FFF-Class Trashero

Chapter 185

Chapter 185

[11th Round] Settlement

“Lord Shakespeare is dead…?”

“He lost to a human…?”

“But weren’t the heroes very weak…?”

The vampires were thrown into chaos by my remarks that I had already beaten him. It made sense, as the heroes they knew were very weak. Over the past three years, the heroes had become strong enough to defeat orcs alone, but in terms of the entire food chain of the Fantasy Continent, they were still near the bottom.

So, it was natural for vampires to think this way. I don’t know about Earth’s native vampires that seem to have gone extinct due to reckless hunting, but the vampires living here were a race that could live forever by taking the lives of others through blood. A long lifespan served as a huge advantage.

▷ Race: Vampire

▷ Level: 4374

▷ Job: Seamstress (Material = Sewing↑)

▷ Skill: Sewing Z Concentration SSS Bloodsucking SSS Precision SSS Blood Energy SSS…

▷ Status: Confused, Nervous

Regardless of their job, long-lived vampires had universally high levels and combat skills. This was because battle couldn’t be avoided in the process of drinking blood. After all, they weren’t receiving a blood transfusion like on Earth but extorting blood from the living. In other words, vampires were destined to be proportionate in age and ability, whether they liked it or not.

“Give me proof that you murdered my father.”

It was no different for vampires to act superior to their peers if they had natural talent. I said that I would make them sunbathe if they complained, but this vampire wasn’t afraid of sunlight.

Dark Princess. Pure white skin and purple lips like she was wearing heavy makeup. Her black hair contrasted against pearly white skin and red eyes that looked like they might emit a laser beam at any time. All of it was accompanied by a princess-like innocence. I wonder if she was chosen by the Phantom King Shakespeare solely for her looks.

However, vampire families were already messed up as they didn’t attach much importance to lineage or birth order. Parents could live longer than their children if they drank blood diligently. So there was no concept of generation at all. Children were treated as a product of chance born through contraceptive failure.

Even after living a thousand years, elves became friends with their biological parents. However, vampires treat blood relatives as strangers. Rife with compet.i.tion, marriage, childbirth, domination, murder…that is why family breakdowns were very common. This beautiful vampire was no exception.

“Proof? My strength is the proof. You must have known that the western and central regions were smashed, right?”


She hated the Phantom King Shakespeare. The biggest reason was physical humiliation. For Shakespeare, who lived in the flesh of others, his daughter was functionally someone else’s child. He was the front runner when it came to broken families.

Driven by her grudges and talent, she acquired strong power at a young age, all to kill her biological father.

“If you don’t believe me, bring it on.”

“That’s what I was going to do!”

The Dark Princess, throwing off her innocent mask, straightened her knees and leaped at me. It was the same the first time we met. She pretended to be an innocent princess upon seeing the hero’s party, but as soon as she judged that she could trust them, she revealed her vampire-like true nature. If the unfortunate elves universally held Spirit and Archery skills, vampires were always born with Bloodsucking and Blood Energy skills.

The red wings that sprouted from her back were also made of blood, but they shouldn’t be ignored. This is the reason why vampires, who were not physically different from humans except for their pale skin and purple lips, were able to reign as the strongest race in the Western Continent. They were named vampire wings for convenience’s sake, but they were weapons formed from the Blood Energy skill, summoned straight from their bone marrow.

They weren’t limited by shape, and the wounds caused by the skill didn’t heal naturally.

“After all, she’s easy to understand.”

Even in the first go-around, that confidence and aggression took the Dark Princess’s life. Maybe it was ultimately because I didn’t stop her, though. I smiled as I confronted her.


My weapon was the wings of the righteous hero. It couldn’t change shape as freely as vampire wings, but they were perfect in form, which resembled the leaves of the carnivorous fly-eating plant.

“Was he not a hero, but the legendary Demon King…?”

“Isn’t that too rude?”

The numerous horns that sprouted like thorns on the wings of the righteous hero bristled before shooting out.


The Dark Princess, with a cheeky snort, transformed her right-wing into a tentacle and set fire to it while her left-wing spread like a lotus petal to protect her body. A basic fighting style for vampires. However, it was also a tricky tactic that couldn’t be easily stopped even with prior knowledge.


Her right-wing, squirming like a tentacle, dug into my chest. I didn’t avoid it.


After all, there was no need for that. Before it touched my body, the right-wing created by the Dark Princess scattered like normal blood, its power lost.


Her red eyes shot open. Her face, mesmerized by the unexpected situation, was very similar to her expression in the 1st playthrough, full of the question of ‘Am I going to die? So vainly like this?’ just right before she died.

“I’ll let that face off the hook this time.”

I liked the stupid look on her face.

Pugh! Pugh! Pugh! Pugh!

The countless horns that sprouted from my wings were savagely stuck in her pretty body. Her vampire wing formed like a shield didn’t even slow them down. It became ordinary blood as soon as they hit it.

“H-how come…?”

“Are you stupid? A scoundrel who can’t fight high-mindedly by summoning many ghosts like you is much weaker than Shakespeare, and I am purely stronger than Shakespeare. It’s natural for me to win, right?”

“Don’t pretend to be stupid! I am asking what did you do to my wings- cough, cough!”

The Dark Princess, who had been screaming with her purple lips wide open, was now coughing up blood.

“Don’t get carried away. You’re still anemic, aren’t you?”

For me, the ability to deal with fine particles was only a sign that I was about to move on to the next level. I realized it while receiving a true education from the great Master Mollan. The principle of the next level was extremely simple: skill nullification. Removing all kinds of skill effects that physically contacted me.

Ironically, the fantasy ability that I feared most came to me. After all, vampire wings without Blood Energy’s effect were nothing more dangerous than normal blood. Vampires who couldn’t recover their blood would only suffer from anemia.

I decided to stop her bleeding, now that her skin was turning blue and her whole body was trembling. Sigh! What a meddlesome guy…

“Self-proclaimed hero! What despicable method – Eump?!”

I covered her lips so that she wouldn’t vomit any more of her precious blood. I carefully wiped her tongue, which was dirty with refluxed gastric juice and blood, and generously poured my saliva down her throat to replenish her lack of fluids.

All of these things, free! Free! Interfering to help even the woman who attacked me must be an occupational disease from my severe lack of days off, despite working for decades straight. However, despite my efforts, the Dark Princess’s condition hadn’t improved.

Her bleeding mouth was blocked with first aid, but it was because there were already too many holes in her torso. Blood Energy, the skill of Dark Princess, was sealed as she was in full contact with me. It would be nice to seal all her skills, but her ability itself was only the one.

It didn’t matter, though. A vampire’s greatest weapon was blood. Left unable to handle blood, she was simply a high-level human woman.

▷ Race: Arch Vampire

▷ Level: 7482

▷ Job: Princess (National Power = Charm↑)

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▷ Skills: Blood Energy ZZZ Bloodsucking ZZ Darkness ZZ Charm ZZ Agility ZZ…

▷ Status: Bleeding, Anemia, Serious Injury, Confused, Sanction…

What I paid attention to was the Sanction in her status. I had seen it more than once in my long career. It meant punishing those who broke the law. This status, which came out as soon as Dark Princess’s Blood Energy Skill was sealed, suggested a lot.

Abilities withdrawal. It wasn’t just simply groundless conjecture. The Fantasy G.o.d developed the abilities with that in mind.


As soon as I instinctively pulled out the wing placed between her 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae, she let out a tearing scream. My old intuition was telling me her spine was completely severed.


I put my left hand on her back, which had a hole in it, for first aid. And I grabbed the broken 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae. If she were a normal human, she would be dead, but a vampire who could live without a heart as long as there wasn’t excessive bleeding should just be fine.


Liquid, not blood, dripped from the Dark Princess’s undergarment, but I pretended not to know to protect her pride and dignity. With the intention of rea.s.surance, I smiled at the vampire with the righteous hero’s smile. The angel’s clothes changed after the last battle was now soaked in her blood, so the visuals were a bit weird, but people’s hearts were more important than their looks.

I said while hugging the Dark Princess’s spine warmly.

“You see? This hero doesn’t even hurt a hostile vampire. So, please feel free to engage in your business. And I respect your free will. If you don’t like me, visit me anytime with your friends. I’ll be waiting while treating the princess at the central city hall.”

Unfortunately, no one came right away. There was nothing like receiving complaints about the situation in the city, and even the mayor, who looked bewitching from head to toe, didn’t even give a pint to the stranger who had tenderly gripped her daughter’s spine.

As expected from the vampires, huh? The beautiful mayor’s concern wasn’t her daughter suffering from anemia but the life and death of her husband.

“Is that monster dead?”

However, it wasn’t a question accompanied by a worried tone or expression. They were the most messed-up family in the Western Continent. Compared to them, the senior’s harem was doing just fine.


“Aah! Thank you! The legendary hero has fulfilled my long-cherished desire! Stay as long as you want. I would also like to express my grat.i.tude to the hero, not just with words.”

Saying so, the mayor who approached me lifted her claws and licked her daughter’s blood off my neck and ears, bewitchingly. As the only gentleman in the Fantasy dimension, I politely answered.

“The mayor’s beautiful grat.i.tude touches my heart. But today, I will only accept your heart. I have a pre-appointment with your daughter, whom you raised hard.

“Hero, your hard works and heart make me even more anxious. I’ll get you some water to wash and a servant for you. Make yourself feel at home.”

With a soft smile for me, the mayor gave instructions to a vampire who seemed to be her secretary and then left, shaking her pelvis from side to side. The Dark Princess’s charming waist seemed to have been inherited from her mother.

“Drug hero, this vampire family is strange to me as a spirit.”

“The daughter can hear you, don’t be rude. You’re such a slow-witted spirit.”

“That’s rude. Do you think I can’t hear it?”

The wounds inflicted by the wings of the righteous hero who judges evil didn’t heal easily. For that reason, there was no sign of re-attachment even though I grabbed and fixed Dark Princess’s spine on the way here.

“Tsk. I failed to control my power. It isn’t like me.”

The trouble was that after unintentionally coming at him and being educated by the great Master Mollan, I was careless with my abilities.

I also learned physical modification from him. Of course, it was natural that the wings derived from me then would also evolve, but I overlooked that fact. The upgraded wings were powerful. Thus the attack, which would have ended with a herniated disc in the past, completely shattered the target. It wasn’t yet comparable to the Holy Sword Nucleon, but it wouldn’t be long before it could surpa.s.s it if it evolved steadily like now.

“A demon more evil than my father…uh…”

“People can make mistakes in their lives. I’ll take care of your back and fix it for you, so let’s get along.”

I planned to appoint Dark Princess as the ruler of the Western Continent after completing her mental education. However, if her back was so bad, she couldn’t be entrusted with an office job that inevitably required her to sit for a long time in a chair.

This wasn’t good.

“Hero. The water for washing is ready. Are you…are you going in with me?”

The human maid, whom the vampires treat as food and slaves, asked me carefully. I answered, pulling Dark Princess’s spine closer to my side as a gesture of familiarity.

“Isn’t it obvious? Can’t you see?”

Her spine wouldn’t last a moment if I didn’t hold her.

“M-my apologies!”

There were some mistakes, but fortunately, the mayor of Colony A was very cooperative with me. Why don’t I just give up on Dark Princess, who’ll need rehabilitation, and make her mother do it?

It wasn’t as bad as I thought. Maybe the settlement in the Western Continent would be completed sooner than I expected.