Flower Emperor - Lord Of Valkyrie

Chapter 15

#Main POV


"This is only for cures."

Oz muttered to himself.

With two pairs of eyes watching him. No, with three pairs of eyes watching him.

He then slid between her legs and crouched down. and seriously observe her wound. A little doubt crossed on his eyes.


Jiya"s body twitches even louder with its screams of pain.

Without wasting any time, Oz hurriedly pressed his lips to Jiya"s injured thigh.

"Ah ~"

Groans sounded again at this time.

The voices kept repeating every time Oz sucked the source of the poison on Jiya"s thigh.

If anyone hears this from outside the room, they will definitely think some couples have s.e.x in the room.

Occasionally Oz also felt the tattoo on his back react, but he did not care. It"s just a tingling sensation anyway.


"Hah ... Hah ... It"s over! II will get some fresh air, for now, it"s very hot in here."

Oz stood up in a hurry to get out of the room after speaking like that.

The two pairs of eyes that were left behind just silently watched Oz leave in a flash.

"Hmm?" Jiya stretches her body looking around.

"Where is your friend Xue"er?" Jiya who didn"t see Oz"s presence asked Xia Xue with curiosity.

"he came out to get some air. Don"t you remember everything that happened before?" Xia Xue approached her mother and asked with a complicated expression.

"Hmm? What happened? I remember I drank that potion, then suddenly I felt a terrible pain ..."

Jiya shivered for a moment remembering the pain. Then continue ...

"Then I felt that there was an energy that made me feel very comfortable entering my body. It was very comfortable and drove away all the pain. I thought that was the effect of the potion, right?"

Jiya explained the experience he received to Xia Xue.

"Err ... maybe?" Xia Xue answered ambiguously.

(Huh ... That"s good for you if you don"t remember, mom. I have to thanks Oz later.) Xia Xue heaved a sigh of relief at herself.

"How do you feel now, mom? your body is no longer in trouble, right?" Xia Xue distracted her mother"s attention.

"En, my body feels very comfortable and light as if it has been reborn. Even I feel that I will soon make a breakthrough in cultivation now. Is the effect of this potion really amazing like that?

Jiya excitedly felt the changes in his body, before pondering in amazement.

"Good for you, Mom! Now, let"s celebrate your recovery tonight, also to thank Oz for helping us a lot."

Xia Xue excitedly said to her mother.

"En, isn"t it time for you to tell the truth, Xueer?" Jiya began to urge Xia Xue.

"Ah ... I will go look for Oz now ..." Xia Xue intends to leave to avoid her mother"s question.

However, how can Jiya let her go?

With how healthy her body"s now, Jiya quickly jumps to the door. Head off Xia Xue who will run away.

* Woosh *

Jiya feels something wrong, why is she feels coldness?


Why are my appearances so messy like this !?

And ... And why am I so wet there !?

She couldn"t help but wonder after seeing her appearance.

"Xue"er ... you are hiding something again from your mother, right?" Jiya looked at Xia Xue with a devilish smile.

* gulps *

Xia Xue could only swallow when she saw that smile, her fate was already determined here.

In the end, Xia Xue could only tell everything that happened to her mother after she got a few slaps on her a.s.s.

From when she was on the mountain, to the healing process carried out by Oz.



"Oh, I see ~"

Jiya who has learned all the truth doesn"t look too surprised.

In fact, she began to look increasingly interested in getting to know this boy named Oz.

There was a cunning glint on her beautiful eyes.

"Aren"t you too calm, mom? Xia Xue was surprised by her mother"s usual reaction.

"Hmm? Is there any problem? The point"s he is a very talented young man right?" Jiya looked at Xia Xue calmly.

"But ... Aren"t you too easy to believe in something as absurd as that? Besides, he is too suspicious right?" Xia Xue is increasingly curious about her mother.

"Eh ~? So, you let a suspicious person treat your mother like that?" Jiya put her palm on her cheek as if she was very surprised.

"Of course not! anyway ... my instincts say ... that oz is very trustworthy, mom!" Xia Xue said.

"If you really trust him like that, why can"t I?" Jiya smirked.

"You haven"t even talked to him properly, hmph!" Xia Xue snorted.

"Well ... Let"s just say it"s also one of my woman"s instincts and seeing how my own daughter is so fascinated by him, I can"t help but be attracted to him." Jiya smiled sincerely at Xia Xue.

Xia Xue"s mouth is opened and closed several times at the statement of her mother.

"He also saved me as you explained, why else would I doubt him?" Jiya shrugged as if naturally.

"You don"t even feel embarra.s.sed after acting like a h.o.r.n.y woman in front of him like that?" Xia Xue finally couldn"t take it anymore and accused her mother.

"Ehehe ~ Is my Xue"er jealous here?" Jiya teases the annoyed Xia Xue.

"Indeed, even though I was unconscious ... my body really reacted because I felt unbearable pleasure at that time. So ... It can"t be helped if I act like that ~" continued Jiya.

"Mom ... You- why are you so shameless here!?" Xia Xue wondered, was this really her mother?

"Why should I be embarra.s.sed? Didn"t we have s.e.x or something, didn"t you say that to cure me before?" Jiya said that while pulling Xia Xue"s chin as if to kiss her.

"But ..."

Before Xia Xue answered, it was interrupted by her mother"s words that made her even more surprised.

"Even if he really wants the body of someone who is no longer pure like me, I will not hesitate to give it. He is my benefactor, no! He is our benefactor and that is only natural."

Xia Xue"s mouth fell open at the words.

"But ... But mother ..."

"Do you still expect me to be with that man?" Jiya interrupts what her daughter will say.

"That"s impossible! Absolutely, Impossible!" Jiya said firmly.

"Do you think I don"t know who is behind all this scheme?" Jiya pulled away from Xia Xue and walked looking out the window.

"For a husband who is willing to sell his daughter and try to get rid of his wife, is that worth fighting for?"


"That"s not worth it! It will only demean me if I still want to live with him."


"Do you know how I"ve been trying to wake him up over the past few years? And what"s the result?"


"Nothings! Nothing I say can be affected him!

"And what will happen to you if I don"t fight against him to save you from getting engaged to the General"s son?"


"You will be in a more dire situation than dying! Do you know the true nature of the general"s son?"

"I- i ..."

"He"s so disgusting ... Trash among lots of rubbish!" Xia Xue was disturbed by her mother"s words again.

"You will only be used for his interests in cultivation! And if he is bored, he will throw you to his subordinates who will use you like a prost.i.tute! You know what prost.i.tutes are doing, right !?"


"And here you still want me to stay with a man who wants his daughter to experience all that?"

"Mom ... I don"t ..." Xia Xue"s tears could not be stopped when she"s listening to her mother"s complaints.

"That"s not worth it! That"s too disgusting!"

"And what have I produced from actions against him? Not that he would realize it. but instead! He"s considered me as a nuisance!"


"He even sent someone to kill me! If it wasn"t for I still have the ability maybe I would have died a long time ago." Nada Jiya contains many disappointments.

"But in the end I"m still injured. And that even makes me feel worse than death!"

" they must have made preparations for them plans. Even if I can"t die directly, I will still die slowly by poison. And they really succeeded!"


"They were a huge success! I was poisoned a terrible poison!"

" Poison who make my whole world going to gray, poisons who torment me every night. My body feels sliced ​​slowly by thousands of knives, my bones are like being eaten away by millions of insects, my mind is almost ruined by nightmares every time I fall asleep and much more again! "


"I feel like I"m going crazy for any time, Xueer. I even thought of killing myself as fast as possible if it wasn"t for you."

"Mom .."

"The man who I know is no longer there. In his eyes, there is only greed, greed, and greed alone! There"s nothing left! I even think he"s been replaced by someone else all this time."


"But ... I don"t care anymore. My feelings for him have disappeared when the poison is given to me. Only hatred is left in me! I want to kill him! Cutting off his flesh into thousands of pieces!"


"However, I didn"t do it. I"m so tired, I don"t want anything to do with him again." Jiya sighed exhaustedly.

" the old Jiya"s already died causes of that poison... And this all is over."

" And for now... I will enjoy this new life I received is very well. no need to remember that insignificant past anymore.. haha " Jiya laughs with tears running down her cheeks.


"However ... If they dare to bother me again or target the people around me ... I won"t hesitate to fight to the death with them!" Jiya"s voice has become very cold when she says that.

He is firm with his own feelings.

If she likes, then she can become a G.o.ddess.


If he starts hating, she will become the worst devil for them.

"Sorry Mom ..." Xia Xue walked over and immediately hugged Jiya.

"Eh ~ why are you apologizing, Xue"er? You don"t have any mistakes here. It"s all just my complaints about all this time, very relieved to get everything out now. that"s all."

Jiya wiped the remaining tears from the corner of her eyes and comforted the sad Xia Xue.

"But.. because of me, you become ..."

"Shh ... I"m fine now, right? And all of this is thanks to your little lover ~" Jiya said cheerfully.

"Maybe, I really need to use my body to pay for it ... I have too much debt for him ~" he continued.

"Mom !! he"s not my lover, and don"t give your body easily as if it"s very natural!"

"Hahaha ~ but isn"t that good? The two of us will be his wife and will always be together. Do you want to part with your mother?" Jiya laughed teasingly Xia Xue.

"You want to be his wife?" Xia Xue was surprised.

"Eh, I"m just kidding, but ... If that"s the case, I don"t think that"s a bad thing either." Jiya thinks carefully.

"Or you don"t like sharing with your mother ... Aiyah Xia Xue is very possessive ~" Jiya smirked at Xia Xue whose mouth was open.

"Mom ... I"m not ..."

"I will say something important to you as a mother. No, I will say it as a fellow woman." Jiya said seriously.

"You also know about Oz"s talents and abilities, right?"

"En." Xia Xue nodded.

"With all his talents and abilities, he will have unlimited achievements in the future, he will easily attract a lot of attention."

"En." Xia Xue nodded again.

"Moreover for a "women". He will be a fatal attraction with the addition of his charm. He will attract a lot of beauty without realizing it like a flame that attracts many moths gathered around Its." Jiya explained to Xia Xue.

"But I"m not interested in him, mom ..." Xia Xue was evasive.

"Really? Then I won"t say anything else ..." Jiya shrugged nonchalantly.

"No, please tell me for the next, mom ..." Xia Xue begged her mother.

"Why? It"s useless, you know?" Jiya is acting stupid.

"Then ... I just want to know, that"s all." Xia Xue said nervously.

"I don"t want to. Too lazy to exhale by saying unnecessary nonsense." Jiya is lazy to walk to bed.

"Mom ...!" Xia Xue pouted and shake her mother"s body

"Alright, alright .. I won"t tease you anymore." Jiya giggled.

"If you are really interested in him, you will be in a very favorable position right now." Jiya continued.

"Why?" Xia Xue is confused.

"Have you seen any women around him all this time?" Jiya looks at her daughter.

"No, I don"t." Xia Xue is still confused.

Jiya just facepalms seeing his daughter who still doesn"t understand.

"Aiya my stupid daughter ~ You will have the advantage of being with him early, you know? And what do you get from it? At least you will have a special position there." Jiya stops there hoping her daughter will understand herself

"Eh, what special position?" Unlike her mother"s expectations, Xia Xue still did not understand and became even more confused.

"Guh ... is my daughter always this stupid?" Jiya fell on the bed again.

"Mom ... If you want to tell. Just say it clearly until the end ..." Xia Xue pouted at her mother"s reaction like that.

Why is her mother so convoluted?

Xia Xue thought.

"Alright alright ... this might be only part of it but this is a slightly important part."

* Gulps * Xia Xue swallowed.


After hearing all of Jiya"s explanation.

Xia Xue just looked at her mother strangely.

have him for yourself now?

Didn"t you aim as one of his wives now mom?

Become a big wife?

It is impossible! Oz will give the same position to all women. I am sure of it.

Will it be more respected by other women who will join?

That"s ... That"s possible.

No! It"s not like I"ll be his woman or anything else.

Then Why am I so dizzy thinking about these things?

This is none of my business!

I don"t care anymore again...

Xia Xue was a little upset when she thought about being overtaken by another woman.

Jiya could not possibly know that there was a figure like the queen who had been with Oz all this time. Which will even make her respectful without hesitation.


"But that"s, if you"re really interested in him, If not? Don"t mind that too much! You can give him to mom ~" Jiya teased Xia Xue

"Even if you were really going to be with him, I would never call him Father!"

Xia Xue furiously stepped on the ground and came out of the room.

"Huh ... If she is really confused by her feelings, maybe that person will run away soon and make her cry at last." Jiya just shook her head at her daughter.

"Maybe it"s really not too bad to become Oz"s woman?" Jiya pondered.

"Hum hum ... My appearance isn"t too bad either ~" She began to pose in front of a mirror that displayed her seductive figure.

A pair of eyes that had always been silent all this time just watched her strangely then jumped out of the window quickly.


At another place,

"Ah ... a very unpleasant poison!" Oz who ran to some uninhabited place was breathing heavily.

"There"s no one here, you"re can get out now!"

Said Oz lazily.

"Oh ... so you realize we"ve followed you all this time, boy?"

Dozens of shadows came out from their respective hiding places.

"Yes, so what"s your business with me?" Oz still looks lazy to see people swarming around him.

"You have enough guts, boy! You don"t even understand your situation now." One of them is not happy.

"I understand very well. So, hurry and tell me your business here." Oz is still calm.

"You must not get too close to Miss Xia Xue, she is not a suitable match for you! This is a risk of offending young master Long." They laugh cynically.

"Eh so you guys are just dogs from one of Xue Xue"s admirers who came here just to get rid of me? How boring ~" Oz was disappointed, he thought it would be something bigger.

"It seems like there"s no point in talking to this child, let"s end it as soon as possible."

They began to draw their own daggers.

But they just stayed at the same place, unable to move.

"What! Why I can"t move !?"

Their feet caught on the ground as if they were chained by something.

"For your next life, Remember! Don"t be a dog anymore, okay ~?"

Oz"s lazy voice was heard along with a huge wave of fire that burned their bodies to ashes.

"Ah ... Too childish to get a woman like this. Isn"t that, Elena?"

(You should not waste more time and immediately slaughter them.) Elena said calmly.

"Wow, you"re so cruel, Elena! But I won"t be able to get information if I immediately slaughter them right?"

Oz complained.

(Can"t you read their minds?) Elena said a little confused.

"Won"t their heads explode if I use that skill? That"s what happened to wild beasts before, right?"

(But you will also kill them in the end.)

"Ah that"s right ... I"m too stupid not to think about it before." Oz finally enlightened.


"Yes ... Let"s Come back, they might have prepared dinner."

"Oho ... Yuzuha you managed to find me here ~" Oz caught a white shadow that jumped at him.


"Alright, let"s go back and eat a lot ..."

Oz disappeared from where he stood before.

The wind blew in the city streets causing various young women"s skirts to be lifted up.

Oz just giggled while watching the points he got.

After returning to Xia Xue"s house, Oz was welcomed by many dishes that were served on the living room table.

Apparently, they held a small celebration party that was only attended by four people including the beauties in green clothes, Big sis Ning.

Oz was very surprised to learn that Big sis Ning was Xia Xue"s grandma!

But Oz feels very strange about that. Not because of how young she looked, but because the Yin Qi around her was comparable to the level of purity in Xia Xue.

The party lasted quite lively, Oz trembled with various questions that made him overwhelmed.

Oz also jokes with Jiya, which makes Xia Xue frown.

They all laughed seeing that.



"Fuah ... So awesome!" Oz whimpered happily when he entered the pool of warm water in the tub with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

"They shower very luxuriously, don"t they?" Oz muttered to himself watching the bath.

"Yes ... It would be even more luxurious if I had the beauty who"s rubbing my back, hehe ~"

Too bad~ Yuzuha won"t take a shower.

Does she hate being exposed to water?

Oz giggled began to close his eyes to enjoy the atmosphere.


The sound of the sliding bathroom door sounded.

(Are the resident around? Well ... it would be useless to use a bath of this size alone for yourself) thought Oz.

"Ara ~ You have to wash your body before entering the pool, Oz ~"

(Hmm? Did I hear Aunt Jiya"s voice? That must be just my imagination, huh )

"Hmm, are you pretending you didn"t hear me ~"

Jiya pulled Oz out of the pool by force.

"Eh?" Oz was surprised when he was suddenly pulled out of the pool by someone.

"Aunt Jiya why are you here ??" Oz quickly covered his nose because he saw the tantalizing scene in front of him. He no longer wants to look nosebleed!

Jiya only has a towel on his body like Oz. smooth thighs and long legs exposed makes her even more seductive.

Even Oz can see the deep valley behind her towel!

"Why can"t I"ll be here ~" Jiya tilted her head.

" Just not like that, umm..." Oz doesn"t know to looks where now.

"Hey ~ you should saw person who"s talking with you, Oz~" Jiya"s voice was annoyed.

Oz doesn"t know what to say.

"Well, well... I"m here to rub your back ... you can"t rub it by yourself right?" Jiya finally stated her intention.

"Eh, there"s no need ... You don"t have to do that ..." Oz almost spurts blood from his nose when he only imagined Jiya rubbing his back.

"Araa ~ do you hate being rubbed by an old woman like me? Do you just want Xue"er to rub your back?" Jiya is acting pitiful.

"No, it"s not like that ..."

" It has been decided then, Come sit here!" Jiya dragged Oz near the shower and made him sit.

Oz just followed obediently while counting sheep in his mind.

"Ara ~ What a nice tattoo ... You look dashing with this, Oz!" Jiya pats Oz on the back and praises him.

"Well ... Thank you" Oz can only thank you.

"Hum hum hum ~"

Jiya starts rubbing Oz"s back with a cloth that has smeared with soap while humming.

Oz also enjoyed the sensation of rubbing from Jiya and closing his eyes once more.

It"s nice to have beauty rubbing your back. He thought

* Kyun *

Oz"s eyes are open so wide.

Oz felt the softness attacking his back, he could feel that Jiya was hugging him from behind.

"Thank you," said Jiya softly.

"Thank you! If it wasn"t for you, maybe I would have died."

"Thank you! If it wasn"t for you, maybe I wouldn"t be able to get out of the pain."

"Thank you! If it wasn"t for you, maybe I can"t see my daughter anymore."

"Thank you! Thank you for being my savior and also my daughter"s savior."

"I"m really grateful to you, Oz!"

Oz just smiled, he could also feel that Jiya was crying on his back.

As strong as they are women, they still need a man"s back to support her.

"Erm ... I do everything for myself, Xuexue is my friend too. Of course, I"ll help her." Oz can only say that.

Jiya looks up and sees how nervous Oz"s appearance is.

Realizing something, Jiya made a devious smile on her face.

"Heup!" Oz cried out strangely when he felt two soft bulges grind his back.

"Auntie ... What are you doing ??" Oz quickly shouted.

"Ara? I rubbed your back here ~" Jiya answered innocently keep to grind her b.r.e.a.s.t.s on Oz"s waist.

Urgh ... this d.a.m.n succubus! Where did all your sadness going before ??

"Ah ~ Look at this s.e.xy body ... tight chest, athletic stomach ... Uh Oz, you will be a fatal attraction for women. Even an old woman like me is no exception ~"

Jiya touches Oz"s body from behind with his finger as her breathing gets heavier.

"What are you doing aunty? There will be a misunderstanding if someone suddenly comes in here ..." Oz tried to hold back his growing l.u.s.t.

"Oh ~ just calm down ... This is a private bathroom ... haah," Jiya whispered in Oz"s ear.

Oz"s more gooseb.u.mps,

"Only Xueer and Sister Ning will come here, but they are busy cultivating now ~ n.o.body will disturb us anymore~ fuu ..." Jiya continued and blew Oz"s ears.

"Guh ..." Oz was surprised when Jiya grabbed his p.e.n.i.s.

"Ara ~ look here ... You"re already very excited Oz, haa ... haaa" Jiya"s breath became heavier

With that, Jiya suddenly began to rub his crotch through the towel.

Her slender fingers and warm palms even through the cloth quickly brought her p.e.n.i.s to a higher erection.

"W-Wait! What the h.e.l.l are you doing !?"

He was very surprised, he tried to stand up, but he could not escape with Jiya who"s holding him.

Besides, unknown pleasures spread from his crotch, taking control of his body,

Jiya put her hand on the shaft and stared at it while slowly stroking it from top to bottom.

With a towel that looked protruding, Jiya"s palm immediately wrapped his p.e.n.i.s and the soft sensation of his fingers attacking his crotch.

"Just consider this haah ~ ... as my other thanks to you Oz ~" Jiya continued to attack Oz.


"You really don"t have to do that for me!" Oz could have gotten out of Jiya"s custody, but that would hurt her during the process.

Also, Jiya didn"t try to hurt him.

"Jiya! If you don"t let me go right away, I won"t doubt you know ..." Oz issued a warning.

If Jiya still teases him like this, Oz won"t stay still. He will reciprocate, causes he is the man here.

If Jiya challenges, of course he will respond.

"Oho... that"s good~ then I"ll begin without hesitating again ~"

Jiya releases his back nimbly and moves forward in front of Oz.

She then slid between his legs and crouched down...

* Gulps *

Oz swallowed hard as the towel covering her body came off who exposed her bouncing b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"Let me teach you ... how a woman"s body feels ~"

Looking at Oz excitedly, Jiya pushed aside the towel that had wrapped around Oz"s waist all this time.

