For A Prosperous World

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

w.a.n.g Jian felt a strange feeling of embarra.s.sment .

He didn’t really notice from afar, but now he realized that this “teenager” was, in fact, a woman!

But it’s not really his fault he couldn’t tell . She was dressed in male robes, and he judged her physique highly from her remarkably measured breathing .

Furthermore, what surprised him more was her jade-like face . In any region, she’d be an amazing beauty . Yet, she wore cyan-blue robes of modest quality and her long, sleek hair tied up with a simple cloth .

Then, he noticed a pair of sharp eyes looking at him .

It’s rare to see a woman with such a fierce look . No, it’s rare in the whole world .

What do you need?” Gu Nan asked with an aura of annoyance . However, she was inwardly surprised that someone would suddenly approach her . She shouldn’t know anyone!

“Hm? Oh . ” w.a.n.g Jian had s.p.a.ced out for a moment and suddenly remembered to pay courtesies . He coughed slightly, “I am w.a.n.g Jian, I greet siste— uh, I mean brother . ”

Since she’s wearing male clothes, she probably has her own reasons . It’s not something he could comment on, best to just play along .

w.a.n.g Jian?

Her mouth hung slightly agape as she remembered that familiar name .

One of the four Great Generals of the Warring States, w.a.n.g Jian . The hero-general that helped Qin Shihuang topple the other six states .

He could be considered a late-blooming talent . It was only until Emperor Qin Shihuang that he was properly used . The previous kings, even the current one, usually didn’t pay too much attention to him .

Then this should be about 260 BC .

As for Qin Shihuang, the future ruler to unite China, he should only be born a year after the Battle of Changping .

I really didn’t expect to encounter this G.o.d of war in such a place . Does this count as being unlucky? 

Gu Nan didn’t want to a.s.sociate herself too closely to these warlike people and their unending stress and responsibilities . Her dream is to be a carefree person, surrounded by food and maids attending her every need .

She’s already committed to going with Bai Qi . If this monster also drags her out to his years-long campaigns, she could say goodbye to any sense of comfort . She might even die without knowing what happened!

“I greet w.a.n.g Jian . ” Gu Nan cupped her hands and returned with a courteous bow . Seizing the opportunity, she said, “If there is nothing else, I shall take my leave . ”

It won’t bring any good to be too friendly with these kinds of people .

“Ah, oh, then take care . ” He completely lost the initiative and stood silently as Gu Nan walked away briskly .

Looking at her departing figure, he felt a bit nostalgic .

That woman’s martial arts… so strong and familiar .

The East Market is where all of the horse breeders were . It was also where the hay, harnesses, and other necessities were sold .

“Oh, are you looking for a horse? We have a good selection . ” The groom eyed Gu Nan with bright eyes .

He’s never seen such a beautiful “man” before . Although their clothes aren’t luxurious, they weren’t ordinary either . They should be wealthy or of n.o.bility . Judging from her lost expression, she probably doesn’t know the horse market, a lucrative sale should be right around the corner!

Gu Nan heard someone call out to her, and she then saw the groom and walked over . “How many horse sellers are at this market?”

“There are only five places . ” The groom truthfully said, then he paused before proudly saying, “But, the best horses are sold by us . I am not exaggerating either . Come and look . Each one is a prized and rare stallion . ” Then he motioned for a horse to be brought over and handed the reins to Gu Nan .

“There are only five places . ” The groom truthfully said, then he paused before proudly saying, “But, the best horses are sold by us . I am not exaggerating either . Come and look . Each one is a prized and rare stallion . ” Then he motioned for a horse to be brought over and handed the reins to Gu Nan .

It was a dark horse with glossy hair . Its muscles looked strong and well-proportioned . It was a very handsome horse .

“How much is this horse?”

“Hey, Sir has good eyes . It’s not too much . Forty-two gold and this horse is yours . ”

Forty-two? Her face turned gloomy and sighed at her still-existant poverty . There’s no possibility she could bargain that all the way down to twenty gold . She also needs to buy a sword .

“Sigh, I’ll go to another stable and look . ”

“Ah, don’t be in a hurry!”

After visiting for half an hour, Gu Nan has already seen most of the horse grooms .

The first four were all too expensive, and she’d be helpless to buy anything .

Anyhow, this is already the last stable . If this place doesn’t work, she’ll just come back in a few days .

“Guest, welcome . ” The groom hurried up and greeted .

At the very end of the street, there weren’t many pa.s.sersby, much less potential customers .

“How much are your horses?” Gu Nan was scarred from the tall prices from earlier and could only ask first .

“How much are your horses?” Gu Nan was scarred from the tall prices from earlier and could only ask first .

The groom’s enthusiasm calmed down inside . He’s an experienced salesman and he could tell she truly didn’t have much money to spend . “The good horses are about thirty gold . The lower-grade ones are ten or so . ”

“Can you show them first?”

“Of course, please follow me . ”

The groom walked her into the stables . There were probably a dozen horses and each with their own colors and varieties .

Gu Nan immediately looked at a dark horse in the outermost area .

The horse’s mane isn’t great, but its coat is pure black . However, the reason she took notice of it was the large scar along on its face . It ran over one eye and down another six or seven more centimeters .

It gave this horse a fierce and intimidating appearance .

The groom saw Gu Nan looking at the dark horse and said somewhat embarra.s.singly, “Sir, I apologize but that horse isn’t very good . ”

“Why?” She frowned somewhat doubtfully .

“This is how the horse was when we caught it . To be honest, it has a lazy temperament, it’s not very fast nor strong, and it’s difficult to train . If you try to ride it, it would try to bite you and knock you off . If its personality could be fixed, it’d be a very good steed . Unfortunately, it’s not and that’s why it’s in the lower-grade stable . ” The groom lamented slightly .

Slow and uncontrollable . Hmm .

The dark horse heard the groom’s complaints and raised his head .

Gu Nan slowly walked forward as she eyed the dark horse that was munching on hay . There were many scars on its body, and some wounds have yet to heal .

The black horse noticed her and raised its head with annoyance . The eyes were like a mix of black and white .

Gu Nan slowly walked forward as she eyed the dark horse that was munching on hay . There were many scars on its body, and some wounds have yet to heal .

The black horse noticed her and raised its head with annoyance . The eyes were like a mix of black and white .

A bizarre feeling… It felt like those eyes had intelligence in them .

After a bit of contemplation, she turned back at the groom . “I want this one . ”

“Sir, are you sure?” The groom asked somewhat hesitantly .

“Yeah . ”Gu Nan took out the purse of coins and asked the groom, “How much?”

“Ten gold will be enough . ”

She paid the groom and grabbed the horse’s reins .


The sun was beginning to set and dyed the street with a yellow light . There were much fewer people on the street, and the stalls were closing up .

“Clop, clop, clop . ”

A person and a horse walked down the street quietly . The horse remained listlessly ambivalent while Gu Nan eyed it strangely .

“Oi . ” She looked at the horse that was several inches taller than her . “If I didn’t have enough money, I would’ve never brought such a beaten-up horse . But since I did, you better be good . You got that?”

She wasn’t sure if the horse could understand, but the pair of eyes gave a disdainful glance before snorting a column of air .

w.a.n.g Jian felt a strange feeling of embarra.s.sment . He didn t really notice from afar, but now he realized that this teenager was, in fact, a woman But it s not really his fault he couldn t tell . She was dressed in male robes, and he judged her physique highly from her remarkably measured breathing . Furthermore, what surprised him more was her jade like face . In any region, she d be an amazing beauty . Yet, she wore cyan blue robes of modest quality and her long, sleek hair tied up with a simple cloth . Then, he noticed a pair of sharp eyes looking at him . It s rare to see a woman with such a fierce look . No, it s rare in the whole world . What do you need Gu Nan asked with an aura of annoyance . However, she was inwardly surprised that someone would suddenly approach her . She shouldn t know anyone Hm Oh . w.a.n.g Jian had s.p.a.ced out for a moment and suddenly remembered to pay courtesies . He coughed slightly, I am w.a.n.g Jian, I greet siste uh, I mean brother . Since she s wearing male clothes, she probably has her own reasons . It s not something he could comment on, best to just play along . w.a.n.g Jian Her mouth hung slightly agape as she remembered that familiar name . One of the four Great Generals of the Warring States, w.a.n.g Jian . The hero general that helped Qin Shihuang topple the other six states . He could be considered a late blooming talent . It was only until Emperor Qin Shihuang that he was properly used . The previous kings, even the current one, usually didn t pay too much attention to him . Then this should be about 260 BC . As for Qin Shihuang, the future ruler to unite China, he should only be born a year after the Battle of Changping . I really didn t expect to encounter this G.o.d of war in such a place . Does this count as being unlucky Gu Nan didn t want to a.s.sociate herself too closely to these warlike people and their unending stress and responsibilities . Her dream is to be a carefree person, surrounded by food and maids attending her every need . She s already committed to going with Bai Qi . If this monster also drags her out to his years long campaigns, she could say goodbye to any sense of comfort . She might even die without knowing what happened I greet w.a.n.g Jian . Gu Nan cupped her hands and returned with a courteous bow . Seizing the opportunity, she said, If there is nothing else, I shall take my leave . It won t bring any good to be too friendly with these kinds of people . Ah, oh, then take care . He completely lost the initiative and stood silently as Gu Nan walked away briskly . Looking at her departing figure, he felt a bit nostalgic . That woman s martial arts so strong and familiar . The East Market is where all of the horse breeders were . It was also where the hay, harnesses, and other necessities were sold . Oh, are you looking for a horse We have a good selection . The groom eyed Gu Nan with bright eyes . He s never seen such a beautiful man before . Although their clothes aren t luxurious, they weren t ordinary either . They should be wealthy or of n.o.bility . Judging from her lost expression, she probably doesn t know the horse market, a lucrative sale should be right around the corner Gu Nan heard someone call out to her, and she then saw the groom and walked over . How many horse sellers are at this market There are only five places . The groom truthfully said, then he paused before proudly saying, But, the best horses are sold by us . I am not exaggerating either . Come and look . Each one is a prized and rare stallion . Then he motioned for a horse to be brought over and handed the reins to Gu Nan . It was a dark horse with glossy hair . Its muscles looked strong and well proportioned . It was a very handsome horse . How much is this horse Hey, Sir has good eyes . It s not too much . Forty two gold and this horse is yours . Forty two Her face turned gloomy and sighed at her still existant poverty . There s no possibility she could bargain that all the way down to twenty gold . She also needs to buy a sword . Sigh, I ll go to another stable and look . Ah, don t be in a hurry After visiting for half an hour, Gu Nan has already seen most of the horse grooms . The first four were all too expensive, and she d be helpless to buy anything . Anyhow, this is already the last stable . If this place doesn t work, she ll just come back in a few days . Guest, welcome . The groom hurried up and greeted . At the very end of the street, there weren t many pa.s.sersby, much less potential customers . How much are your horses Gu Nan was scarred from the tall prices from earlier and could only ask first . The groom s enthusiasm calmed down inside . He s an experienced salesman and he could tell she truly didn t have much money to spend . The good horses are about thirty gold . The lower grade ones are ten or so . Can you show them first Of course, please follow me . The groom walked her into the stables . There were probably a dozen horses and each with their own colors and varieties . Gu Nan immediately looked at a dark horse in the outermost area . The horse s mane isn t great, but its coat is pure black . However, the reason she took notice of it was the large scar along on its face . It ran over one eye and down another six or seven more centimeters . It gave this horse a fierce and intimidating appearance . The groom saw Gu Nan looking at the dark horse and said somewhat embarra.s.singly, Sir, I apologize but that horse isn t very good . Why She frowned somewhat doubtfully . This is how the horse was when we caught it . To be honest, it has a lazy temperament, it s not very fast nor strong, and it s difficult to train . If you try to ride it, it would try to bite you and knock you off . If its personality could be fixed, it d be a very good steed . Unfortunately, it s not and that s why it s in the lower grade stable . The groom lamented slightly . Slow and uncontrollable . Hmm . The dark horse heard the groom s complaints and raised his head . Gu Nan slowly walked forward as she eyed the dark horse that was munching on hay . There were many scars on its body, and some wounds have yet to heal . The black horse noticed her and raised its head with annoyance . The eyes were like a mix of black and white . A bizarre feeling It felt like those eyes had intelligence in them . After a bit of contemplation, she turned back at the groom . I want this one . Sir, are you sure The groom asked somewhat hesitantly . Yeah . Gu Nan took out the purse of coins and asked the groom, How much Ten gold will be enough . She paid the groom and grabbed the horse s reins . The sun was beginning to set and dyed the street with a yellow light . There were much fewer people on the street, and the stalls were closing up . Clop, clop, clop . A person and a horse walked down the street quietly . The horse remained listlessly ambivalent while Gu Nan eyed it strangely . Oi . She looked at the horse that was several inches taller than her . If I didn t have enough money, I would ve never brought such a beaten up horse . But since I did, you better be good . You got that She wasn t sure if the horse could understand, but the pair of eyes gave a disdainful glance before snorting a column of air .