Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2411: Cut the Head of the Snake!

Chapter 2411: Cut the Head of the Snake!

Li Jialing’s heart turned from extremely scorching to extremely calm instantly.

Helical brilliance was slowly circling inside his eyes, eventually condensing into two brilliant stars that s.h.i.+ned at the same pace with his breath and heartbeat.

On the scope, the veins on the arms of the executioner wearing a metal mask were already protruding high like snakes. He was obviously exerting his strength.

Under the saber, Xu Zhicheng closed his eyes and exhaled in great relief, facing the destiny that did not have any hope or miracles.

Li Jialing pulled the trigger.

The trigger had been modified to a very sensitive point. It was more like touching than pulling when the attack rune arrays inside the barrel of the gun were activated to the maximum. The tiny force field immediately expanded dozens of times, pus.h.i.+ng out the explosive bullet that contained infinite fury!

The bullet that was thicker and longer than his finger, which almost looked like a mini cannonball, covered the few kilometers in between all of a sudden without leaving any sound, moving like a rus.h.i.+ng ripple.

The bullet had been crafted by Li Yao in person. Not only did it boast the features of anti-s.h.i.+eld, anti-equipment, and anti-interferences, but it also entailed certain stealth and anti-detection abilities. It was not sensed by the Immortal Cultivators until it broke into the defense rune array around the Great Iron Plants that had been temporarily established.

But there was no time!


Dazzling light spurted out of the rear of the bullet, further doubling the speed, when it turned into a flash and lunged at the executioner who was raising the saber high!

The Immortal Cultivators responsible for the security of the prison and the suppression of the workers were mostly Li Minghui’s unworthy subordinates. Yue Wushuang’s elites couldn’t have cared less about the lives of the swine and the ants.

Therefore, when the bullet leaped out of the void and revealed the most aggressive appearance, nothing could possibly stop it from roaring.


The executioner meant to dodge, but there was no time. The bullet hit him right in the chest. Faced with the bullet that Li Yao had crafted carefully with super high-purity marrow crystals, the spiritual s.h.i.+eld that he condensed in a hurry was no different from a piece of paper. After a blood-freezing explosion, the entire upper half body of the executioner was blown up into pieces, showering on all the captives and the onlookers with the broken flesh.

“This is—”

Dumbfounded, everybody watched the lower half body of the executioner cramping for a long time in disbelief, before it finally fell to the ground.

Xu Zhicheng was the first to jump up. The relief and desperation on his face were entirely gone, and unprecedented flames beamed out.

“Enemy incoming!”

Li Minghui’s subordinates had just been through a cruel battle half a month ago and were just intimidated by Li Yao, Long Yangjun, and Li Jialing back then. They were still not entirely recovered from fear yet and screamed loudly.

Hiu! Hiu! Hiu! Hiu! Hiu!

Li Jialing did not intend to stop at all after he shot out the first bullet. When the bullet was still flying, he had opened fire at all the other targets that he had locked onto, shooting out all the nineteen bullets in the magazine.

Just now, he had aimed for a long time and determined all the shooting parameters. Also, the targets he chose were almost all sentry posts, fixed firing points, and immobile crystal tanks. Naturally, he could not miss them at all.

Hardly had the Immortal Cultivators been back to themselves from the shock of the executioner’s horrible death when their torsos, heads, or at least arms were blown away. The bullets that Li Yao crafted in person were certainly not something that any random armor or spiritual s.h.i.+eld could resist. Even the crystal tanks protected by the reactive armor was still left with a hole the size of a little finger. Then, the metal rays exploded radially inside the tank with an extremely high temperature. There was no place to hide at all, and all the Immortal Cultivators inside the tank were shot apart into pieces!

For a moment, the Immortal Cultivators under Li Minghui’s command were all fleeing in panic, suppressed by only one sniper rifle.


The elites of the Imperium Guards and the devil huntresses brought by Yue Wushuang, however, were certainly incomparable for those people. Even though they might be at similar levels, their training, battle experiences, and mutual trust were much better than Li Minghui’s subordinates. Almost at the same moment when the third bullet flew out of the barrel, a lot of the Imperial Guards and the devil huntresses had located Li Jialing. Hundreds of crystal cannons raised fiery snakes that drowned the rocks where Li Jialing and Long Yangjun were at like a torrential rain.

In terms of firepower coverage, even the most advanced sniper rifle could not be compared with a hundred cannons.

The forsaken mine where the two ambushers were hiding were soon reduced into a vulnerable beehive that was riddled with holes before it completely collapsed.

Dozens of experts of the Imperial Guards and the Tribunal of Extraterrestrial Devils, on the other hand, dashed at the forsaken mine at the earliest chance, blocking every possible entrance and exit of the cave.

Thankfully, the moment Li Jialing shot out all the bullets, Long Yangjun dragged him back, and the two of them hid in the deepest part of the cave.

The caves around the Great Iron Plants were complicated and interconnected. n.o.body except for the old locals such as Xu Zhicheng could know the specific route.

When Long Yangjun arranged for the Nepenthe believers to evacuate a few days back, she had figured out every detail of the mines and tunnels around with the old locals. So, by the time the enemy came at their first shooting location, they had already moved on to the second spot several kilometers away.


The first shooting location had naturally been planted with tremendous crystal bombs, whose heat and blast consumed quite a few Imperial Guards and devil huntresses that failed to dodge in time. Both Long Yangjun and Li Jialing had been hanging around with Li Yao long enough to pick up his bad habit of stuffing a few crystal bombs into the corners wherever they went.

The two of them had been setting their ambush outside of the Great Iron Plants for two hours. Before they shot out the first bullet, they had already made careful arrangements in tremendous mines outside.

At this moment, Long Yangjun activated the magical equipment they deployed in the mines previously, and abundant smoke grenades whose targets had been preset were immediately thrown at the Great Iron Plants like hails. In squealing sounds, the Great Iron Plants was immediately enshrouded in smoke, turning into a world of chaos where one could not see their own finger.

“Remember, your mission is to sabotage!”

Long Yangjun grabbed Li Jialing’s ear and left a lot of heavy magical equipment for him. “Try your best to distract the Immortal Cultivators and create an opportunity for me to kill Yue Wushuang! Only by killing Yue Wushuang will we have a one percent opportunity of rescuing ourselves and the people here. Do not be a fool, and do not be blinded by petty kindness, or you won’t be able to save anybody!”

“Got it!”

Li Jialing bellowed. Every cl.u.s.ter of golden hair was rising aggressively like sharp daggers, surrounded by cracking electric arcs that further added to the intimidating vibe. What happened in the previous half month made the well-talented young man grow significantly yet again. The strength of the Imperial Fire Pearl had been completely digested and absorbed by him, transforming him from a boy gradually into a real man.

Even if Brother Yao is not here, I still have to fight on!

Li Jialing thought to himself. Biting his lips hard, he activated the three-phase transformative crystal suit that Li Yao built for him, carried the heavy magical equipment that was even thicker than the crystal suit, and ran where the Imperial Guards and the devil huntresses were densest.

In a head-on clash, the brave ones were more likely to win. His d.a.m.n fate had blessed him with so many things, and he would certainly not die in such a place.

He was Li Jialing. His legend had only just begun!

Hearing Li Jialing’s roars coming from the smoke, mixed with the sounds of exploding bullets, spluttering shrapnel, twisted crystal suits, and screaming enemies, Long Yangjun set the crystal suit into the stealth mode and disappeared into the deepest part of the forsaken mine like a ghost.

She zigzagged in the mine and soon found a door covered in dust.

Plucking the crude wood plate, she found a small tunnel back there that had been excavated in secret.

Through the secret tunnel, it was possible to enter the Great Iron Plants directly.

The secret tunnel had been excavated by the workers for smuggling purposes originally. Thorough examinations were performed every day before and after the work to make sure that the workers did not steal the a.s.sets of the factories.

However, the days of the workers were really difficult. When they could not make ends meet, they would smuggle some faulty products and the leftovers and sell to the merchants in exchange for the agricultural products that the merchants brought from deeper underground. It was sort of an improvement for their poor life.

There were a lot of such secret tunnels in the factories of the Great Iron Plants. Generally speaking, as long as the production missions were accomplished in time, the Immortal Cultivators never bothered to care about such trivia. They even intentionally indulged the workers to do that as some sort of “relief valve” to reduce the tension.

As the Grand Guardian of Nepenthe and a miner with decades of experience, Xu Zhicheng naturally knew most of the secret tunnels.

When Long Yangjun craned her head out of the exit of the secret tunnel, she was only one kilometer away from the office where Yue Wushuang was commanding the battle.

It was exactly the moment when the smoke in the Great Iron Plants was densest.

The workers had already fallen into a mess. Some were running about like headless flies, and some emboldened themselves to rescue Xu Zhicheng and the rest of them inside the smoke. Their shackles were ringing aloud, adding to the anxiety in the atmosphere.

Li Minghui’s subordinates were more or less overwhelmed, too. Although they did not suffer new attacks after the first round of shooting, they only felt even more pressure, as if a G.o.d of death could emerge out of the dark smoke any moment and claim their lives that should’ve been lost half a month ago.

It was indeed possible for Long Yangjun to take down all of Li Minghui’s subordinates in half a minute.

But she did not do that. Instead, she floated toward Yue Wushuang’s office like a weightless ghost, determined to catch the enemies’ leader first!