Flying Whale's Wonderful Life - I Who Has Fused With An Invincible Weapon From The Age Of Gods Will Build A City On My Back -

Chapter 26

The place that I gathered the beastmen was an outdoor auditorium that I also prepared before hand

Everyone sat on the Chairs that were lined surrounding a big open s.p.a.ce.

I stood on the stage at the center and spoke using megaphone

"First of all, I thank everyone for following me to here. No matter what your intentions are, I am very happy."

I could see some beastmen scratching their cheeks feeling shy

"What are your thoughts on this, the land floating on the sky? Do you guys feel that you can live here?"

After I asked the questions, I heard a rather positive feedback.

"It"s not that bad right?"

"Yeah, I think we can make do in this place"

"Since it"s in the sky, we don"t have to be afraid of the humans"

I waited until everyone quieted down and questioned them once more.

"Then, everyone, is it alright for you guys to live here?"

"I will live here!"

A voice that was coincide with clarity was that of Garaf"s

"Kaito, we are in your care!"

Following the declaration of intent, everyone started raising their approval.

"I will as well! Let me live here! Please!"

"Me too! I"m tired of people making fun on us just because we are beastmen!"

"In this land in sky we we won"t be persecuted by anyone! So let please let us live here!"

I nodded again and again, and smiled at them.

"I understand. So, everyone, from today you all are inhabitants of this land."

At that moment a loud cheers resounded the auditorium.

Some rejoiced in a loud voice, while some started crying of happiness.

I waited for everyone to finish releasing their respective emotions then I continued

"So now that you guys became the resident, I have something I want to tell you guys about. It is a promises that I want you guys to follow in making of your city and living in this land."

I looked around at everyone as they paid great attention to me.

After carefully looking at them all, there were many who had wounds on their body

I knew instantly that they were wounds caused by human"s swords, I knew because I was once an adventurer

Among them, there were those who have lost one eyes, ears, or even arms and legs.

And not only part of themselves, but I know that many of them have lost their loved ones.

I said so with the understanding of their situation.

"In here there will be no more humans who will afflict pain on you guys. However, it doesn"t mean that an enemy is no longer present. In fact, you guys will face with a bigger enemy."

A lot of puzzled voices were raised.

This is natural.

They thought that, no way an enemy exists in this land on the sky.

That"s why, it was necessary to correct their wrong recognition.

"In place of humans, your enemies are--- You yourselves. From now on you guys are going to fight yourselves while trying to develop the city"

To my words confusion were overflowing in the audience.

They who were making a fuss and noise, perked their ears again wanting to know the meaning of my words, and I revealed it to them.

"The person"s mind, is deeply rooted with the seven deadly sins.Pride, greed, envy, wrath, l.u.s.t, gluttony, sloth. I am talking about these 7 sins."

Right, because of these sins, people are bound to create conflicts.

"These sins -. Is what, you guys is the true enemy is going to be fighting you guys due to the ongoing development of the city, govern their own evil, should be Subekaraku good."

I raised my volume.

"The city that will flourish here is your very own city! Its no one else"s! You guys" unremitting efforts will manifest and support the future of you guys! "

Love your companion,Care for your child, Respect your neighbor! Do not hurt someone, Do not disparage someone, do not deprive someone of their wealth!

You don"t always have to be right! However, you must never forget, to have compa.s.sion for others, and reason that judges you, yourself!

Otherwise, only the evil will prosper in this land! I absolutely will no allow such a thing to happen! It must be the same with you guys as well!

You guys must rebuild the homes lost to humans and regain your honor!

The day this was accomplished would be the true anniversary for winning the freedom that you attained!

As I finished the words, I heard the sound of clapping.

It was Sena, a Nao, a Shiro and Kuro, Grandma Mora, is Garaf, and - it was everyone.

Everyone, rising to my words, are applauding.

After the rain of applause, cheers that were twice the volume resounded in the square.

"Right! We must create our city with our own power!"

"The city belongs to no one but us!"

"If we don"t do it, then who will do this!"

"With our very hands, we must capture the future for the beastmen!"

Everyone"s determination, be it different in words, unified and it became blazing hot with motivation

In other words, a strong will that they became the "Protagonist".

With this many people, problems were bound to occur.

There are so many things that needs discussion and decision!

But, at this time, I had a feeling that we took a step forward in a right direction.

Of course, it is not mine alone, but the step of everyone in here.

"So, in order to restore everyone"s spirits, I think I want to open the feast with the livestocks tonight!"

I declared so, after finishing the speech, which further increased everyone"s excitement

Yup Yup! After all, Everyone loves a good ol meat!

I understand why they would be this happy!

Well, since there are no alcohol here, we have to feast while sober, but with so many kids, it might just be great for today.

I borrowed Sena and the other beastmen"s hand, and immediately decided to butcher a pair of cow and pig.

Considering my plans to expand the livestock system, I would love to keep them alive, but it should be fine for a great day like today. I can replenish the lost stock with the nearby villagers as well.

No... wait?

Even without buying anything, won"t it be fine if we capture wild animals and edible monsters and domesticate them?

It was a plan that I wasn"t able to carry out since it was little too dangerous with Sena and the rest alone but with the addition of tough beastmen like Garaf, then there should be no problem now?

Yeah ...... not bad ...... not bad!

This food situation looks like it will get better!

Anyway, that is the story for the future.

Today, it"s a long-awaited feast. Such boorish topic is a no good.

The decision for specific things would be done from tomorrow

Thus,meat feast that was opened soon ended in a great success.

Everyone showed me a happy face as they ate the grilled meat.

Of course, because of the absence of alcohol, Garaf and the other old men felt like something was missing, but thanks to this their motivation for brewing seemed to have sprung up.

If there aren"t any I will make it myself! Is the fundamental beginning for the development

I also look forward to the day when I can enjoy a delicious alcohol.

Wine, cider, beer, after mead! Should I start beekeeping as well?

Also, at the time of the feast, all the beastmen came to say h.e.l.lo to me.

I was surprised because everyone all stormed at me at once and bowing at me saying they are in my care, but I think I was able to politely deal with them.

However, because I was smiling all day, I became tired...

Since the feast was no longer at its peak as everyone died down, I decided to tell everyone about the ending of the feast through the megaphone.

"Everyone! I know you guys are enjoying yourselves right now but, the feast will end for today!From tomorrow, you guys will start building the city seriously so I want you all to take a good night sleep and take care for your health ! "

" ""Whoaaaaaaaa!" ""

I nodded at the pa.s.sionate response, and looked at Sena.

"Well, I"m going back in. Tomorrow, because I want to start by talking with everyone, can you gather the representative of each species in the morning?"

"I understand! Leave it to me!"

Sena grip both of her fist, and responded in a motivated pose.

Looking at her like this, I"m sure she will play her role properly.

After feeling relieved, I said my farewells and went walking to the entrance that leads to inside of the ship.