Forbidden Love

Chapter Two (Part 2)





Yo Miss Q here. So here is part two of chapter two. I split this chapter into 3 parts, though it was longer than the first chapter, this one is more a little more than 3500 words, filling 11 and 1/4 of my google doc pages in standard font. It takes me roughly 3 hours to translate 2 pages, it also depends on language usage, the more difficult, the longer it takes me to"s rough... but I still do it anyways, could I be a M? XD

Anyways, THANK YOU for all the comments, it really keeps me going, my hours were not spent in vain.

Oh yeah, one last thing, there is a new character in this chapter, his name is Fang Yi. Though his name has "Fang" in it, he is NOT part of the Dong Fang house. He is NOT part of Dong Fang house, he"s actually Dong Fang Ling"s "father in law".

Chapter Two (Part 2)

At his command, she was unable to fulfill her desire to escape, her face slightly wrinkled. As Xiao Qing was cleaning up, her eyes secretly glanced at Dong Fang Ling.

In all fairness, young master was a good master, he never unjustly blamed a servant, and he was rarely too brusque, don’t know why, but everyone is afraid of him. Perhaps it is due to his seemingly eternal calm and never angry, prestigious front and with his usual sharp black eyes stare. Few people could stand not nervously shaking in his sharp gaze.

She had recalled second young master had said that first young master’s calm demeanor  was just an illusion, in fact, of the four brothers, the most violent was the him, just he knew how to conceal it. If anyone were to act recklessly and provoked his inner temper, that person will die miserably! So, she can only pray for Bing’er.

Xiao Qing quickly cleaned up the desk top, she gave Bing’er a sympathetic look, then hastened to leave.

"Bring the bedside crutches to me, then accompany me for a walk."

"Yes." Bing’er picked up the stick and gave it to him, after she automatically came to him, she carefully led him, with loud steps.

After coming out of the room, a pleasant cool breeze can be felt blowing, accompanied by a touch of floral fragrance, one can not help but relax. Bing’er turned her head to view the layout the building, the main room must be the sleeping quarters, there was another pair of rooms, she guessed one of them may have been his study. At the side of each room, there were many unrecognizable flowers, eyeing the gravel road, at the end there was a sign that wrote Gu Yue Ting, a very unique name, there, built in was a small lake, which set off around the scenery, it had a very elegant yet interesting feel.

"Accompany me to Gu Yue Ting."

At his voice, she hurried back from her wandering mind, her small hands supported his strong arm, stepped onto the gravel road, up the stairs, and when neared the lake, she carefully to helped him sit on the stone bench.

Along with the sound of cicada, a seemingly perfect timed wind blew, Bing’er could not help but sigh with her eyes closed, with just less than a day of this scenery, she actually had grown attach to it, especially this Gu Yue Ting. She curiously walked toward the fence, looked down at the sparkling, yet clear lake bottom.

"Why would you want to come Dong Fang House as a servant? Do you have anyone else in you family?" His dark eyes accurately looked towards where she was, waiting for her to answer.

Ah! Her frightened hands were placed on her chest, she really was not suited for posing as a servant, because of her playful temper she would always forget what she was supposed to do, she naturally to forgot that he was currently her master. At his pair of black eyes’ clouded gaze, she almost thought he could see! Her mischievous little hand waved in front of him, making sure he did not have any reaction, and after her action, she cleared her throat to say what she had already planned out reply.

"Servant has a father at home, his body is fairly tough, I have come to Dong Fang House as a servant to earn some money to help with family income."

In Luoyang city, the Dong Fang House payed the servants more than average salaries, yet never heard claims of abuse from the servants, so whenever Dong Fang House were looking for servants, there is always a large group of people who were eager to sign up. If she had not made some small tweaks, she would not have been able to enter Dong Fang House.

This was a reasonable reply, it was impossible to find fault in, so her thin lips could not help but form a smile.

"You came into this province, to serve a disabled person, you must be secretly despise your master, correct?" He joked.

"I will not!" At his harsh words, her face revealed a look of shame, she looked at him and excitedly replied: "young master only temporary blind, your eyes will definitely become better!"

Yes, she could never leisurely sit and let him become blind. She is responsible for him and she will see it to the end.

"You have just arrived, why can you be so sure my eyes are only temporary blinded? All of the doctors in the city of Luoyang doctor are even that confident." His slightly raised lips had a hint of mischievousness, he was waiting for her reaction.

Why she would think his words had a different meaning? Her brain cautiously yet quickly worked her reply:. "I just think young master who is so good, the Heavens would not be so cruel to let young master become blind at such a young age."

"If you say it like that, then the next thing I will have you do, I a.s.sume you will not have go against me."

"What is it?"

At his smiling lips, an inexplicably feeling came to her, a bad feeling...

"I decided to let you become my personal maidservant. Remember a little later to pack up your stuff and move into my room."

The tall stature slowly got up, the crutches touch the ground, Bing’er quickly stepped forward to help him, her pretty little face was white. "Why?"

"As a personal maidservant, naturally you are to not leave my side, not to mention, I am blind and I will constantly need someone by my side."

With the words said, the crutches issued tapping sounds, step by step, every so carefully.


Bing’er held back her tears, she collapsed her head, his words successfully had lead her heart to feel ashamed, so she can not have the slightest opinion. She escorted him down the steps, and walked him back.

If she knew, then she would not have posd as a maid, then she would not have fallen into the dilemma now. Yet to make their way back to his room, Bing’er saw in front of her a shadow of a tall figure, seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

"Young master, there is a man standing in front of you, he is looking at our direction."

"Oh, what does he looks like?" Though his pace did not stop, he secretly guessed who it was.

"It"s me."

Before Bing’er could answer, the man first opened his mouth to reply, just looking at Fang Ling’s appearance, his face turned solemn.

"Fang Yi."

​​At his voice, Dong Fang Ling smiled, still at an unhurried pace, by the support of Bing’er carefully made his way into the room.

"In the end how did it become like this? I just came back and I heard you had an accident."

Fang Yi had a heavy face, right after sitting, he hastily asked, his eyes looking straight into the pair of unfocused black eyes. In no hurry to answer his question, the Fang Ling leisurely turned toward the person next to him.

"Binger, quickly greet Master Fang."

"Greetings to Master Fang." Although she did not understand the intention of Dong Fang Ling, she still respectfully gave him a greeting.

Fang Yi took a quick look at the unfamiliar maidservant, his brow wrinkles deepen, one must know to talk to other, one must have patients, the first to run out is the loser. This is how Fang Ling talks with people in the market, this is the main reason for his success, because only he can remain this calm.

But this was not business talk, he was too relaxed, just as Fang Ao says, even a saint can be driven mad.

"Dong Fang Young Master, you have not answered me." Fang Yi held back his impulse and took a deep breath in.

"What is there to say? It is just as you see and have heard." as Binger took from his hands an empty porcelain cup, he replied in a light, indifferent tone.

Binger glanced amusedly at the man with the twitching vein on his face, her heart started to understand Fang Ling more, this person, with just words, can make any opponent want to attempt suicide, murder without raising a single finger, very admirable.

"Dong Fang Ling, I will ask again, I want you to explain clear from beginning to end.”

Fang Ling ignored his anger, laughed lightly, his mouth moved slowly to tell him what happened.

Fang Yi’s face was filled with disbelief, eyes wide open as he asked: “You are just going to let her go."

"That is correct." His answer remains unchanged.

Fang Yi angrily got up, as he paced back and forth he was looking at the calm man drinking his tea, after a while he relaxed a bit but quickly sat down and anxiously asked: "When will Dong Fang Tang come back?"

"I do not know, but I have sent for people to find out."

The tranquil voice had not hint of anxiousness, Fang Yi could not help but shake his head.

"I hope one day someone can make you drop your calm demeanor. I will look forward to it."