Flying Whale's Wonderful Life - I Who Has Fused With An Invincible Weapon From The Age Of Gods Will Build A City On My Back -

Chapter 29

Once, there were only G.o.ds in this world.

The G.o.ds kneaded the earth at will, built mountains, built forests, and built seas.

The beautiful world is complete, but something is missing.

The G.o.ds decided to create and inhabit life.

The name of lifeform is called human.

Humans resembled G.o.ds, but were fragile and short-lived.

In pity for this, the G.o.ds gave humans magical powers, and also produced animals that became food to avoid starvation.

However, at that time, unclean people such as monsters and beastmen are born.

G.o.ds who hated the unclean beings, admitted humans as their agents and gave them the right to rule the world, but with the only condition for them to manage and control these heathens.

Men followed the command of the G.o.ds and harmonizes the world beautifully.

The G.o.ds were satisfied with this, and they left for the world of G.o.ds.

-That is the beginning of a world that is mainly transmitted to humans.

However, since this world is polytheistic, the details differ depending on the sect.

For example, in the Oath of the Holy Flame, whose main deity is the G.o.ddess of the Holy Flame, Shara is transmitted this way.

The G.o.ddess Shara poured the flames of the soul into the clods that resembled herself.

Humans were born in this way.

But the ashes that came out at that time also produced beastmen.

Shara hated the ugliness of the beastman and ordered them to become the slave of the humans.

Even religions whose main deities are other deities taught similar things.

In short, G.o.d wanted to create human beings, so they have the right to rule everything.

Of course, few idiots really believe in such convenient teachings.

Because if the G.o.ds really appreciate humans so much, this world should be a lot better.

In fact, it is completely different.

But it is true because of these teachings, humans continued to discriminate against beastmen.

So I think.

What will happen to this world if humans and beastmen remember the truth?

"I"m Isuzu Kazahaya. From today, I will be the Captain of the thirty-eighth generation of this ship, On behalf of my former captain, my father, I will keep track of daily events in the captain"s diary. "

Isuzu on the data shrugged a little, and tilted her head.

"But what do I need to record? This interstellar immigration ship,, has traveled to war-torn homeland and has been in s.p.a.ce for more than 500 years. No new settlements have been found yet, but nothing has been going on. ... Well, for now, let"s take a look at the predecessors" diaries. the end"

According to another data, there was still Isuzu who did not know what to record.

"Well, it"s difficult to keep a daily journal. I haven"t even kept a diary. But it seems to be the captain "s duty, so I can"t stop it. Yes, one month has pa.s.sed since a.s.similating with, but nothing special has happened. My father resigned and returned to his former body, and he said he was relieved. "

According to another data, there was a sad face in Isuzu.

"My father has died this morning. Since from the beginning he has refused to take treatment to gain immortality, so I knew this day would come but I can"t help but feel sad. My mother says she wants to sleep with her father, and she will travel to the same place eventually. "

In another data, there was Isuzu thinking deeply about something.

"Since my father and mother died, I have come to think more about what my soul is. In our science, the soul is elucidated as astral energy and is also part of the power of this However, we do not know at all about the mechanism of occurrence. If you were born by someone"s will, is that really G.o.d? "

In another data, there was an excited Isuzu.

"Something big has happened! Finally, we have found a planet to relocate to! Surprisingly, many flora and fauna have been identified, and the environment is no different from the home star! I am worried that the astral energy concentration in the atmosphere is high, but it seems that there is no particular effect on the body! Immediately, we will send a research team! 』

According to another data, there was Isuzu thinking with interest.

"Research teams report that although there are flora and fauna on this planet, there is no intellectual life available to contact us. It"s a bit lonely, but it"s a good thing for us who were looking for a place to relocate. From tomorrow, we will recruit from the inhabitants of the ship who are willing to do the pioneering activities. "

According to another data, Isuzu were more excited than before.

"It was there! There were living beings that could contact us! a.n.a.lysis of their language reveals that they are a dragon race. Yes, it is a creature similar to the dragon in that fairy tale. She who had contacted us was a very friendly dragon. And from her story, I was able to find out the secrets of this planet! 』

According to Isuzu, the dragon said:

Once, this star was a barren land with storms and thunder.

However, it is said that the ancestors of all dragons, "Phantom Dragon Metatron", visited from a different dimension and used their tremendous power to turn them into stars full of life.

I thought the story was a myth to the dragon, but it seems to be true.

The phantom dragon who has exhausted his power is sleeping in a different dimension, and there are five spirits separated from his soul as a subst.i.tute.

In fact, Isuzu, through the dragon"s guide, has successfully contacted one of the five great spirits, Shara, the fireman.

At that time, a man asked for permission to live with him.

The answer was yes.

Isuzu thanked and vowed to be a good neighbor.

Thus, migrants who have descended from will live on this star.

She said that living in this new home had progressed smoothly at first.

Immigrants are scattered around and start building their own cities.

But there were problems that we didn"t expect.

"How should I judge this ...?" I don"t know why, but a small number of immigrants are starting to experience unusual symptoms. Sudden hair growth, sharpening of nails and teeth, and tail growth. Yes, it"s like a beast. The Council has taken this seriously and has called for a temporary return to I hope I can figure out the cause ... Why is this happening...? "

According to another data, there was annoyed Isuzu.

"Today we have gathered all the delegates and discussed how to respond to the series of beasts. The conclusion is, take it as it is. In the first place, the cause of the animalization was an unknown element in the astral energy of the star that could not be a.n.a.lyzed. It seems that those with factors susceptible to this become beasts. However, treatment is possible within the, and the factor itself can be removed. ""

Isuzu split the story there and leaned down unconvinced.

"Most people have been embracing this phenomenon favorably. This is a form of evolution that humans have adapted to this star. That"s why the answer was to take it as it is. … But was this really good? In ancient times, humans discriminated against others only by their hair and skin color. Nevertheless, wouldn"t it be worse if this figure changed? I am anxious……"

Another data included Isuzu when immigration began and five hundred years later.

"In every city, discrimination against beastmen is getting worse. Beastmen are physically superior to normal humans, but they are a minority with a small absolute number, so if discrimination occurs they will be inevitably in a position to be cornered. First of all, why can you discriminate this way even though you know that you are originally the same person? What I was afraid of is happening ... "

Another data included a serious Isuzu.

"In one city, a ma.s.sive genocide against beastmen occured. It can no longer be overlooked. I would like to gather representatives of all the cities, pursue their responsibilities, and discuss the future. If I can"t change it, I"m sorry, I"m going to intervene with this"s force. "

Another data included Isuzu"s expression of exhausted expression.

"Why can"t people stop discrimination ...? Is there no other way to maintain the relationship between humans and beastmen than to continue controlling it by force? But once you do that, this world is ... humans. I don"t know what to do anymore ... Help me, dad ... "

Another piece of data is a different figure of Isuzu.

It has black dog-like ears on its head and a thick tail on its hips.

It was not a human thing, but a characteristic of a beastmen.

"I decided to break the fusion with and return to my original body. At that time, the body was transformed into a beastmen. Discrimination and rejection of human beasts can no longer be stopped. Then, at least, by living as the same beastman and snuggling up with them, I would like to atone for an unstoppable thing. ""

Saying, Isuzu bitten her lips with blood.

"This is an escape, isn"t it ...? With the power of, I can also aboard the oppressed beastman and take them to another place. But I"m scared. If the beasts wanted to use their power to revenge on humans, could I refuse ...? No, even if they refuse, having their anger and resentment in this is too painful ... I"m a coward ... "

Isuzu wiped her tears and looked straight at this way.

" sealed deep in the ground. Even if it is dug up, it can never be started because it is locked with captain authority. However, it is set to be automatically released 10,000 years after now. At that time, if a person with the right heart was nearby, I left a program to give the person the authority of … There are various reasons. But hopefully, I want you to cross over to those who are stronger than me ... "

Isuzu didn"t say anything.

However, I hoped that those with a stronger heart than myself would be able to meet

The intent was so obvious.

Ten thousand years after Isuzu sealed, civilization has largely degenerated.

Although it is not recorded in, it may have been a war that once destroyed civilization. I can come up with any reason.

And the beastmen are still on the side of oppression.

Through the generations, the races were completely separated.

It is no longer possible to treat it with

But still, they are brothers from the same planet.

So if they are suffering, they must be saved.

Isuzu would like that too.
