyequivalent of one Xiao men on the s.h.i.+p fighting to the death can be seen on thes.h.i.+p. The other party are large in numbers, in addition earlier they have usearrows with anaesthetic drug to shoot at Feng Ming’s people and many have beeninjured. On Feng Ming’s side, the military strength are insufficient, but XiaoFamily men are not cowards and very fierce when they fight, each one of themalso has a great experience and with Rong Hu in high position ready to aid withthe powerful force of the archers, gradually they are getting the upper hand..

At this time, Feng Ming alreadykill until his muscle feel very weary, lifting his head, he gaze at the river’ssurface with a sense of foreboding.

Now only he already at the mains.h.i.+p, watching all the other s.h.i.+ps on their Xiao Family fleet on the wide riversurface, even only doing hit long-range attacks on enemy s.h.i.+ps, everyone justresist like they are not afraid to die, black arrows and fire arrows fills upthe sky, a lot of big sails caught on fire and burn. Luckily the s.h.i.+ps’surfaces has been smeared with fireproof substance, if not earlier also hadbeen burned. 

At the sh.o.r.e, fire arrows alsobeing fired nonstop to the enemy’s s.h.i.+p, it’s appear that General Zhuang Puland troops has been alerted and came to support the Xiao Family men, it’s justtoo bad that the river is too wide making the troops feel helpless.

The enemy choose this place where the river is wide really for a sneakattack, they are really extremely brilliant.    

At a place upstream, one slightlylarger than the other enemy wars.h.i.+ps quietly anch.o.r.ed there, apparently, thisis the real enemy‘s main s.h.i.+p, so leisurely, enjoy an entire progression,reallymake this one completely admire this person shameless conduct.

Luo Yun fighting by Feng Ming side during the whole battle, beheadingenemy’s head and the whole face already full with blood, saw Feng Ming lookedat the front, also following his line of sight, heart beats accelerated ,looking at Feng Ming worn-down expression  and asked “  Young Lord, what should we do?"

Luo Yun open his mouth, slightly hesitated asking Feng Ming,afraid to disturb what Feng Ming has been thinking inside his head. 

However, Feng Ming did not care, sizing up the enemy mains.h.i.+p, frowning and said, "I do not know."

Xiao Family s.h.i.+pping business, in this world n.o.body dare tooffend, this kind of people earn profit by killing people, before this n.o.bodydare to move against Xiao Family Fleet, mostly also fear the personal retaliationfrom the powerful Master Xiao. 

Even if  Xiao Familyfleet, the characteristic are mainly half merchant half and half wars.h.i.+ps  in nature , compared to his s.h.i.+p, of course considervery good, but to fight pirates who really good in battling on water, thesituation already seems bleak. 

Moreover this attack is totally without warning.

Feng Ming in a low voice said to Luo Yun, "If they onceagain attacking aggressively, I am afraid our main s.h.i.+p won’t be able to makeit, if we got to that moment, we will use strong rope and shoot it using arrowto connect the s.h.i.+p, Xiao men can then climb into enemy’s s.h.i.+p, for us longdistance attack is not our strength compare to them, if close combat maybe westill have a chance, those girls do not know how to fight, I hope you canprotect them."

Luo Yun hand holding a sword trembles a bit, and then tightlygrab his sword, in silence unable to retaliate.

When both of them arediscussing, the battle on the s.h.i.+p’s deck behind them has slowly ended, theenemy inside their s.h.i.+p’s collision had either been dead or captured, alreadywithout strength to fight. Everyone from the centre pool of blood has struggleto come , also cannot help to spontaneously come over to Feng Ming side, andsee the situation on the surface of the river, in their heart already knew,tightly clenched their sword without any words. 

On the river surface, several other s.h.i.+p still continue to resist,on the Xiao Family main s.h.i.+p however , the deathly quiet resembling a cemetery. 

Duuuuu………. Horn sounded! 

Loud yet mysterious sound of horn, coming from above theenemy s.h.i.+p ran shrilly. The horn blast pierced night sky with clouds that obscuredall light from the moon and stars, and the sky looks like an opening to releasetens of millions of unseen evil dangerous spirit from its inside.

Everyone was holding their breath, watching with eyes wide open at the flas.h.i.+nglight of the enemy s.h.i.+ps.

All the muscle strength surpa.s.ses their limit, almost allthe s.h.i.+ps suffered major damage and the main s.h.i.+p almost sank. Although theenemy wars.h.i.+ps were completely wiped out, they still have the s.h.i.+ps that hadn’tpartic.i.p.ate during the battle.

Great disparity between strong and weak can be seen.

If the second round strong impact start, it will beinevitable for Xiao Family to be defeated.