FFF-Class Trashero

Chapter 136

Chapter 136

Hero’s New Weapon

The G.o.d of the fantasy world considered the Black Box prohibited. Therefore, I couldn’t summon the Holy Sword Nuclyon or Saint H. However, there was something else I could focus on.

Saint H wasn’t a part of this world as she directed the Heroes to the Festival of Heroes. The same was true for the Holy Sword Nuclyon.

The Holy Sword found on the continents of Fantasy was just a stick compared to this sword, which was designed for chopping Pedonar to pieces.

In other words, it couldn’t be prohibited, and right now, I needed the Holy Sword. I didn’t use the Black Box. Instead, I used a different, hidden, and slightly childish way.

“The Last Sword, destroyed by Chaos and born on the Oblivion Star. A hope that will cut the bonds of meaningless friendship and love. The successor remembers your sacred name and praises you, proving that the legendary alliance was made from the very beginning! Holy Sword Nuclyon!”

…If after this, nothing happened, then I would simply commit suicide. Luckily my spell worked.


The Holy Sword Nuclyon appeared in my hands.

What the?!

While I was reciting a spell, Luke looked at me like I was crazy, but now his mouth opened in surprise. But he, as a Hero, immediately realized that it was the Holy Sword.

H-How is that possible!

Saint A was no exception. It took her one glance to understand that the Hero was in front of her, so she immediately realized that it was the Holy Sword. The others reacted too.



Legendary Holy Sword…

The thief is a Hero…

Exclamations from the dummies followed. Even if you didn’t have the Hero or Saint specialization, you could immediately tell from the masterly handcrafted work and design that it was a saintly Sword. I didn’t invent this spell. As soon as I took the Holy Sword Nuclyon in my hands for the first time, it was imprinted in my head exactly in this form.

Could I summon Saint H in the same way? It still needed research, but I thought it was possible to summon Saint H. Anyway…

Saint, are you ready to move your b.u.t.t from your usual place?

I had just joined Luke’s journey now, so I needed to be content with Saint A. Saint A, who regained consciousness, immediately knelt in front of me and spoke in a polite tone.

“Now, I will serve you, Hero.

With this, we had completed all the affairs in the Holy Kingdom. Holy Sword 1 and Holy Sword 3 were in the northern continent. Holy Sword 2, which I gladly used, rested underwater east of the central continent. In general, it took a long time to get to them. Wasn’t that the best option?

No! Saint!

At that moment, the extra guy intervened, following and guarding Saint A like a shadow. Who are you that you dare argue with the greatest Hero?

The most powerful hero of the Holy Kingdom, Thomas. Nicknamed Tomato, as if answering my question, Luke chimed in.

It was clear on his face that he wanted to ask a lot about my sword, but it seemed that he decided to deal with the extra first.

A! Hero T!

With great difficulty in the bins of my memory, I nevertheless found information about this extra. The name was Hero T, male, age unknown.

▷ Race: Human

▷ Level: 747

▷ Specialization: Paladin (Divinity = Blessing ↑)

▷ Skills: Divinity (B), Blessing (B), Sword Mastery (B), Fort.i.tude (C), Enemy Search (C)…

▷ Condition: Anxiety

Hero T was considered a hero in the Holy Kingdom. Still, due to his low origin, his specialization was only Paladin, the second most common in this kingdom after the monk. Still, I wanted to praise him for raising his Divinity skill, which was owned mainly by Angels and high-ranking priests, to B-rank. With his level, he could single-handedly cope with a mid-level demon.

Knight Thomas, you have done a good job keeping me safe.

N-no, Saint! I do not deny that these are Heroes. But I, as the knight guarding you, cannot trust the safety of the precious Saint without testing their skills.

He’s quite a difficult man…

Excuse me, but it’s not just my thought.

As if confirming Hero T’s words, the nearby knights nodded in agreement. “The Holy Kingdom needs you.

Saint, please don’t leave us.

“You promised you would go shopping with me tomorrow.

“I want to continue to protect the Saint.

On all the continents of Fantasy, some savages interfered with the journey of the good Hero. Hotel owners who looked at the Heroes like a bag of money; blacksmiths asking them to bring everything needed to make weapons; healers who tried to shift their work to heroes; merchants who didn’t give discounts…

As well as ordinary residents who prevent you from recruiting the right companion. While I was thinking about dealing with them legally, the G.o.d of the fantasy world fulfilled my desire.

Hero T spoke. The hero and his group of companions. The Knight of the Holy Kingdom Thomas will personally check if you are capable of protecting the Saint.

I liked this turn of events.


I didn’t expect that the Saint would ask to bring the Holy Sword, but the battle with the knight Thomas was to take place. If we came after we became a little known, this situation could have been avoided, but there is no need to worry too much about it,” Luke spoke confidently at the temple training ground.

The fight took place one on one.



Lanuvel, who was. .h.i.t on the head, grabbed her wound and pretended to be cute again. Even from a distance, one could see her furrowed brow.

Hero T smiled.

Sweet Lanuvel. It is good to use practical short magic spells, but such weak magic doesn’t work on people like me with high toughness. While it is risky, try to buy time for more powerful and longer spells.

Good! Thank you!

I was glad to fight with such a sweet girl.

The paladin never realized that the annoying Lanuvel was just pretending to be cute! Somehow I worried about the future of the Holy Kingdom. Alex came next.


Incredible talent, Captain of the knights of the neighboring kingdom. Even though you haven’t learned the sword technique systematically, you have impressive skills! If you had a high level, you would be a good opponent. But as the winner, I will give you one piece of advice: level up by hunting monsters. If you want to protect your loved ones and your homeland, then you need to start with yourself and become stronger.

I’ll take note.

G.o.d bless your way.

Alex lost. He used an aggressive method of fighting, ignoring his defenses, but still failed to break through the solid defenses enhanced by Divinity and Blessing. Therefore, by exchanging blows, Alex only harmed himself. As Hero T pointed out, the problem was his low level.



Having received an iron gauntlet from the paladin, Sylvia screamed and sprawled on the ground. Hero T, who thought she would dodge, was confused.

Resident of Elfheim! Why did you just summon the spirits and stand aside? Only high-ranking shamans show such arrogance. Such a terrible tactic can be relied on only if there are a huge number of spirits. Even so, the shaman needs to fight alongside the spirits. Get more experience in fighting. It is extremely rude of me to say so, but with your current skills, you will not only be unable to protect the Saint but you will be captured.

Ugh…if only I could return the spirits!

“Stop relying on spirits all the time. Next!

Archer E stepped forward, bow in hand. Saint A, by that time, had already completely healed her demonic curse. Alex was reprimanded for being low-level, but Hero T was lower than Archer E. And what was the result?


Archer E was dumbfounded after the paladin cut her bow in half with his sharp sword. The loss of a bow equaled death for an archer.

You have incredible skills. This is the first time I see someone who is so masterful with a bow and arrow. I’m surprised. No wonder you are the Knight of the Wind, which the Kingdom of Elfheim is so proud of. But you couldn’t resist. I, as a knight guarding the Saint, have always been wary of archers. In addition, the bow and arrows that you are currently using do not reach your level, which, I think, was the reason for your defeat.

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Thanks for the good fight.

Don’t mention it. It was an honor for me to fight the famous Wind Knight of Elfheim.

May the patronage of Elfheim be with you.

G.o.d bless you.

Yes, they could get married even now. Next, was me?

It’s not your turn, brother. I will knock this Thomas down, Luke stepped up as if reading my mind.

Since he was the leader of our group, he should be the last, but it seems that he foresaw that I would deal with Hero T, so he decided to come out first. Do all Heroes have similar thoughts?

Well, except for Sieg.

How bold you are, Hero. After all, not even a month has pa.s.sed since your call.

I’m Luke.

Good, Hero Luke. Make no mistake that you’ve seen all my skill in the previous battles. I will beat all the arrogance out of you.

These are my words.

Was it because he thought Luke was the one who decided to steal the Saint from him? The words of Hero T, which had been polite before, became rougher. If not this, apparently, he was hurt by Luke’s words that he would knock him down. In any case, they were going to fight in all seriousness.

Before the fight, Luke turned to me.

Kang Han Soo. Watch my fight closely. I don’t know how you got this suspicious Holy Sword in your hands, but I have a more serious weapon! My real power has been sealed. Friend! There is a strong opponent who can fight you. I am breaking the seal, so fight with me again! Boris!

Wait! Boris? That was the real name of the Old Prince. After all, his soul was destroyed. So why was he saying his name now? But if this was true, I needed to be careful. This was because now I couldn’t use the Black Box.

And Boris was summoned. I looked at him with a slightly stupid expression on my face and asked Luke.


No, Boris is an android. This is also one of the new weapons developed at the Victoria factory. The strongest android that the President of Victoria has is a prototype for future ma.s.s production! The only drawback is that the technology of the contract isn’t fully worked out, so it has to be sealed in the Vault.

If he was talking about a prototype, it was most likely based on the maid golem, which I obtained by trading for Golem D. As I recall, it was a pretty good deal. Summoned by Luke, Boris was so masterfully made that one could believe that he wasn’t a real person. But, like a weapon, he had a blank expression on his face.

And what about skills?

▷ Race: Arch-Golem

▷ Level: 900

▷ Specialization: Witch (Beauty → Magic ↑)

▷ Skills: Magic (A), Shooting (B), Charisma (B), Sorcery (B), Resurrection (C) …

▷ Status: Activate

The specialty was Witch, like the well-known phrase in the Fantasy world, “When you touch a witch, be careful, but instead of a staff, there were two pistols. And that wasn’t all.

You could already understand from my skills that my specialty isn’t a sword, but a firearm. So watch carefully. Big brother will show you his real skills.

Luke took out a pistol from the Vault. In his left hand was a Magic Sword and in his right a pistol. He looked like an elite soldier from a fantasy future. Well, what can I say?

Yes, yes. I will watch closely.

And the battle began.

Although it was clearly a two-to-one fight, according to the customs of the continent, a golem wasn’t considered in the headcount. That would change once the black market invented the Crimson Golem, which tore down the northern continent.

Hero T grew serious too.

Bang! Bang!

Shots rang out; the sound was unusual for a fantasy world. He didn’t even change the magazine. Instead of bullets, it appeared to fire and detonate Boris’s compressed A-rank magic. Due to the low level of Magic, the power of the shots was weak, but the use of the Magic Sword compensated for this.

The master and android combination was incredible, but the final winner was Hero T. They never managed to break through the strongest defenses of the Holy Kingdom’s most powerful Paladin.

Master. We no longer have magic.

Ah! Heck!

This was followed by an informative speech from Hero T full of praise, but Luke’s expression, covered in sweat, was sullen. And it was now my turn.

Tomato. If you’re tired, we can fight tomorrow.”

My name is not Tomato, but Thomas. And you don’t have to wait until tomorrow. Thanks to the healing of the Saint, my stamina is instantly restored! So don’t hold back and attack, Hero of the Holy Sword.

And one more thing.

What is it?

Because of excitement, my palm is sweaty. So forgive me if the Holy Sword slips.

“…I don’t know what you mean, but I’ll take note.

Well, Tomato, shall we start?

No hard feelings? Promise?