Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2464: The Fist King’s Origins

Chapter 2464: The Fist King’s Origins

“Investigating me?”

The Fist King said calmly, “Even I don’t know exactly… who I am. What have you found, Boss Bai?”

“You are in the game, while I’m an observer. How can we be the same?”

Boss Bai smiled and said unhurriedly, “First of all, I know that the stars.h.i.+p of the wizardly civilization tried to launch a few escape capsules before the destruction, but they were all obliterated in a cruel s.p.a.ce storm. However, even though the escape capsules were obliterated, parts of the pieces that contained the important information splashed out and wandered aimlessly in s.p.a.ce, until they floated to the main planet of the Martial Meritocrats Sector or even dropped on it. It is a perfectly reasonable deduction, isn’t it?”

The Fist King nodded his head. “If the stars.h.i.+p of the wizardly civilization was truly about to be destroyed, all the escape capsules and information naturally needed to be launched to fight for a one-billionth chance of survival. It’s a reasonable speculation.”

“Secondly, the Martial Meritocrats Sector had been an important test base of magical equipment in the Imperium of True Human Beings since hundreds of years ago. All kinds of bizarre, creative devices and techniques had been invented in this place and were spread to the entire Imperium after complicated researches and experiments. Naturally, for a very long time, the most distinguished and innovative, or in other words, the most insane and unorthodox scholars were gathered in the Martial Meritocrats Sector.”

Boss Bai continued unhurriedly, “Then, let’s make another bold a.s.sumption. If a genius scholar who was ambitious and insane discovered a… mysterious crystal chip that was utterly incompatible with the current training system, or a certain information clip that did not have a real ent.i.ty, by accident during his work in the Martial Meritocrats Sector several hundred years ago, what would he have done?

“Report the issue to his superior and submit his discovery to the country? You must be kidding. That was the Imperium, and he was an Immortal Cultivator! He did not have any reason to reveal it to the public, did he?

“Instead of publicizing the shocking secret and handing over the extraterrestrial treasures to the country, it seemed a better option to conduct his own studies with the discovery as the core, hoping to absorb new techniques and the most powerful strength from it, right?”

The Fist King calculated for a long time before he nodded his head again. “That’s right. If he was a cla.s.sic research-type Immortal Cultivator, he certainly wouldn’t have told anybody else but researched it in secret on his own. It would not be published until he had major achievements. Otherwise, it was very likely that he would be killed, his trophies and his researches stolen.”

“Great minds think alike. Next, it would be your origins, Fist King.”

Looking at the Fist King, Boss Bai laughed. “The tutors I sent to the fleet of the Cultivators got along quite well with those Cultivators and the sinners on the Land of Sins. Occasionally, they talked about the culture and the history of the Land of Sins. I also chatted with Han Te about your past and how he met you and Li Yao. Gradually, I figured out your background.

“Fist King, Han Te is too naïve a guy after all and can’t stop me from learning what I want to know at all. You wouldn’t blame him at all, would you?”

The Fist King shook his head. “No. My past is not exactly a secret. Everybody from the Land of Sins knows it. Even if Han Te didn’t tell you, other sinners from the Land of Sins could’ve still told you. I would’ve told you in person if you had come to ask me. What’s the big deal?”

“Precisely. The background and experience of ‘Lei Zonglie’ is certainly not a big deal and can be revealed to the public.”

Boss Bai stared at the Fist King like a rat staring at chopped meat. “But the more I studied your rise, the weirder it appeared to me. I had a strong feeling that you were not Lei Zonglie!

“The real Lei Zonglie, even if dead and given abundant training techniques by spectral Cultivators, wouldn’t be someone like you.

“The weird feeling got more and more intense after you miraculously rose half a year after you came to s.p.a.ce and grew from a continental bandit on the Land of Sins into an excellent fleet commander, so intense that I was almost certain about it.

“A tough bandit from the continent has turned into a stars.h.i.+p commander so quickly and improved the strength so much by the way. Right, you also become a specialist in cyberwarfare. Isn’t it too unbelievable, Master Fist King?”

The Fist King was silent for a long time before he said after a bitter smile, “That’s true. According to my calculation, such a speed of learning and advancement is truly attractive, particularly for people like Boss Bai.

“If possible, I should’ve kept a lower profile.

“But it can’t be helped. I promised Li Yao to protect Miss Liu Li as well as Han Te, the sinners from the Land of Sins, and the Cultivators of Starlight. Li Yao saved my life before, and he is of great help for my future development. So, the promise ranks high in my priority sequence. I have to swallow resources every second to make myself stronger without caring about the cost. How can I possibly keep a low profile?”

“It does make sense. Besides, even if you intended to keep a low profile, it would’ve been useless.”

With a casual smile, Boss Bai said, “Someone as unique and strong as you is like a supernova outbreak in a dead universe. Your brilliance can be felt from tens of billions of lightyears away. You cannot lay low however you disguise yourself.”

The Fist King said, “Maybe. Then, if I am not the real ‘Lei Zonglie’, which person do you think I am, Boss Bai?”


Boss Bai asked back, “It appears that you hope you are a person, but I don’t think you are one, at least not a regular person, but a ‘Gaoist—man in the sh.e.l.l’.”

“I am not.”

There was vague sorrow and confusion in the Fist King’s calm voice. “I don’t know… what I am exactly, but I’m certainly not a man in the sh.e.l.l from a wizardly civilization. I do not have any memory data in that regard.”

“Memories are not very reliable. They can be modified or even covered. Compared to memories, what really matters is your heart, your abilities, and your definition for yourself at this moment.”

With his hands behind his back, Boss Bai said casually against the manmade wind, his sloppy s.h.i.+rt and short pants fluttering in the wind, “I am a man who likes random thoughts. It’s a bad habit that I picked up when I was faced with life-and-death decisions every second in the sunless, terrifying caves.

“A moment ago, I imagined the social form and the backstory of the wizardly civilization. Right now, let’s let go of the biases and infer the Fist King’s past that other people and even yourself don’t know about, shall we?

“With the abilities to control so many artificial bodies, if you are not a spectral Cultivator with an extremely high mental power, you are almost like an extremely advanced battle-type spiritual puppet or a control system of a group of battle puppets. Don’t be surprised. Anyone with the slight a.n.a.lysis ability and imagination would have reached the conclusion, right?

“a.s.suming that you are truly a spiritual puppet, which is so advanced that you can simulate the activities of humans vividly, would there be any direct or indirect proof to support the a.s.sumption?

“Haha, I studied the laboratories in the Martial Meritocrats Sector in retrospect and realized that there were indirect proofs. About three hundred years ago, it was a peak period of the development of intelligent battle puppets in the Imperium of True Human Beings. Hundreds of battle puppets with the abilities of auto-upgrading and auto-thinking were created. It was the last golden period of the Martial Meritocrats Sector before it was taken over by Wuying Lan and Li Lingfeng.

“In other words, two to three hundred years ago, at least dozens of spiritual puppets of different types, which could upgrade and think on their own, were born at the same time.”

After a brief silence, the First King said, “The Imperium has never successfully developed any auto-upgrading spiritual puppet that is capable of what I can do.”

“Exactly. The regular spiritual puppets are not capable enough, but what if it is a spiritual puppet with a chip from the wizardly civilization? Or maybe it is not a chip with a real ent.i.ty, but a series of data, a complicated mark, or a new energy release model from the wizardly civilization?”

Boss Bai said, “Do you still remember what we were discussing just now? An ambitious, crazy scholar found a chip that was incompatible with the current world, and he decided to keep it to himself for secret studies.

“However, studies consume a lot of resources, and it cannot be entirely kept a secret. On the Land of Sins two to three hundred years ago, at least hundreds of scholars and specialists were working at the same time. They were all the smartest and most sophisticated people. How could the scholar have conducted his experiments in secret without being discovered?

“I tried to walk in the shoes of the crazy scholar and thought hard for a long time. Then, it suddenly occurred to me that I had been too stupid. There was absolutely no need to begin a new, independent research. All the man needed to do was to embed the ultimate treasure from an alien civilization into the public research that was being conducted right now. That way, he could both keep it a secret and make use of the official resources, couldn’t he?

“For example, a.s.suming that the scholar who found the alien chip was a specialist in the field of artificial intelligence and auto-upgrading spiritual puppets, who was doing researches on that aspect in the Martial Meritocrats Sector, he could secretly embed a chip to the crystal processor of a spiritual puppet to be tested, or import certain data into it, or ‘stamp’ something on the crystal processor through other methods, before he projected the seemingly plain spiritual puppet to the Land of Sins for survival experiments. Wasn’t it convenient, easy, and unalarming?”

“Despite the lack of evidence, Boss Bai’s deduction does make sense.”

The Fist King said calmly, “The only problem is, what happened later? If a crazy scholar found a fragment of the wizardly civilization, embedded it to a spiritual puppet to be tested, and projected it to the Land of Sins, there was no reason why he would forget it, was there? Where did the man go later? Why did he never examine his ‘experiment subject’ later?”