FFF-Class Trashero

Chapter 116

Chapter 116

Hero’s Wife.avi

The sensations were very strange. This was different from when I was in the womb. Now I had self-awareness, but I didn’t understand exactly where I was.

Watch and listen. Now I’m only allowed them.

On a wide luxurious bed, where a whole family could fit, a naked man and a woman settled down.

Tak, tak, tak, tak…

Behind the woman, who was on her knees, a man was moving rhythmically. Every time their flesh touched, a slapping sound filled the room.

Soon the sound stopped.

“Honey, are you finished already?”

The woman with a beautiful face asked, looking back.

“…Yes, sorry. This body isn’t what it used to be,” the man answered awkwardly as their gazes crossed.

His upper body was muscular and as strong as steel, but his lower body hung limply. What a pitiful sight.

“I will wash first.”


After watching the woman leave, the man sat down on the wide bed and wiped his lower body with a napkin.

There were many different scars on his body, and some I even recognized. Namely, five of them.

The red stripes on the back were obtained from the burning claws of the Five Disasters in the southern continent. His legs were slightly greenish, not because he didn’t wash. Those marks remained even after treatment for the poisonous breath of the Five Disasters in the central continent. The blue marks remaining on his abdominal muscles were the aftermath of the ice fang bite of the Five Disasters in the geometric inscriptions on his left hand weren’t tattoos: these were a sign that the soul of the Five Disasters of the western continent was sealed in it.

A neck completely covered with acne…if not immediately healed, the curse of the Five Disasters of the eastern continent caused this.

…How do I know so well about this? During the 1st playthrough, I followed almost the same route.

“I’m not the same. And I am not as excited as before…hmm? ”

Throwing a napkin into the trash can, the man froze. And then he pulled out something from there.


It was a brooch. The Chaos artifact was found by Thief E from the black market. In this video, the brooch wasn’t so old that it could be called an Artifact, but it was the same decoration by design.

“Darling, go to the shower. And make sure that no water gets on the second shelf in the shower. That soap is expensive. ”

“Oh, okay.”

Without letting the woman know, the man wrapped the brooch in paper and squeezed it in his left hand. And then he calmly went to the shower.

“After the shower, we need to have a serious talk.”


The man quickly took a shower and walked out in his clothes. Not in a robe, but weekend clothes. He would listen to what serious conversation the woman needed to have and then head out.

“I heard that you secretly trained your sister’s son. Is that true?”

“Oh, that? A little boy followed me when I went fishing. While I was fishing so that he wouldn’t be bored, I taught him something. Quite insignificant. ”

“What about our son?”


“This is the first time he’s lost to that worthless boy! My handsome and talented son lost because of that new trick that you taught that boy! Do you know how my sister mocked me, watching all this? ”


Getting ready to answer something, the man simply gave up and apologized, touching the brooch in his pocket with his hand.

“If you’re sorry, come with my son and me in two days to the parent meeting at the Academy.”

“Two days? But that’s… ”

“Because of you, our son has become completely pa.s.sive! Praise him in front of the teachers and teach him some new techniques. Why do you discriminate against children by whether they go fishing with you or not? I didn’t give birth to your son to be humiliated and neglected! Got it? ”


“Are you sure you will come in two days?”

“Of course.”

“Hoho! I love you, dear.”

“Me too…”

Having finished the conversation, the man went out into the streets. He was an extraordinary man as he had the Five Disaster scars all over his body. As soon as he left the huge mansion, without any wings, he flew up and headed somewhere.

During the flight, the entire landscape was obscured by fog. So this wasn’t important information?

The man who had been flying for some time landed on the beautiful seash.o.r.e.



People in swimsuits were having fun in the water. Looking around, the Hero pulled on a hat summoned from nowhere and walked along the sandy sh.o.r.e.

And it wasn’t just a walk. So, having walked some distance, he stopped beside an elf lying in the shade under a beach umbrella.

“Elfheim. As expected, you’re here. ”

I know this elf too. The pitiful Third King of the Elves, making his descendants suffer! Turning his gaze from the coast, he answered with a wide smile on his face.

“Oh! What is the Hero, busy with official affairs, doing on this beautiful beach? It seems that the Seventh Summit on the reunification of elves and humans will begin only in two days. “

The Elven King held a blank expression on his face. The man asked in a desperate tone.

“I know it, but…put it off, please, for a day.”

“It’s easy to say. This summit should finally help end all grievances between both races, so it is extremely important. Although this is an informal negotiation, it will bring together important people representing great nations and races. Ask them to wait not an hour, but one day…”


“Are there problems with the family again?”


“Hah! Your troubles don’t end even after you knocked down the Demon Lord. ”

The third Elven King called the man “Hero.” We can safely a.s.sume that this is the same “First Hero.”

“But here you are, Elfheim…you, before and now, spend time here. Shouldn’t the king of the elves work hardest to bring elves and humans back together?”

The hero sat down next to the king.

“Haha! They pressure me all the time. Every time I want to give up, I visit this little paradise and come to my senses. Oh! I mean the waves. “

At this time, the king’s gaze moved slowly from left to right. It wasn’t hard to guess that he was admiring the human girls walking along the beach.

How beautiful they swing.

“Elfheim…are you going to keep staring?”

“Oh! Sorry! Anyway, I get it. To be honest, it is problematic that you are asking to postpone the summit for a day, but admiring these swaying waves, I calmed down. I can’t help it! If there is peace in the Hero’s family, there will be peace in the whole world! Haha! ”

“Thank you for understanding.”

After that, the men talked about all sorts of nonsense for a while, and then they moved from the beach to the bar. The slightly drunk Hero took out a brooch from his pocket.

“What is that brooch?”

“When I was a budding mercenary, I spent all my money to buy it for my wife. At the time, I thought it would match her, who was already an experienced mercenary. ”

“So romantic.”

“I was very young then.”

“You said it was a gift, so why are you holding the brooch now?”

“Found it…in the bin today.”

After that, the men-only drank in silence. But the silence didn’t last forever.

The elf king, watching the bar worker, with a blushed face and a smile from ear to ear, asked.

“This brooch…are you going to throw it away?”

Grabbing the brooch with both hands, the Hero replied.

“…I don’t know. I kept it a secret from my proud wife, but this brooch protects whoever wears it. ”

“Really? Have you sacrificed some of your power to do this? ”


“I wanted to ask it for my daughter, but it turns out to be a treasure. This is not the kind of thing that you can get rid of so easily…”

“Take it. ”

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The First Hero handed the brooch containing his power to the Third King of the Elves. His voice was calm as if he had let go of something.


“Yes. You said you’d give her to your daughter, didn’t you? I set it up so that the effect will only work on a member of your bloodline. Take this as an apology for postponing such an important summit because of me. ”

“If you say so…”

The brooch that the First Hero presented his wife went into the Third King of the Elves’ pants.

Why not in your pocket…?

Then it became dark as if the play had come to an end and the curtain had dropped.


I blinked a couple of times and slowly looked around. We were in the dense forest right above the hidden auction. I seemed to have safely returned to the fantasy world.

”Hero-savage? Why did you suddenly throw the Artifact away?!”

”Because it’s an abomination.”

This brooch was in the king of the elves’ pants. If I didn’t know about it, it would be okay, but I didn’t want to touch it anymore after I found out.

”How can you talk about heirloom in such a way before a descendant! Heaven will punish you! Savage Hero!”

”…So you didn’t see anything?”

She didn’t seem to see that video.



This brooch wasn’t always sealed. But it was true that its effect only worked in the hands of a royal family member. However, genes don’t last forever. If this wasn’t only marriage between close relatives, then nothing could be done about the fact that with each generation, the blood of the ancestors weakened.

Now the bloodline had weakened, so direct blood contact with the brooch was required for activation.

”Thief E.”

“If you want to apologize, then I accept your apology,” said Thief E sullenly, picking up the brooch I had thrown away from the gra.s.s.

”Forget about the apology.”

”Then why did you call me?”

”Where are the rest of the collected Chaos Artifacts? Apart from this brooch, I think you said that you have already collected four?”

It cannot be said with sovereignty that each Artifact could demonstrate to me such a video. But it seemed to me that there was a high probability. If I watch these videos, I might find a way to escape from the fantasy world or find some kind of guiding thread that can shock the entire teaching staff.

Thief E replied without knowing the intention of my question.

”They are on the southern continent.”

”The whole southern continent is your home or what?”

“I can’t tell you more. You can use psychological tricks on me or even torture me like Sylvia, but the question here is the well-being of my beloved family, so I will never reveal this to you. At least until I’m sure, I can trust you.”

Thief E was determined. How tiring it was.

“And I didn’t sell you to a human n.o.ble who would like a house-elf for himself.”

”I am grateful for it now. But in such a complex world, I don’t want to endanger my family with hasty decisions. I hope you understand this, even if you are unpleasant and sad about it.”



”Oh well. Let’s slowly learn to trust each other.”

It had been a long time since I did this. A good way to check if my abilities are rusty.

”Are you serious?!”

”Why are you so surprised? You are the one who said that we need to trust each other?”

”It is, but…I thought, since you are a Hero-savage, you would trample my dignity and by any means get to the bottom of the truth.”

”Ha! I am a fair Hero.”

I don’t use such dirty methods.

►Question: Really? I didn’t know about that!

Miss Trainee. But now you know.

Thief E deceived me with her fake b.r.e.a.s.t.s, but I can forgive her because of her sheer beauty. After all, she didn’t do any serious harm to me. I also understand why she doesn’t want to talk about the whereabouts of her beloved family.

This isn’t to call it hostility or denial of a.s.sistance. Am I wrong?

►Answer: You are right! It’s good if the senior colleagues appreciate your understanding, Cadet Kang Han Soo. I feel bad about it.

Everything is fine, Impartial Miss Trainee! It’s just that later I will get everything with interest!

”Build a trusting relationship with the Savage Hero?”

”You don’t want it?”

”Oh no! I think this is a good idea! But how?”

”I’ll reveal first.”


She had not only small b.r.e.a.s.t.s but also a brain, so I had to explain everything in detail.

”Miss Thief. My family lives in a different world, so even if I tell you the address, it won’t prove anything. Therefore, instead of a family, as a sign of trust, I will introduce you to my respected teacher.”

”Teacher of the Savage Hero?”


”Oh my G.o.d! How terrifying he is then…I can’t even imagine.”

The Righteous Hero and the dummies went to the village where Master Mollan lived.