Flower Emperor - Lord Of Valkyrie

Chapter 13

#POV Xia Xue"s



I can"t stop eating!

Why this meat cooked by Oz is so delicious! I"ll get fat if keeping like this!

"Hey! Eat for slowly Xuexue, your flesh won"t run away, you know? "He looked at me amused.

"This is because of you! Why is your cooking so delicious? Is this really wolf meat? "I wonder, why is this meat so soft and melting in the mouth when chewed?

Even the beef cooked by the chefs at my home isn"t so delicious like this.

"I told you I"m special, my cooking must be special too. Ha ha ha." You are cheap! he didn"t even tell me the secret of his cooking.

"Hmph! you"re so arrogant people, at most, you can only roast meat after all. " I sneered him.

I saw Oz suddenly alert looking around.

Are there enemies?

I also nervously looked around. I can"t feel anything!

"What"s wrong Oz? "I said softly.

"It"s coming! "Oz said seriously.

"What it is ? "I"m increasingly nervous to hear how serious Oz"s voice is. Is that a wild beast or a very powerful demon?

"Something that has been bothering me all this time in this forest. "Why doesn"t he say it clearly anyway.

" There it is! Little fox thief! "Oz points to something in the tree.

I followed his direction.

White feathers appear to glow in the darkness illuminated by moonlight, the pair of red eyes watching us from the top of the tree as if eyeing their prey.

So cute!

The size of that just like an ordinary cat, its large tail waving adorably. Anyway, it"s very cute! I want to hug its, pinch its, stroke its hand and ...

Oh no! I was distracted by the cuteness of its! Kuhum ...

"Why are you so serious about something cute like that, Oz? "I ask in surprise.

"Yes, it"s very cute! No! Don"t be fooled by that appearance, Xuexue! This fox is very cunning! "

You even admit that it"s cute!

What can it be done for the acute beast as that"s?

And why are you calling a fox that looks so innocent and adorable that"s cunning? Even call it a thief?

"Swiper, no swiping! Swiper, no swiping! Swiper, no swiping! Oz screaming some words.

"What are you talking about, Oz? "I asked in surprise.

"According to the book who I read before if you yell at the fox-like that three times. They won"t to stealing and just leave away, but why doesn"t it work with this fox? Come on Xue Xue, let"s scream together! Maybe it will work! "He told me like that.

That"s definitely, impossible!

It"s just a storybook for kids! I also reading it!

"Come on, Oz! There"s no way this little fox-like... "

* Whoosh *

A gust of wind suddenly hit my face, cutting off what I want to be said to Oz.

What was that? Evening breeze?

Why is that so suspicious?

Eh where has my flesh gone?

" No!! My Xue Xue has been a victim of these little thieves! "

I was astonished! What"s wrong with you, Oz !?

I shouted in my heart when I saw Oz"s weird acting.

"My poor Xue Xue. Just wait! I will definitely, avenge for you! "

Why is he acting like I"m dying?

I"m fine here, okay?

I ignored him and looked at the cute creature again,

Eh that"s look has something on its hand.

Is that meat? My meat roast !!?

How it can be? Was that"s a suspicious wind before?

That"s very fast! I can"t even see the reflection before.

"O-Oz, what exactly is that? Why it"s so fast? I can"t even see it while taking meat in my hands? "I asked Oz with a little doubt,

Why are there so many strange creatures around on this strange person?

Even this cute little fox is becoming a strange as well.

"Didn"t I tell you that it is a little fox thief, Xuexue. What else does it do besides stealing? Of course, it will be quick at stealing. "Oz explained proudly.

Why do you look so proud to explain about thieves?

"Do you often become a victim? "I ask curiously. With his weird strength, isn"t it easy to catch this little fox with his speed?

" d.a.m.n! It steals my food every time I"m baking meats! I must admit, that it is faster than me even with my full strength! That is the only thing I have not conquered in this forest. "

Hahaha feel it properly!

I"m happy to saw Oz who was frustrated,

Finally, I saw this man"s helpless side.

I feel so fresh!

I"m just giggling in reaction to Oz"s frustration.

"Oya oya? Why are you laughing at Xue Xue? Do you want me to slap your a.s.s to vent my frustration? I can easily catch you, you know?

I saw Oz grinning evil at me, I immediately fell silent thinking about something.

He will slap my a.s.s?


* Pah *

* Pah *

"Come on, my Xue Xue ~! How does my big hand feel on your a.s.s? Is that feel good?

* Pah *

"N-No ... Please stop ~ if you keep slapping it I won"t be able to stand more~"

" Is that true? But it seems that you enjoy it so much, look ... There"s even a lot of liquid coming out of you! "

" No! That"s not Oz! That"s just sweat ~ Just please stop mmph ~ "

"There"s no way Xuexue ~ this is a punishment for a bad girl like you! Hahaha I will make you more sweat than this ~ "

Pah! pah! pah!

"NO ~ ahn ..."


* Blush *

No! What did I imagine !!? It will not happen!

That can"t be me!

Uh ... This must be the negative effect of reading that silly book, so I have naughty thoughts.

"Eh, why did you blush Xuexue? Don"t tell me ~ do you really want to be slapped by me? "Oz smiled teasingly at me.

" No! You perverted b.a.s.t.a.r.d! "I can"t possibly admit that I imagined something naughty to him.

So I acted angrily to cover up my embarra.s.sment.

"Calm down, I"m just kidding. Okay? No, don"t bite me! There"s a lot of meat there ... ah "

I stopped biting Oz"s hand when his attention was drawn by something. I also follow his views.

Ah ... all the roast meats ate gone!

"d.a.m.n little fox I will deal with you! "

With that, I saw Oz moving like lightning crashing into a small fox which had also become an after image,

* Whoosh *

* Whoosh *

* Whoosh *

Yeah ... They are like little children.

Overthere, I walked to the gra.s.s on the edge of a cliff,

This is very beautiful...

I was fascinated by the magnificent view.

An expanse of dark green forest can be seen from up here, the stars decorate the night sky like fireflies. The lonely-looking moon exudes its own beautiful light.

I didn"t expect to see such an enchanting sight in such a dangerous place like this.

And finally I was immersed in the charm that night.


#POV Oz"s

d.a.m.n it This fox is very agile!

I am still chasing that"s the cunning fox, I must teach her a lesson at least.

Yeah.. finally I realized when feels Yin Qi around her. Just female who can have a Yin Qi Right?

But... Who"s cares about that?

Hmph! Who told her to steal food from me?

But why is this fox so fast? Ah ... I"m so annoyed!

How do I know It"s a female?

Almost twenty minutes I chased her and did nothing! Ah really, I"d better go back and tease Xue Xue ...

Oh ...

It seems like she was fascinated by the sight when I saw her sitting on the edge of a cliff with her eyes looking at the sky.

Yeah this is indeed a good view.

I quietly sat beside her and watched her.

Hum ... she"s really beautiful. I thought, looking at her from the side.

I averted my gaze to look at the sky too. Feeling something befalling my head, I looked up.

That d.a.m.n fox! Does she think my head in place for a perch?

I quickly reached for it. Miss it

Even.. with me who so close like this. I can"t catch her?

I keep trying to reach it when her above my head. And the result remains the same, I"m failed!

I was tired and let the fox act as she pleased, I felt that the fox now had a victory pose in my head.

I continued to look at the scenery while absorbing the Qi around me.


"Eh ... Oz? It"s that in your head?"

I turned around when Xia Xue who was aware of my presence around her, notice me. Looking up to a saw that fox still perched in my head. I sighed.

"Well .. somehow this fox so likes with my head like a nest, I explained anything that happened to Xia Xue.

She"s giggled.

"But It"s very cute even when it"s sleeping." She poked that fox in my head.

"Uh, Even It"s frowned when I poke Its cheek."

That fox is sleeping?

I"m grinned, reached out my hand, and managed to grab it. I am very happy. Catch you! a cunning little fox!

Putting her on my lap, I prepared to slap her a.s.s. But suddenly I felt unable to bear it and just caress her head.

G.o.d d.a.m.n it! That"s so unfair! Why is this fox so adorable? I can"t even bear to give her a punishment.

"Uwah ... I also want to caress Its, Oz!" Xia Xue said with sparkling eyes.

"Sure." I"ll even let you caress me too if you want, I thought for myself.

Xia Xue happily caresses that fox"s head, the last one only furrowed her brows a few times while asleep.


After a while we enjoy this quiet night while joking together, I felt the burden on my shoulders.

I turned, to saw at Xia Xue who had closed his eyes and breathed slowly leaning on my shoulder.

Do I look like a pillow here?

Why do they look so comfortable when they fall asleep to me?

I just smiled bitterly,

Well it"s also a good thing, to have a beauty who sleeping on your shoulders. Hum ... The smells are good. I sniff a little bit.

"Urgh" I felt something almost gripping my "younger brother".

Turning to the source, I saw the expression of that fox is wrinkled with gripping hands. Does he have nightmares?

I just caress her head, hoping to calm her down and that"s worth it.

Closing my eyes, I continued to cultivate absorbing Yin Qi around me.

(Good night for you, Elena)

I also did not forget to give a greeting to Elena.

No answer. Well I already know that.


#Main Pov

"Good morning, Xuexue!" Oz greeted Xia Xue who was blinking doubtfully staring at Oz.

"Good morning too, Oz." Xia Xue stretches her body to hug something.

Both of them are silent quickly.

Especially Xia Xue. She realized what she was hugging.

"Uh, Xuexue ... If you hug me so tightly like that ... my "little brother" will really become a beast."

Xia Xue tightly hugged Oz on her waist, her head which was originally on Oz"s thighs now kisses his stomach near on his groin.

With the morning situation and the beauty that held him tightly, Oz"s "little brother" was clearly rising from the periods of sleep.

Realizing what that was, Xia Xue quickly stands up to keeping distance with her face flushed and head bowed.


After the awkward incident in the morning, they began to get ready and continue the journey with an additional presence.

It was a small fox who was still lazily perching on Oz"s head.

Xia Xue just giggled at this sight.

Their journey was very smooth until they reached the top in half a day.

"Well here it is Xue Xue! We"ve arrived at your destination, is that the flower you need?"

Oz refers to the batch of flowers that grow around the lava, right in the middle of the crater.

"That seems right, but ... How do I can get it? It"s in the middle of the crater surrounded by hot lava!" Xia Xue was a little frustrated. With her strength now, she would not be able to bear that"s the pressure of lava was can burning her.

She just hoped Oz could think of a good way.

He had unknowingly begun to rely on Oz as her supporting pillar.

"That"s very easy!" Oz just shrugged, although it would drain a lot of energy, he was still able to make a bridge from the earth to reach the side of the flower.

But before he began, Oz saw a large familiar figure and his eyes become to shine brightly and shouted loudly...

"Hey big cat! Here! Come fast!" What he saw was the figure of the big cat he had beaten yesterday.

The big cat also noticed Oz and reluctantly approached.

Xia Xue was already stiff standing there when she saw the terrible presence approaching.

"O-Oz we have to run... Let"s forget about the flowers now and get out of here quickly." Xia Xue panicked.

"Eh why?" Oz just tilted his head in confusion.

"T-That lion is very strong! I can feel the pressure so far, why do you still look so relaxed?" Xia Xiu was very annoyed at how relaxed Oz was.

Xia Xiu still thinks, even though Oz is so strong. That"s still not the level for that"s the lion.

"Eh, this big cat is not dangerous, you know. Even yesterday I"m playing with it while searching for firewood. I told you like that before, right?" Oz still casually explained.

"The big cat that you meant yesterday it was this terrible lion?" Xia Xue just facepalm.

"That"s right and he"s not terrible as you thought. Although his appearance is quite frightening." Oz nodded.

"You"re just a really strange person !!" Xia Xue feeling annoyed and relieved at the same time.

"Eh ..? Now you call me strange again? I"ll slap your b.u.t.t, for now, come on !!"

"No! b.a.s.t.a.r.d"

Of course that"s just kidding.

After the big cat it"s right in front of Oz.

"Big cat, this is your home right? Please get those flowers, okay? My wife wants it. I don"t want to burn my clothes anymore because you"re already here." Oz tells the big cat and points to the flowers.

The big cat reluctantly jumped into the crater and grabbed some flowers quickly giving it to Oz,

Then it flew away quickly because he also noticed the presence in Oz"s head glaring at him.

"Your beautiful flowers have been obtained Xuexue. Oh wait a minute, it"s very hot." Oz freezes the air making small ice crates.

"Here! At least this chest will be last for several days."

Oz gave the ice chest to Xia Xue, whose eyes had become rounded with astonishment.

"You ... you have an ice element too, Oz? Xia Xue even forgot when Oz called her as his wife.

"Eh, is that a problem?" Oz was confused.

"That"s not a problem! Just ... To have talent in two elements, you can already be called a genius in my city."

Xia Xue explained.

Oz just quietly heard Xia Xue.

If Xia Xue knew that he had more elements, what would happen? Will she worship it?

Oz shook his head.

"Didn"t I say that I am special? Oz just smiles confidently.

"Wait a minute! Where is your s.p.a.ce ring?" Xia Xue began to get suspicious and grabbed Oz"s hand.

"I"ve been throwing it away for a long time, it"s not very useful to me." Oz just shrugged.

"Then how do you store all your meat and other items, don"t tell me ...!"

Xia Xue narrowed her eyes at Oz.

"Really ... How many things are you still hiding for me Oz?"

"If you want to know ... You must be my obedient wife!" Oz also said seriously

"Who wants to be your wife, hmph! But I"m really thankful to you if it wasn"t for you. I wouldn"t be able to get this flower."

Xia Xue bends with genteel.

"Come on, Xue Xue doesn"t need to be so decent, we"re friends right? Besides, I"ll bother you when you get out of this forest." Oz already has plans to get out of the forest and see the vastness of the world

"Eh, are you coming with me?" Xia Xue was a little surprised.

"Is there a problem? I won"t force you if you don"t want to." Oz asked.

"It"s not like that, stupid Oz! I"m just a little surprised, I"m just thinking of how to repay all your kindness. And I didn"t expect it"s to come so fast."

"Then let"s go, your mother might be to worry to death when you went out for days. I also had to visit someplace first." Oz said while dragging Xia Xue down the mountain.


The way to back is more smoothly and faster than climbing before, they have reached a large warning board the next day so early.

"We must find a way around Oz, the valley in front of us is very dangerous!" Xia Xue advised Oz.

"But I live in there, you know?"

Oz tilted his head as well, That small fox in Oz"s head acts like that too.

"But that is the famous Demon Fox Valley! That"s very dangerous!" Xia Xue is also worried that Oz will really enter that valley.

"There is nothing there, come on in! we will be faster through here too." Oz dragged Xia Xue who tried to fight fruitlessly.

"Ah d.a.m.n you Oz! if something happens do you must have to take responsibility for me!" Xia Xue"s scream echoed.

"Of course Xue Xue, how many do you want?" Oz"s calm voice rang out.

"How much for what?" A confused voice responded.

"Of course for our children!" Answered another voice with confidence.

"That"s not what I meant! You are stupid! foolish Oz!" A loud scream adorned the valley.


#POV Xia Xue"s

Sigh ...

Is this really the valley that is said to be terrible?

Why don"t I feel something dangerous?

Is it because Oz is around me?

I do not know.

Huh ... this water is very fresh. I haven"t bathed in a few days.

Yes, I"m currently bathing in the river that Oz recommended.

After several times warning him for not to peek, I finally decided to take a shower here.

Looking at my own body, I puff out my chest which is quite full of arrogance.

Well my body is quite charming, if Oz sees me like this. he might immediately pounce fast on me. hihi...

No, no, no!

Why do I always think naughty lately?

The effect of that book is really terrible But...

When I see Oz"s naked upper body, why does my body suddenly heat up?

Uh, no-no! I have to get rid of all those dirty thoughts!

With that I showered with a mind full of naughty things.


After bathing, I saw Oz standing behind the temple with his eyes closed in front of a mound with stones on it.

Is that a tomb?

Whose grave is that?

Family? Friend? Teacher? Or ... lover?

I approach it slowly ...

"Umm ... is that someone important to you, Oz?" I asked quietly.

"Hmm, it"s not someone"s grave. This is ... How should I call it? Erm ... a memorial monument, maybe?"

Oz also explains with a bit of confusion.

"Ah ... what warning monument?"

"This is for all my villagers who were victims when robbers came to attack. At least I made this to pray for them ... And now I will be leaving this forest, this is my last form of respect here."

"Ah sorry, I don"t know ..."

I did not think he was one of the victims of the heinous acts of robbers.

I also know how bad it would be if something like that happened.

I just feel guilty for making him recall his bad moments like that.

"Hey, it"s already pa.s.sed, I"m also not too sad now. At least they can be the basis of my strength to continue to survive ."

Oz smiled and pinched my cheek.

Before I reply, he continues,

" Let"s go! "

But suddenly a small fox that had been in Oz"s head. streaking then grabbed his hand and bite until it bled.

Strange symbols appear below them when both are enveloped in light.

What is this?

A contract?

I"ve never seen a contract like this! But clearly, this is a high-level contract!

"What happened?" Oz was confused, staring at the small fox who was also staring at him as if waiting for something.

"This seems like a contract, Oz. According to general procedures it should be time to give a new name for what you contracted," I only explained the information I knew.

"Eh but why? Alright! Okay! I"ll give you a name! Don"t try to bite me again!"

I giggled to saw the interaction between the two of them.

"Hm hmm, how about Yuzuha?" Oz came up with a name.

Why is that a girl"s name?

I"m a little upset! But seeing a small fox that wagged its tail with pleasure. I realize...

So this is a female fox!

Somehow I felt a threat coming from this cute little fox now.

I don"t know what is that, but I feel this little fox is a threat.

I just pouted seeing that little fox already comfortably sitting on Oz"s head.

"Well ... It looks like this little fox likes it. Let"s go now Xuexue!"

Oz has dragged me towards the main road towards the city.



Inside a dark cave in the mountains,

"HUH? Why do I feel that kid"s presence starting to fade away?" Hoa.r.s.eness sounded.

"Is he trying to run away after draining a lot of yarn from me !?"

"This can"t be allowed! I"ll teach him a lesson after I destroy this d.a.m.n seal." The voice sounded angry.

"Just watch out you brat! Dare to take advantage of a Heavenly Demon like me! I will hunt you wherever you go!"

A large figure with many legs, and has six eyes that shine with a variety of colors seen when trying to release many chains that bind to Its body.

"I was even trapped in my original body when I was a beast ... What the h.e.l.l is this seal!"

