Flower Emperor - Lord Of Valkyrie

Chapter 18


Fuu ...

A murky breath blew out from Oz"s mouth during the overflow of energy swirled around him.

" u003c Mortal Martial u003e level 8! "

Clenching his fist tightly, he became excited when he felt the energy inside of him roaring wildly.


Oz smashes the rocks in just one ordinary punch!

"Hehe ..." Puffing up his chest highly, he chuckled proudly.

( Why are you acting so arrogant only with such strength? ) Elena"s pout dissolved all the euphoria that Oz had experienced.

"Er ... Come on Elena, can"t you just let me show off for a while?"

Obviously in terms of strength, Oz could not possibly argue with this woman.

He was really defeated!

( It"s been a while since we "exercised", aren"t? Come here! )

" Uh ..." Oz could only smile bitterly as his figure began to blur and disappear from his place foregoing.



As usually ... The grand hall was the first thing Oz found when he came to this place.

With a variety of furniture that is so glamorous, there is no doubt that the one who built this place was the one with the highest level of exoticism.

Not only looks magnificent. The palace also exudes an aura of elegance that is full of harmony, everything right where it should be.

This is only part of the Palace!

If he looks out, he can see views of the green expanse of various plants, beautiful blooming flowers, lakes, mountains, and many more natural beauties adorn this place.

There are times when he gets confused about where the light is coming from...

Is the sun also here?

But the facts prove it. Everything is exactly the same as the outside world, day and night also happen here.

Even Oz had doubts that this place might be a paradise with how abundant the energy he felt.

Too bad, he can only stay here for a while ... and can"t stay long here.

Even Elena only mocked him when she learned his desire.


"Hmph ... How are you still so fascinated when you"ve seen it so often?" Elena stroked the white fur that was on her lap while mockery at Oz.

"Hmph." Oz just snorted as well, doesn"t care about her scorn.

Eh... Something"s wrong!


Oz stared at the "white fur" on Elena"s lap with her mouth open.

Why did she get here? Oz confused with that.

"Auu ..." The little fox could only howl sorrowfully at Oz as if to say " get me out of here, please!"

" It"s very soft ." Elena raised her eyebrows slightly as she stared at the confused Oz.

"Um ... she looks uncomfortable, can you let her go, Elena?"

"Hold on, Yuzuha! I will save you from this witch"s hands! "

"I"m counting on you, master!"

The views of the young man and the fox are crossing as if they could understand one another.

However ...

Elena raised a small fox, red and silver eyes meeting each other. "Do you feel uncomfortable? A nod to YES shakes head for NOT."

With the queen"s aura radiating from her, Elena asked the little fox.

Shake her head.

Elena nodded with satisfaction.

She looked at Oz again with a mockery despite without having any expression, she hugged the fox as if to say "this is mine" which made Oz almost fall.

"I"m sorry Yuzuha! This witch is too strong! " Oz just sighed at Elena"s childish side act.

"Long time no see, Elena, you"ve become more full of energy than before now."

"We met yesterday. How long can it be?" Elena tilted her head in confusion.


"Can"t you follow my small-talk, madam?" said Oz while rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"Forget it, just think of it as nonsense."

"Let"s head to the usual place." Elena rose from her throne while hugging a little fox as her figure flashed, disappearing somewhere.

" Sigh ... why is this witch so excited when she is going to torment me?"

Different from Elena who is so fast, Oz prefers to walk casually, no. More precisely walking slower when moving his feet reluctantly when heading for the training ground.

Yup! They will practice "sparring" as usual, but it is more like "torture" for Oz.


There has vacant land by the lake that is surrounded by shady trees like a fence.

Only buildings like huts were seen standing firmly on the edge.

Various training tools were there, both from training dolls, training rocks, shooting targets, and so on.

If outsiders see this, they will clearly say that this place is a military training ground of an empire or the like.

But is, Elena was not in one of those places, but on the stage is composed of concrete that looked like an arena.

With the tip of a wooden sword stabbing into the concrete floor, he gracefully stood on the arena as the wind waved his beautiful silver hair.

She only stared at the lake without paying attention to Oz who had arrived nervously with his own wooden sword.

"Kuhum ..." Even if he is so enjoying this beautiful view of the G.o.ddess, he will be charmed if he saw her longer than this.

His eyes can"t stand it! She"s too blinding! He even wants to worship her!

Elena averted her eyes and looked at Oz who stood a few steps away from her, her silver diamond pupils staring at Oz"s entire body from the top down.

"I just realized when I look you closely, I feel..." Elena narrowed, her long eyelashes added charm as made such a pensive expression.

"Is she impressed with my appearance? "

Oz puffed out his chest while thinking like that.

"... You look like one of the Demon Kings that I was killed before, everything is black ... The only difference is that you have the appearance of a human than a demon who has horns and fangs that have scales."

She continued as he nodded with her thumb and forefinger reaching for her chin.


Oz wanted to cry when he compared to the figure of the "Demon King" who had even been killed by this G.o.ddess.

"What"s wrong with you, madam !? I thought you would praise me, but instead you stabbed me here! "

Oz"s face can only seem weird when twitching abysmally.

"Your face looks even more similar now!" Elena exclaimed in admiration.

Argh ... This woman !!!

" Don"t mind my appearance, please ... And can"t we just starting this training ...? "Oz said with complaints like a mistreated wife.

" Of course. Seeing you like this only makes me want to hit you so hard right now, so be careful!" Elena nodded with great seriousness, a strong aura full of seriousness emanating from her.


It looks like he has to change his clothes if he doesn"t want to die this time,

"Wait for a moment!" With "Woosh" Oz ran somewhere and re-arranged his appearance has changed.

Phew ... Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Oz was relieved when he stood up again in front of Elena who only rolled her eyes at him.

"I don"t want to have a silly death, madam!" Oz shouted silently.

Although he still wore his black robe, the inner clothes had changed. It became pure white clothes with abstract motifs that decorate Its.

Throwing the robe he was wearing to the side, Oz reached for his wooden sword.

"Let"s begun, Elena! I will definitely make you use the sword this time!" The thing that made Oz a little frustrated was that he couldn"t even make this woman using her sword.

She always wins without a sword!

"If you can make me use a sword even just one time though to attack or fend off. I will obey all your requests! But it"s only a natural thing." Elena snickered at Oz whose eyes were already shining.

Elena slightly raised her eyebrows calmly looking at Oz who lunged fastly.


A wooden sword crossed where Elena had been standing before and hit the floor hard.


This time it was not the sound of the impact of the sword but that is the figure of Oz who had kissed the floor miserably.

" Too slow. Does your breakthrough produce nothing?" Elena still stood calmly with the sword that was still stuck at the floor as before.

Wiping the dirt off his face, Oz stood up again and brandished his sword again.

"Oh ... pretty good att.i.tude." Elena"s voice sounded amazing.

Oz does not have the style as before. This time he only used one hand instead of both hands to wield his sword at this time while focusing on the woman in front of him.

Oz also realizes that one-handed sword styles are more suitable for him.

He feels freer!

"This will be different from before, Elena!"


Moving quickly, Oz waved his sword nimbly from above to the bottom, sideways, various ways slash, he uses it ... but his efforts have only sliced the air.

Elena can casually avoid it again and again like a dancing gracefully without breaking a sweat.


Again, Oz"s wooden sword only hit the floor.

"She is still fast as usual! To what extent is this woman"s strength! I can"t even touch a single tip of her dress!. "Oz was both annoyed and amazed by Elena at the same time.

Wiping his sweat, he rises and attacked again.

Whoosh Whoosh...

The sound of the whistling of Oz"s wooden sword sounded in the air.




"Haah ... haa ..."

A rough breath of fatigue Oz"s adorned the hot atmosphere in the training arena. His appearance was abysmal, his face was full of dirt, his clothes were falling apart, several bruises were printed on his skin which was wet with sweat.

"Now it"s my turn to attack. careful!." The G.o.ddess in front of him was still the same as before, without dust, without a sweat. She looked at Oz with the calmness of an expert.

"Wait a minute ..."


He had flown when his stomach was. .h.i.t by something that"s invisible.

"Come on! Use your sword! Move your hand, not your mouth! Focus all your senses around you ..." Elena"s cold gaze made Oz shudder as he rises slowly.

"Devil Elena has woken up!"

Yuzuha who was watching from the side also felt a sting that made her tail stand tall.

Bang Bang Bang!

Oz fell many times while receiving Elena"s attack without being able to defend, his body getting heavier ... his vision became blurry, his senses increasingly chaotic from exhaustion.

But his strong determination moved his feet to kept stand again.

Elena was still staring at him coldly.

She moves again!

Oz closed his eyes,

"If I can"t see his movements through the eyes. I just need to focus on my other senses as Elena said! "

He became very focused, silence enveloped the training arena.

" My back!"


Oz opened his eyes when he felt his sword resist the pressure who"s coming, he saw a smooth palm touching his wooden sword.

Oz smiled, "hehe ... I did it!" But unlucky for him, because a fist had hit his stomach, twisted his face in pain.

"Cough! Cough! Uh ..."

Oz squatted while holding his aching stomach.

"Why is something Elena doing can hurt me like this."

"Even waves of fierce fire can"t scratch me!"

"Come on! Don"t be too happy with small successes! The weakness will form if you have a gap." Elena said firmly as if it was nothing.

"Oh, my G.o.d! This devil has no mercy at all! Oz only kept rise with the remaining determination.

After all, this is a way for him to be stronger. So he was actually very grateful to Elena who somehow wanted to train him ...



A drop of sweat ran from the silver-haired woman"s forehead.

"This is the last match." Her beautiful voice rang when her figure shadowing the setting sun.

The look in her eyes looked at Oz as seriously as saying "Show me what you have learned today!"

Different from before, Oz"s view became calmer, his att.i.tude became more natural, even though his figure was a mess ... his appearance now had a slight sharpness when swinging his sword.

"Come!" Only one word came out of him.




The sound of a collision from a wooden sword and a palm echoed in the training arena, the little fox eyes who has on the side of arena glittered when they saw her Master who could match the "Witch" ...


Occasionally Oz slips and is. .h.i.t by Elena"s punch, but she doesn"t fall while responding strike back with his sword

A cunning blinked in Oz"s eyes

Oz"s sword slashed straight at Elena from above, Elena only snorted at him face it with barehanded.

But is, Oz suddenly released his grip from his sword while twisting his body nimbly ...

His left hand held the ground as he leaped like a tiger with his right hand slowly approaching the bottom of Elena who"s round and chewy from the back.

"If I can"t make you use a sword! I will only create situations where you will be forced to use it! Oz laughed like a devil in his heart.

Elena who was slightly off guard blinked in annoyance when her hand reached for the wooden sword at her waist, slightly moving it.


Oz"s obscene claws are blocked by wooden swords, although he feels disappointed he also feels happy simultaneously!

She uses the sword!

Although only a little movement! Using means using!

He won today !! Finally...

Snap! Snap!

Pat! Pat!

Bang! Bang!

"Argh !!!!!" The youth"s roar was heard when his obscene claws were tortured by a wooden sword.

The small fox on the side just blinked in astonishment at this scene.

The match ended with Oz"s painful victory.


# Oz"s POV


"Ugh! Why are you so cruel, Elena? That"s just a strategy, okay?" Oz stroked his swollen right hand, complaining to Elena.

"You call that a strategy?" The temperature dropped rapidly, a frightening aura came from the figure of Elena who stared at Oz with annoyance.

"Hey ... hey ... but It"s working, aren"t you? Look ... you used your sword! Even attacking me blindly like that! This is my victory! You can"t deny that!" Oz declared with the victory that only got a cold snort from Elena.

But Oz doesn"t care!

"Now ... what should I ask for ...?" Oz rubbed his palms as he looked at Elena who was annoyed.

"Just say so I can "butchering" your snake faster." Elena didn"t care when saying something that made Oz scream in fear.

"Why !!?" He could not help but ask.

"Didn"t I say before if you dare to do something weird again then ..."

With a "slash" Elena"s made a slashing motion with her wooden sword which made Oz shudder.

"But I didn"t manage to touch you, right?" Oz defended himself as best he could.

"But you have the intention right?" Elena finally smiled, but only smiled like a Devil who adorned her beautiful face.

"She"s finally smiled! But why is a smile like "that" she made now? Oz was even more horrified by the sight.

"Alright just... said your request."

Snap! Snap! Snap!

The sound of a wooden sword hitting the floor caused Oz to swallow in horror

"Why does it have to be like this when I get a win?" Screamed Oz inside his heart.

"I ... I ... I want you to never kill my "snake" again ... Forever!" Oz came up with a brilliant idea in the end.

Phew ... With this, it"s safe for you "little brother"

"Hm?" Elena raised her eyebrows and then continued, "Okay. But ... if you do anything else weird again, I"ll ..."


Elena stabbed her sword hard into the concrete floor.

"What? Will he stab and then kill me? But why is she staring at my a.s.s when she stabbing her sword? Hiiya, Devil! Demon! "

"By the way, there"s one thing I"m curious about."

"What?" Oz tilted his head, "this woman must have strange thoughts! I am sure of it!" he just thinks like that.

"Why is that woman, Jiya. So happy when playing with your "snake"?" Elena asked innocently.

Oz became rigid like a statue when his eyes are round like a plate staring at Elena.

"She even put your "snake" in her pee hole ... doesn"t she feel it"s weird? And you two even stay stick to each other like that way when you are naked ... you two seem so shameless!"

"You"re the weird one here!" Oz roared loudly in his mind.

"Even if she knows your "snake" is non-poisonous ... It can spit, you know. To be spat on by a "snake" and look happy ... As expected of a weird man"s woman, she will also become weird too. "Elena nodded understandingly.

" Why are you in silence? Are you afraid I will slaughter your "snake"? Relax ... I"m a person who always keeps my promises, so there"s no need to worry." She was filled with an aura of truth when she said that.

"Can you make me faint, Elena?" Oz"s raspy voice finally made it out.


What the heck this woman learned before to don"t understand for such basic "things" like that?

