Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3039 G.o.d in Spore State!

Chapter 3039 G.o.d in Spore State!

“Wait. I’m confused. Li Yao was dazed for a moment. He thought that there was no reason for Lu Qingchen to make up such an absurd lie, however cunning he was. “Are you suggesting that the civilization of mankind was the creator of the Pangu Civilization? But that doesn’t make sense. I’m not belittling myself, but the average capability of human beings is far from the average capability of the powerful species of the Pangu Civilization, not to mention that we are lagging behind in s.p.a.ce exploration, celestial bodies, spiritual energy manipulation, and other fields. What is going on?”

“If the human beings today are really the makers of the black wall billions of years ago, how did we become so weak? What happened in the billions of years that were lost? Also, why did the Pangu civilization create us again?

“You should know about spores, right?”

Lu Qingchen was quite confident about Li Yao’s questions. He explained, “The seeds of many animals and plants can be stored in extremely harsh environments such as lack of water, lack of oxygen, or low temperature for thousands of years or even longer.

“When I was still in the federation, I was told that archeologists discovered the spores of a certain plant from hundreds of thousands of years ago. The spores were apparently buried deep inside the volcanic ash, and their were completely carbonized. But the biologists still managed to produce a rarely-seen color-changing lotus from the spores.

“Right. The Blood Stripe Virus, which has melded with you a long time ago, is a spore during the long voyage in the sea of stars, isn’t it? They have a longer storage time and a longer range. They can cruise in the s.p.a.ce near absolute zero for billions of years through the multiverse!

“All in all, when the environment is harsh, you should restrain your vitality as much as possible, seal all unnecessary strength and functions, and deeply compress and fold all the genetic information. When the time and environment are suitable, you can completely release it and grow from a small seed into a giant tree that covers the sky and the earththis is an ability that many species possess. “Yes. So what?


Li Yao frowned. “What’s the relations.h.i.+p between spores and human beings?”

“Of course it does.”

Lu Qingchen chuckled. “Human beings are spores. More precisely speaking, human beings today are the ‘spore forms’ of the ‘Black Wall Makers’. Do you understand? It is exactly because the ‘Black Wall Makers’ sealed 99% of their abilities that they can maintain the solidness and stability of their genetic information and arrive in the Pangu Universe across the multiverse and billions of years?” “What?”

Li Yao’s pupils constricted violently. It took him ten seconds to digest Lu Qingchen’s shocking conclusion. “You mean… We are just spores right now?”

“It’s true that, although we seem to have all our limbs, we can run and jump. We even have the ability to think and wonderful emotions. We can also master destructive techniques through training. However, by the standard of ‘Black Wall Makers’, we are still insignificant ‘spores’ that are still in a deep sleep that is almost eternal. In other words, endless potential is still stored inside our bodies. We can improve our abilities by a hundred times and return to the true ‘Black Wall Makers’ form, completing the transformation from ‘human beings’ to ‘G.o.ds’!” Lu Qingchen replied quickly, “I know that such a theory sounds a little absurd, but it is the most reasonable explanation. Why did the Pangu civilization invest so many resources to create human beings instead of refining a large batch of fully-automatic spiritual puppets with steel and crystals?

“You know that, in most cases, the efficiency of spiritual puppets is no lower than that of human beings, and they are not as troublesome as human beings. The Pangu civilization has long possessed very advanced crystal processors, Spiritual Nexus, and spiritual puppet refining techniques. Their exploration in the field of full automation has been very successful. If they only needed a ‘tool’, they could have simply used spiritual puppets. Why did they have to go through the trouble of creating a seemingly weak, intelligent, carbon-based creature that is made of flesh and blood? Moreover, after the creation, the civilization was filled with fear for us and had to implant the three fundamental laws of the greatest good’ into the brains of all human beings in order to be at ease?

“That is the answer, because we are not ‘human beings’ but ‘G.o.ds’. Our potential is much higher than that of the spiritual puppets, the Pangu Clan, or the Nuwa Clan themselves. They need us and want to steal the power of ‘G.o.ds’ from us. They want to help the Pangu civilization evolve again with the power of ‘G.o.ds’ and find a way to march into the multiverse to resist the tides. But they are also deeply scared of us. They fear that we will awaken the abilities of the ‘Black Wall Makers’, and they will control the Pangu civilization and destroy the entire primeval era!

“How did you know?”

Li Yao was greatly shocked, but he did not show it on his face. He maintained the immense spiritual pressure on Lu Qingchen and said, “Don’t tell me that it is just your groundless imagination.

“I discovered it when I was scanning the database of the f.u.xi Clan.

Lu Qingchen seemed to be telling the truth. “After the expedition army of Pangu returned from the multiverse in failure, they accidentally discovered the relics of the ‘Black Wall Maker’. Therefore, half of the fleet and the super crystal processors were dedicated to the construction of the laboratory.

“However, as you can see, the environment here is right on the crevices of the s.p.a.ce. Obviously, it is impossible to keep in touch with the outside world all the time.

“Besides, the experiments that were conducted in this place were all extremely dangerous, and the brutal creatures such as the captives of the Flood Tide Legion were locked up, too. Therefore, they were gradually isolated and barely contacted the outside world.

“Occasionally, the communication between the people in the laboratory and the outside world is done through the ‘f.u.xi System’, which is divided into two halves. Naturally, a lot of communication information is stored in the database of the f.u.xis.

“I browsed through the communication information and pieced together the scattered traces. It was then that I learned that the main experiment task here was to create a ‘G.o.d’, which was to replicate a brand-new black wall maker through the corpses, hair, blood, and various gene vectors left by the ‘black wall maker’.

“By the end of the primeval era, during the civil war between the Pangu Clan and the Nuwa Clan, the project had been going on for a long time and achieved preliminary success. The Pangu civilization really duplicated a lot of human beings, our ancestors. “However, most of the human beings are in the ‘spore state’. They are nothing but hairless monkeys. Except for their high adaptability and low energy consumption, they do not boast any remarkable abilities. Therefore, the experiments here are still ongoing. The ultimate purpose is to create ‘100% awakened human beings in their full form’, the real makers of the black wall!

“Wait. You’re lying!”

Li Yao stomped on Lu Qingchen’s last arm so hard that it was squeaking. He said coldly, “It took you less than ten minutes from the moment you absorbed the tremendous data of the f.u.xis to the moment you spurted out two thirds of the data pieces. How could you have pieced together the clues in such a short time? What else are you hiding? Speak now!”

“Alright. Alright. I’ll talk. I’ll talk. In fact, I’m not hiding anything. It’s just that… I haven’t told you what my purpose is yet.”

Lu Qingchen hesitated for a moment and said, “I admit that the information is of paramount importance in the database of the f.u.xis, because the original plan of the f.u.xis was to steal the precise coordinates of the tomb of the Supreme Emperor from Li Linghai’s crystal processor and attract the human beings’ attention so that they could explore the place in person.

Finding the other half of the ‘f.u.xi’ and melding with it was naturally its top priority. But more importantly, it was to find all the files of the ‘G.o.d Creation Project’. “Oh, why?”

Li Yao asked curiously, “f.u.xi is a strong artificial intelligence or an information life. Is it interested in the ancestors of the carbon-based intelligent life, too?” “Yes. A very interesting hypothesis was recorded in the core database of the f.u.xis. They believed that the most common and perfect form of carbon-based intelligent life in the multiverse was our human form.

Lu Qingchen explained, “This is because most of the habitable planets have conditions very similar to those of the Heaven’s Origin Sector or the Empyrean Terminus Sector. On such planets, there is only one path of evolution, and that is the ‘hairless monkeys’. It is not that other planets with harsh environments cannot give birth to intelligent life, but rather, the ‘hairless monkeys’ are more likely to gain the advantage of evolution and spread to the entire sea of stars earlier than other carbon-based life, thereby killing the possibility of other intelligent life flouris.h.i.+ng.” “In other words, if the multiverse does exist, whether it is the Cultivation universe, the magical universe, or even the Dou Qi universe… all of them belong to mankind. “Your old friend ‘Punching King’ seems to have a subtle relations.h.i.+p with the magical universe. He should be able to prove that the ruler of the magical universe is a human being very similar to us, right?

“However, pay attention to what I said just now. f.u.xi believes that the human form is merely the ‘endpoint of the evolution of carbon-based intelligent life’. If the human form continues to evolve, it will have to completely get rid of the body of flesh and blood and enter the state of information life, energy life, force field life, and unification life. “f.u.xi is a life form that absorbs information, believes in information, and uses information as the source of power. It believes that the self created by the Pangu civilization is far from perfect. Between the Pangu civilization and itself, there exists the most critical part of evolution, which is all the information about the maker of the black wall. “Only by absorbing all the information about the maker of the black wall and allowing the people living in the virtual world it created to be unlocked from the ‘spore state’ to the ‘complete form’ can it achieve a brand-new leap and complete its evolution. Only then can it have 100% of the ability to utilize all the resources of the Pangu Universe and march into the multiverse to wage a final war against the tide.

“This is the entire plan of the f.u.xi Clan!