Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3055 s.p.a.cetime Arc

Chapter 3055 s.p.a.cetime Arc

There was infinite sorrow in the Supreme Emperor’s voice.

Li Yao sighed, too.

The stronger a civilization was, the more arrogant it would be, and the more likely it would destroy itself. Maybe, the hundreds of ancient civilizations before the Pangu civilization were not destroyed by the primeval relics but by their own ambitions that were triggered by the primeval relics.

Li Yao sighed and listened attentively.

“My only friend told me that it was the best warriors and the cruelest killing machines of the Pangu Civilization who attacked the primeval relics. Also, they were controlled by a mysterious force and could turn into primitive, wild animals. The compatriots in the primeval relics were mostly non-combatants, experts, scholars, and researchers. Although they cracked a lot of combat techniques of the ancient civilization and repaired some war machines, they never thought that they could deal with their compatriots.

The tomb watcher said, “Therefore, the attackers were unstoppable, while the defenders were on the verge of destruction. If the s.p.a.ce gaps leading to the City of Silver were not so narrow that the troops of the attackers could not be deployed, I’m afraid that the City of Silver would’ve fallen a long time ago. Even with the hinderance of the s.p.a.ce gaps, the City of Silver wouldn’t have lasted more than half a month.

“In order to unlock the mysteries of the primeval relics, the researchers had sealed 90% of their emotions. They were not scared of death at all. But they hadn’t found the answer yet, and they vaguely sensed the dangers buried in the primeval relics. If their compatriots outside acted recklessly and infuriated a certain force in the primeval relics, it was very likely that the Pangu civilization would follow in the footsteps of their predecessors and vanish into nothingness.

“Therefore, the leader of the researchers decided to activate the ‘ultimate weapon’.

“It was a piece of magical equipment that had been excavated from the primeval relics and dated back to at least billions of years ago. It was connected to the core of the primeval relics. The experts of the Pangu Civilization studied it for a hundred years and finally figured out its usage. It seemed to be able to alter the curvature of time in a small area.

“I don’t know what the curvature of time is, either. But according to my friend, time in the primeval relics will be frozen temporarily. Like an invisible amber, time will seal everybodythe ruthless researchers, the crazy attackers, the relics and corpses of hundreds of ancient civilizations, the captives of the Flood Tide Legion, and the brand-new creatures that are duplicated from the genes of the captives—in a way that is more advanced, safe, and prolonged than common hibernation.

“Although that was the theory, it was still a piece of magical equipment created by the black wall after all. The leader of the researchers was not confident that it would still be as effective when it fell into the hands of the Pangu Civilization, instead of turning everyone into ashes instantly or sealing them in the river of time forever. They would not turn into amber but into an impenetrable pebble that would sink into the mud at the bottom of the river.

“Therefore, it is very likely that this is our farewell.

“According to my friend, she once heard her father and colleagues talking about the problem of ‘time curvature’. According to her speculation, I was inextricably linked to the maker of the black wall in the first place, and I had a natural tolerance for ‘time freeze’. Besides, I was about to enter hibernation, and my physiological functions were gradually declining and converging. Therefore, I was less affected by the ‘time freeze’. If the ‘time curvature radius’ gradually returned to normal one day and the frozen river of time started flowing again, I would very likely be the first to wake up.

“She injected some special nutrition into my hibernation drug to make sure that I could continue to absorb the nutrition and grow and blossom during my hibernation. Then, she tapped my crystal tower with her tail, hoping that I would go to the outside world and see her real hometown, the civilization that she and her father and all the researchers tried to save even at the cost of their own lives.

“This was her only wish and also the last time I saw my… friend.

“She retracted her tail and left without looking back. Not long after, I sensed that invisible ripples were spreading out in the s.p.a.ce, no, time. The ripples turned into waves, and the waves turned into swirls. At first, the swirls were spinning at a high speed, so fast that it was dazzling and dazzling. But as the countless swirls collided and melted, they gradually slowed down from a hundred small swirls to a giant one, until they came to a halt in the end. “Time froze in the primeval relics, and I fell into a long hibernation. The muddleheaded, unpredictable darkness.

In front of Li Yao’s eyes, the time in the picture gradually blurred, as if the entire primordial relic had been injected with a layer of thick and soft transparent jelly. The golden meatball stopped fluctuating and even shrank slightly, like a bright golden cell embedded in amber.

“I don’t know how long I slept in the endless darkness. The gravekeeper continued, “I only know that I’m not really ‘dead’. Occasionally, there will be waves in my almost frozen brain, in which broken, colorful pieces are blinking. There are pictures of the human civilization billions of years ago stomping on the stars and shaking the universe. There are also the times when I exchanged information streams with my friends when we were alone. I tried my best to remember all of them, as if they const.i.tuted the real ‘me’.

“However, the erosion of time is something that no force can resist after all. After being frozen and solidified for hundreds of thousands of years, my embryo didn’t receive enough nutrition and gradually withered. The techniques that were once easy for me disappeared one by one. My sharp senses and thinking became sluggish and wrong. I even lost my clear memories and forgot who I was. I forgot the origins of the primeval laboratories and the primordial relics. I even forgot the name ‘Black Wall Maker’.

“If I had to use a word to describe it precisely, it would be like… the original me was in the state of ‘50% Awakening’, and after hundreds of thousands of years of consumption and erosion, only ‘10% Awakening’ was left. I became a baby again, a real baby.

“If this state continues for another hundreds of thousands of years, perhaps I will really forget everything. Even the flashback of the last scene will be obliterated.

“Thankfully, at this moment, the frozen time inside the primeval relics was gradually thawed.

“The so-called ‘time’ is something that is hundreds of times more complicated than ‘s.p.a.ce’. The deities and devils of the multiverse who boast unparalleled techniques might be able to stop a ripple in the river of time temporarily and reduce the speed of the ripple. However, such an approach will inevitably consume a lot of energy and destroy the fundamental law of stability of time and s.p.a.ce. Besides, it will not last long. “Besides, the researchers of the Pangu Civilization have only scratched the surface of how to change the curvature of time. They have tried their best to stall the war that is destined to destroy Silver City for hundreds of thousands of years.

“Just like that, in some places, the curvature of time gradually returned to normal, as if countless bubbles of time were popping up. Finally, I broke out of the coc.o.o.n and fell to the ground!

In the s.p.a.ce full of ‘transparent jelly’ in front of Li Yao’s eyes, countless transparent bubbles suddenly popped up out of thin air. The bubbles exploded and turned into tiny swirls, like gears that had been sealed for a long time. They shrieked and revolved slowly again.

In such a weird picture, the golden ball of meat split in the middle, and a baby with bright golden skin appeared out of nowhere.

There was innocence on the baby’s face, but there was also confusion that belonged to an adult intelligent life. There was even melancholy that he did not realize.

He did not cry or laugh. He simply stretched his arms and yawned. Bright gold ripples were flas.h.i.+ng and flowing around him.

Maybe it was because the time displayed on the picture had been accelerated by a hundred times, or maybe it was because he had awakened 10% of the ancient techniques, but he was born to grow faster than ordinary babies. Before long, the baby had grown into a child of five or six years old. He broke the crystal tower and crawled out.

He explored the world around him curiously. Every piece of equipment and magical equipment in the laboratory became his toys.

He was enjoying himself so much that he forgot that he had scanned the world around him carefully when he was still an embryo hundreds of thousands of years ago.

He strode forward with difficulty with his short, fat legs, as if he were moving forward under the weight of billions of tons of seawater. It seemed that time had not been fully unfrozen yet. Even though he had the blood of the black wall maker, he was not strong enough to resist the power of time.

Following the Supreme Emperor’s perspective, Li Yao left the laboratory for the first time and saw the entire Silver City.

As it turned out, they were standing on a ball-shaped fortress around the ‘Heaven’s Path’, overlooking the entire battlefield.

The entire Silver City was silent. It was like a chess board that had been sealed in an ice block. Countless ferocious beasts such as ‘Rampaging Armored Dragons’ and war machines that were even larger than the ‘Iron Knights of Starry Skies’ were frozen quietly, as if they were chess pieces that had been sealed for a long time. Even their broken limbs and blood were frozen in midair, wreathed in a layer of vague grey mist, making them look dark and unreal.

The bright golden child was the only bright color in this gray world.

He walked alone among the giant statues of ferocious beasts and war machines, as if he were the only living creature in the world. The scene was both weird and terrifying.

In the beginning, he had wanted to shake the frozen giants hard and wake them up so that he could ask more questions. But every time his hand touched the grey mist that wreathed the giants, it seemed to be blocked by a barrier of time and could not reach inside.

He was in a different time curve from the ‘Sleepers’. Before the radius of their curvature was synchronized, he was destined to be unreachable.