FFF-Class Trashero

Chapter 395

Chapter 395

[29th Round] 6th Curriculum

The Fantasy System, which provided all students with “individual cla.s.srooms,” could only exist because I donated my own strength.

The same went for the “characteristics” tied to Heroes and locals.

It would take too long to explain in detail, but it could be better expressed mathematically.

Primary education course: 781,704 (61%)

Secondary education course: 20,339 (13%)

Tertiary education course: 3,650 (7%)

Above was the number of cla.s.ses given to students by course and the fraction of my strength spent on them.

According to it, about 81% of my total divine power was used to maintain 800,000 parallel worlds.


That was an absurdly large figure.

If one combined all these worlds together, there would each be 800,000 Noebius, Erdanti, Shakespeare, Phoenix, Alex, Kang Han Soo, and so on.

By getting rid of all those dimensions and getting all my power back, I could swallow an entire galaxy without even blinking.

And the remaining 19%?

Vault of Souls: 98,814,539,240 (1%)

Faculty Room: 781 (3%)

Alumni: 2,014,614,072 (4%)

Personal Guards: 99,999 (10%)

Other small expenses, including the handsome Demon Lord’s maintenance, my cowardly wife’s living expenses, Captain Fantasy’s milk, Sidael’s needs, data transfer fees between Earth and Fantasy, and Festival’s upkeep, were around 1%.

In other words, my capacity was divided into an almost infinite number of factors, which left me with less than 0.1% of my total divine power.

It wasn’t just me.

First Demon Pedonar.

First Angel Parmael.

The two deities who supported the Fantasy system before my era carried less than 1% of their divine power at any given time.

… Looking back, I could say I was lucky.

If Parmael hadn’t been so helpless, spending almost all of her divine power on maintaining the system, I would’ve simply been crushed like a bug as soon as I showed any hostility.

Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop…

“We sincerely welcome and congratulate you for your inauguration, President!”



… The teachers, led by Director Bakery, appeared one after the other and greeted me.

A total of about 300 people.

There were quite a few teachers and trainees who couldn’t attend because they were overworked, but all the key people who ran the Fantasy Inst.i.tution were present.

The only exception was the recently dismissed director.

“I had a feeling that master would one day achieve this, but it happened much earlier than I expected.”

“The sooner, the better.”

Answering Hippolia with a smile, I looked at all the teachers and other school staff.

I then released a decree.

“Students should no longer regress upon death henceforth. Instead, they’ll be sent to Festival, where they’ll continue their studies. Teachers and trainees must hereby ensure no friction would arise between the students while also focusing their efforts on merging the dimensions of Fantasy. Deputy Director Hippolia will announce further policy amendments and revisions, and Director Bakery will be in charge of school coordination and cooperation. Any questions?”

“President, my name is Parker Lee…”

“If you don’t like it, return to your Vice-princ.i.p.al position.”

“… I, Director Bakery, solemnly vow to do everything in my power to meet the President’s expectations.”

“Very well. Adjourned!”

It might seem like a large-scale reform was carried out in a hurry and thoughtlessly, but I had been preparing for this for a long time.

Mollanphone community.

Due to the use of individual cla.s.ses, the students were deprived of their ability to meet their cla.s.smates except during the secondary education course. However, their mollanphones, in some way, united them, preparing them for this major overhaul.

▷ Announcement: We would like to inform our esteemed students that we are now entering the 6th curriculum, and the reorganization of our beloved inst.i.tution’s faculty and staff members is a part of that process.

▷ Announcement: Previous educational policies centered on the concept of a Chosen Hero, the side effects of which included the students feeling as if they’re irreplaceable, resulting in a decrease in their efforts. Therefore, after careful deliberation regarding the problem, we have decided to implement a new system, the 6th curriculum, where the Hero is chosen through a compet.i.tion between adventurers.

▷ Announcement: Embark on this new adventure with like-minded colleagues and show us that you are worthy of becoming future Heroes. Thank you for your attention.

Bakery was really talented.

I hadn’t really explained anything to him yet, but he had already released a notice perfectly woven according to my plan.

I didn’t appoint him Director for no reason.

Yes, I could leave that position to Ssosia or Hippolia.

But I chose him, realizing he was the best option I had.

After all, I had seen this situation countless times.

Whenever Heroes put members of their harem or their cheerleaders in key positions, it always resulted in dire problems they would be forced to clean up in the end.

That was why Fugitive Senior ran away from here in the first place.

Now that he had become the ruler of a galaxy, he seemed to be appointing people to different offices according to their ability to handle the responsibilities that came with it. However, that didn’t cover the fact that he caused too much s.h.i.t in the past by doing the opposite.

“Please comfort Ssosia when she returns. She’ll probably be very upset.”

“You are a real angel…”

She worried about even the very embodiment of jealousy…

Hippolia, who remained by my side instead of leaving with the teachers and other staff members, answered with a smile.

“First Angel, to be more precise.”


I wanted the pretty Morality Teacher to be my secretary, but it seemed I’d have to keep my cowardly wife by my side instead.

She might do something otherwise due to her vile jealousy.

I checked the students’ reactions as well.

⤷ Shiva: Zeus, are you here? I want to meet you as soon as possible ^^

⤷ Sieg: Smells like BL! Haha!

⤷ Odin: Funny! I thought we’d never see each other until we graduated.

⤷ Opion: I need to review previous messages. Is there anyone who insulted me?

⤷ Allah: Are you going to take revenge? LOL

⤷ Baal: I’m finally going to see what those showoffs, which haven’t sent a single photo to prove their achievements yet, are capable of.

⤷ Isis: Looking for group members for a joint adventure! (1/5)

⤷ Luna: The most beautiful woman in Fantasy is looking for colleagues!

⤷ Leon: I’m looking for companions with whom we can create the strongest guild together.

⤷ Lilith: See you in the central square!

Some were unhappy with the reform, but the vast majority were delighted by it since it would allow them to meet the friends they made in the mollanphone community.

It was as planned.


Director Bakery briefly mentioned this in the notice, but the Chosen Hero method was a helping hand for social outcasts.

But I chopped that off.


Sooner or later, those slow-witted students will realize the reality, but the system would have already fully established itself by that time.

This was the essence of Incitement and Fabrication, the skills of a former Hero!

“I always thought the Mollanphone community was undermining the Heroes’ independence, but I never realized it existed for such a purpose…” Disco muttered.

“Hey, inspector. Are you ready to speak with the real owner of the Fantasy Inst.i.tution now?”

“… President Parmamon, do you want to make an enemy out of Mollansoft?

“What makes you think I do?”

“You executed such a major overhaul without first asking the investors’ opinions. That’s a violation of all agreements made between the parties involved.”

“f.u.c.k those agreements!”

I didn’t just fiddle with Lanuvel’s spine in the Demon Realm.

The records deleted from the archives of the Fantasy Inst.i.tution remained in her brain.

I knew everything now.

[Original Sin]

“Romantium recycling, parallel world technology, supply of new students, inst.i.tutional s, job employment a.s.sistance, protection contracts, dimension leases. That’s all the help you’ve provided, isn’t it?”


“If so, then let’s go through each point I mentioned. My inst.i.tution will no longer produce romantium or utilize parallel worlds, for that matter. I don’t need new student batches either since the old ones have lots of children they irresponsibly abandoned. With that being the case, what would I need s for, even? Moreover, Fantasy will no longer supply you with workers, and since, unlike Parmael, I don’t avoid fights, I have no need for protection. Lastly, By eliminating our reliance on parallel worlds, I have eradicated the need for dimension leases. Questions?”

“Businesses aren’t toys for you to play around with, President. The act of unilaterally terminating our contract is a serious violation of terms.”

“I have nothing to do with that. The treaty you speak of was agreed upon between you and Parmael, was it not?”

“No. Mollansoft signed a contract with the Fantasy Inst.i.tution, not Parmael herself.”

“It seems you haven’t noticed it yet, Disco. The Fantasy Inst.i.tution has already been closed.”

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“… What?”

Disco’s expression displayed her clear perplexion.

Was she that stupid?

“I closed it.”

“What does that even mean?”

Yes, it seemed she was.

“We told the students that we’re not in the 6th curriculum, but look at this new world from the perspective of a third party. The Fantasy dimension’s structure is now similar to that of any regular dimension. Its concentration of adventurers is a bit high, but there are plenty of such dimensions, aren’t there?”


Inspector Disco turned pale.

She seemed to have finally understood what I meant.

“I was really fortunate. Pedonar, tired of living in captivity, gave me his divine power. Regardless of how good a son-in-law I am, that was beyond common sense.”

Transferring property to one’s children was a common occurrence.

However, if they had eternal life, they wouldn’t give every single possession they had to their children that easily.

They could designate them as a steward or gift them some of their fortunes, but they wouldn’t pa.s.s on everything they had created or earned, especially if the inheritor in question were their son-in-law who stole their beloved daughter’s heart!


But Pedonar did it.

My father-in-law, tired of eternal imprisonment, left everything he had to his trusted son-in-law and chose freedom.

If he knew things would turn out this well, he wouldn’t have ever given up his power.


Parmael was also idiotic.

She was careless, considering Hippolia and me to be pathetic insects. In the end, that left her defenseless.

If she reduced the number of parallel worlds she maintained even by just a little, that slight increase in her divine power would’ve led to completely different results.


[Original Sin]

“So I decided to learn from their mistakes.”

6th curriculum.

That was just an excuse to regain 99% of my total strength.

Primary education course: 64,280 (6%)

Secondary education course: 2,145 (1%)

Tertiary education course: 503 (1%)

After decreasing the cost of maintaining this inst.i.tution from 81% of my divine power, I regained 73% of it.

Sooner or later, all parallel worlds would disappear, which would reduce the deduction in my strength to less than 1%.

Vault of Souls: 98,814,530,000 (1%)

Faculty Room: 1,000 (3%)

Alumni: 2,014,623,851 (4%)

Personal Guards: 90,000 (9%)

The Personal Guards were just Parmael’s harem consisting of 100,000 men. The Heavenly Demon, whose soul my cowardly wife imbued into the Holy Sword, was one of them.

Director Bakery had already transferred 10,000 of them to the alumni and the Faculty room.

In doing so, 1% of my divine power returned to me.

“Hmm… I’ve now regained 74% of it.”

He was far more capable than I expected.

The mollanphone community that I organized also had more impact than I predicted.

I thought it would take at least a decade to recover more than 90% of my total strength, but it seemed like a few days would be enough at this rate.

[Original Sin]

[Original Sin]

My divine power, split to nigh-infinity, merged into one.

Parmael and Pedonar divided and distributed the blood (World) and flesh (Characteristics) they inherited from their parents(Nature).

That was [Original Sin].

My divine power.

But that was no longer the case.

I fixed that mistake by collecting all scattered flesh and blood and was awarded for it.


“… I wouldn’t normally say this since it would make others think I have eighth-grade syndrome, but I must not miss this opportunity… Power is surging through my body! Hahaha!”

“Master…” Hippolia looked at me with concern but didn’t dare say what she had in mind.


I looked at Disco.


Weak. Too weak.

Now I understood why Parmael looked down on me and grew careless when we fought.

“Shall we begin?”

『A certain righteous divine being punishes his opponent’s spine.』

『A certain divine messenger screams.』

『A certain righteous divine being stops.』

『A certain divine messenger tenses up.』

… Hmm?

I took my first step into the world of some G.o.ds.